Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

aj im so jealous of your chart :dohh: good luck hun, hope they stay up there
TNT yep I had cramping and backpain it does seem to be a normal symptom of eary pregnancy! on my first DS my lower back was killing me! I am living for Tuesday my sister said I have gotten huge in a week she couldnt believe the difference a week made, I kinda felt bigger harder to get comfortable, I had my 3 sisters here today we had such a laugh was lovely, they came down to see Finn.

Never oh hun I had a feeling you were upset :hugs: It must be so hard for you and you are so strong, I know your time will come and soon as well! :hugs:

Dandy how are you doing!

AJ I will be shocked if you get any thing other than a BFP Im keeping my FX for you.

Charx I was wondering how you got on with the viewing, I know how hard and stressful a move is or when you like some were and some one else doesnt! good luck and hope it all works out.

:hugs: to every one else
Celtic - :haha: 40days left for u :) :) I really liked the masionette :( sick of looking :(

Celtic - hope it works out for me! That's less than 2 months ;) lol gosh time is flying!!! X
Char does it matter if she doesn't like it? Surely you're the one that will live there!!

X xx
Never, :hugs: I totally understand how you feel. It is so hard to hear of friends and colleagues getting preggo on their first try. :wacko: Hang in there, girl.

AJ, go out and get a :test:!!! Your chart really does look great!

Hi, everyone! :hi: I'm officially in the 2ww! FF says 3 dpo (with dotted lines, though) but I think 2 dpo.

Off to a superbowl party (really I'm just going for the food, friends and commercials!)
Char - I agree with SBB - you're the ones that are going to live there and if you like that's what counts! Go with your heart, I say and if you feel it's somewhere that could make a lovely home for the 3 of you then go for it!! :hugs:

Celtic - 40 days is no time at all!! Not long until your latest addition will be joining you! How exciting :hugs:

Rosa - welcome to the 2WW - hope it's a good one and you get your BFP at the end of it!! :hugs:

I got another low reading today on the CBFM so am hoping now O will wait until my OH gets back from his business trip. Fingers crossed!!

Hi to everyone, thanks for being there xx :hugs:
Lol, no temping today Never, this is my week of no testing, af is due in a day or two anyway so we'll know pretty soon what's happening. I'm giving the thermometer a break!

Oh also dh went to get a test last night but couldnt get a frer:dohh: all they had were cheapies and he doesn't like to buy those so i'm still waiting, maybe its a sign that i should wait a bit to test:haha:
AJ how can you do this to us?! So selfish :rofl:

I'm only kidding... Hopefully your chilled attitude will lead to a lovely BFP :D

x x x
Ok ladies photo overload!!

Baby Bear - this is just getting too small for him now - gutted! Might get another one :D

Brown cat finally accepted Sammuel:

Love the hands:

This is one of my favourites, after a bath:

Baby Bear clinging to mummy:

Orange!! Still had jaundice:

Not sure if this will work, but if it does just watch his arms, I piss myself every time!!
Click on it I think....

x x x
Hey ladies!

I had such a busy weekend and im exhausted!

SBB_ those pics and the video are so cute! I want a bear outft! Looks nice and warm:)

Good luck AJ!
TNT- i have had a lot of cramping too....kind of low, dull, and around my back and left leg....has also felt like i've had an aweful side ache for a day or two. Hope this is a good thing
Did a DIGI saturday night really late PM and it was "pregnant!" I havent done another one since, (although I bought a bunch) because that was good enough for me! Going to have to call the doctor today and schedule an appt now. Yay!

Hope everyone is having a lovely monday!
SBB- I love the pics and the little video! How cute is he! Just love him and your guys voices. I think its so neat! He is just adorable! Thank you for the pics and video. Just LOVE it!

AJ- Your killing us!!! :haha:
Hey ladies!

I had such a busy weekend and im exhausted!

SBB_ those pics and the video are so cute! I want a bear outft! Looks nice and warm:)

Good luck AJ!
TNT- i have had a lot of cramping too....kind of low, dull, and around my back and left leg....has also felt like i've had an aweful side ache for a day or two. Hope this is a good thing
Did a DIGI saturday night really late PM and it was "pregnant!" I havent done another one since, (although I bought a bunch) because that was good enough for me! Going to have to call the doctor today and schedule an appt now. Yay!

Hope everyone is having a lovely monday!

YAYA to making the appt! :happydance::happydance: Then the waiting begins. :coffee::haha: My cramping has let up a bit. Just uncomfy is how I like to describe it. Not like my MC in Oct where I had to take tylenol cuz it hurt so bad...I haven't taken any tylenol sense we found out so thats a good sign!
SBB the pictures are soooo cute he is so handsome love the video his startle reflex is working any way :flower:

TNT that is a good sign, I know when I MC it was very painful so cramps worry me but not so much LOL you always worry :dohh:

NY yay for the digi and making an appointment with doc :happydance:
Yay for the digi NY!

TNT that's good the cramping has subsided a bit...
So weird hearing our voices on the video!

X x x
Lol, i dont know which is worse, not temping or temping and watching my temperature drop, so for right now i'd rather not know. We'll see how long i can actually hold out :D

LOVE the pics SBB! I always hate hearing my recorded voice, i sound so weird like that.

I still have mild cramping, dont remember it ever being this consistent before, usually cramping doesn't start until AF does so hopefully its a good sign? Its really mild tho, nothing to write home about, the backache is far more annoying but still not anything worth thinking about. Boobs are getting sorer by the day so lets hope it all leads to a nice bfp and not a really horrid af!
Symtoms sound good AJ! fingers crossed!

I finally did my birth story - it's REALLY long but I'll post it and you can read it if you want to...

x x x
Ok, so not sure all the details are exactly right, it was 5 weeks ago now and to be honest I didn't pay that much attention to the time etc at the time. It's very long!

So I went to the midwife on Friday, 31st December, lunchtime, hoping to get a sweep. Because my BP was still high and there was a little protein in my urine she wanted to take my bloods and urine to the hospital. She then asked if I'd had any headaches or visual disturbances. I said yes to headaches, but I'd been ill, and also I'd had weird stars in my vision - I've had it before pregnancy but as I'd also had it the day before I said yes. And as I was sitting there it happened again! So I was sent to the Antenatal day assessment unit, we rushed home to get our bags as we were told they might just induce me. 5 hours later after waiting for bloods etc etc and being on the machine I got a sweep (which I had to demand!), I was 2cm dilated already, and was sent home. Told I would be induced on the 4th if I hadn't had him by then.

I had been having regular Braxton Hicks before the sweep, but looking back they may have been very mild contractions. Straight after the sweep I started having contractions. They were pretty painful, bearable at first but they got worse with each one.
We had some food at home, and a nice drink at midnight, but obviously we weren't really bothered about new year! I was just really worried that the contractions were a result of the sweep and could die off...
But they carried on, I bounced around on my ball through the contractions. At 1am I sent Danny to bed, wanted at least one of us to get some rest. I tried to go to sleep but the contractions hurt so much I couldn't lie down through them, so I would have to jump up every 4 minutes to have the next one, I knew I wouldn't get any sleep.

The contractions hurt in my bump, my back, but worst down the front of my legs. They made me want to jump around to shake the pain off - which of course didn't work. I had a bath, that didn't help. I put the TENS machine on, didn't really help.

At 3.30am ish the contractions were getting closer, lasting over a minute and 3 minutes or less apart and I decided it was time to go in. I felt really tearful as we left the house, I don't know why, just tired and scared I suppose.

At the hospital the midwife was pretty rude, she checked my cervix which really really hurt as she was really rough, and she was just unfriendly. I was 3cm. As soon as she left the room I burst into tears. I kept crying for ages, she came back and said 'why are you crying? This is only the beginning you shouldn't be crying yet. It will hurt more later.' I said I wasn't crying cos of the pain... But I didn't really know why I was!
She then felt bad, and went and made us both tea and toast and gave me a big hug... She was nice after that!
At 3cm I'd normally have been sent home, but because my blood pressure was higher than ever I had to stay.
She then went home and another midwife came, she told me to use the boost button on my TENS which I did, and it was brilliant! She said they wanted to move me to the labour ward, which I didn't want to do but did anyway. Actually it was fine, better really than being in our own room.

Contractions carried on, I found it best to get onto the side of the bed, with my legs over and rock, with my tens on, ipod turned up and tapping my feet to the music. At some point I got Danny to go home, wanted him to get some sleep. My mum came up instead.... Danny went for 2 hours but I don't think he slept.

We kept asking for them to break my waters, I was getting really tired having been up all day the day before then all night. They kept saying there was no room on the labour ward and they were short staffed. I was bouncing on my ball through the contractions now, but they were getting worse, but further apart. I tried to get some sleep, but I could only sleep for about 8 mins before the next contraction, when I had to jump up - so I only did it a few times, getting about half an hour in total.

Finally around 4pm, 20 hours after contractions, they said they'd break my waters if I hadn't progressed. They checked and I was still only 4cm, so 1 cm in 12 hours. They agreed to break my waters. After a while I was moved to delivery, and they broke my waters. There was no big gush, just trickled out a bit, with loads of blood and gunk, presumably the plug. She said they'd leave me for 2 hours and check again.

Contractions got much much worse, I started on the gas and air. At first I hated it, it made me feel like I was absolutely pissed, about to pass out! But I carried on and it did help, the pain was horrendous but in between I forgot all about it!

I'm not sure of the order of everything, because I was a bit off my face.. but at some point they were monitoring the baby and contractions... After 2 hours the midwife came back and checked me - 4cm. I couldn't believe it, how could the contractions be getting so much worse but I hadn't progressed? She decided to put a drip in to get them going. By this point I was lying on the bed, I didn't want to be because it hurt so much more, but for some reason I had to be. The pain was so bad that I had my eyes shut all the time. She put the needle in my wrist, and somehow messed it up... apparently blood pissed everywhere! Anyway, luckily my contractions suddenly kicked off and became more regular, and even stronger. So I didn't need the drip.

The gas and air was weird. The pain was awful, Danny was there setting the tens off when I told him to... then after the contraction I felt totally out of it, like I was floating slowly down from the clouds.. I felt like I could fall asleep - then the next contraction would come... After a while I felt like I needed to push. At one point I said 'I'm going to be sick' then leaned over and puked all over the floor!
At some point the midwife went home and handed over to 2 other women. I had my eyes shut still so just waved when they introduced themselves. I could hear one telling the other stuff so I asked if she was a trainee. She said yes and asked if that was a problem, I said no that I was pleased there was a trainee. I don't know why I was pleased really! I think it's cos I'd read a thread about people not wanting trainees there for their birth. But I didn't mind at all so I was pleased that she didn't have to deal with someone who didn't want her there.

So anyway I'd started pushing, it was agony! I'd had some injection, I don't even know what it was. The previous midwife said it wouldn't help with the pain but would relax me in between. I was relaxed inbetween but I'm not sure that helped! I kept saying after each contraction 'is that nearly it? Will he be here with the next push?' they said no, a few more yet. I was gutted, I honestly thought he would be here in the next push, every time. It hurt so much it felt like he'd have to be out in a minute. They could see his head and said it was small - LIARS!!

Danny was being brilliant, operating the tens and staying right by my side. I was grabbing his shirt through contractions/pushing, I didn't want to hurt him, and definitely didn't want to break his fingers so he couldn't work! So I grabbed the side of the bed instead. If they had offered me a c-section then I'd have taken it. Or an epidural, which I'd said no to earlier. Not sure if my legs were in stirrups at this point, they were at some point. I just kept thinking 'I can't do another one'...

I was on my back, and said to them should I get on my side - I did but his heartrate dropped when I did so I couldn't. So I had to be on my back - it's all a blur really from there, but as I was pushing his heartrate dropped drastically, I don't know what to... but all of a sudden there was loads of people in the room, and they'd bought in the resuscitation equipment. They said the cord was probably around his neck and they needed to get him out immediately. His head also wasn't in the right position that's why I couldn't get him out on my own, not sure exactly what position he was in but it wasn't right... I was pushing so hard, it's the worst pain I have ever ever felt and I honestly didn't think I could push again when the next contraction came. They were telling me not to scream but I couldn't help it.
Apparently they tried to get the forceps in without cutting me, but couldn't. Assume they injected me for the cut, I don't remember. I don't know how many pushes until he was out, but when he came out it was such a huge relief that it was over. The cord wasn't around his neck, I think he did a small cry, and I think they put him straight on me. Danny was crying, he thought that was it and we'd lost him... I cried too, and said about 12 times 'is he ok'? and kept kissing his head.
They took him away really quickly, I don't actually know why. I kept saying I wanted skin to skin contact with him but they were checking him I guess, it felt like they had him for ages.

Anyway, they then told me I needed stitching up. My legs were in stirrups, and I was shaking having been pushing so hard. I hate stitches, I hate watching them being done it's just one of those things that freaks me out. They injected me and started stitching, it was horrible and I could feel it. There was loads of stitches, it seemed to take forever. They told me to keep taking gas and air to help, but it didn't help! The injection wore off and I could properly feel the last few stitches, it was horrible.

They finally gave Sammuel back and he fed straight away. We were so shocked we didn't even let anyone know for over half an hour. Danny just kept saying 'I don't know how the fuck you did that'. I don't know either!

x x x

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