Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Celtic- I'm so sorry that was so hard for you and the baby that was 10lbs! Oh fx'd this one isn't more than 9 so both you and baby will be okay!

afm- I got a little crampy last night and my brown spotting turned to red this morning.. Fx'd it gets heavier! lol! It's so funny to be so excited about this! :happydance: Look at me dancing around because I got AF! Haha.. I sure hope it's AF though so I can schedule my HSG asap!! :)
Celtic- I'm so sorry that was so hard for you and the baby that was 10lbs! Oh fx'd this one isn't more than 9 so both you and baby will be okay!

afm- I got a little crampy last night and my brown spotting turned to red this morning.. Fx'd it gets heavier! lol! It's so funny to be so excited about this! :happydance: Look at me dancing around because I got AF! Haha.. I sure hope it's AF though so I can schedule my HSG asap!! :)

Thanks Kiki and go AF:happydance:
can i ask with OPK's does the second line fade after the 10 mins (it says not to read the result after 10mins) or does the second line get darker? cause i took an opk today, and i forgot about it prob looked at it half hour after i took it and it had 2 lines but one was lighter, so would it have faded? or got darker? shall i go with it being a negative?

I think what I've read before is that if it's really light then it shouldn't be counted because I think that we all have a little bit of LH in us all month and so with some tests we will tend to get a very faint line after 10 mins or so- I think that's why it shouldn't be read after 10 mins because I think if it's stronger then the line will come within the 10 mins. I don't think it will fade. I'd say it's probably negative but it could mean that O isn't too far away. Can you do another one this afternoon (try to hold your pee for 4 hours before if possible) just to check? :hugs:
Celtic- I'm so sorry that was so hard for you and the baby that was 10lbs! Oh fx'd this one isn't more than 9 so both you and baby will be okay!

afm- I got a little crampy last night and my brown spotting turned to red this morning.. Fx'd it gets heavier! lol! It's so funny to be so excited about this! :happydance: Look at me dancing around because I got AF! Haha.. I sure hope it's AF though so I can schedule my HSG asap!! :)

Hooray for AF!!!! :happydance::happydance:
BTW - has anyone heard from AJ because I don't see any posts from her saying AF is here?
ooh - and I meant to say TNT - it's nobody's business except for you and Amy and anyone you want to share it with. Lots of people don't share their news about being preg until after 12 weeks so I think they've got no right to be annoyed you didn't share. this is your special moment and don't let anyone spoil it :hugs:
Celtic - I am honestly doing really well, annoying that I am waiting for my body to push out the last bits but I will be over the moon if it does do this and I get the all clear on Monday...that will be a lovely Valentine's Day present! If I don't have a d&c then we are just going to NTNP for a couple months so this would be the best option. Getting some pain but its all ok. I found a saying which was so true to me....'Every new beginning comes from another beginnings end' so lets look to a happy and positive future :)
Yazzy- Thats a nice saying! I like that alot! If your in pain hun make sure you call your nurse. I bled for 23 days and was in alot of pain and finally called and I had just a few little bits in me but wouldn't come out so had to have a d&c. It took the dr like 30 sec.s to get the bits out but they already started getting infected. I was told that if you have pain then sometimes can mean infection. So just watch out for that honnie.... im glad your doing a bit better though. Its nice to have lots of support.

Celtic- I heard alot of preg women don't like to BD cause they are afraid of poken the baby's head. :haha: But if its gonna soften the cervix a bit then go for it. Now not only has SBB made my vagina you have!! :rofl: 10 FLIPPEN POUNDS and you pushed him out??!!! OOWWWWIIIIEEEEE..... Any dr here would have done a c-section. You poor woman....the whole "cutting down there" just freaks me out. Like it shouldn't be natural to be cut....I want my vagina in one nice piece...not flappen around cut pieces.... but im weird about all that. :haha: I guess if your trying to get a baby out then you really wont care...but STILL I would want a c-section for a 10lb baby. Your like super woman!

Caiti- Ya MO people are definitely different. I am from San Diego and mostly love MO but sometimes I miss a big city where everyone dosn't know all your business!

Kikki- Im hopen that was AF on her way! Bout the only time to be excited about that. Are you goen back to TTC or NTNP?

Dandy- Thanks hun! Ya now that I slept on it (slept really good too) im feeling better and just dont care. About the OPK.... the way your describing sounds neg to me. I have my opks still saved from this cycle. But I think you might be close to OV if its showing up at all. But I always used the smiley face ones cuz the 2 lines confused me too much. :dohh:

AFM- Much better today. Im sure I will have to deal with one of my friends thats "really hurt." But imma let that sit for a bit. I think these hormones are just goen crazy. :haha: Today is my first appt....just blood work, pee in a cup and fill out paperwork. So nothing fun really! Im still debating if I should see my surgery dr next week and get an early scan or not? Im thinking I would be 6 weeks maybe 7. So not sure if thats too soon or not?
Yazzy Im so glad your feeling good and what a beautiful saying very apt! hope it all comes away by it self and start the new beginning!

TNT lol there is no way you can hit the baby head not unless the willy was bent and longer and could go up the cervix! I think some men feel funny about it all right! my babies like to stay nice and high so no fear of it for me any way!
I had an emergency section on my first baby so was adamant I would not have another ever hated it! so I was determined to birth my self I knew he was big but not that big! I should try and find a picture of him Im sure I have one some were! prob still in a box from the move though!:dohh: honestly I never felt the cut and it was better than tearing I guess! I know girls who have had smaller babies and had 3rd degree tears! ouch ouch ouch!!! when they handed him to me and I had him on my chest I didn't care I was over the moon I did it and he was beautiful! I still remember his weight on my chest :cloud9: mind you my next birth was a walk in the park! :happydance: so hoping I have one like that again! FX I cant wait now! sorry went on a bit there :blush:

oh may be wait on till 7 weeks! see more! but with your Numbers I say you will deffo see baby! :hugs:
Hi Ladies -

sorry I havent been around for a while....I have been lurking just not posting. I am really trying to keep relaxed this cycle, but I have been checking on you all as I do care for you all greatly and hope only the best!!!

SBB - well that lil one is just a amazingly gorgeous!

Celitc - not to long now hun....

TnT - I am so sorry for what you are going through with the people in your town...your place sounds very much like where i live....Dont let them take this wonderful time away from you and Amy with all of their negativity....They are small minded and not worth your emotions!

Never- it is almost time to see excited for you!

KiKi - hoping your af comes in full force and you are back on that ttc train with the rest of us really soon!

Linny - sweet lil one! I think we should try a lil love connection with Sammuel when they get older....LOL

Rosa - I hope you get some answers soon, I know how frustrating that can be!

Yazzy - I am so sorry for what you are going through but happy to see you are picking yourself up!!! I hope your body regulates itself very soon!

AJ - so sorry for af....I had high hopes for you this cycle.

Leeze and Dandy - I hope you are catching that eggy!

Cait - welcome hun! Good luck and I hope Maca does the trick for you!

NY - OMG....HUGE CONGRATS! How about that...and you didnt even think you oved! gotta love it!

To everyone else whom I surely missed, Kel, delia, and everyone else! I hope you are all doing well!

AFM - well I think for the first time in my life I got some ewcm...but I am only on cd11 which I think might be to early. Me and B arent supposed to start marathon bding until tomorrow...should i start tonight? Also, I am not sure if it is EWCM.....without getting graphic....on an external check I was able to pull it apart and it was opaque but not clear...but on an internal check it was creamy.....Was it ewcm????? Sorry, I dont know who else to ask and I really do trust you ladies to help out!
leeze i just saw it said cd1 on aj's ticker :shrug: she hasnt been on to confirm that i can tell :shrug: hope she is ok

ttc :shrug: sorry i would say possibly its ewcm :shrug: it very hard to tell though, i've been having lots of cm for a couple of days, but i cant tell either :shrug:

thanx guys ill go with the thought that one was negative :thumbup: ill do another one today :D
TTC...nice to see you :) I would say that sounds pretty good to me, what are your CBFM readings like? My EWCM was always really watery and (TMI sorry) but I'd feel really wet in my knickers. Maybe a sneaky BD wouldn't harm :shrug:

:hi: Dandy...was watching again the other day about the awful weather in Oz nand thought of you. Hope all is ok?

Celtic...I did get in touch with a breast feeding support worker and she offered some great advice and suggestions when I felt really low.

Well i had Maisy weighed. Ten days ago she was 6lb 15oz and today she was 8lb 3oz, to say I'm happy is an understatement. Its given me renewed fire in my belly to continue with the BF. maybe I'l get fed up again but right now I feel great seeing how much she's grown bcos of me :) My little chunky monkey :D

NY..FX'd for a week or so till the ultrasound. I'm sure all will be fab :)

TNT...Ignore those that are trying to make you feel guilty. They should understand your reasons for keeping your news to yourself and its nobody's business but your and Amy's :hugs:
Thanks Dandy! Horrible isnt it!

Linny - thanks, I havent been using my cbfm b/c I am really trying to relax...we willl do it tonight and continue till tuesday or wednesday and hope for the best....It was strange though I have NEVER had ewcm....I like you usually just have watery stuff.

TBH, it wasnt runny at all....more jelly that ewcm?
Thanks Dandy! Horrible isnt it!

Linny - thanks, I havent been using my cbfm b/c I am really trying to relax...we willl do it tonight and continue till tuesday or wednesday and hope for the best....It was strange though I have NEVER had ewcm....I like you usually just have watery stuff.

TBH, it wasnt runny at all....more jelly that ewcm?

My ewcm is really watery and wet too. I find that my jelly kind is "sticky", but I'm no expert. I used to only get the jelly kind until this cycle, so I dunno. Is it wet, or kind of dry and rolly?
yes ttc :dohh: its terribly confusing :dohh:

:wave: yes thanx linny everything is fine where i am im ok, there are pple who have lost their homes in the floods and the cyclone :dohh: but thankfully im fine :thumbup:
I've only had EWCM a few times since checking and when I've had it you can really tell. it is literally like the stringy bit in an egg white, all slippery and transparent and really stretchy. The last few months I've had CM that has been more of the creamy type and only a tiny bit stretchy so have been using lots of pre-seed
leeze i just saw it said cd1 on aj's ticker :shrug: she hasnt been on to confirm that i can tell :shrug: hope she is ok

ttc :shrug: sorry i would say possibly its ewcm :shrug: it very hard to tell though, i've been having lots of cm for a couple of days, but i cant tell either :shrug:

thanx guys ill go with the thought that one was negative :thumbup: ill do another one today :D

maybe this means AJ has been really busy and not able to change her ticker yet!! I reckon she's still in until she says otherwise as it sounded really hopeful for her!! Right, I'm off to try to catch that egg one last time this month!!! :blush:
Linny- :happydance::happydance::happydance: Yay for the weight gain. See we all knew you were doing a superb job! :thumbup: That is such great news and glad its given you the confidence you need to proceed for now! :thumbup:

Celtic- Ahhhh im scared now! :haha::wacko::nope: I just loved your little story with him though...the weight of him on your chest!!! awww :cloud9::cloud9: From what I have in the states if a woman has had a csection once then she will more than likely have one for any future preg. Kinda weird how across the pond is so different.

TTC- EWCM is a good sign girl! Maybe this relaxed approached will get you that WELL DESERVED bfp!!!

AFM- bout to eat. Im starving!!! Chicken taco ring tonight!!! Mmmmm
Hello ladies,I am so grateful I found this site while I am not new to bnb I am new to maca..My DH & I started it this month actually 6 days ago.We are both taking 525mg capsules 3x a day.I didnt read all pages (would be here along time) lol but would like to say hello and will catch up on all the posts soon.We have been TTC for sometime now with no luck and I was told maca might be a great help.I know I am joining this thread late in the game so to speak but any and all suggestions would be great.DH has no children I have two girls from previous marriage.I have however been pregnant by DH but 2 miscarrages and 1 tubal later still no baby
Hi ladies.. quick selfish post..

I'm officially on CD 2. I was so excited to have AF back and the Nurse was about to schedule my HSG for next week but my Doctor doesn't want me to have it until after my next AF.. :( So as long as my body is good to me and does what it's supposed to, I should be getting the HSG around March 15th and should ovulate about a week after it. So I'm happy to have a plan in place but definitely a little down that I couldn't start TTC again this month. More waiting..

:hugs: to all! I will catch up later! I have to get ready for work.

Welcome Daisy! I'm sorry for your losses. All of these ladies on this thread are wonderful and Maca is fantastic! You will love it! :)

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