Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

thank you for the warm welcome! i am very interested in knowing all about Maca, i havent actually tried anything other then clomid....ive been thinking of researching new vitamins and stuff to try but i didnt know where to start but like i said im willing to try anything once lol
thank you for the warm welcome! i am very interested in knowing all about Maca, i havent actually tried anything other then clomid....ive been thinking of researching new vitamins and stuff to try but i didnt know where to start but like i said im willing to try anything once lol

Found it!
Here some Info on MACA
How does MACA work, it works on balancing our hormones for both men and women (Maca helps to stimulate and nourish the pituitary gland, acting as a tonic for the hormone system. When the pituitary gland functions optimally, the entire endocrine system becomes balanced, because the pituitary gland controls the hormone output of the other three glands.

In women maca works by controlling estrogen in the body. Estrogen levels that are high or low at the wrong time can keep a woman from becoming pregnant or keep her from carrying to term. Excess estrogen levels also cause progesterone levels to become too low. Taking maca may help to increase the progesterone levels which are essential to carrying a healthy pregnancy.


Low progesterone during pregnancy may be a leading cause of recurrent miscarriages. Progesterone is responsible for creating a healthy environment in the womb by creating and maintaining a healthy uterine lining. It also may reduce the chances of blood clots and immune system responses to the fetus as a foreign substance. It is the pregnancy hormone.)

Maca blances out your hormones it works on the putirty gland in the brain so if your cycles are long yes it will reduce them back to a more norml length, here is some information Ive copied the best info!

(Maca is a nourishing food for the endocrine system, aiding both the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands (all involved in hormonal balance.) Maca has the ability to affect key hormones in both women and men without containing hormones itself.

Maca helps to stimulate and nourish the pituitary gland, acting as a tonic for the hormone system. When the pituitary gland functions optimally, the entire endocrine system becomes balanced, because the pituitary gland controls the hormone output of the other three glands.
In women, maca works by controlling estrogen in the body. Estrogen levels that are high or low at the wrong time can keep a woman from becoming pregnant or keep her from carrying to term. Excess estrogen levels also cause progesterone levels to become too low. Taking maca may help to increase the progesterone levels which are essential to carrying a healthy pregnancy.

Estrogen in men produces erectile dysfunction or lack of libido, low sperm count, and lowered production of seminal fluid. Men who use maca have been seen to have an increased libido and healthy sperm.

Maca may help to

# Balance hormonal levels in women.
# Increase libido in both men and women.
# Increase egg health.
# Increase seminal volume, sperm count per ejaculation, and sperm motility.

I found that infor here but they are trying to sell thier own brand so got the best info out of it

To buy it I got mine one ebay fairly cheap, make sure its an organic one they are better. I took it for 3 months so did DH and it was our third month we got our BFP at long last :thumbup:
Celtic- How are you feeling now? I keep wondering through out the day if he's come yet early!! :haha: How did your night go tonight?

Aj- im with you on the no valentines celebrating. We didn't either! Im not much for this holiday. I been lurking in the first tri the least scary threads of course. And alot of women that have twins had numbers similar to mine. But you know a mother intuition sorta thing...well i think there is one healthy bub in there.... the dr did mention that numbers aren't always right as long as they go up then its good. She said that some numbers jump high when the bub is strong and growing fast. So hopefully its all the above! So do you have a game plan this cycle?

Na Im still here, think he is a tease LOL but hopefully my body is getting ready so it will make for an easy induction, I would be a little afraid of baby coming on his own steam, I have a feeling I would never make it to the hospital on time :wacko::haha:

That can happen with the numbers all right, but its a brill sign that baby is strong :happydance: Im going to call boy as well :baby:

I did hear that after you've had a couple kids they usually come out faster than last time. :haha: you dont want to have a vehicle labor now do ya? :rofl:
hi all!! thought i would drop in and say hello! this group got reccomended to me by celticniamh! :) im on clomid and this is our 3rd cycle on this and our 23rd cycle TTC after 3 losses!! :( we are hoping for some new ways of TTC.....and i would love to hear about maca and its results :) xx

Heya hun,

I was on clomid and maca and estrogen (small dose). I did 3 cycles of 50mg of clomid and no luck. Did one cycle of 100mg and got my bfp...sadly ended in a loss. Then after all that ended did 100mg of clomid again and got bfp this cycle. I did 3 tabs of maca each of which were 575mg a day. I also used preseed and softcups but we inseminted so it was the only way we could do it at home. Congrats on the new marital bliss! Good luck to you hun!:hugs:
Hi TNT!- thanks for sending a hello to my profile- was very nice:) Im doing ok- trying to keep myself busy otherwise I sit and obssess over "maybe I should be feeling this, or where is this symptom..." Still so nervous about this baby sticking. Cant wait to hear of your scan- im going to schedule mine for 2-22. Pray for it to be good news!

Celtic- March is sooo you have everything at home in order?

Welcome Maratobe- they have lotsa advice on this thread!
Hi TNT!- thanks for sending a hello to my profile- was very nice:) Im doing ok- trying to keep myself busy otherwise I sit and obssess over "maybe I should be feeling this, or where is this symptom..." Still so nervous about this baby sticking. Cant wait to hear of your scan- im going to schedule mine for 2-22. Pray for it to be good news!

Celtic- March is sooo you have everything at home in order?

Welcome Maratobe- they have lotsa advice on this thread!

Prayers are sent my dear! Lets hope and pray it sticks! Did you have quant levels taken? To see if your numbers are rising?
Hi TNT!- thanks for sending a hello to my profile- was very nice:) Im doing ok- trying to keep myself busy otherwise I sit and obssess over "maybe I should be feeling this, or where is this symptom..." Still so nervous about this baby sticking. Cant wait to hear of your scan- im going to schedule mine for 2-22. Pray for it to be good news!

Celtic- March is sooo you have everything at home in order?

Welcome Maratobe- they have lotsa advice on this thread!

Hey NY I am nearly ready just a few little bits to sort out! need more vests and enough underware for me LOL but yea nealry there! Im trying to motivate my self to knit again!

Try not to worry to much easier said than done I know :hugs: take care rest and drink loads of water meant to be good :hugs:

OH meant to say, my doc has increased my insulin levels again wow getting really high now LOL glad the end is nigh!
No levels drawn for doc doesnt think i need that done if no spotting is occuring. I keep testing myself tho...lines still good. Lol. One day at a this time last pregnancy i had a bit of spotting. So thats how I think of it now.....eeeek!
Hi maca girls and welcome to maratobe :flower:

I just had one of those facebook moments where I swear everyone on the feed page had put up a picture of their beautiful baby/child or a note to say when they are being induced!! It's funny how when I'm on BnB I'm really happy to hear about everyone's updates but for a lot of the people in my "real" life I drives me mad that everyone seems to be flaunting their fertility in my face!!!! I think I'm just having one of those days where it all feels like it's taking too long!!! :growlmad: thanks for listening!!

On another note I've just realised my cat is licking the spicy sauce of my plate that I just finished eating from. EEuggh - I thought the noise was him washing himself!! :haha:

Sparkle - what lovely new pics - and what a cute story about Isla. Also, I think it's understandable to get upset about big piles of washing up, I get upset about it regularly even when it's not hormonal!! :haha:

NY - how lovely it is that you haven't got a ticker any more saying you're about to go mad from TTC - maybe that's the trick to set one of those, I might have to try that myself!!! I hope once you're passed the point where you had your m/c the last time that you can relax a little and be reassured - like your Doc says there's no increased risk for you so all should go according to plan! :hugs:

TNT - great to hear you got a sympathetic Doctor, I think that's really important. And 1st March is only just around the corner, less than 2 weeks away :hugs:

Celtic - that's pretty tough having to inject yourself so often each day, but also there's something really precious about you doing that in order to keep your baby safe - 25 days will hopefully fly by :hugs:

Never - only 3 days to go till you see your sweetheart! And good luck with the HSG :hugs::hugs:

Rosa - I've had quite a few months where I've had twinges and lower back pain etc that I reckon could well have been eggs trying to implant. I just wish a good one would hurry up and snuggle in there and make a lovely little nest for 9 months!! fingers crossed it will be our time soon!!

I'm sure I was going to say lots of other stuff, but am feeling pretty tired and a bit self-pitying so will leave it there for now!!! A big hello and :hugs: to anyone I haven't mentioned xx
Hi ladies...I am very interested in trying Maca and was wondering which brand of the powder you all like best? I have some capsules but want to order the powder, I just can't decide which brand to go with because of course each website is trying to sell their brand and I think some of the reviews are fake. Any advice would be great! Thanks a bunch :)!
Thank you Leeze! I will be more assured in a few weeks I hope.

im sorry you are having an off day, we all deserve them and I hope that you cheer up soon. Good luck finishing your 2WW!
thank you for the warm welcome! i am very interested in knowing all about Maca, i havent actually tried anything other then clomid....ive been thinking of researching new vitamins and stuff to try but i didnt know where to start but like i said im willing to try anything once lol

Found it!
Here some Info on MACA
How does MACA work, it works on balancing our hormones for both men and women (Maca helps to stimulate and nourish the pituitary gland, acting as a tonic for the hormone system. When the pituitary gland functions optimally, the entire endocrine system becomes balanced, because the pituitary gland controls the hormone output of the other three glands.

In women maca works by controlling estrogen in the body. Estrogen levels that are high or low at the wrong time can keep a woman from becoming pregnant or keep her from carrying to term. Excess estrogen levels also cause progesterone levels to become too low. Taking maca may help to increase the progesterone levels which are essential to carrying a healthy pregnancy.


Low progesterone during pregnancy may be a leading cause of recurrent miscarriages. Progesterone is responsible for creating a healthy environment in the womb by creating and maintaining a healthy uterine lining. It also may reduce the chances of blood clots and immune system responses to the fetus as a foreign substance. It is the pregnancy hormone.)

Maca blances out your hormones it works on the putirty gland in the brain so if your cycles are long yes it will reduce them back to a more norml length, here is some information Ive copied the best info!

(Maca is a nourishing food for the endocrine system, aiding both the pituitary, adrenal, and thyroid glands (all involved in hormonal balance.) Maca has the ability to affect key hormones in both women and men without containing hormones itself.

Maca helps to stimulate and nourish the pituitary gland, acting as a tonic for the hormone system. When the pituitary gland functions optimally, the entire endocrine system becomes balanced, because the pituitary gland controls the hormone output of the other three glands.
In women, maca works by controlling estrogen in the body. Estrogen levels that are high or low at the wrong time can keep a woman from becoming pregnant or keep her from carrying to term. Excess estrogen levels also cause progesterone levels to become too low. Taking maca may help to increase the progesterone levels which are essential to carrying a healthy pregnancy.

Estrogen in men produces erectile dysfunction or lack of libido, low sperm count, and lowered production of seminal fluid. Men who use maca have been seen to have an increased libido and healthy sperm.

Maca may help to

# Balance hormonal levels in women.
# Increase libido in both men and women.
# Increase egg health.
# Increase seminal volume, sperm count per ejaculation, and sperm motility.

I found that infor here but they are trying to sell thier own brand so got the best info out of it

To buy it I got mine one ebay fairly cheap, make sure its an organic one they are better. I took it for 3 months so did DH and it was our third month we got our BFP at long last :thumbup:

thank you very much for this!! its great to have such useful info! im gonna look into it ASAP! :)

Heya hun,

I was on clomid and maca and estrogen (small dose). I did 3 cycles of 50mg of clomid and no luck. Did one cycle of 100mg and got my bfp...sadly ended in a loss. Then after all that ended did 100mg of clomid again and got bfp this cycle. I did 3 tabs of maca each of which were 575mg a day. I also used preseed and softcups but we inseminted so it was the only way we could do it at home. Congrats on the new marital bliss! Good luck to you hun!
Today 00:12 AM

thank you :) we are only on 50mgs of clomid but i think if i give maca a try with it and see how it goes...then if no luck im gonna head back to the doctor and get it increased! congrats on your pregnancy aswell :happydance:
I'm going a bit crazy today - keep having crampy twinges that are almost painful. I really reallly really hope this is a good sign. So early still (about 7dpo) but please please please let it be a bean snuggling in :hugs:
G'morning all, welcome to the new ladies!

Not much to report here, this is the boring part of the cycle so :yawn:.

Tnt I don't have much planned except to think less of ttcing and more about trusting God. I'll work on getting some extra sleep and maybe taking a bit of Maca but no promises there, we'll just c how it goes.
Leeze- I was convinced AF was coming a week early- even made comments of it on BNB....because I had cramps super duper bad and an icky tummy. Retrospect- that must have been implantation. You could be feeling that too!

:wave: AJ im in the bd part of my cycle but like you said not much to report :dohh: still no Ov for me :dohh:
Leeze- I was convinced AF was coming a week early- even made comments of it on BNB....because I had cramps super duper bad and an icky tummy. Retrospect- that must have been implantation. You could be feeling that too!


OOOOHH - I hope so!!! That would be truly amazing!!! :happydance: I've had twinges before around this time but this month it's actually a little bit painful - I've had about 3 bouts of it - yesterday evening, this morning and this afternoon - it's lasted for about 5 minutes each time coming in waves. Please let it be a little bean implanting :hugs:

Dandy - hope O comes soon for you :hugs:

AJ - good luck with the thinking less about TTC-ing!! :hugs:
I'm going a bit crazy today - keep having crampy twinges that are almost painful. I really reallly really hope this is a good sign. So early still (about 7dpo) but please please please let it be a bean snuggling in :hugs:

Leeze, I also had cramps at 7 dpo. Pretty bad, actually. I'm hoping it was also implantation. However, I've had them before, and still got AF. I think they were fertilized eggs that tried to implant but couldn't (and seeing how my prog levels are low, that makes sense.)

Snuggle in nice and tight, little bean!!! FX for you! When do you think you'll test?

I'm having cramps on and off today, and I'm not sure what to make of them. I'm 12 dpo...could be good, could be really bad. My temp went up again today, though! Can you look at does it look??
Oooh rosa temp looks good! The reason I did a preg test was cu my temp was 98.somehting so FX'd!
OOh - let's hope these are implantation cramps!!! :hugs: I'm going to hold out on testing till about Monday or Tuesday (at least until I'm 10dpo)

12dpo - have you tested? Sounds promising :hugs:

I wish I could help you on the temps question but I really haven't got a clue about temping!!! Hopefully some of the temping experts on this thread (I'm sure there are a few of them who love stalking temps and know lots about it!!) will be able to help

fingers crossed :hugs:

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