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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Hi Ladies! :hi:

Well I had a nice lie in so I'm not so tired now. Got to go out and do a rubbish job I've been putting off again and again, but at least once it's actually done it's done!

Anyway, so:

Welsh - hun I hope you are feeling better :hugs:, I know it must be frustrating beyond belief for you. I really hope today goes ok, and hopefully they can shed a little light and give you at least some answers... :hugs:

Kell - been stalking you still! I love it I'm in your siggy as an official stalker! Still looking up I see :wohoo: How great you might get a nice short cycle - hopefully with a BFP at the end!! :wohoo:
Glad OH is back, bet you are very pleased to see him! I was out all day yesterday and I was so tired by the end I really missed my OH and furr babies!
I think I might need to get some IC HPTs as well, with my addiction. I've got a few expensive ones but don't really want to use them.

Aclio - Yippee the Maca has arrived - make sure you let us know how you get on! And hope your appointment goes ok, let us know how you get on. How long have you been TTC? :shrug:

Linny - Sorry AF showed :cry: I think give the Maca a go - also, have you tried softcups? I think they're a great idea!! (sorry if I've already asked that - I get confused there's so many people!!) If you want to know more about them just ask! :thumbup:Welsh and I got our maca from www.creativenature.co.uk and I think Amazon probably sell it. Make sure it's organic.... :wacko:

Bella - :hi: Long time! I'm glad you're enjoying your break form charting and everything, I really hope it means you'll get your BFP!

Anyway, no major updates from me, I've taken 2 Clomids, I was literally shaking when I took the first one because I was so scared of the side effects! But I don't seem to have had any so far. I'm taking them at night so hopefully any main side effects will happen during the night while I'm asleep and I won't even notice them! It's quite scary though.
I have also convinced myself that I am going to get my BFP this month, which is really stupid! If I don't I'll be really upset! But at least with the Clomid I can have shorter cycles so even if I don't I won't have to wait forever to ovulate!

Bit worried I have spoken to OH a bit too much about the Clomid etc - he feels the pressure, and if he knows I'm ovulating he can't 'perform', so I'm a bit worried now he won't be able to when I do ovulate. However - I have a plan! I have told him I won't ovulate for about 5 weeks again, so he will be thinking any :sex: now is just :sex: hopefully - and he won't be bothered! Otherwise I'll cry!

I am going to try the sperm meets egg plan - :sex: every other day from CD8 then every day after +OPK I think - will have to double check!
Right, I've got to go and get ready to go to this stupid job, so I will catch up with you all later

x x x

SBB glad you got some zzz's.. and very GLAD you are not having any symptons from the Clomid :) hee hee you like my new siggy input... I just had too..not happy that my temp dropped a bit but what ya gonna do

Not in a very good mood this morning.. DH and I had a bit of a tiff this morning :( I said something and he rolled his eyes and said you repeat yourself all the time. GEESH I am sorry but he really should just let it roll off his back... MEN.. UGH so i started crying and walked away

:: deep breathe ::

Welsh- looking forward to your update today

Bella- glad your break is going good... but are you preventing? that could be KEY for you.. :)

morning Linny and Aclio
SBB- Thanks sweetie, I hope so too! That would be amazing.

Kelster- No preventing :) I'm just not laying with my legs in the air forever afterwards.. and to be honest we have :sex: WAY more than usual during our "NTNP" month. So we shall see.
Sorry you and DH had a tiff this morning, men are so insensitive sometimes.. my husband is very "macho" for lack of a better word and he does that nonsense all the time. :hugs: I agree.. Men!
Hi ladies :hi:

Kell :hugs: sorry you had a crappy morning, DH needs telling off!

I had a go at my OH today, I was somewhat unreasonable lol! It could be the Clomid mood swings starting :dohh:!

Hope your day got better anyway :)

Welsh - any news yet hun? :hugs:

x x x
Evening ladies! I am ordering the Maca as we speak. Been looking up about late ovulation and apparently if you ovulate after CD22 your egg's no good. the expression someone used was 'overcooking a cake'.....well if thats the case thats me screwed LOL! So i'm thinking of trying Soy CD3-7 and maca plus just opened my brand new CBFM! Now if that can't make a baby then............errrr I haven't a clue :rofl:

Kelster......I know how you feel. Me and OH had words when i got the witch, and i was so emotional anyway and he was like 'what's up with you....!!' I don't think men understand what we go through every month. I know its hard for them but for us its heartbreaking for us!

SBB.....any Clomid side effects yet? Sperm meets egg sounds good though we do that anyway - though that extra day might be the lucky trick (the three nights in a row after a + then leave it one and then the following night.....for good luck LOL!!)
PS Bella.......your NTNP month sounds amazing! I'm considering it myself!!
Evening ladies! I am ordering the Maca as we speak. Been looking up about late ovulation and apparently if you ovulate after CD22 your egg's no good. the expression someone used was 'overcooking a cake'.....well if thats the case thats me screwed LOL!

:hi: Linny!
I have to say I don't think this is true... Plenty of people get preg after a long cycle, I just saw someones chart the other day who got their BFP at the end of a 75 day cycle! I think the egg doesn't start maturing until later, but matures for the same amount of time. I'm sure Soy won't do any harm but I wouldn't worry yourself about that... I think your cycle length is still in the normal(ish!) range...

I'm hoping the Clomid will give me a 28-32 day cycle which would be amazing! No real side effects yet... Maybe one mood swing! Getting a teeny tiny headache but hoping it will disappear quickly! Main side effect is paranoia about side effects :rofl: !!

x x x
Awwwww I'm so glad you said that. I think sometimes you can spend so long trying to find answers on the net that you stumble across something which leads to more paranoia!! think i'm gonna stop searching for answers and just try chill!!

Do you have really long cycles then? Mine are around 30ish days or so, just wish my ovulation would be earlier. Doc reckons its still my hormones getting out of my system but its been ages since i came off pill so who knows!

HAHA, symptom spotting on the side affects HAHA! What are ya like??? LOL
Yeh I know, I research (Google!) stuff and there's so may different opinions it's hard to know what's right!
I think your cycle length is definitely fine, you just need to lengthen that LP!

My cycles are up to 65 days! The shortest one has been 44 days :cry: but hopefully the Clomid will sort that out and give me a more normal cycle.. Anything around 28-32 days I'd be very happy!!

It's just hard when TTC, in 12 months most people have 12 chances at getting pregnant, but with such long cycles I'd only have 6 chances. Then when AF comes it's even more depressing because I know I have to wait 5+weeks to ovulate!

x x x
think i'm gonna stop searching for answers and just try chill!!

exactly.. :lol: I have googled so many different things I don't what's what anymore...

but like SBB said , I don't believe it true either, because I have off the wall wacky cycles and I still got pregnant.. and I have no idea WHEN I O'd... never looked for it before until I went searching after my M/C...

this is the 1st time ever, that I knew when I o'd.. the trails and tribulations of TTC.....

SBB and Bella- I got the text early this morning apologizing for his behavior.. LOL and I got the I LOVE YOU at the end of it.... I get very emotional about a week before the WITCH shows... I HOPE SHE STAYS AWAY

ok have any of you tried any of the Old Wives Tale of holding a necklace over your hand and if it moves back and forth you will have a boy and circle is a girl

Well last year we did it and I got NOTHING. no movement what so ever.. LOL But I did it yesterday and today and I got the swinging back and forth

ok well gotta get ready my niece has her highschool play tonight, we are off to see her... :)

I'm gonna try this necklace thing!

Glad DH apologised :kiss: hope you have a lovely evening tonight x x x

I get really emotional and stroppy before AF too :growlmad: - I do hope she stays away! I want us both to get our BFPs this cycle so we can be bump buddies! :hugs:

x x x
Oh hun that must be so hard! And VERY very frustrating. I really hope things settle down for you!

Hopefully the clomid will lead to a lovely BFP for ya!!
woo hooo make sure it is perfectly still first and watch that sucker start moving it is crazy.. LOL

I'm tellin ya!!!! you are gonna get the BFP way before me... if I ever get one :(

but promise me you won't up and leave me alone!!! :lol:
Of course I wouldn't! PMA please! - you'll get one :p

x x x
I know I know I know PMA..... It just so hard

but thanks for not leaving me.. LOL I'll have to start a Maca thread in the BnB group section... :)

ok ok ok I REALLY got to get ready now


:::: muah ::::
I just saw your message Linny - missed it before - thank you - I hope I get my BFP, my due date would be Xmas day!!

TTYL Kell have a lovely night and think positive thoughts! x x x x
Morning Girls:hi:
Sorry I didn't get chance to get in here yesterday...it ended up being a loooong day....it took forever to get from my parents:hissy:

SBB...I'm glad that you have lots of PMA sweets:thumbup: How is the clomid going?....still no side-effects? I really hope it leads to a super sticky :bfp: babe:hugs:

Kel...Glad you and DH have made up....they really are from another planet at times aren't they?!:hugs: Have you remained strong and resisted those nasty lil hpts calling you?....I have everything crossed there'll be 2 bright lines staring back at you:hugs:

Bella....What are you doing your degree in sweets? The last bit seems to go on forever doesn't it?...you'll get there thou:hugs:
:thumbup: for lots of relaxed lurvin:winkwink:.....Bella's eggy....I hope you've been well and truly caught!:lol:

Linny...:hi: hun...Hope you get on well with the maca and it proves to be a lucky cycle for you:hugs:

If I've missed anyone....sorry....hope you're ok:hugs:

The u/s went ok. The sonographer was lovely & told me what she could see.
My endometrium lining is thickened it should be no more than 13mm & mine is 22mm Will probably end up having a d&c as when they scanned me 2yrs ago my lining was 19mm & that is what they done. She couldn't rule out polyps as really the scan should have been done close to the start of the cycle.
She asked me where I thought I was in my cycle & I said about cd19 & hopefully approaching an O...she smiled & said I'm impressed you really know your stuff... She then said that my ovaries look fine so no PCOS & I have a 2cm follicle on my right ovary

I've just done an opk this morning with fmu & there is definately a line on it although not +ve yet. It's really exciting knowing that there is 1 there....just hope it manages to release an egg. We have decided not 2 try this month thou as my lining is too thick & unstable...don't want 2 increase the risk of mc again.

I must give maca credit where credit is due thou especially for you ladies....
I'm as confident as I can be that I correctly identified cd1 esp after yesterday which means that last cycle I had a 15day LP:shock:....I've been taking B-50 for a while but it has never done anything in the past and my LPs always used to be between 10 & 12 days....first cycle of taking maca and I get to 15dpo....:cloud9:
Hopefully this month will be the same [-o<

I'm off to my gym induction today to try and shed a few lbs and hopefully that combined with the maca will help to address the oestrogen -progesterone balance....FX'd

Right then Lovelys...I'm off to grab a cuppa and switch the wretched mobi on cos I'm on-call till 1pm :growlmad: Hope you have a good day...:hugs:
Hi Welsh :hi:

Well I'm glad you got a bit of info from your scan - could you do something to thin your endometrium lining? I'm sure baby asprin helps that, and I'm sure there's something else that does too? It seems a shame not to try when the follicle/egg is there! But I understand why you wouldn't want to, obviously you want a sticky little bean so I guess if the risk is too great it's not worth it... :hugs:

Sounds like the Maca has helped :yipee: so keep on with that!

Hope you've had fun at the gym! Might go for a walk today - I don't even know where my nearest gym is lol!!

x x x :hugs:
Hi Kel :hi:

Temp rise this morning!!

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

x x x
Thanks Hun:hugs:

I'm not sure about things that thin your endometrium....will have to google.
I'm kinda in the mind to just continue with the maca to address the hormone levels and diet and exercise to help bring down my oestrogen levels. I will ask about baby asprin when I next see the gyne thou:hugs:

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