Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Never, I'm so excited for you and your dh!!! I'm sorry it won't be during your fertile time, but you'll have so much fun!

Aj, for all of our sanity, you better test in the morning!! Your chart looks VERY VERY promising!!!! FX so hard for you!

Kiki, I miss you! I'm so glad you're numbers are down and you can start living again!! Have that drink, girl! Come on, AF!! (sounds weird to say that...)

Celtic, 7 lbs! March birthdays make for GREAT babies (Mine is March 20th :winkwink:).

caitierigdon, (how can we shorten that name? I had to cut/paste it!) Welcome! I'm kind of new here, too, but these ladies are wonderful. :hugs: It's my first cycle on maca, too. I hope we have good luck!!

Tnt, sorry about your sore :holly: That must (.)(.) are always sore, so I'm in trouble when I get pregnant!

Ny, miss you too, girl. Where you been lately?! Praying hard for you and your little bean. :hugs:

Afm, my sis-in-law (a midwife) looked at my blood test results and said my progesterone levels are too low. My doc said "everything looks fine" because technically, my levels are in the "range of normal" but since it was 7 dpo, they should have been WAY WAY higher, and they didn't look too closely, I guess. :shrug: So, I've been on progesterone creme since October, but I guess it isn't doing much. I have an appointment with a new ob-gyn on the 23rd of this month, and I'll ask him. I know there are suppositories and pills to take, but the problem is getting someone to prescribe them to me.

I'm most frustrated, because I feel like I can pretty much count myself out until I get that fixed. Does anyone think Maca can fix that? (a long shot, I know, but it's all I've got...) Feeling pretty down tonight. :cry:
Oh I forgot to much Maca should I be taking to make it effective? Right now, I take 1000 mg. Should I be taking more?
Rosa- :rofl: that pic of the ta ta's just cracked me up. I showed amy and she just started cracken up too :rofl: I took 1575mg of maca. I know a few here took the max dose but I tend to react to alot of meds generally so I always stayed at that. As far as the prog and maca...I have no clue honestly. I have been using progest all natural one from my herbal store in town. I think you can still get preg just need to get the prog under control to keep it. Which most drs should do a prog test if you ask them to bc your worried about losing. And they will tell you if they are or not and if they are I know some preg women did the suppositories! So hopefully that will help cheer you up some. It will happen hun!
oh Rosa, if i had a test i would :dohh: in Jamaica everywhere closes at 5 and the one pharmacy that was open after had no frers, its the same place we checked last time so i'm just thinking if i am pregnant a day or two wont change that and i would hate to see a bfp, i'd rather see af so lets see if she shows tomorrow!

if no af tomorrow then i'll be confident in saying i am pregnant so fx'd!
oh Rosa, if i had a test i would :dohh: in Jamaica everywhere closes at 5 and the one pharmacy that was open after had no frers, its the same place we checked last time so i'm just thinking if i am pregnant a day or two wont change that and i would hate to see a bfp, i'd rather see af so lets see if she shows tomorrow!

if no af tomorrow then i'll be confident in saying i am pregnant so fx'd!

FX my dear!!!
i don't have time to say much else, because i have to leave for work in about twenty minutes and still have to get ready and take my dog out. but just wanted to say -

CELTIC - my birthday is march 10!!!! :yipee:

have a good day ladies. i will come on later tonight and post much more! :hugs:
Hello everyone!

AJ...fingers are tightly crossed for you tomorrow.

Kiki - really pleased about your numbers, its been a long road for you but you'll get there. Next step HSG!

Celtic - thats a big baby already, hope all goes well.

Never - April/May will soon come round...I am hoping thats going to be my month so if all goes to plan we can be bump buddies!

Dandy - how is everything with you?

AFM - had my follow up appointment/scan on Monday and its showing that my body is still holding onto stuff (probably blood clots) I was prepared for this as I was starting to feel pressure really low down. After meeting with the registrar he said it is really low down around my cervix so he is hopeful in the next few days my body will expel it. I go back Monday for a repeat scan and appointment. I really, really do not want a d&c so positive thoughts ladies that my body figures this out for itself. I am back on the green tea today and as soon as my scan shows everything has gone I will be back on the vitamins and maca and will be ttc again. Not allowed back to work yet so just chilling at home with my dogs, OH is still being wonderful and apart from the occasional emotional moment I am doing really well.
Celtic- How big do babies keep growing a week usually? March 10th is coming up so soon! That is very exciting! Very good news on your blood sugars too! :thumbup:
They can gain 1 onz a day so half a pound in a week! on average till 37 weeks then it slows down a little to just under half a pound a week after that. :wacko: god so thats about another two pounds on top of the 7 so a 9 pounder around the time the induce me :haha: OH well what can you do

hey ladies, hope you have room for one more! i started maca a couple days ago after a friend that was TTC for 6 mos got preggers the first month she was on it. We've been TTC for 18 mos and I was on the TTC circuit with my first husband so it's a total of 4 years for me! It's been really encouraging to read your stories!
Your very welcome and I hope your journey is short and sweet, you will love it here :flower:

Celtic, 7 lbs! March birthdays make for GREAT babies (Mine is March 20th :winkwink:).

Afm, my sis-in-law (a midwife) looked at my blood test results and said my progesterone levels are too low. My doc said "everything looks fine" because technically, my levels are in the "range of normal" but since it was 7 dpo, they should have been WAY WAY higher, and they didn't look too closely, I guess. :shrug: So, I've been on progesterone creme since October, but I guess it isn't doing much. I have an appointment with a new ob-gyn on the 23rd of this month, and I'll ask him. I know there are suppositories and pills to take, but the problem is getting someone to prescribe them to me.

I'm most frustrated, because I feel like I can pretty much count myself out until I get that fixed. Does anyone think Maca can fix that? (a long shot, I know, but it's all I've got...) Feeling pretty down tonight. :cry:

My 7 year old is the 22 of March :happydance: he was a 10 pounder :wacko: big but beautiful :cloud9:

I think Maca will help, some of the information I posted on Maca out lined how it balances out the hormones so helps increase progesterone. I hope your new doc will prescribe some for you, what about Ebay may be!

i don't have time to say much else, because i have to leave for work in about twenty minutes and still have to get ready and take my dog out. but just wanted to say -

CELTIC - my birthday is march 10!!!! :yipee:

have a good day ladies. i will come on later tonight and post much more! :hugs:

were you late this morning, you must be like super woman in the mornings :thumbup:

Whoo hoo 10 of March :happydance: you know what is funny is Monday nite Paul said, Niamh I think they need to induce you and just for example its the 10 of March I dont even know what day that is..., so I was :haha: laughing my head off when its looking very likely that could be the date! it could be the day before either!! my poor DH was worried about them leaving me and going in to labour and him driving me the hour and if I was in pain or traffic was bad etc.
How are you feeling now any way, I hope supper excited getting close to seeing DH :happydance:

TNT cotton pads you know the ones you use to take off your make up made of cotton whool. they worked a treat, I mean your nipples could cut glass they stand out more and are so sore, great sign by the way. I was a DD now Im an f cup :wacko: I got two bras off ebay for nursing for a great price but Im on the look out now for ones that are not only handy for BF but offer support for bigger boobs!
OMG Yazzy......I'm so sorry :hugs: I hadn't had a chance to fully catch up so had no idea what you had been going through :hugs: :hugs:

I don't know what to say but just wanted you to know I am thinking of you. Sounds like you are being very strong and your OH is being wonderfully supportive too :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks for all your support ladies, I really appreciate your encouragment! I already express in the am cos I seem to produce alot of milk (prob due to the amount of times Maisy is on them :rofl:) and OH feeds her the bottle at night. It was to help her sleep longer but unfortunately she is just a greedy guts and doesn't help much :shrug:

Celtic & SBB...thanks :hugs: I am planning on expressing for as many feeds as I can manage and then top her up with FF :( I'm still giving it another week and hoping to god things improve cos I want the best start for her and feel like such a failure :cry:

The health visitor actually mentioned that to me Celtic, about the milk. She told me to keep her on the same boob to make sure she's getting the hind milk too. I think she is though cos she has ALOT of dirty/wet nappies, plus after her weight loss after birth she put on 10oz in 6 days so went to 6lbs 15oz. She will be weighed again tomorrow so providing she has gained more then it might encourage me to continue with it :)

Ive always had a small chest a B but since BF i'm a D :) Also back in pre-pregancy clothes, my tummy just disappeared. Its great as I'm bridesmaid for my sis in May, but kinda bad cos they ordered me a dress two sizes bigger so I'm hoping they can take it in :)

Celtic...blinkin heck....7lb!!!!!!!! That is a chunky monkey indeed :) Ooh can't wait till maca bub number 4 comes along!

SBB.....meant to say sammuel is gorgeous!

TNT...thanks hun, I'l post some more pics of her! I have to say i was shocked when I saw her head of hair, it looks like Rod Stewarts :rofl: :rofl:

AJ...good luck with the testing :)

:hi: never
PS...SBB jeez an hour he likes to feed???? That sounds very hard :( The only time she's like that is if she cluster feeds and she's off and on for two hours or so :growlmad:

:rofl: yep my maca bub did stick :rofl:
Rosa- I thought Maca was to balance out the yes, that would help progesterone you would think? That is what I was going to take it for also....I have been on Vit B for a while to help with progesterone and wasnt thinking it was helping until I got BFP. So, im continuing it, hoping my progesterone doesnt drop and lose the baby this time.....[-o<
Rosa- I thought Maca was to balance out the yes, that would help progesterone you would think? That is what I was going to take it for also....I have been on Vit B for a while to help with progesterone and wasnt thinking it was helping until I got BFP. So, im continuing it, hoping my progesterone doesnt drop and lose the baby this time.....[-o<

Thanks! I've always read and heard that Maca balances out hormones too, and since prog is a hormone, that's what I was inferring, but who knows. I've also read about Vit. B. Does anyone else know about this? I wonder if it's safe to do Vit B AND Maca?

Your little bean will be just fine. It's getting nice and cozy in that warm uterus of yours. :winkwink: Let us know how the doc goes today.
Thanks, Celtic and Tnt. I thought that maybe Maca would help with prog, since it's a hormone and Maca helps with hormones, just wasn't sure. I guess we'll find out!

Tnt, glad you liked :holly:!!! Isn't it hilarious?!
Rosa....I thought i had low progesterone when ttc cos i had spotting and a short LP. I tried vit B6 & B100 but to be honest for me it didn't help. I actually got my BFP after around 7 weeks of maca, not sure how it helped but it must have as i'd been ttc for 10 mths before starting the maca :shrug:
Rosa....I thought i had low progesterone when ttc cos i had spotting and a short LP. I tried vit B6 & B100 but to be honest for me it didn't help. I actually got my BFP after around 7 weeks of maca, not sure how it helped but it must have as i'd been ttc for 10 mths before starting the maca :shrug:

Thanks, Linny! That's good to hear! Thanks also about the Vitamins info. I think I'll try Maca for a while and continue the creme (cream?) and see how it works. I have normal LP and no spotting...the only thing is my LP is not consistent. Sometimes it's 12, but it's been 15, and last cycle, it was 16. Maybe my sil is being too conservative?? Who knows. :shrug:
Thanks, Celtic and Tnt. I thought that maybe Maca would help with prog, since it's a hormone and Maca helps with hormones, just wasn't sure. I guess we'll find out!

Tnt, glad you liked :holly:!!! Isn't it hilarious?!

why dont you start on pregnacare vit it has Vit B in it, which is meant to help MS when you do get pregnanct!

I treid Vit B as well for a while it wasnt on till I was on MACA for 3 months though that I got my BFP

Linny let us know how the weigh in goes, try getting in touch with the Lalech league as well may be some one from there can give you some advice or come out to you, or there might be a BF group near you. they deffo know more than me any way LOL I say if she is putting on weight she is just a fast feeder my friends DD was like that as well, fussy and fed often in the first few weeks as well. Ciara went to a BF group and found it great.

Oh and please do not feel like a faliure, you are not!!!!:hugs:
I'm taking the kind from vitamin shoppe...I think it's Nature's Way. 525mg per capsule and taking anywhere from 3-5 a day. I like the energy boost a lot. I'm 12 dpo on my first round using progesterone suppositories since my levels are low. I keep getting negative hpt's and I just want to start AF (never thought I would say that...) so I can do a full round of Maca while TTC.
Ladies- Im off to my first appointment and ive been sick to my tummy all day with nerves. I hate this worry. I hope all is well- pray for me!
I'm taking the kind from vitamin shoppe...I think it's Nature's Way. 525mg per capsule and taking anywhere from 3-5 a day. I like the energy boost a lot. I'm 12 dpo on my first round using progesterone suppositories since my levels are low. I keep getting negative hpt's and I just want to start AF (never thought I would say that...) so I can do a full round of Maca while TTC.

Are you charting at all, if not join fertily friend we all use it and you can add your chart to your siggy so we can stalk, see I have an alternitibe motive :haha::blush:

if you are getting BFN may be start the MACA now it may help your hormones get back on track and help AF start may be!

NY good luck :hugs:
I'm taking the kind from vitamin shoppe...I think it's Nature's Way. 525mg per capsule and taking anywhere from 3-5 a day. I like the energy boost a lot. I'm 12 dpo on my first round using progesterone suppositories since my levels are low. I keep getting negative hpt's and I just want to start AF (never thought I would say that...) so I can do a full round of Maca while TTC.

I was just posting about my low progesterone levels. Do you mind me asking what your levels were when you had it tested? I think I might have to start some of the suppositories, too. Keep us updated! Good luck!

Celtic, I'm taking a multi-vitamin prenatal, and I just looked it has B6 and B12. I'll ask my doc when I go in, because I've also heard not to take TOO much vitamin B because it can be really bad for you. Come on, MACA!! Work your magic!! :haha:

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