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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Morning Girls:wave:

A big welcome to all the new faces amongst us...hope you settle in here...and look forward to get to know you all:hugs:

SBB....:yipee::happydance::yipee:....That's fab news that you don't have PCOS hun!:hugs: When are you going to be taking the clomid?

Kel...:yipee: for Hubby coming home...bless ya:thumbup: How are you feeling today?

Bella...Where have you gone Lovely?

No real news from this end...I'm still bleeding...cd18(I think as cd1 was a guess) No sign of any line on the opks....Feeling really fed-up with it all tbh. Half wishing that the longing and wanting for another baby wasn't so strong...think I'd gladly sign up for a hysterectomy if it wasn't:dohh: I've got my scan tomorrow and as much as I want them to be able to discover the problem and fix it....my tireless mind keeps wandering off into all possibilities and making me so nervous now to go:nope:

Sorry girls for the crappy post...just feeling really down and as thou this nightmare is never gonna end.

Big :hugs: and Love to you all....hope you're all having a fab day xxx
That's great ACLIO....wishing you heaps of :dust: and luck for this cycle hun:hugs:
HEY WELSHROSE... I am so sorry you are STILL going thru this :hug: but glad to see ya post!!!! and good luck with your scan.. make sure you come on and let us know the outcome

Alcio--- woo hooo remember keep us updated :)
I'll definately be in here tomorrow evening and will let you all know how it goes...thanks for the :hug: hun...:hugs: right back atcha:friends:

Hopefully they'll be able to do something that will give me a definate cd1....I'm buying a CBFM off of one of the girls on here...can't wait to get started with it now.
I don't know if it will do much with my cycles but I'm going to give it ago. PCOS and No af's its going to have work miracles lol but it's worth a go. I've mainly got it for DH xx
Welsh- now that is awesome,, those dang things are EXPENSIVE... geesh even on Ebay and there is at least 20 people bidding on each posted item.. LOL I just use the cheapo ones from my local drug store-CVS....

Aclio- DH should like it, mine sure did.. he call's it MACRO...

are you taking anything for the no AF? I also have a crazy cycle... now I am not sure if it's the Maca OR the Femaprin but after a 100+ day cycle she showed...The Femaprin actualy states right on the label-Regulates Menstrual Cycle: fortified w/ via B-6 and agnus castus...

SBB hope you are having a productive day :)
I have my 1st appointment for ICSI next month though so I didn't want to take anything and mess my chances of ICSI incase they wanted to give me tablets etc. I was toying with the idea of trying something but it's just abit near to my appointment
I have my 1st appointment for ICSI next month though so I didn't want to take anything and mess my chances of ICSI incase they wanted to give me tablets etc. I was toying with the idea of trying something but it's just abit near to my appointment

ahhhh TOTALLY UNDERSTAND... good luck :thumbup:
Hello ladies.......:witch: showed today! I was expecting it as i'd had my usual AF spotting but sometimes i have little hopeful thoughts that maybe this will be my month! :cry: So, that also means I shall be trying Maca for my 11th cycle. Anything is worth a shot!

I think my hormones are still outta whack so i'm hoping something lovely and natural will help sort me out! Tried AC but my ovulation was pushed back a day for two months, though it did sort my spotting hmmmmmm decisions decisions!!

How you all finding the Maca?? I've also bought a CBFM (got it cheaper on Amazon) so i guess thats also something else to play with!
PS where is the best place to get the Maca? Ta
Welshrose & Kelster-

You girls make me smile! Here I was.. days off the boards thinkin' nobody would even realize.. lol. :hugs:

I'm doing good! I'm here.. just been swamped with homework the last few days, cant wait until I've got this degree and it's done and over with! Can't wait to get back into the "groove" of things :thumbup:

Whats going on with everyone? Whats new? Fill me in! :flower:
BELLA there you are.....:wave: :wave: :wave:... glad you are ok and everything is good!!!

not much going on, I O'd last Saturday, hoping we got it in before the DH left on Sunday.... -hee hee he's just got home about an hour ago- :)

that's about it in a nutshell with me

Linny, not sure where the gals get their Maca at, I wouldlove to help but living in the US, we have different places.. and sorry the NASTY WITCH got ya
Hi girls :hi:

Just had a read through the posts, been out all day, I'm soooo tired! On the train home trying not to fall asleep! Can't wait to snuggle up with my furr babies and OH...

Anyway, can't be bothered to type long messages on my phone - it's too hard! So I will reply properly when I get home!

X x x
Hey SBB, you sound pooted out.... on the train hmm I used to take the train to work also

enjoy snuggling with the fury babies and your OH!!! mine is actually kinda snugglie tonight too :)
Hey! I'm home, I'm soooo tired I'm going straight to bed! So I'll have to reply properly tomorrow...

Just quickly, Welsh I really hope it all goes well tomorrow... Let us know how you get on :hugs:

Kell, I've chart stalked! Those temps are still looking good!

Catch up tomorrow
X x x
:yipee: Yay for "O" dates! Well heres hoping that it turns into a very sticky lil bitty bean! :dust:

:hugs: So when are you testing? :)
:yipee: Yay for "O" dates! Well heres hoping that it turns into a very sticky lil bitty bean! :dust:

:hugs: So when are you testing? :)

probably next Thursday... FF is telling me the 31st, but I gotta get up so frigin EARLY on Wednesdays, I won't remember to save my FMU, I'll just go...LOL

but I am a POAS-oholic... I'll probably will test sooner..LOL my cheapie brand I keep in the house- I can start tesing 11DPO....

how's the "break" going? and how is coaching wrestling going for the OH....

SBB--- I hope you are getting MUCH NEEDED sleep and once again thanks for stalking my chart :hug:
Lol! I feel ya about the POASholicism.. it's tough! I keep cheapies around as often as possible too. The break is amazing, truely. I'm enjoying it & I think DH is too.. it's so nice to wake up when I feel like it, instead of to "beeeep, beeeeep" .. Stupid thermometer. :) His last tournament with the kids was on Saturday and then they had pictures on monday.. He's excited because they asked him to coach again next year :cloud9: bless his heart. I love him to pieces.

I'm excited to see how your testing date goes! :happydance: I'll be stalking, promise!

xx :friends:

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