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Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

yeah but I am still not gonna believe in it... LOL I was kinda sorta out late last night and had a few brews

I still got over 6 hours of sleep and I wasn't :drunk: DH was though :rofl: but I am sure it affected my temps :(
Ah yeh a few drinks will have that effect!! Still it's quite a lot higher....

We'll see what happens tomorrow!

x x x
Wow Kel....I'm joining SBB in stalking your chart babe...it is looking MIGHTY FINE!:winkwink:
Can't wait for tomorrows temp now to see if it stays high....hope so!


SBB...how's things with you chick? Hope all clomid side-effects are going unnoticed and you're feeling positive:hugs:

yeah we'll have to wait to see what happens tomorrow...

SSB- clomid? any news or side effects

LOL Welsh you are to cute.. I gotta add you to my siggy then :) how you feeling sweets?

well I "THINK" I may have broken my big toe -OUCHIE- that or I jammed it really good.. but it is swollen and black and blue :( but gotta suck it up... we are going out to dinner tonight and I have to get dressed up too... thankfully I have my sloutch boots here at home and not at work.. so I can get my foot in that

OKEY DOKEY... we are taking off in a bit

have a great nites ladies and TTYT
Ouch kell that sounds painful! Hope it's not broken...

Welsh I am doing good! No real clomid side effects to speak of, I've got sore (•)(•) but other than that nothing... I hope it's working!! I am
off to get some cough medicine tomorrow to thin my CM
as the Clomid dries you up apparently!!

How are you feeling hun?

Have a lovely night kell... Will be stalking tomorrow!

X x x
Hi Ladies! I'm new to the website ( actually started reading this thread before I joined the site ) just thought I would introduce myself. My name is Delia. my dh and I have been ttc#1 since m/c last summer. I'm trying a different avenue - ( the maca root) and just waiting to see what happens. I was diagnosed with type II diabetes when I was 28 years old. Shortly thereafter, I was diagnosed with PCOS. My period was only regular due to bcp. When I expressed to my GYN that we wanted to get pregnant, I came off bcp, but after a month of trying- she gave my a cycle of clomid- and when that was a bust- she quickly wrote me off to an RE. We did all the tests- only abnormality was my DHEAS level ( really high)- so my RE put me back on monophasic bcp for 3 months. After the 3rd cycle, I randomly took a hpt. I wasn't expecting anything to come of it because of the HUNDREDS i've done- they were ALWAYS BFN's. To my surprise- one crusty eye-d morning- it was positive. The next day, I began a slow bleed, which sadly ended in m/c at about 7 weeks. It took 3 months before I got AF back after...and my cycles have just gotten longer and longer. This last one was 52 days. I haven't gone back to my RE ( too expensive and insurance doesn't cover) and am in the process of shopping for another GYN. I started to read up on alternative routes in ttc- and read up on maca. I began taking it about a week ago ( the day i got my 52 day wait AF) and I do notice little changes. I do have mild cramps ( which i'm more in tuned with now) . There were two days where I took it at night- and I was WIRED. Now I know not to do that... I'm just learning how to do BBT - Its taking time getting used to waking up and reaching over for a therm. and NOT instinctively get out of bed before checking temp.

SORRY - this was a long one. It's just a little more encouraging to know that i'm not the only one going through this....and there are other women that can relate.
SBB - Can I ask you how long your maca took to arrive from that website you recommended?
Mine still isn't here, we're hoping it turns up tomorrow. . . .

Hi maaybe, it arrived pretty quickly, maybe 3 days I think x x x
Oh no :(

I ordered mine last Monday . . .
Annnd my conceive plus and OPKs from ebay (ordered last Saturday) still haven't come either!! :hissy:
Hi Delia! Welcome to B&B and to our Maca party!!
I'm sorry you've had such an awful time TTC... I'm sure you'll Find this site so helpful, all the ladies are lovely and it's just reassuring and comforting to know other people are going through similar things and can help you through it..

I hope the maca proves to be a good thing for you! The BBT charting takes a while to get used to, but I find it so helpful to know where I am in my cycle and it's also reassuring to see that temp rise when you've ovulated...

Good luck Hun, any questions just ask!

X x x :hugs: x x x
Oh no :(

I ordered mine last Monday . . .
Annnd my conceive plus and OPKs from ebay (ordered last Saturday) still haven't come either!! :hissy:

Damn I hate waiting for stuff in the post!!

Maybe send them an email if it doesn't arrive tomorrow x x x
:friends:thank you.... i'm sure i will be sharing my adventures in no time!:headspin:
Morning Peeps:hi:

Delia...Welcome Hun! So sorry that you have had a rough time:hugs:
I agree with SBB the bbt charting does take a while to get used to but once you do it's invaluable...has certainly kept me sane...well kinda:winkwink:...no laughing girls!:rofl:

Maaybe...I also had my maca from the same site as SBB and it only took a couple of days if I remember rightly...could you ring them with an order ref number? Hope you get it sorted and Mr Postie brings you presents soon!:hugs:

Kel....Aww you're poor toe! There's not much they can do for it if it's broken is there? Hope it's not as painful this morning:hugs:
Did you have a nice meal out?
Thank-you for a sig add Hun!:hugs:....now if only I could sort it so everyone all over the world operated at the same time....you'd be up already and I could scream :test: whilst I'm stalking your chart:lol:

SBB...so glad you have escaped the side-effects Hun:hugs: When are you expecting to O?....am I right in thinking it's usually about 9 days after the last clomid? I'll have to stalk your chart as well hun:hugs:

Well me...yesterday I had light bleeding but with quite a few clots...this isn't unheard of for me before O. I woke up last night in really bad right-sided pain...it's still lingering this morning...I guess it feels like a really bad stitch. My temp is around O temp this morning so I've got everything crossed!
I said we weren't going to try didn't I?!...:dohh: Well after a fab meal out on saturday night....:sex:....so we'll have to wait and see I guess. It's a horrible thought when you know that there is a decent sized follicle there to be letting it go....If we do get lucky, I can't imagine we will be, I just hope it's super sticky.

Right then Lovelies....I'm gonna go and grab some :munch: before thinking about the gym....will defiantely check back in later:hugs:

Mr Stork....If you're listening this thread needs it's first :bfp:!!!

Just thought I'd quote a saying that I thought was so lovely on somebody's sig on here....

If Life Gives You Lemons.....Give Me A Call And I'll Bring The Gin:hugs:

Love you girls:friends:

Right I'm gone!...:wave: xxx
Hey Welsh! :hugs:

Glad to hear you sounding a lot more positive! Your pains do sound like Ov and if the temps match.... Ooooh I hope you do get lucky and it is a super super sticky little bean - I agree this thread def needs it's first :bfp:!!

When you went for your scan did you ask about endo? I think they should give you a laparoscopy...

Kell - COME ON!!! Where's your temp?? I have to go out and I need my stalking fix for the day first!! :rofl:

Welsh I love that lemons saying!

Right, I've got loads of work to do then driving about all over the place today so I'd better get on with it :wacko:

Have a lovely day ladies x x x x :hugs: x x x x
:rofl:...I'm still sat in dressing gown with Pops on my lap...no brekkie...and definately no gym kit ready to go:dohh:

I did ask about endo hun but she said that they very rarely accurately pick it up with u/s. I completely agree with you about laproscopy but my gyne won't do it because she says it carrys risks and if she did diagnose endo the treatment would be bcp....obviously no use here....I think she's talking blarney personally which is why I have looked into a different gyne. I'll see what her response to the scan is and go from there I think sweets. I'm pretty sure the pains are O as I had them like this really bad back in Nov '08 and went to the docs because they were really painful...he gave me antibiotics for a uti that I didn't have...I ended up with Lil Bean's :bfp: that I sadly mc the day after boxing day.

Hope you get everything done today sweets...look forward to chatting later:hugs:
:rofl:...I'm still sat in dressing gown with Pops on my lap...no brekkie...and definately no gym kit ready to go:dohh:


Yeh they can't pick up endo on an U/S, just thought the person might know a bit more about it but actually can't see why they would! Your doc is talking crap, ok, so if you're not TTC then they stick you on BCP - but, with a Lap, they clear all of the endo out, leaving you really fertile... So I think it could be worth it. Maybe you don't have it (FX) but all that bleeding and spotting has to be caused by something... :shrug:

I really really really hope this egg that's giving you pain is going to reward you by getting together with the :spermy: and then sticking like crazy!! :happydance:

Sorry you asked me when I was due to Ov and I forgot to answer, well truthfully I'm not sure - I think you're right and it's 7-9 days after the last Clomid (which was last night) although my doc told me to take them days 5-10 inclusive which would also be today and therefore 6 tabs - I thought people only took 5? I'll have to check!

:hugs: x x x
I'd definately check Hun...but I'm with you in thinking people on here have only taken 5tablets.:hugs:

Re the Laproscopy....I completely agree hun. I'll see if she's going to do a D&C and if she does I'll give it a couple of months and then I'll head back to the GP if things haven't improved. I'll ask to be reffered to a gyne that has a specialist interest in endo and laproscopy...of which I have a name in a nearby hospital.....God they must hate the web....giving their patients all this knowledge:dohh::lol:

Well someone needs to have the knowledge because GPs seem to be seriously lacking it!!

Anyway, I've got to get ready and go, have a lovely day, catch up later x x x x
Morning Kel:hugs:
You've just been stalked:haha:....I wanna send a huge :hugs: babe....cos I know how gutting it can be when you get a drop like that....I'm ever the optimist thou and am hoping it's gonna be an Amaaaaaazing implatation dip:hugs:

Hope you have a good day sweetheart:hugs: xxx

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