Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Tnt- I am praying for a very sticky bean for you hun! So happy for you!

Ttc- I'm so sorry. :hugs: I'm thinking of you and fx'd for you next cycle!!

Sparkle- I really hope Isla starts feeling better soon! I hope you are well!

Char- That is very exciting about the house you are looking at! I hope all goes well with it! I hope you are feeling well!

Kel- Have a nice weekend!

SBB- I'm happy to hear you and Baby Sammuel are doing well besides his tummy. I hope he's feeling better! I look forward to seeing more pics of him soon! :)

Aj- Nice temp rise!! Fx'd for you!

Leeze- That is great news about your HSG! Sorry to hear it's a bit more expensive than you thought but that is wonderful you will be getting it on Thursday! I think that is worth the money instead of waiting 6 months! I'm hoping to get one at the end of the month.

Ny- Sorry the maca is giving you tummy issues. Maybe SBB is right and just start with a lower dosage and increase it. I did that and don't remember having any problems.

AFM- My hcg dropped from 395 to 48! :happydance: I never thought I'd be so happy to have my levels drop! haha. But this is just getting closer to moving forward! I hate being stuck! This has been the longest and most drawn out process ever so I am very relieved. I was so stressed of having my only tube rupture so thank goodness! Hopefully the levels drop to zero quickly and I get an AF and then my doctor will give me a HSG to check for blockages and hopefully unblock them if there are any! Then we will be right back to trying! Very excited for it though. :)
We are getting hit with SO much snow right now! It snowed all day today and we are getting another storm tomorrow. They are saying between today and tomorrow.. over 20 inches! Yikes!

Hello to all you lovely ladies! :hi:
Thanks so much Celtic... I have given him freshly squeezed OJ tonight, just a teaspoon in boiled water, hopefully that will work or we may go to the doctors tomorrow. I may do sugar and OJ in the morning if no poo still.

Hey never :wave: how are you feeling now? Better I hope :hugs:

NY, hi! You could try starting with a lower dose, get your body and tummy used to the maca and then build up to a higher dose... Might help :shrug:

X x x

SBB make up about 2 onzes of it and ease it in to him gently if the teaspoon doesnt work! good luck hope he moves the little bowls soon :hugs: it will probably be an explosive nappy at some stage today!
Lol celtic I'm not looking forward to changing him when he finally does go!!!

Hey Kiki :wave: I'm glad your levels have dropped... So sorry you lost your little bean, I didn't know cos I haven't been on in a while. Glad you are feeling positive though :hugs:

X x x
Dandy- I just heard about the cyclone/hurricane coming over yonder to you!! OMG I hope your not in the line of it. Gosh your country is getting hit hard. I would almost rather have a blizzard (like we did) than a HUGE hurricane! I hope your ok!!

Kikki- Glad your numbers are dropping finally. I know how hard it is to move forward when its drawn out this long. Thinking of you hun and hope you doing a little better today.

Celtic- Any new things going with you? IE labor signs or anything?

Kel- Hope your okay hun....I guess what we just got is probably already in full force where your at. Stay safe hun!! Thinking of you.

Never- I hope you are catching up on some rest.

TTC- FX your new approach is the answer to your BFP!! Really hopen hun! You so deserve this!

Yazzy- Thinking of you hun!!!

AFM- Getting my 2nd set of blood levels drawn today. I hope and PRAY they have doubled...if not this point I wouldn't mind multiples! :haha: So gotta go give my blood soon and then WAIT for the results this afternoon.

Have a lovely and safe day everyone!
Yay TNT will be praying for good numbers!

I thought I would like twins, but seriously one is enough :haha:

Will you or Amy be a stay at home mum or will you both work once bub is here?

X x x
Well right now were just doing one step at a time before we start planning. We want to wait until were further along before any big decisions were made. But last time we were preg...we had planned for me to stay home and on her days off go to work. So I would work part time. Im really freaked out about daycares because of things that happened to me in daycares.... so I wanna wait to put a baby in a daycare until they can speak and tell me if anything is wrong.

So right now nothing is definite set in stone but if everything works out good then thats prob the route we will head to.
Morning ladies!

Tnt I can't wait to see what your levels are later today!! I feel you on the whole daycare thing, a lady next door to us had a daycare when i was in my teens and i would go visit the babies everyday cuz i love babies so much and i was horrified at how they were treated! I will certainly be a stay-at-home mom. I know all daycares are not like that but i dont want to risk it.

They always looked dirty, sometimes she couldn't bother to bathe them and would send them home sweaty, the sheets were rarely changed and looked dirty, she would put them in the cribs and clean the floor with them in the room, i just hated it.

SBB i hope Sammy is doing better today, hopefully he will finally go!

Dandy keep safe, That is a massive storm! We had a Cat 5 pass close here and the island was wrecked, so i hope the storm dies down or turns away from you guys.

Kiki yay for lower levels :) I hope you can get back to trying real soon.

Never, Sparkle, Celtic, Kel how are you doing today? (forgetting people i know, sorry about that, my brain is a mess)

AFM i am BUSTED today, all i can think about is sleep, i just could not sleep last night! Every position i tried was just so uncomfortable, and my back was just hurting. Finally i fell asleep, DH comes in at 4:30am (up playing games, ticked me off so bad) and starts snoring like a truck!

So i had to leave the room, went to the living room couch which is less comfy and managed to fall asleep. Then our neighbor starts cleaning his car at about 5:30 and turns the radio up so loud and its right at our living room window so i had to go back to the bed cuz i couldnt take it.

Eventually i had to elbow DH and tell him to roll over which helped a bit but now i am exhausted and have a headache, i will be sleeping most of this afternoon away. I'll be sure to fix up the guest room bed today so i can go there next time. Sorry for the long rant! I'm still having mild cramping on my left side and mild but steady backache so hopefully it means something, we'll see.
AJ- crampies around 7 dpo could be a good thing!

TNT- sending you luck! I know you are probably at the apointment right now, cant wait to hear the news.

Leeze and Kiki- be sure you take some pain reliever before the HSG. I do those in my department at work, well the doc " does" it but im the tech assiting....and you can get quite uncomfortable during the procedure but nothing that some pain relief taken a half hour/hour beforehand cant help. And here we prescribe antibiotics after, so if thats the case, be sure to take them so ward off any infection that could occur. Some docs do it more sterile than others so must be careful for infection.

I have cut down to 500 mg of MACA- another question for ya' 1000mg good for OH or should he do more? AND, since still waiting for my LATE AF again, am I ok to be taking this MACA? I have no hopes that im preg, since all tests point to NO, but is this maybe stalling AF more????? I wouldnt think, but then again, am not usually so late.....hrumph.
Aj- That night sounds EXHAUSTING!!! Im sorry chicky!!! I hope you get a good nap in. Oh and I thought your OH talked to the neighbor about loud music so early?? If I was sleeping on the couch and that music was blarring at 530 AM I would of walked outside and gone OFF! That is too freaken early for all that!!!

Ny- Im not sure about how much men should take but im thinking maybe you should stop macca until AF gets here and then start taken it again. I dont think its messen anything up but macca is a root that helps hormones and if your progesterone is trying to kick in for AF then im wondering if macca is throwen it off. IDK for sure though.

AFM- Still waiting for results.....:coffee: they went ahead and ran a progesterone blood test as well. I told them I was using the cream and asked if I should be taking anything else so they ran that just in case. Which I kinda like...
Leeze- Hope your HSG goes well today or tomorrow! Good Luck and FX this will help you get that BFP!
I like that they did the progesterone test to Tnt, makes me feel better that they're trying their best to make sure this beanie sticks, so excited for you!

DH did talk to our neighbor about the music but at least this time it was only a disturbance in the living room, i couldn't hear it from the bedroom which i usually can so it wasn't as bad as it was before. My back still feels really sore.
SBB how did he get on :flower:

TNT LOL nope I'm hoping no labour signs for another few weeks, I dont think Ild be good with a newborn in NICU and worrying about the rest of my lot!! but having loads of BH and I'm wondering if this baby is trying to engage :shrug: getting sharp pains down there, I guess all will be clear on Tuesday I'm living for my scan, doubt I will get a picture it will be done in the OB room so not the big scan IYKWIM. Im going to mention all the pains I am having see what he says. oooh best of luck with the blood test:hugs: 27 is good at 4 weeks or 14 DPO the lowest you can get that's good as well is 17 and still be a viable pregnancy from what I was reading :hugs:

AJ I'm liking your symptoms :hugs: FX

Dandy wow poor Queensland its really getting some bad weather eh, I read they were expecting bad cyclones when they were having the floods, hope all those up north around Cairns are ok! cat 5 that's bad!!!

OOH kinda funny story for you all, My 4 year old had his booster shots in school and his arm was very sore red hot etc so I kept him home from school, so I wrote him a note explaining why he was out for his teacher and he forgot it! when I picked him up I handed the note to the teacher and explained what it was, I was telling my DH I remembered to give in the note and at the time I pulled out a piece of paper and went ohoh whats this!! it was the flippin note, so we fell around the place laughing what in gods name did I hand his teacher!!I well, I gave her my baby bag list!!! sadly she did not see the funny side of it at all when my poor DH gave her the correct note on Monday morning :dohh::haha:

OOH did I tell you the name we have picked for the baby its Paul John Kelly
Paul after his daddy and John after his grandad!

Oh and we are getting a puppy, my sister wanted to buy one for the boys so we have to pick him up tomorrow can not wait! get all the real mucky business of house training him over with for the most part before baby comes along. I have so missed a dog! here is pictures I grew up with the black and tan German Shepard's and love them had some great dogs :cloud9:

CELTIC - those puppies are too cute. i'm jealous! i love dogs so much. mine is spoiled rotten :) 44 days to go! :happydance:

AJ - wow, i don't see how you are even still awake, that sounds like a horrible night. hopefully the back pain is a good sign though and you aren't losing all this sleep for nothing.

TNT - so glad to hear the doctors are doing everything they can for little bean to stick. i'm biting my nails for the test, i just know it will be good news!

NY - i would stop the maca and just wait for AF. as for the man question, i don't know. my DH doesn't take it. :shrug:

AFM another long day at work. it's been busy, but i'm looking forward to a nice long relaxing weekend. DH did his SA yesterday and called for the results today. he has 75.5 mil sperm count and they retested an hour later and 70% of those were still healthy and motile. so it looks like DH is good. next step is HSG! :)

CELTIC - those puppies are too cute. i'm jealous! i love dogs so much. mine is spoiled rotten :) 44 days to go! :happydance:

AJ - wow, i don't see how you are even still awake, that sounds like a horrible night. hopefully the back pain is a good sign though and you aren't losing all this sleep for nothing.

TNT - so glad to hear the doctors are doing everything they can for little bean to stick. i'm biting my nails for the test, i just know it will be good news!

NY - i would stop the maca and just wait for AF. as for the man question, i don't know. my DH doesn't take it. :shrug:

AFM another long day at work. it's been busy, but i'm looking forward to a nice long relaxing weekend. DH did his SA yesterday and called for the results today. he has 75.5 mil sperm count and they retested an hour later and 70% of those were still healthy and motile. so it looks like DH is good. next step is HSG! :)

They are super cute :flower: that is brilliant about his SA :flower: whoo hoo :happydance: so glad you have that bit out of the way now, intresteing to see what the HSG says :flower:

NY my DH took the same amount as me! well I took more in my 3rd month on MACA, on to stop it Im not sure, my sis had no AF for 6 months before starting MACA it came on after a week which she was delighted with :shrug: what ever feels right I think!!! it should blance out the hormones so that would make your cycle better I think any way!
Celtic- Love germans! We have one thats part lab, but OH parents "collect" them and train them. Lol. Good choice! That story is hilarious and that teacher needs to relax a bit if she didnt find that humorous!

TNT- when do they call you and tell you the results? like, same day?

Thanks ladies- I will not do Maca til this witch dares to show her face, a week late AGAIN. Ive lost the PMS cramps though now:( So not sure if she'll come? Grrrrrrrrrr. Big grrrrrrrr.

Never- good luck for HSG, refer to the advice I gave Leeze and Kiki on my comment a few minutes ago. I assist the FS with those in radiology so good luck! Seems like having an HSG is the trend....if I didnt see them done so often, I may get one too but im a tad scared since I know what is being done. Lol. Lame, I know.
oh i forgot:

Leeze - good luck on the HSG! hopefully the ones done in february are lucky :)

Kiki - glad to hear the numbers are dropping and everything is going in the right direction. :hugs:
got a quick minute to log on and say hi-and it;s back to work and I have to go in tomorrow

:witch: got this morning- so I am out

chat with ya all next week... cousin is coming tomorrow just about the time I will get home from work

Hi Never! Its GREAT that your DH's results came back good. I just read that under 20 million is considered low and 60 million is considered average so his is really good! One less thing to worry about and one step closer to some answers :)

Celtic i LOOOOOVE those puppies! I love german shepherds in general but the all white is super cute! And your story had me grinning like a fool, that teacher needs to get laid or something, waaaaay too uptight if she didnt find that funny!

Never i'm not up by choice, but i just cant get comfortable in the bed, my back feels better when i'm sitting up. The backache feels very much like AF but i dont recall having this so early, its not intense or anything, its mild but just wont ease up at all! Gonna jump in the shower soon and see if the hot water will soothe it a bit. If these are pregnancy symptoms then bring it! I'll take them with joy, if not then i'm gonna be really mad.
Never- I have no clue about SA stuff. But im thinking thats pretty darn good. Seems like alot. When we insemed this time our donor didn't fill up the softcup as much as he usually did so I was worried it wouldn't be enough...but apparently it was. So now we wait for HSG and hopefully be in the clear for that darn BFP. But first we all can't wait for you to see OH!!! :happydance:

Celtic- That story just cracked me up :rofl: I thought it was funny...his teacher must've had a bad day or something... I think its funny. Im hoping you get to see Paul next week. Anxious to see whats going on in there!! PS LOVE LOVE the name! Soo darn cute. Oh and you think 27 is good? I had that done on Monday and I was 10DPO I am 12DPO....

AJ- I had ALOT of backpain my first preg. So hopefully this is a sign hun!!!! Oh and I forgot to mention about that neighbor you had as a teen and the bad daycare...that kinda stuff scares me to death. I might take a baby to a friends daycare one day a week for a few hours just for socialization but thats about it. I hardly trust alot of people so daycares would be one of them.

Kel- Sorry witch got you hun!!! Hope you have a lovely time with your family. Stay warm and safe in the storm.

NY- I should get the HCG levels today and the progesterone results by Friday. So I will call them after their lunch time to see what the HCG levels were. I really HOPE they have doubled.

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