Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Tnt- Yes 6 more days! I am soooo hoping for a New Years bfp!! :) I definitely have never had creamy CM at this point in my cycle so I am so excited but trying not to obsess so I don't get my hopes up!
You have endo? I do too. It sucks! I usually don't get too crampy from it thank goodness and I started maca this cycle and during AF, I didn't have any cramps which is huge for me! I always have cramps...bad ones. The lady at the herbal store where I bought it, actually said it's great for endo.
Tnt- Yes 6 more days! I am soooo hoping for a New Years bfp!! :) I definitely have never had creamy CM at this point in my cycle so I am so excited but trying not to obsess so I don't get my hopes up!
You have endo? I do too. It sucks! I usually don't get too crampy from it thank goodness and I started maca this cycle and during AF, I didn't have any cramps which is huge for me! I always have cramps...bad ones. The lady at the herbal store where I bought it, actually said it's great for endo.

Yes, Maca is fabulous for Endo!! I have been on it sense April and it has really helped me after my second lap surgery to not be in pain all the time. I have severe endo and usually have a lap surgery once a year! I was on Lupron for 9 months and after it got recalled I highly regret ever being on that! How bad is your endo? I usually am really crampy and have a heavy AF. I noticed your cycle is shorter?? Thats really good sense most with endo have a longer cycle or irregular ones. I surely hope you get your bfp...give us endo girls some inspiration! FX girl that this is it!:hugs::kiss:
Tnt- Oh you poor thing! I'm so sorry yours is that severe! Mine isn't that severe. I've only had one lap surgery 3 years ago and it was actually a huge complicated cyst the size of a grapefruit that landed me in hospital. I always had heavy and bad crampy periods but never knew I had endo until the surgery for the cyst. The cyst had started to leak, sticking everything together and they had to remove my right ovary because of it and the endo was all over. So i'm banking on the left one! The good thing is, the left side didn't have as much endo. They put me on the depo shot to subside everything. Had my last one in April, it wore off in July and took until October to regulate my cycle and I was actually really surprised how quickly they regulated. I have heard horror stories of the depo shot so I was scared. My chart has never looked better since I started maca either!! Happy about that!
What did the Lupron do?
Thank you for your positivity!! I hope this is it too! :)
Wow that sounds horrible! Why did it take so long for them to find such a huge cyst? So sorry you lost an ovary though. Good thing women have two! :haha: And im so glad you dont have endo on that one side. Have you gone in lately to see how your endo is? Or do you have to wait a year after being off depo? Like most dr's wait a year for ttc and being off the shot? Im slightly impatient and that wait would drive me nuts!

The lupron is essentially menopause in a long needle! :haha: it was was like flash drive into shuts down your ovaries and all the girly parts from working. So I didn't have a period for almost a year. Not worth to me as I gained about 50lbs and then they recalled it. The shot is mostly for men with prostate cancer but they were using it on women because it shut down the reproductive organs...well they found out that it doesn't really work that great and the side affects suck. Which I wish I knew sooner than later. But oh well...maybe it helped me...I can't really tell actually. Besides being fat! haha but im losing it slowly.
I had a horrible doctor!! She kept giving me meds for stomach spasms! Stupid lady shouldn't practice medicine. The week the cyst finally burst and I was in so much pain I couldn't even keep water down, I lost 12 lbs, went to the hospital...Got referred to a wonderful doctor. Her husband actually delivered me when I was born! And I had surgery within 3 days. I haven't gone to see how it was. Though I did have an ultrasound a couple of months ago due to abnormal bleeding which was a side effect of coming off the shot and everything looked good. I had a simple cyst on the left side but that can be normal and women get them all the time and they just go away. So that was good!
That lupron sounds awful! Thank goodness they recalled it but sucks they didn't recall it before they gave it to you! I hope it helped somewhat though!
Well im glad everything is looking good for you! That all sounds scary. And that first dr could have found that cyst with a simple US. Ticks me off too!! So glad you found your first EVER dr to help you out! With endo though you can't confirm anything unless you have a lap surgery. US or blood work can't find it only surgery unfortunately. But with your normal cycle and mild cramping then you are probably ok.

But I really hope you get a BFP soon as that helps with endo as well....doesn't get rid of it but it doesn't grow while preggy so thats a plus!!
Okay I am cramping big time! Like I wanna go take a bath and see if that helps but dont wanna move. Maybe my body is just starten to regulate itself after the MC because im haven hard core pre-af cramps! AF should be here Sunday or it sad that this is the first time im excited for AF to start so we can be back on the TTC train!! LOL
Morning ladies. Havent had a chance to catch up but I will later x

Well I think ive got flu :'( yesterday when I finished work my body was hot yet I was shivering,had a banging headache,no energy and my body just ached! But my Oh was in a bad mood with me coz we couldnT go out to eat so he wouldnT even hug me :( then it took me an hour to get ready to drive home coz I had no energy. Went to bed when I got in. Then at 5am I threw up all over my bedroom floor where I coughed soo hard :(. In need of hugs!x
hi ladies!

still no AF. i'm getting anxious AND nervous. like what if my cycle lengthened? or if it's just the one time it's going to be late for no reason? sigh... luckily TNT talked to me last night or i'd be even more bonkers.

tnt - sorry to hear about the cramps. do you think it's endo related? it sounds horrible :( i know what you mean about cycles ending so you can start a new one. trust me! it gets old waiting for the cycles you know you don't have a :bfp: to be over. i hope you feel better honey.

kiki - FX'ed for your :bfp:

char - oh no! we can't have a sick char! :cry: i hope you get to feeling better soon honey and it's not the flu. maybe just a cold, anything but the flu. STAY AWAY FROM CHAR FLU! :gun: e
Arghh have just read everything and now can't remember it all! Well OH is back to work today so i'm up and just chilling with the dogs :) Will get them out and walked later before heading to the cinema with my mum.

Char - I hope you just have a bad cold and not the flu, the main thing is to get lots of rest and loads of fluid. If you have to stay in bed then do it. Wait until your OH is ill and then he'll know how you feel!

Kiki - good luck for testing in 6 days, keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Never - one day late?? I am sooo hoping this is it for you girl. Keep sane and take it easy.

TNT - not good on the cramps front but yay for your next cycle ttc...i've got a good feeling about it for you.

Dandy - how are you?

AFM....still feeling really anxious about everything but was able to talk to my best friend yesterday which helped hugely and inbetween i've had some excited moments. Its daft I know!
Hello ladies :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Hope you all had a very merry Christmas :hugs:

DELILAH, Sorry the :witch: got you :hugs:

LEEZE, Sorry the :witch: got you too. I hope your having a lovely time away :hugs:

NEVER, Oh no what a day you had. I hope your feeling better :hugs:

YAZZY, Congratulations on your engagement :hugs:

LINNY, Awww how sweet that DH turned up early :happydance: 4 courses how on earth did you manage them lol. I have no room left and only had half a plate full of christmas dinner :cry: Glad you had had a lovely time :hugs::hugs:

KELSTER. Hope you are feeling better :hugs: I loved the picture of the snow on FB :hugs::hugs:

SBB, Right baby jesus i hear by serve you with a notice to quit. If you chooses to ignore this notice and have not made your entrance into the world by Friday/Saturday you will be charged with over staying your welcome and the pineapple and prunes will be sent in every hour on the hour until you comply. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I hope mummy and daddy had a lovely Christmas :hugs::hugs:

NEVER, Wow how exciting still no :witch: I have everything crossed for you :hugs::hugs:

TNT, TTC, CELTIC, DANDY, CHAR and all the other ladies :hi: Hope you had a lovely Christmas :hugs::hugs:

I am off for my liver scan this morning so had better get a wriggle on. I will check back in later.
Lol thanks sparkle I hope he's listening!! :haha:
Good luck at your scan... :hugs:

Char I'm sorry you're sick :( get the flu jab! It might be a bit late now though...

Never I wish you knew what was going on! Can you test again? At least you're at work to take your mind off it a little bit :hugs:

X x x
:wave: hey girls

char :hugs: feel better soon girlie

yazzy - Im good thanx, so glad you are beginning to get excited :thumbup:
TNT you poor thing and cramps hope they ease off soon for you may be AF will come on early :shrug: I rather that than living with bad cramp till may be monday :hugs:

SBB when the apple is ripe it will fall from the tree:hugs:

Charx oh I hope you feel better soon, slap your DP for me men eh LOL :dohh: here have some cyber hugs :hugs: wrap up warm and rest till it passes ok

Sparkle good luck keep us posted on how you get on :hugs:

Never :hugs: limbo land a bitch :growlmad: I hope you know either way sooner rather than later

Yazzy glad you had a good talk with your friend, you know just before christmas I felt kinda similar was finding I was worring about how things would change how would we cope with another mouth to feed etc, I need a double buggy and I have fallen in love with a fab one but its a nice price tag as well :dohh: I was worried would I be able to get it and all the other bits and bobs I need, felt a bit down, but feel so much better now mind you I had a good heart to heart with DH about it, so I guess this feeling will pass and you will feel much better :hugs:
Thanks girls, Ive a midwife appt tomorroww so i will ask about the flu jab then. There's soooo many scary threads in third tri saying DON'T have it, then they turn into arguments as to why you SHOULD have it, my head was all a pickle :D

Never...flu jab is what you would prob call a flu shot. Its a combined one this year with swine flu. I did actually have swine flu last July though so I'm hoping you can't get it twice. One day late I see..........:D

Sparkle....four courses was a doddle :rofl: :rofl: There was lots of time between courses and with it being quite a posh hotel portions were small. i didn't need to eat for the rest of the day though :haha: Hope scan goes ok, keep us posted :D

Char...poor thing. Wrap up warm , take your pre-natals, drink lots of water and rest in bed till it passes. Big BIG HUGS :hugs::hugs::hugs:

SBB...Its baby jesus eviction day today, i can't be wrong :D

:hi: dandy, Celtic, leeze, Kiki, TNT
Hey Girlies,

Linny- Hope your midwife appt goes well.

Char- BIG BIG :hugs: my dear! You rest up and call a friend to spoil you!! You deserve it hun.

Never- Still no AF!! Eeeccckkk come on Friday! :haha: Im glad your not too bonkers today. Sometimes we need to just hash out our feelings and worries! Glad I could help a little bit. I can't wait for you to test. I think my cramps are endo related unfortunately. But hopefully I can get a bfp soon and then my endo can chill out for 9 months. teehee

Sparkle- Let us know how your scan goes!!! Hopefully everything is ok.

Yazzy- Glad your friend was there to help talk you through this. I think its normal to have all those worries and 8 months from now when you have your little bub in your arms you wont even remember worrying about all this! BIG :hugs: hun

Celtic- Oh I could only hope AF would be early. That would be so nice...that way I can be back on the train sooner! :haha: I did have a temp dip this AM so she is definitely gearing up for her arrival. I hope its not too bad though. How are you doing lately?

Sbb- How you feeling today? I hope not too bad! Rest up and put a dvd in and relax all day!! :hugs:

Dandy- How have you been hun? Any news on OH SA?

Welp gotta get ready for work. Had to take Amy into work today (really early) because her truck still isn't worken. It is a piece and just meant to get to work and school...but its even more a piece when it doesn't start! :haha: Waiting for some type of warmth to see if the lines were just froze.

Anyways, Have a great day and I will try and check in later...if not then definitely tonight! :hugs:
TNT Im good, waiting on the hospital to get in touch see if I need any changes to my insulin levels they were really good over the christmas they were very happy with me, even christmas day I got great readings, yesterday was a mad one though all high LOL. ooh does sound like AF is on the way esp with a temp dip! which from what I remember happens with in 48 hours of AF starting so I say you will see her early and most welcome she will be! :thumbup::hugs:
I don't think the list is being updated anymore- just wanted to put it out there that the witch got me this month.. hoping for a BFP in the new year...

On a good note, the maca made me O 5 days early last cycle! (maybe a combination with the b50 complex too) So that was great (although since I wasn't expecting it, we only got to BD on O day..) But LOVED Oing sooner than later! woo!
I don't think the list is being updated anymore- just wanted to put it out there that the witch got me this month.. hoping for a BFP in the new year...

On a good note, the maca made me O 5 days early last cycle! (maybe a combination with the b50 complex too) So that was great (although since I wasn't expecting it, we only got to BD on O day..) But LOVED Oing sooner than later! woo!

Poo to the witch! but yay for earlier O made me do that as well and sure here I am now :hugs: good luck for this cycle get BD early :flower:

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