Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

SEE Dandy TOLD YA ..... you O'd you O'd and the ONLY reason WHY you have dotted CH is because you have your Positive OPK days before.. if you change that I bet ya get SOLID CH.....

Welshie... DAM POND......... are you a quick swimmer??? LOL I did notice that too but I am just so concerned because these temps are tooo CLOSE to my coverlline.... well I should have TWO that are below if I did disgard the Sept 18th and 20th temps get what i mean.. but I still have creamy CM and sore nippies and the lil crampie here and there that are noticable

THANKS NEVER.. will update tomorrow AM
Peace out ladies I am off VERY SOON to see SEXYA--- Chad.. :rofl: and jam the F out... LOL

talk to ya ll tomorrow... my temps aer gonnabe WHACKED out in the am.....
Welshie... DAM POND......... are you a quick swimmer??? LOL

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Only if I can wear Callum's old fluorescent orange swim bands:rofl::rofl::rofl: That way if I was late you could send the helicopter out to come find me...knowing me I'd probably have popped into Dandy's on the way:rofl:

I thought you said that you're coverline was too high this cycle??? You could overide it and put your coverline in yourself....I still say hang in there babe...the coverline is only a visual thing with no real meaning as long as the temps are generally in a biphasic pattern you're good.:hugs:
ladies im really confused and need help lol i had blood and have the af cramps but havent had any blood since like half 6 ish just ewcm:shrug: there is streaks of pink in it and i know i defo aint preg lol
Thanks Welshie, its green all the time at the mo, am eating barely anything and living on lucozade and dry biscuits....:sleep:

Dandy...fantastic news!!! Hope you caught it! :happydance:

Lindsey sorry don't know....maybe AF taking time to start? :flower:

Where is TNT? I wanted to find out about scan but have to go to bed now.....hope all went well and you saw a lovely little blob and heartbeat! I will check in tomorrow. :hugs:

Goodnight :flower:
Hello My Maca Beauties!

First of all- I would like to APOLOGIZE TO ALL OF YOU for leaving you all hanging like that. and I wanted to say THANK YOU- for all the thoughts, prayers, love and support.

Everything just happened so fast- I've just finally started to process everything. I mean- saturday- im preggie and by tuesday- im not. The short end of it is- as you might already know- my numbers came back low for the gestational age and from the tissue that I passed- it was pretty evident that I had miscarried. I had my follow up today and they did another beta so i'll find out those numbers at some point tomorrow. I declined an ultrasound just because in my heart, I know I could handle seeing numbers rather than an empty uterus. We decided that- we would wait for the next round of numbers to come back and if it warranted, then we would do an ultrasound. Everything else was fine- cervix was soft and closed. I pretty much stopped bleeding the moment I passed the tissue.

We have been given the green light to start TTC again after my next period. I also decided that I was gonna give clomid another try- and THIS TIME- progesterone just waiting to start the very second we find out we are pregnant again. I noticed that this last cycle we did- I didn't feel as bad as I did the cycles before- NP felt it was due to the lifestyle change and weightloss that helped me metabolize the med better this last cycle which helped my "mood". Her advice- keep doing what we are doing. So, i'm going with it.

as for all of you-

KEL- I TOLD YOU SO! Glad to see at least you o'vd. My first cycle of clomid- i thought it would never come...and finally on cd21 it did. Should get closer for you the next time....:hugs: I would have bought those tickets off you.

Never- I saw you will get a WHOLE TWO MONTHS with DH??? Friggin' sweet! Now- you have time and NO PRESSURE!!

oh god- i've missed soo much so hard to catch up.. i've basically been page hopping.

For all you gals in the TWW:dust::dust::dust::dust::dust: September was a good month for BFP's but im hopeful that October will be as equally kind =)

and all you maca-beanie mamas- Hope you are all doing well. Sparkle- that lil one is just precious! I just love how you can see her face so clearly!

TnT- baby-daddy just looks- yummo. That's gonna be one beautiful baby!

So what's next? My DH has gone to Atlanta til Sunday night to hone his massage skills- which means im solo for a few days. Just me and my pooch. SOOOOOOO ready for vacay in november!
Welshie... DAM POND......... are you a quick swimmer??? LOL

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Only if I can wear Callum's old fluorescent orange swim bands:rofl::rofl::rofl: That way if I was late you could send the helicopter out to come find me...knowing me I'd probably have popped into Dandy's on the way:rofl:

:rofl: come visit me welshie :wave:

Thanks Welshie, its green all the time at the mo, am eating barely anything and living on lucozade and dry biscuits....:sleep:

Dandy...fantastic news!!! Hope you caught it! :happydance:

Lindsey sorry don't know....maybe AF taking time to start? :flower:

Where is TNT? I wanted to find out about scan but have to go to bed now.....hope all went well and you saw a lovely little blob and heartbeat! I will check in tomorrow. :hugs:

Goodnight :flower:

gosh i hope i caught it too [-o< it too early to have any symptoms :dohh: im trying to ignore the fact that my stomach feels different :dohh: maybe its just all the exercise i've been doing :dohh: dont want to get my hopes too high :nope:

kel im not changing my pos Ov test im very happy with it :thumbup: i thought i had the dotted CH's cause there was no temp dip :dohh:
Delia- Im sorry bout everything hunni but glad that you are back and you got cleared for TTC next cycle. You have a good game plan so your back on track for a BFP.
So today SUCKED!!!

Got my US and she couldn't see anything besides my bowel (full of gas), part of my uterus and a working cyst. She did it transvaginally and she dug around trying to find little bub and my bowel is partially in the way maybe. She thinks that it is either too early to see anything or im having an Etopic preg! :cry:

She did do another blood test to see where my numbers are and they are 3952. So im assuming thats the only good thing. She said that women with endometriosis are more likely to have a tubal preg than women without endo.

She has her own ultrasound machine in the office and thinks that maybe its not strong enough so tomorrow at 730am im going into the hospital part to get an ultrasound with the big expensive machine. So hoping and PRAYING we see something good even if its just a blob!

I dont even want to research anything about all this because im afraid im going to cry again. It took everything in me just to work at the salon today...I was a wreck, make up smeered and everything.

I didn't think it was too soon ( 7weeks). Ive read on here that some women can hear a heartbeat then so you'd think they would be able to see at least a blob? :shrug:

Just not sure what to think.... I hope and pray its not etopic...I will be a mess!
Oh TnT:hugs: Hopefully the lil' shrimpie is just camera shy! Hoping and praying that you'll see a better picture in the morning:thumbup: I have read some blog and forum posts where some people couldn't see anything until they were about 10-12 weeks along. Keep the faith, sweetness! Let us know how the u/s goes tomorrow!
Oh TnT:hugs: Hopefully the lil' shrimpie is just camera shy! Hoping and praying that you'll see a better picture in the morning:thumbup: I have read some blog and forum posts where some people couldn't see anything until they were about 10-12 weeks along. Keep the faith, sweetness! Let us know how the u/s goes tomorrow!

Thank you Delia...definitely praying for something positive. Seems so far this little bub is stubborn with my first blood test and now this...:dohh: Im not sure how well I will be able to sleep tonight!
tnt :hugs: hopefully the super duper machines will be able to find your little bean fxed everything will be alright for you tomorrow
tnt - i'm with the girls. bub is probably just being stubborn. keep your chin up doll, i know it's hard :hugs:

kel - can't wait to see how the show went hun!

delilah - i'm so sorry that all this happened sweets. i hope the next one sticks and SOON! :dust:

AFM pretty big temp drop today, kind of anxious as to what tomorrows will be to see if this is a significant drop or not. we will see. :shrug: i see DH officially on 23 november and i can't freaking wait. my ticker is a little off, i will actually see him sooner than that. and GET THIS! his colonel might be sending him to....GERMANY!! for training for a week :D it will be only 45 minutes from where i am so definitely feasible to see him. i hope i hope i hope!
Hi ladies :hugs:

Well it looks like my talking to your cycles has worked for some of you lol.

KELSTER, Hope you had a fantastic time last night :hugs:

NEVER, Fantastic news :happydance::happydance: more time with your DH :happydance::happydance:.

DELIAH, I am so sorry this has happened to you :hugs::hugs::hugs:

DANDY, I took maca, vitamins, and folic acid the month of my BFP. I also put DH on maca and zinc much to his disgust lol. :hugs:

TNT, Aww don't worry too much. I'm sure everything will be fine :hugs::hugs:

LUCY, Hope the sickness clears up for you soon. It's a horrible pregnancy symptom :hugs::hugs:

WELSHIE, Hello, i had my scan done in warminster at one of the babybond clinics. It cost me £79.00 and was worth every penny lol. It was amazing. There was no way that i was staying team :yellow: I think it was more to do with the fact that little lady wanted a brother and everyone kept saying oh yeah it looks like mummy is having a boy. I just knew she was a girl. Little lady was not impressed yesterday when i showed her the pictures of her sister she hasn't said a lot but at least she will get over it before she is born lol. I do wish people would keep quite sometimes. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Good morning to all the other maca ladies who i have missed. I do apologise. I'm rushing so that i can go to work lol.
Enjoy your day ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
TNT, hope you see things more clearly in the morning, I hope he/she is just hiding! I will be thinking of you all day today. :hugs::hugs:
wow so much to read up, hope I remember every thing!

Thanks for all the get well wishes, I still feel bad I think I have a cold but feel better today :thumbup:

TNT I have a feeling every thing will be fine hun, hope to read your good news on scan soon

DELIAH hug hugs:hugs: so glad to see you looking forward to next cycle :hugs:

Kel hope you enjoyed the concernt :flower:

Sparkle whoo hoo a little girl :happydance: the pictures are so cute love them

Never, Dandy,Lynsey :hugs: how you all doing :flower:

Well I had a horrible day yesterday, I had to ring the hospital about my blood sugars the clinic I go to only sits once a week were I live, Spoke to a lovely midwife and she said I need to be seen by the main hospital, She told me to ring them, so I explained I had on friday gone, they said nothing they could do ring my doctor, which I did whom told me to ring the clinc, any way she said I will ring the hospital for you, they rang me back telling me they would send out a letter in 10 days with an appointment for a few weeks time, I tried to explain how I was on insulin at 24 weeks and my BS are higher now than they were when I was put on Insulin, she said she will get the doctor, he was very rude! I tried to explain again, he cut me off saying I have read your notes wait for your appoinment, nothing more we can do. I was so up set couldnt believe it!!!
So I said F this, Im not going there any more so rang the hospital I had my other babies in, the girl gave out to me cause I did not ring sooner and has me booked in to see the diabetic team, scan and booking in appointment on Tuesday!! such a diffierence!
I was so glad I rang such a weight lifted off my shoulders, esp when I get a phone call from the diabetic team in Kilkenny telling me they were not sending out an appointment that the doc did not want to see me, he thought another GTT at 20 weeks and then he might see me!! WTF :shrug:

at least now I know I will be in a better place, who will look after baby! :happydance:

sorry for the essay!
im bloody confused woke up this morning with just browny red watery blood when i wipe n hardly anything on the towel aint normal for me:wacko: i usualy come on heavy straight away. im thinking its maybe not a normal af
ah tnt, hopefully bubs is just hiding. I had to have a emergency scan yesterday as was spotting and thought may be ectopic due to some pain and she took ages to find anything, even then could barely see anything and they said my dates were a bit out.
Mine was transvaginal too and they had real trouble even seeing my ovaries so things aren't always clear. She eventually saw a heartbeat but she was looking for over 10 minutes.

I'll be thinking of you and I'm sure bubs will come out of hiding xx

Hi everyone else :wave: hoe you're all well!
Good mornnig all..

MY EARS are STILL RINGING..........holy AWESOME show...... Chad is a hottie in his own lil corky sense... They opened up with one of my favs... Burn it to the Ground

anyhoo I can't remember EVERYTHING I read- my brian is still in a fog...

Delia babe good to see you back :hug:

Feel better Celtic :hugs:

TnT- no worries- at those numbers I don't think he/she is visable yet.. my GYN told me you have to be at least close to 10,000 or so .. maybe I am wrong or he was BS'ing me.....

:hi: to all the ladies

AFM I am REALLY REALLY starting to wonder if I did O..... something just doesn't look right.... ahhh F it.........that is my moto now.....

AND I CANNOT GET THE DAM POT SMOKE SMELL OUTTA MY NOSE .. dam kid in front of us lit a doobie up.. YUCK that shit is GROSS-- never tried it never will...

hee hee me and Jeffy and OLD friends from highschool (at the concert last nite)..the AWESOME peeps that bought my tickets.. my life savors

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