Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

:haha: thanx char, but Ov isnt late yet :shrug: hold off on the telling off till i actually start getting frustrated :haha: :dohh:
aj i have everything crossed for you :dust:

never :hugs: :yipee: for when u see your OH :happydance:
Never....:happydance: that your seeing your DH in ten days, that soooo exciting :D

SBB....Ouch!!! I honestly have to say i take my hat off to ladies like you that have long labours with no sleep and are then expected to push at the end of it! I was shattered just missing one nights sleep and thankfully the proper pushing phase was only 38 mins but it made me laugh when you kept asking if it was nearly over, and if the head was there. The two hours i spent on delivery I was told I could push the whole time cos it felt better an i'd had no pain relief and i just kept asking all the time.....can you see the head? Am I nearly done? :rofl: :rofl: It is kinda scary though, i had the doc stick her hands inside me to put a clip on her head cos they couldn't monitor her properly and then she left her hand in there while I had a contraction cos wanted to see if my cervix was ready, bloody hurt!!

As for BF for me, I'm giving it 8 more days till she's four weeks (unless she gets into more of a routine by then!)! Ive had an up and down experience, she still wants to feed all the time and I'm soo shattered. last night we gave her expressed bottle 120ml at 8, she then wanted feeding at 9.20pm, she went down till 10.45 and fed again, then 12.30am, 3.20am and fed 6 more times between then and 6.30am in which she wouldn't sleep. She only feeds for like 10 mins and once off won't latch back on either boob. Sounds selfish but I'm not enjoying it anymore, i just resent having to do it sometimes now, esp when I'm tired, which is awful :(

Celtic...did you find induction date out today?

Char...ooh finding out the sex, how exciting :)

Hope everyone else is well :)

Congrats NY by the way, all those symptoms your getting sound very normal to me :)
SBB- Sammuel is SO adorable! I absolutely love that bear outfit!

Leeze- You had your HSG right? How was it? Uncomfortable or painful?

AJ- Fingers crossed so tightly for you! Everything is sounding so promising for you!

Never- 10 days until you see your DH! That is awesome!

Char- That's too bad Ian's mom didn't like the place but that is a generous deposit. I do agree with you though. If you really like it, you should go for it! You gender scan is next Friday! That is SO exciting! I can't wait to hear!!

Tnt- How are you feeling?

Linny- Hello hun! It's nice to see you! Maisy is just beautiful! BF doesn't work for everyone so do not feel bad if you just aren't enjoying it anymore. It's must be hard when she's feeding that much!

AFM- I had my blood draw yesterday. My level is at 8! I don't have to go for anymore blood, thank goodness. I have been about 10 times in the past 3 weeks. So I'm happy about that. And I can finally have a drink, BD, take my vitamins and take my maca again!! SO happy about all of that! I have a followup appt on the 17th. I'm praying for AF to come so I can schedule an HSG as soon as possible! :)

Hello to everyone!! :hi:
:hi: glad you no longer have to have blood tests. It must be q relief to finally be able to get things back on track! C'mon :witch: show your face :)

Thanks for the support, I feel dreadful about it. Have wanted to quit so many times but guilt makes me perservere and then there are days that are good and think she's finally settling only for it to go back the next day. The health visitor says its cos she was a small baby and has lots of calories to catch up on and likes to cluster feed. She's just had her cluster feed this aft so hope thats it for tonight :)
Haha I would have never thought I wanted AF to show up! :laugh2: But yes bring on the witch!

You are welcome. It must be so hard and exhausting. I don't have any experience but I definitely want to give it a go when I have a baby. But I have heard from people it just doesn't work with everyone. Try not to feel guilty. You are a wonderful mommy to keep at it even though it has been difficult!
Great news on the numbers kiki :hugs:

Linny BF is hard, and it's definitely not for everyone. I was in tears at 6.30am as I hadn't slept because sammuel wouldn't settle and wanted constant feeding ALL night! It's so exhausting! I think they have growth spurts.. He is opposite to maisy though in that he'll often feed for an hour!
What about pumping exclusively? Pump every 3 hours or whatever and give her that in a bottle? Perhaps you could try that for a week? Just thought it's a halfway option if you're struggling with feeling guilty.
Whatever you decide don't feel bad. Formula isn't bad for her! A happy mummy is important too. :hugs:

Hey everyone :wave:
Sorry I've only read this page I haven't caught up properly!

X x x
And linny I think you need to change your status - I think your maca bub stuck!!!!

X x x
ha ha - good one SBB, Linny's maca bub definitely stuck!!! :haha::haha:

Linny - I agree with the others, you're a real trooper for sticking at the BF when it's 6-8 times a night - that's a serious lack of sleep - but there's probably only so long you can do that before you crack up and it's definitely v important to have a happy mum as well as a happy bub! :hugs:

Kiki - I did have the HSG, last Thursday. Was ok-ish! Not quite as painful as I had built it up to be but was pretty uncomfortable. A bit like having a smear test but as well as feeling something being inserted into the cervix there was also a build up of pressure that felt similar to AF cramps. I then felt a bit strange afterwards, kinda disorientated and a bit weak (I think this was partly due to going on my own and it all hitting me afterwards what I had just experienced) - I then was in pain for about 3-4 hours - the pain was a bit like a cross between AF cramps and constipation (although I wasn't constipated). But, emotionally it felt great to have it done, like it was a step nearer to the BFP - and I kept telling myself that the pain from childbirth would be a lot worse so I needed to brace myself and get through it. I would recommend taking your OH or a friend with you if you can for moral support as it wasn't very nice going on my own (I arranged it at such short notice it was difficult to get anyone to go with me) - also make sure you can relax and be comfortable for the rest of the day afterwards so don't work or do any chores or anything. Glad to hear your levels have dropped, let's hope AF hurries up (not often we say that!) :hugs::hugs:

AJ - fingers and everything else crossed for tomorrow!!!

Hi to everyone else, I need to go and help a friend with a job application so just a quick one from me. My OH gets back tomorrow and I got my first high on the CBFM today so hopefully we'll still have a couple of chances this month to BD at the right time. Fingers crossed for us too

fx'd Leeze, sorry the hsg was ruff for you but if it brings your bfp it will be worth it! Good luck wit the bd'ing.

Dh is being a booboo head, we have a friend that works at a pharmacy and he wants to buy the test from her but i'm a private person and i dont want anybody up in my business u kno, an i kno she's gonna ask questions so i asked him to buy it elsewhere and he's grumbling and stuff so he didnt buy it! i could so smack him right now. I'll see if i can still get one today :dohh:
Feeling alright I suppose. My boobs started to REALLY hurt yesterday. And I mean REALLY hurt where my nightgown hurt them. :haha: Little bit of nausea and backaches. Im up at a weird hour too right now but went to bed early. So pretty tired but not quiet nappen yet. Just hopen and praying this one sticks.

cotton whool pads work a treat:thumbup: I used to use them all the time when mine were killing me :hugs:

Linny how about doing both? you could supplement with FF esp at the night time feed hopefully setteling her for longer. when you are feeding her let her feed off one side only she could be a really good feeder and empties your breast after 10 minutes but I wonder if she is sometimes drinking the foremilk this is the thirst quencher and the hindmilk contains all tha calories but then if she is gaining weight and having wet and dirty nappies I wouldnt worry about that as she is getting enough then, may be a soother either!

The first 6 weeks are the hardest,when they have growth spurts they feed more often. MY DS3 was exactly the same fed constantly for the first 6 weeks but I kept going prob becuase guilt and determination and he started to settle a bit better ,I did manage to get more sleep at night as well which makes what ever the day throws at you better. it does get easier they drop feeds and settle in to a good routine. BUT I have to agree with SBB if swapping to FF is the right option for you both then all that matters is a happy mummy casue that = happy baby. dont struggle on if your not enjoying it, 4 weeks ia a job well done and I admire you for sticking with it. I would try doing both first see how that goes may be, if you do swap to FF introduce it slowly as stopping one and going on to the other can lead to avery unhappy baby and constipation :hugs:

Had my scan today and girls I was nearly :cry::wacko: baby is big, doctor estimated 7 pounds now! OMG 4 weeks before they arrange induction what size am I going to end up with Im scared now. it is looking like induction for around the 10 of March ( I hope) FX its just a fat litttle tummy :wacko: blood sugars are good though, they upped my insulin again, but that will happen every week now!

On a better note,I got some lovely little outfits for baby:cloud9:
Leeze- Thank you so much for the input and advice on the HSG! I will definitely take it all into consideration when I have mine done which is hopefully very very soon! :)

AJ- Maybe you should smack him. It may make you feel better, hehe. But I understand why you would want to keep that private and he should just understand too. :hugs:

Celtic- How big do babies keep growing a week usually? March 10th is coming up so soon! That is very exciting! Very good news on your blood sugars too! :thumbup:
hey ladies, hope you have room for one more! i started maca a couple days ago after a friend that was TTC for 6 mos got preggers the first month she was on it. We've been TTC for 18 mos and I was on the TTC circuit with my first husband so it's a total of 4 years for me! It's been really encouraging to read your stories!
welcome Caiti! your ttc journey has been a long one already but i hope its a short one from this point forward.
Hi girls!!!

Cait- You are def welcome here!!! Such a great thread and you will get addicted to us here!! As I am very addicted to knowing whats going on with the girls here. I hope the maca works great for you.

Celtic- :rofl: what the heck is cotton pads??? :haha: Im so glad your numbers are good and induction will be soon! I can't wait to see little. Are your three boys feeling better? My friend that had GD ended up in a Csection bc her baby was 9 lbs 13oz. He was a big boy.

Linny- I love the new pic! Maisey is soo cute! I have never BF so I have no idea what to say. But a client at our salon pumps and feeds and it has helped her a bit. But you can only do what you can. Your nights sound exhausting so :thumbup: to hard your trying. I hope she gets in a routine soon.

AJ- OMG darn that OH!!! :dohh: I hate going to buy tests I feel like everyone stares at you. So I dont blame you for getting upset. I can't wait for you to test though!!!

Leeze- I hope you do have a shot as well. I just BARELY caught it this time I think cause our donor showed up the day I O'd and he fell asleep in the process of getting the swimmers out. :dohh: So we didn't actually insem until 2am that night. So there is still a chance hunni!

Kikki- I am so glad your numbers are finally dropping now. I hated getting that blood work constantly. And I couldn't WAIT until AF came back. Took 54 days but she came FULL FORCE! Im just glad that you are gonna be able to get back on track again.

AFM- My boobs hurt SOOOOO BADDDD!!! OMG I took my bra off and I swear I coulda just barely brushed them and scream. And I have these veins all showing up... Im pretty pale anyways so you can see my veins on my boobs but now I see HUGE veins! :rofl: I know TMI but figured you could use a nice laugh. They are already HUGE...Im usually a triple D so I can only imagine how big they will get.
linny- I forgot to add that sense that client pumped also they froze the milk in disposable bottle bags and then warmed in hot water and her OH helped her feed through the thats an option also.
Thanks for the congrats Linny! I hope that my symptoms just mean im actually going to have a baby out of all this and not more heartache!

Tnt- Mine started hurting today too....they usually do from ovulation til AF just like this but this time they took until now. SO sensitive. ugh. Also, the back aches are crazy. I just want to lay down!

Leeze- hi! Are you feeling positive about this month or do you think next cycle?

Hope everyone else is well-

Im still feeling crampy but am supposedly 5 weeks about, so hope its ok to be a bit crampy. Not like AF, but dull, and just there. Just praying and praying......

AJ test!!!! go get them yourself if the man cant do it!

Linny- I unfortunately had to quit BF fairly soon so I respect you for sticking it out...good luck with it, you are doing great.

kIKI- YAY for lowering numbers! Thats finally coming to an end and you can try again. So happy for you.

Celtic- im sorry you've got such a big baby in there already! Are they worried about the baby having diabetes as well?

Caiti- welcome!
Tnt- Mine started hurting today too....they usually do from ovulation til AF just like this but this time they took until now. SO sensitive. ugh. Also, the back aches are crazy. I just want to lay down!

Ya mine have NEVER had any feeling in them. Not even my nips. The last time they hurt was my last preg...but they stopped hurting after MC began. So im welcoming my hurt boobies right now! :haha: Just can't believe how sore they are. If your 5 weeks...thats what Im about at!
hey ladies, hope you have room for one more! i started maca a couple days ago after a friend that was TTC for 6 mos got preggers the first month she was on it. We've been TTC for 18 mos and I was on the TTC circuit with my first husband so it's a total of 4 years for me! It's been really encouraging to read your stories!

What kinda are you taking and how much?

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