Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Ladies- Im off to my first appointment and ive been sick to my tummy all day with nerves. I hate this worry. I hope all is well- pray for me!

Praying for you, Ny!! You'll be fine. Just breathe. Keep us updated...:hugs:
Hi everyone and welcome caiti - everyone's lovely on here so hopefully you'll feel very welcomed!! 4 years TTC is a long time, I hope maca helps you get that BFP! I've been TTC for 14 months now and this feels like a really long time so I can't imagine what 4 years feels like :hugs:

AJ - totally understandable about wanting to keep it private re HPT, fingers crossed when you get one that it's a lovely strong BFP. :hugs: Must be hard not to have chemists open late - most of ours are open till 7pm or 8pm and I think there's a couple open till midnight. Mind you, I've always got a stash of HPTs and OPKs at home - mainly from the internet but a couple of digital ones too!! :haha:

Yazzy - great to hear you're doing ok, I think it's understandable you'll be emotional sometimes. Here's hoping your body clears itself up and you don't need a d&c :hugs:

TNT - hooray for sore ta-tas - great sign!! :thumbup:

NY - good look at your appointment, fingers crossed for a sticky bean this time. I think cramping around 5 weeks is normal unless you get lots of bleeding too then it's normally a sign of your uterus expanding normally to make room for your growing bean! :hugs:

Celtic - 7 pounds already - uh-oh!! Sounds pretty healthy but a bit scary for when the birth comes. Fingers crossed it's as smooth as possible when it happens :hugs:

Never - not long now till you see your OH - and the HSG is next week, isn't it? Hopefully your BFP will be here by springtime :hugs:

Dandy - I hope your body behaves itself this month and doesn't make you wait ages for O :hugs:

Kiki - almost there honey, bring on AF so you can get the HSG and move forwards :hugs:

Kel - not seen you for a while hon, hope you doing ok - probably have some much deserved time out but we miss you!! :hugs::hugs:

AFM - I got a peak reading on CBFM today which was a surprise because I normally get 3 days of high readings. Luckily my OH is back tonight so he's going to get jumped on as soon as he gets back!!! Hold out a good thought for a good strong egg and some fast and healthy sperm!!! :happydance:

Hi to SBB, Linny, Char, Delilah, TTC and anyone I might have missed (hopefully not missed anyone though!!) :hugs::hugs:
thanx for the hsg tip leeze, i kinda hope i never have to have one, but if i do i hope OH will come :dohh:

linny like everyone has said BF is not for everyone :hugs: you are a great mum and will not be any less of a mum if you end up bottle feeding :thumbup: do what is right for you and bub :thumbup:

aj sorry to see the witch has arrived :hugs:

and....i forgot everything else :dohh:
yazzy :wave: i hope your body figures it out too :hugs: i have everything crossed for you

im good thanx for asking, been busy busy, im going to a training in drive (dog training thing) seminar this weekend, i'll soon see if its useful or not :shrug: apart from that im just waiting to Ov but we havent started bding yet, so i hope its not in the next few days :dohh: i just got a guard for my teeth too, cause i grind my teeth when im asleep, they are pretty worn down i think :dohh:
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I saw some HSG talk on here...I got one on 12/23 (great Christmas gift, right?) and they wouldn't let OH go in with me...partly because of the radiation and partly because they said it was really hard for spouses to see that kind of thing. It was uncomfortable for me, but I seriously doubt I would have scarred OH for life.
Oops just saw the page before haha...I just started doing heavy duty charting this month because I realized that my cycles were getting a little out of whack. My url for my chart is so stalk away!!

rosa-they didn't give me an exact number, they just said that it was "on the low side"...I think that means within a normal range but on the low side of normal. They put me on 200mg suppositories twice a day during the 2WW. I'm not really hot on it. I don't feel like it helped fact, this is hands-down my most painful PMS ever. OH and I decided that next cycle will be just maca and no progesterone. If you DO decide to take it-most definitely do the suppositories. Taking it orally is AWFUL, the side effects are at the point where you almost can't function day-to-day.

I REALLY want to start AF!! This PMS suuuuuuuuuucks
caiti, yikes. Thanks for the warning. Neither of the options sound that great, actually. :wacko: I hope you feel better.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I saw some HSG talk on here...I got one on 12/23 (great Christmas gift, right?) and they wouldn't let OH go in with me...partly because of the radiation and partly because they said it was really hard for spouses to see that kind of thing. It was uncomfortable for me, but I seriously doubt I would have scarred OH for life.

Oooh, an HSG buddy!! Funny how they wouldn't let him in the room with you but good he was there to support you before and afterwards! I could have done with someone (pref my OH) to hold my hand on the way there, wait with me in the waiting room (mine was about 40 mins late and I got there an hour early because I was worried about not finding it or possible London transport issues and then I felt a bit dizzy and crampy afterwards and would really have appreciated my OH there to give me a big hug afterwards and a bit of pampering!!! Let's hope the HSGs help us get our BFPs, I definitely want to feel like it was worth it to go through all of that!!! :thumbup:
thanx for the hsg tip leeze, i kinda hope i never have to have one, but if i do i hope OH will come :dohh:

linny like everyone has said BF is not for everyone :hugs: you are a great mum and will not be any less of a mum if you end up bottle feeding :thumbup: do what is right for you and bub :thumbup:

aj sorry to see the witch has arrived :hugs:

and....i forgot everything else :dohh:

Did the witch get AJ - did I miss that? Ooh, I really hope it's not true
AJ huge hugs hun:hugs: stay positive and its good you temped so much I hope you are ok :hugs:

TNT love your ticker, been thinking about you how are you feeling!
Hi girls-

AJ sorry:( that sucks

Apparently progesterone is a very controversial topic in TTC and pregnancy. Went to my doc, asked for prog levels checked and for some suppositories to be safe. He said thats not necessary because there isnt any medical evidence that it will help with early pregnancy. It is used for preterm labor later on but isnt as effective early on and just drags out the inevidable.(sp?) im a little bummed. Was hoping to have my levels tested at least but h e sees no point in extra testing and doesnt think I have any reason to worry more than any other woman my odds of MC are the same. So- im not closer to having peace of mind than before the damn appointment! grrrrr. Im so glad he's so confident in everything but i am not.
Hey girls...

Today is one of those days where I wished i lived on some island away from childish drama! I swear im 28 and I deal with it everywhere in this SMALL town! Ughh Apparently all of walmart is chatting about the "lesbian" couple having twins? We've only told 3 people that actually work was the donor, a close friend, and Amy's close friends wife. So this is everyone is upset I didn't tell them I was preg. Really?? Arrrgggg Sorry that was selfish!!!

NY- I did read that even if you do have high or low prog you can still have a MC. Im surprised he didn't test it anyways to give you peace of mind. Mine did...maybe look into another dr if youd like. Mine tested fine but still using the all natural prog cream....dime size amount...just in case. But I think it was worth a test at least!

Celtic- Thanks...I hope I didn't ginx myself by putting that up there. I was kinda scared to honestly. Been feeling ok besides the massive nausea and boob issues. Now I feel so mad about this that whole drama thing and really its nothen to be mad about I guess...maybe its the hormones but im like livid for some reason. How are you hunni?
Tnt, Ny, Rosa, Yazzy, Leeze - Thank you so much for the positive words and well wishes for AF to come back soon!! :)

Rosa- Miss you too! I have just been hanging back a little bit. I'm sorry to hear you may have low progesterone. I have a feeling I do too but I haven't been tested for it so I'm not sure. I do believe Maca helps though because it balances the hormones so I think it gave me the progesterone I needed to conceive. Last cycle was my first time taking it and I conceived so I really do believe in it.

Yazzy- I'm sorry to hear that your body is still holding onto stuff. I am hoping your body will expel it on it's own!! Fx'd for you hun and I'm thinking of you!

Celtic- A 9 pounder! My goodness! But you can do that if you had a 10 pounder! Wow.. you are tough! :)

Leeze- Fx'd for that strong egg and fast and healthy sperm! hehe. Go catch that egg!

Cait- Welcome! :flower: These ladies are all so wonderful on here!

AJ- I am so so sorry hun. We are here for you. :hugs:

Ny- I have heard that from doctors too about the progesterone. That it's not necessary but I also don't think it hurts so I wish he would have just gave you something to put your mind at ease! Or at least checked your levels. It will be okay though!!

Tnt- That is just awful about everyone being upset for you not telling them! It is obviously completely up to you when to tell them. I don't understand people. :hugs: Great ticker!! :)

Afm- I have been spotting but only a little and it's brown. So i'm guessing just old blood but kind of happy my body is doing something. I am praying it turns into AF!!! :D

:hi: Hello Never, Char, SBB, Linny, Sparkle, Kel, & anyone else I missed!
Tnt- is this over the counter creme? I may just do that then, but he only said they would test me for it all with 3 MC's in a row. NIce. ...other than that I really like him though so don't know. He said he will do an early in a week and a few days he will do one to show me heartbeat and everything. Yikes, thats scary!
Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I saw some HSG talk on here...I got one on 12/23 (great Christmas gift, right?) and they wouldn't let OH go in with me...partly because of the radiation and partly because they said it was really hard for spouses to see that kind of thing. It was uncomfortable for me, but I seriously doubt I would have scarred OH for life.

Oooh, an HSG buddy!! Funny how they wouldn't let him in the room with you but good he was there to support you before and afterwards! I could have done with someone (pref my OH) to hold my hand on the way there, wait with me in the waiting room (mine was about 40 mins late and I got there an hour early because I was worried about not finding it or possible London transport issues and then I felt a bit dizzy and crampy afterwards and would really have appreciated my OH there to give me a big hug afterwards and a bit of pampering!!! Let's hope the HSGs help us get our BFPs, I definitely want to feel like it was worth it to go through all of that!!! :thumbup:

Well the good news is that our chances of conception are upped by 30% in the 6 months after the procedure so yaaay! We'll definitely get our :BFP: veeeery soon, I can feel it!
Tnt-I know how you feel (not so much with the pregnancy) but with the childish MO people!! We're still dealing with OH's ex...people in MO need to get a hobby! Geez!
tnt sorry these pple are whispering about you, you told the pple you wanted to and if other want to gossip you just ignore them and let them dwell in their childishness...:dohh: that made sense in my head :hugs: chin up girl your a bigger person than they are
can i ask with OPK's does the second line fade after the 10 mins (it says not to read the result after 10mins) or does the second line get darker? cause i took an opk today, and i forgot about it prob looked at it half hour after i took it and it had 2 lines but one was lighter, so would it have faded? or got darker? shall i go with it being a negative?
TNT can I say nicely F##k them, they should really get a life OMG some people :hugs: dont worry about them have they nothing better to do honestly:dohh:being corss is a good sign hun all part of the symptoms, dont worry about your ticker I felt like that as well :flower: worried I was jinxing my self! Im ok I feel huge was trying to have fun with DH last night and it so was not working I felt broken:cry: think my hormones are on over drive I want to try BD to see if it will help ripen the cervix making my induction easier or if Im lucky go my self :haha:

Kiki that's good something happening, so glad your levels are back to normal now:hugs: moving forward is so much better than limbo land. yep I managed to get a 10 pounder out but I never want to do that again, I was in bits couldn't breath I bruised my diaphragm pushing, my poor baby was black and blue form being squashed, plus his left side was dead numb I guess when he was born he was also treated for shock I was very lucky I didn't tear, but I was cut and they used a ventouse, I guess I know I can get a big baby out, but dont want my poor baby to suffer I don't think he will be that big, Im going with a 8 pound 9 baby in 4 weeks positive thinking :thumbup:

ny if a mc is caused by low progesterone then using the cream, tablets, etc will help prevent one from that, but if baby is not well or something else is wrong then nature will do what it needs to do sadly but I still use the cream to be honest, may be look in to getting some natural progesterone cream on line amazon or ebay! and if it helps reassure you then use it! it will be good for you to have an early scan get a better idea on dates, just don't worry if not mush is seen if its before 6 weeks it can take till the end of the 6th week or 7 weeks before a heart beat or fetal pole is seen! :hugs:

Yazzy hope you are ok, Think I missed your post but sounds like your stuck in limbo land so cruel :hugs:

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