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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Right I'm back from the docs, all good - apparently I don't have PCOS :yipee:
They were so convinced last time, but my bloods came back LH 6.6 and FSH 5.8 (Thyroid 2.73)

I don't actually know what any of these mean! But apparently the LH and FSH have to be almost the same... So I think that's ok!

The doc I saw wouldn't give me clomid without checking with the other doc first, so they're going to ring me later on....

:woohoo: x x x
Right I'm back from the docs, all good - apparently I don't have PCOS :yipee:
They were so convinced last time, but my bloods came back LH 6.6 and FSH 5.8 (Thyroid 2.73)

I don't actually know what any of these mean! But apparently the LH and FSH have to be almost the same... So I think that's ok!

The doc I saw wouldn't give me clomid without checking with the other doc first, so they're going to ring me later on....

:woohoo: x x x

:hugs: :hugs: THAT IS WONDERFUL NEWS... OMG I am so happy for you....now me move on forward after this stupid witch is GONE and get preggos my friend...... this is gonna be a wonderful ride of life....

I usually take my temp around 6:15am each morning.. I never thought of playing with the time....... you are the bomb ditty.. LOL

BTW you can change your info in your siggy now too , NO POSSIBLE PCOS :)
Hi Ladies, I'm just wondering what you think to Maca. I have PCOS and DH has a low count, would it be good for both of us?
Hello ladies, hope you don't mind me popping in! I've been stalking this thread :haha:

I've been toying with the idea of Maca and wondered how you were getting on with it? I have irregular periods and i ovulate late in my cycle (CD22 this month) and about 6 days later start to spot for a few days until Af which can be 3/4 days later! Does anyone know if Maca can help ovulation happen earlier? I've tried Vitex but it made the big 'O' even later :wacko:

I know you prob can't help too much but any advice would be great. Been to my GP and he won't refer me for tests for TWO months.......it feels a life time away and i've been TTC 10mths! :cry:

I never imagined this whole thing would be such a rollorcoaster, never imagined TTC would be just another thing to have to deal with in life :nope:
Hi Ladies :hi:

Kell - Thank you!! I will change my siggy in just a minute!! :yipee: let's hope it all happens this month!! :hugs: :hugs:

Aclio - I'd say there's defo no harm in trying it! Your OH could benefit as its meant to be good for sperm production and quality. He could also take Wellman Pre-conception vits... Let us know how you get on!

Linny - :hi: thanks for stalking our thread lol!! To be honest I don't know about it regulating your cycle, I also ovulate late (CD35 this cycle, CD31 last) so actually my Ov went back 4 days, but I doubt the Maca was to blame for that, I'm just irregular! I think Agnus Cactus is good for regulating cycles? And I think Soya Isolflavones can help bring on ovulation... (similar to clomid but herbal).
Sorry I realise that isn't much help, but as Kell has said before it's difficult to know what Maca will do for each person... If you do decide to get it let us know!
Yep this whole TTC thing is a million times harder than I ever thought too... :hugs:

x x x
Thanks.......I'll defo get OH on it. Not that he ever needs really talking into :sex: it can't harm putting a spring in his
Errrr...........I'm so useless at this posting! I just stick to just lurking:rofl:

I meant to say it'l put a spring into his :spermy: and that can't hurt right!!

There are so many herbal things that you just get confused about what to do for the best, and i'm so impatient :dohh:! BC really screwed up my body i think (was on it 14yrs or so!) since then though my cycles aren't really really long but I ovulate so late i never get the 2WW. It usually 9/10 days with spotting first so i'm trying to find something to help that. GP wasn't much help :wacko:

Ooh Soy......might look into that also. I'm willing to try anything at this point. I'm possessed :happydance:
Hey ladies and welcome aboard, I hope you continue to post in this thread... and keep us updated with your progress if you decide to take Maca

like SBB said, it won't hurt to try, remember this is not an herb but a veggie... :)

it is suppose support fertility, help regulate your cycle, boost the sex drive, and help the lil :spermy:'s

I am also currently taken Femaprin which is another form of Vitex (angus) which is also suppose to help regulate your cycles.... after my last EXTREMELY LONG cycle- 100+ days... I dunno really which worked or if they even did.....

everyone is different and you may have to try different things to see what works with your body......

I have read where peeps have gotten preggos from just being on Maca and I have also read where Angus has gotten them preggos.....

::: SHRUGS ::: it basically a waiting game, since it can take up to 3 to 6 months for it to work (most of us have just started)... but what stinks is we ALL want it to work NOW

SBB..... I am just so thrilled for you and glad to see you changed your siggy... :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

ok back to work :growlmad: LOL
Hey Linny, your LP is short, something else you can take for that is Vitamin B complex (I think), some ladies have had success, but others have reported that it actually shortened their luteal phase - so make sure you read up on it thoroughly!

Thanks Kell you are so lovely! I am off to get my Clomid now - doc has agreed it. I'm going to get it then research it like mad so I know what I'm getting myself into!!

x x x x
oohh Clomid...BEST OF LUCK

I know you are not using it but DO NOT TAKE Clomid and Vitex together... it is a BIG NO NO...:lol: the maca and the clomid is ok though :wink:

ps DH COMES HOME TOMORROW... last nite of sleeping alone..:happydance:
SBB - Yeh, I'm really scared about that cos it seems the first 6 mths off the pill my LP was ok but gradually its getting worse! Think its a hormone thing, when mentioned to my GP he looked at me like i had two heads :winkwink:

Trying the B100 this month for first time. Started spotting at 6DPO as usual, so just hoping AF comes a little later so my LP isn't so short!

Sorry to ask so many questions but what does Clomid do?

Kelster - I'l defo keep you posted if I get on the Maca train :thumbup:
thank you for your advice. I'm going to bay some Maca now online and give it a go. What have I got to lose xx
:wohoo: our Maca party is getting bigger!!

Kell: Thanks hun, yep I am not taking Vitex so that's ok. They are also giving me a low dose of eostrogen(sp?) as apparently Clomid can dry up your CM. Will check that out first!

Yay DH coming home! Lots of cuddles for you! That's what I miss the most when I'm away from OH, I can easily live without the :sex: lol but I need cuddles! :haha:

Aclio - Great! I hope it helps with the OH :spermy: - let us know if he's suddenly trying to get you in bed every 5 minutes too!!

Linny - Clomid is a drug that tricks your body into ovulating basically, my cycles are long, 44-65 days generally, I O'd CD35 last cycle, so this will hopefully bring it forward a little. It's also prescribed for people who aren't ovulating at all. I doubt your doc would prescribe it to you as you ovulate only about a week later than 'normal'... But I don't think it would really help anyway with your LP. If you can get your LP over 10 days I think that's generally ok, obviously 14 days is the ideal but 10 is deemed acceptable from what I've read...

x x x
Kell: Thanks hun, yep I am not taking Vitex so that's ok. They are also giving me a low dose of eostrogen(sp?) as apparently Clomid can dry up your CM. Will check that out first

that my friend is COMPLETELY true, it can dry you up.....

I know I can't wait to see him... :kiss: but he is NOT a cuddler at all.. never was :(
I know I can't wait to see him... :kiss: but he is NOT a cuddler at all.. never was :(

Oh No! Ah well we can't have everything lol!!

Right must get off here - before I know it my whole day has disappeared - and I have work to do...

Enjoy the rest of your day - it's sunny here so going to drag OH out for a little walk when he gets home
x x x
just got home a tad bit ago, worked thru lunch so I could leave an hour early.

ok so today my right (.) if I touch it, has a stabbing pain at the top, and at work early this morning, I felt lightheaded, sick to my tummy, and dizzy for about 10 minutes.. IT WAS WEIRD.. of course the gals at work know that I am TTC so Erika looked at me said "you ok", I said "no".. she said "oooooooooh" .. lol I don't care if they know because I see none of them outside of work and they all live an hour away... LOL

How was everyone's day?

WELSHROSE AND BELLA.. MIA again.. :wave: :wave: :wave: HI LADIES

ps.. LOL I just found this funny IF I concieve this cycle the EDD would be

December 11, 2010= 12/11/10... LOL
Hello :hi:

Been out tonight so sorry didn't respond earlier. Gotta keep it quick cos I'm shattered & got really long day tomorrow...

That's so weird - just before I got the faint bfp I had really similar things last week, stabbing pain in right (.) and I was really dizzy, I walked about 500 yards and was totally knackered, really hot and dizzy. And I had about 3 days feeling really sick...

I hope it is some kind of symptom, although you're only 4dpo - but hey you never know lol!!

I took my first clomid, exciting, but I am
also v scared because of all the hideous side effects...

lol 12/11/10 would be cool... Although we write it 11/12/10 !!

Anyway, gotta go, I'll try and catch up with you tomorrow if I can x x x
Morning SSB..... :hi:

hope you got some sleep last night.....

hmmm symptons hmmmmmmmm :lol:

I can imaging why you are nervous bout the Clomid, how'd ya make out last nite?

I thought you guys may write it different then us... the date is still funny LMAO

So my temp went up a tad bit again this morning, which I am very happy about, I just don't want to see it go down :(

well off to start work... HUBBY COMES HOME TODAY...:yipee: :yipee: :yipee: he's leaving around 1 so I expect him home around 3 or so... as small of a state we are, it takes FOREVER to get from one place to another

welp hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!!!

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