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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Just popping back as have been googling hun....baby aspirin doesn't thin the endometrium...it helps to thicken it...haven't really found anything that will thin it...but I will keep searching:winkwink:
Lol sorry that was rubbish advice then!! I did have a quick look as well and I think it's to thin the blood (not endometrium!!) and prevent clotting which can cause MC...

Sorry maybe I just got confused.... :wacko:

X x x
morning ladies :wave:

Welsh- thanks for the update- glad it's NOT PCOS but really sorry about the thickness, there is NOTHING they can give besides having a D & C???? have you ever had one?

if you haven't, in all honesty they are really quick and painless..

we'll get through this together :hugs:

SBB- yep temp rise this am and I was surprised too cause I HAD to take it at 5:50am this morning... I woke up and had to pee--- I almost got up and said to myself, oh crap, no don't move...LOL so took it, peed and went right back to bed... LOL

the play was really cute last night... it was a flash back for ME and my highschool years it was called- Back to the 80's.....an graduating in 1988-UGH YES outta HS for 22 years-the kids did a realy good job-especially the outfits.. gotta text my niece and tell her I "think" my mom still has my two proms dresses and if she does I will go pick them up for her to wear at tonight and tomorrow shows- this way she will have an AUTHENTIC 80's prom dress.... :lol:

off to cook some breakfast

No probs hun!:hugs:
I've been sitting here this morning and thought maybe I might try soy as it can make you O earlier (giving my lining less time to grow...was my rationale)... until I've googled...:dohh:...it helps increase oestrogen levels.
Fast coming to the conclusion that the hard road of dieting and taking maca is the only road to go down....must stop my :loopy: mind!:rofl:
Sorry Kel...I didn't see your post just then.
Thank-you hun:hugs: It was reassuring to know that my ovaries definately don't have any cysts. As for the D&C...yes I had one 2yrs ago and had 3 polyps removed as well...as you say pretty painless....I'm just absolutely petrified of GA:dohh::rofl:

How's your day going? Any more symptoms?.....:hugs: xx
Sorry Kel...I didn't see your post just then.
Thank-you hun:hugs: It was reassuring to know that my ovaries definately don't have any cysts. As for the D&C...yes I had one 2yrs ago and had 3 polyps removed as well...as you say pretty painless....I'm just absolutely petrified of GA:dohh::rofl:

How's your day going? Any more symptoms?.....:hugs: xx

Oh I can understand of being nervous and petrified- it's still surgery but if it's for the better of getting PG then :thumbup: we gotta do what we gotta do ya know :hugs:

well I JUST got up as it is only 8:30am here right now :lol: I am still a tad crampy this morning, nips are a tad sensative but other then that NOTHING.... guess just gotta wait and see- those HPT tests are calling me

LOL DH asked me this morning if I poas yet.. I said it's to early- he said why- because you gotta wait two weeks after you O and he said but don't ya gotta check to see if you O'd again.... awww to cute

I said no honey you really only O once a month and then you gotta wait again for another month OR if I get preggos then I won't....
Welsh I think you're probably right, maybe there is no miracle herb or cure for it... Maybe speak to docs and see if there is anything they can recommend to stop it happening again... :shrug:

Kell - your DH is very cute - bless him! I wish my OH was more interested in it all, and we could do it all together. But when I have told him about ovulation he couldn't actually :sex: so I know it's best to keep it all to myself! I think once I actually get my BFP the pressure will be off and he will be so excited and much more interested!

I hope your temps stay up Kell, although a little dip in the next couple of days for implantation would be ok!!

x x x :hugs: x x x
isn't he?? wanted to KILL HIM yesterday and then this morning wanted to hug him tight.. LOL

I HOPE I get a dip- this 2WW is killing me UGH
isn't he?? wanted to KILL HIM yesterday and then this morning wanted to hug him tight.. LOL

:rofl: our poor OHs having to suffer our mood swings!! Ah well they need to suffer something after all the crap we go through every month TTC!

x x x
isn't he?? wanted to KILL HIM yesterday and then this morning wanted to hug him tight.. LOL

:rofl: our poor OHs having to suffer our mood swings!! Ah well they need to suffer something after all the crap we go through every month TTC!

x x x

HELL YEAH!!! lol they have NO IDEA... they just get to have "FUN" and then they are done....

how's the clomid going?

ps ok yesterday I did break down and took a HPT.. it was - as expected but this morning I looked at it again and I see the FAINTEST OF FAINT lines and I MEAN FAINT.. I KNOW it's an evap line, I gotta squint and move it back and forth- but I compared it to "other ones" I still have- goofy I know ( I keep them in a cup in my bathroom cupboard so I can compare) those have NOTHING- just to give me some kind of hope

I gotta stop this.............. :haha:it is horrible :haha:
Oooh that's exciting! I cant believe it took you a day to admit that you caved :rofl: !!

what colour is the line? Is it an IC? I need more info!!!

X x x
LOL I know I am bad.... I can't tell- when I say it is faint it is SOOOOO frigin faint but when I move it I can see it.... like I said EVAP LINE without a doubt.............

ok WTH is IC? I even checked out the lingo section and there isn't anything with IC and I am pretty good with the lingo.. took me a REALLY long time on some of them LMAO
Hey Guys:wave:

Kel...you lil tinker:winkwink:....IC...is internet cheapie hun.
Can you post a pic?....aww all excited for you now....can't you do another one?!.....Now:haha:
Lol IC is internet cheapie! Like a cheap HPT or OPK...

Hold the test up to a bulb and move it around, makes it easier to see the line/s!

I think you should ignore it as you say... It's too old, but it's interesting that the others don't have that - are they the same tests?

x x x
ahhhhhh haaaaaaaaaa see I shoulda known...THANKS LADIES :hugs:

they are Dollar Tree Brand and yep they are same tests.. LOL DH looked and said he saw the line too but we are gonna wait til either Tuesday or Thursday of next week

Welsh there is no way the line would show with a picture it is THAT FAINT!!!! we held it up in the sunlight and then you can see it LOL

I am just so excited because it's my first real month on temping and OPK's....

I will def keep you guys updated....
Whatever is most convenient for you to give me :haha:

Lol let us know if you test again - I'd be testing every 5 minutes!!

x x x
well I am DEF not testing now cause I don't want to owe you money.,

DAM FRIGIN TRAILBLAZER... the ignition switch, the frigin SUV won't start, so we have to have the car towed and then fixed.... GRRRRRRRRRRR :growlmad: :growlmad: :growlmad:
Woohoo look at that temp rise kell! If it stays high it'll be triphasic!!

Hope you got the SUV sorted x x x

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