Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

TNT - I hope you're right. My BB's are a little tender and I noticed it yesterday too when I was running they were sore. I'm figuring it's normal currently but I'm going to keep a watch on my temps. :thumbup:
Kel.....:happydance: :yipee: :yipee: Loving the temp risel!! Get jumping your man later :D Over here there is a load of hype in the media that pregnant woman get the flu vaccine due to our lowered immune system. There's lots of scary stories of pregnant women being seriously ill and women who have just given birth dying from it so scared me a little :(

Kik...I like SBB had brown spotting for around 5 days around by :bfp: and it returned between 6-8 weeks so I had an early scan. All was fine, they told me to rest, rest rest and explained that spotting in early pregnancy is very common! It actually cont'd till 17/18wks ish. I would try not to worry too much, just mention it to your midwife and they may scan you earlier!

Yazzy...enjoy your night. I wanted chinese too but OH turned up his nose :( Are you veggie? My sisters friend is but when she was pregnant craved fish, apparently she would stand outside the fish & chip shop just smelling it, and eventually she caved and ate lots of it. makes her feel :sick: again now :rofl: Maybe your body is low on iron or something :shrug:

Cnotte....woah that is a belter of a temp rise FX'd :D
I put in some information on 'Countdown to Pregnancy'. Apparently I'm 6 dpo which would be about right considering I have a 38 day cycle as of lately. I'm sure I am 6 dpo, too. Hmmm, I'll have to wait and watch the temps. :thumbup:
Linny - yes well actually pescetarian or however you spell it. I don't eat any meat but do eat fish. Just recently though I have really wanted to eat meat but can't do it. My iron levels always used to be a tiny bit low (found out when giving blood) but i'm sure they'll check that at my appointment next week.

TNT - have a lovely weekend and i'm sorry AF is being a pain, hopefully this will be your last one for 9 months!!

Kel - hope you are ok, yep i'll be having a relaxing one this weekend.

Oh i've forgotton everything else...will be catching up with you all over the weekend.

Oh and Kiki just remember to rest.
Kel - Oh poor lady.....I hope all is ok with her fibroid. Tell that mortgage company to go and fly a kite...I hate companies like that!

Linny - thx for the update on sparkle....I am glad to hear all is ok with her and lil bub...You are are next....this is so awesome to have so many born at the same time!

Kiki - I have heard many times about this and usually if you are only spotting and not cramping then you should be ok..but like everyone else the dr just to be on the safe side.

Cnotte - wow that is a huge temp rise....I cant wait to see what happens tomorrow!

Never - got another no bfp story for you!!! My friend who just announced her pg said that she used clomid b/c she had irregular cycles...she took a few tests and it came back negative so she went to the dr to check to see if she should do another round of clomid and what to do as she didnt have af.....well he did an internal scan and found her lil bean. She was 7 weeks pg and no positive pg tests....I hope that helps.

TnT - I was reading last night about the evening primerose oil that I am taking for increased says it should help with af symptoms for those suffering with endo...maybe something to try. I hope you feel better!

Kel - praying this was ov for you!

AFM - well cd 5 and going back and forth as to try baby aspirin...It is supposed to help with implantation and since that is my problem b/c my uterus doesnt seem to like anything foreign except fibroids I figured why not....what do you ladies think?
Yazzy, Kel, SBB, CNotte, Tnt, Linny, & ttc - Thank you all so much. You have helped eased my mind a bit. It sounds very simliar to what you are all saying. I had put a pantyliner on almost 8 hours ago and there's a quarter size drop. It's mostly only when I wipe (sorry tmi). I have very minimal cramping but it's on and off. It's not constant. And it's what I have been getting on and off since Sunday when I got my bfp. It's so minimal, it's barely noticable. So I don't think it has to do with the spotting. So happy it's the weekend and I can rest. I will call my Doctor and hopefully I can get in for an earlier scan. Thank you again everyone! :hugs:

I'm sorry for the selfish post. I'm at work. I will check in later! I can't wait to hear about baby sparkle!
TTC- Yeay I was taking it actually but I kept getting heartburn with it and then ended up urping up fishy taste...which I hate any seafood and that bout made me gag. I heard that baby aspirin is really good for that. I was taking that for a bit but I stopped.

Kel- I forgot to mention about you house. I would be pretty livid if they called at work too. It makes me so mad when they call your employer to pay a bill that you already paid. Before I paid off my car they used to call me at work as well until I went off. So hopefully they will stop sense you told them off. :haha:

Cnotte- Sore bb's is a good sign. Do you normally get sore bb's before af comes? PS my bb's would hurt if I ran too :haha: im a swimmer...def NOT a runner. And my bb's are so darn big that I would probably smack myself with them if I ran. :haha: :rofl:

Never- Thinking of you doll! :hugs:

Linny- See Ive heard that about the flu shot as well and people here usually still get it! They wanted to give me one half one week then the other half the following week. I never heard of the mother dying during labor from a flu shot though. Thats kinda scary and would DEF make me re-think that shot! Your turn is coming soon. Can't wait to see pics!!

Yazzy- Have a good night hun. :hugs:

Kikki- I think you will be ok. Specially with minimal cramping! Just keep an eye on it and hopefully get an early scan.

AFM- left early from work...we were slow as all get out and I didn't feel good. I think my endo is maken this AF really bad cuz I haven't had to miss work from AF in a long time...sense before my surgery. So just gonna relax and watch lifetime all day! hehe
LOL TnT your dam right I went off on them.. :rofl: Jeff doesn't sit at a desk and they have to call the main department number.. and soo sorry :witch: is horrid for you :hugs:

Linny I can ONLY HOPE- so tomorrow am when I am taking my temps-my heart will be beating HOPING I see a rise and not a dip.. but if it does happen it happens.. ::: shrugs :: what can I do

TTC I really know nothing about asprin.. I know my SIL was taking it but I am afraid to because I know it thins the blood out.. and I would probably take to much

KiKi- that is good to hear that it has not turned to red.... just relax and stay off your feet this weekend.. hope you get a appt soon
my maca sweethearts :hugs: how is everyone today? i'm doing well. i have kind of put the possibly being pregnant aside and focused more on my friends and work, oh and my dog of course. work helps to get my mind off of it. i went to see little fockers with my friends tonight, it was hilarious! :haha: i liked it a lot. tomorrow i have a dinner and a night on the town (no drinking though) with friends because one of mine leaves for afghanistan on wednesday. :cry: as sad as it all is, it will keep me occupied. i haven't tested yet and who knows when i will next. i think i'm waiting on the old hag to show up before i decide to again. if the "early AF" was actually AF then i would be due jan 16 - 19 based on my cycles so i have another almost two weeks to get through. i might be missing my FS appointment though, :cry:, because i'm being sent on a mission (secret so can't say much) and will be gone possibly 30 days of this month. i don't know when i'm leaving or when i will get back so it's frustrating not to know. especially if i am pregnant, but i guess that will get my mind off of it too. :shrug: i'm hoping i get back before my planned kosovo trip to see DH feb 18-21. PRAYING! okay, enough about me :)

SPARKLE congrats on your new addition sweetheart! :yipee: i can't wait to hear the story and see the beautiful pictures of our new maca bub. not far behind gorgeous samuel!

KEL small world you adopted a dog from my friend, dontcha' think? that stinks about your boss, i sure hope she can get the help she needs. i hope you give that mortgage company a piece of your mind mama! i haven't tested again. i'm scared to go to the doctors and get a blood test and it be negative. :cry: i would feel like a fool. not to mention the army doctors rarely do that, they like a positive on a urine test first. i hope the temp rise was O girl. FX'ed!

TNT hmmm.. i WONDER what you wished for? :haha: i hope it comes true dear :hugs: she did, but she isn't here, she is in kosovo so it's all word of mouth ya know. she can think it's one thing and it be something else. she has been a strong supporter of me and DH though and has always offered her advice, so i'm hoping she's right on this one. it would have been a very early AF but i wouldn't put it past her :nope: i hope those period pains go away soon dear, i know it must be horrible! :hugs:

YAZZY yes bodies can definitely be weird and i'm trying to understand that and accept the possibility of pregnancy as well as the possibility of an "off" cycle. i hope you get a good rest this weekend and the first appointment, yay, :happydance:! have fun at movie night!

DANDY i hope O is soon for you. i WILL scare ovulation again if i have too! :gun:

LINNY snow, i just hate it! and germany is NOT the right place for me and hating snow! :haha: yes, it would be a very early AF which is why i'm having a hard time believing that was the case. but i need to accept all possibilities so i'm not extremely let down in the end. i've been bloated off and on all this week and had a lot of cm, but that is it. those are ovulation symptoms for me, but they have lasted through today and maybe even longer. if AF did happen that day then i should have ovulated already and i'm rarely ever bloated after ovulation, if ever. :shrug: darn you body!

SBB how are you, samuel, and daddy getting along? good i hope! :hugs: i still can't get over how gorgeous he is!

KIKI i'm with the girls. get a doctors appointment just to be safe. definitely rest this weekend too! i hope all is well and i'm praying for little bean to stick!

CNOTTE i hope that temp rise was a good sign, woo hoo! when is AF due for you, do you know?

TTC you are such a doll for posting that story for me. i really appreciate you taking the time to do that. it certainly does give me a bit of hope! i hope your :bfp: comes soon honey. as for the baby aspirin, i would try it. that's just me though. you aren't conceiving without it, so i really don't see what it would hurt trying it. :shrug:

i hope i didn't miss anyone. my post are so long because i miss some days on here! :haha: and i can't handle not talking to my maca girls! :blush:

welshie, aj, wispy, whit, char, and anyone else i missed.. :wave:
KEL small world you adopted a dog from my friend, dontcha' think? that stinks about your boss, i sure hope she can get the help she needs. i hope you give that mortgage company a piece of your mind mama! i haven't tested again. i'm scared to go to the doctors and get a blood test and it be negative. i would feel like a fool. not to mention the army doctors rarely do that, they like a positive on a urine test first. i hope the temp rise was O girl. FX'ed!

I couldn't BELIEVE it when you said her name.. YES IT IS VERY SMALL WORLD..........

ya know I don't want to see you on TLC's show--- "I didn't know I was pregnant" there missy.... I JUST watched the show (it just ended at 4pm) and the chick kept taking pee tests but they NEVER came up positive.. NEVER---- it just stinks the doctors are like that.. and DO NOT FEEL LIKE A FOOL............ you have every right to find out what the hell is going on............ :hugs:
:rofl: well kel, i certainly hope i don't show up on that show! i do want to know what's up. sigh. FX'ed.
could it be sweetie that you did O much later then you thought? are you POSITIVE you O'd when your chart says soooooo?

I am just trying to figure this out... are those temps from yesterday and today correct?

cause looking back at your chart from Sept those temps are at where you were when you about 10DPO
Never - thanks for the boost of encouragement. I need it today. I think I will try the aspirin. Oh I hope they dont send you out and you miss your FS appt. I really want to hear you got that very very shy bfp!

TnT - feel better....Lifetime always makes the world a better place doesnt it.

kel - Your sil did IVF right? I know it is a part of IVF to take 75 mg of low dose aspirin...supposed to help blood flow to uterus and ovaries.

afm - cd5, not sure if I am having vacation withdrawl but I have just had a horrid emotional day. Nothing bad has happened but I have been crying on and off all day. I heard a song on the radio and was bawling while driving around. Geez, what is up....I feel so sad and I cant pinpoint anything out of the ordinary....obviously I want to be pg but I have felt like that every month around this time ya know. Not sure what is so different this time. Anyway....just venting again.

Thinking of you sbb, sparkle, and linny......and of course all my other maca ladies!
awww babe............. dang I am soooooooo very sorry you are having a BAD day :hugs:

no she didn't do IVF.... just clomid and the trigger shot.... I THINK that was the last month before the FS was going to make them do IUI.....
kel - i don't know when i ovulated exactly. that was just a guess because i had an FS appointment on CD20 and on that date he had confirmed that i had ovulated. since i usually ovulate 16-20 i just put it at 20 since that's the latest i have ovulated so far (so basically i would be 25DPO at the least if that wasn't a very early AF) but don't know when. :shrug: the two temperatures are accurate, but with a new thermometer i just got from the one i was using the last two months read very low and i didn't like it. since he confirmed ovulation CD20 i don't see how i could have ovulated later than that.
ok thanx guys i might order one offline and see if its better/less smelly/smaller pills, then i might try to make some smoothies like kel said and try what i have, i tried putting it in a milo drink once :dohh: that just put me off the milo :dohh:
oooooooooooooooh ok Never- I ws just wondering how you got that date because I know that is a manual entry... I gotcha........... well DAM then -babe I seriously would ask for a blood test I REALLY would

:hi: Dandy
TNT - My BB's normally hurt around AF even a few days although they gradually hurt, not BAM all at once. During each of my pregnancies prior the left one hurt the most, and that's where I'm at right now.

Never - AF is due on the 14th or 15th. My cycles are so up and down who knows when the :witch: wants to show up. LOL - More than likely on the 15th.

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