Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

perhaps tou did catch that eggy last night hun! :)
i brought my maca....purchased 2 days ago!.....very excited to try them! is it ok to start taking them now even though i am 9 days away from ovulation??
perhaps tou did catch that eggy last night hun! :)
i brought my maca....purchased 2 days ago!.....very excited to try them! is it ok to start taking them now even though i am 9 days away from ovulation??

Yes i started them the day i started menstrating and have seen a HUGE difference in DH semen (SORRY) if tmi
It was so cloudy and clump before now it is more liquified and clear so I am VERYYYY hopeful.Even if it isnt this month maybe within the next few months we will be blessed.So yes i would start taking them now and stop when and if you get your monthly
Goodluck!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Babydust for all!!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: LETS DO THIS LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm leaving this afternoon to see DH! it's been almost two months since the last time we were together, so i'm definitely excited. not too sore from my HSG & lap yesterday, but a bit sore. still going to take things gentle though. i love you girls!! where are all my maca ladies????

temp jump this morning, no idea why, :shrug: i assume it is going to just go down tomorrow. maybe it's because of everything yesterday it gave me a slight fever. who knows.
i'm leaving this afternoon to see DH! it's been almost two months since the last time we were together, so i'm definitely excited. not too sore from my HSG & lap yesterday, but a bit sore. still going to take things gentle though. i love you girls!! where are all my maca ladies????

temp jump this morning, no idea why, :shrug: i assume it is going to just go down tomorrow. maybe it's because of everything yesterday it gave me a slight fever. who knows.

Have a safe flight and I will be here PRAYING you get that eggy!! (((((((hugs)))))) as for me.....I am still confused as to WHY my test @ 6pm yesterday evening was ALMOST positive then this evening @ same time NEG like barely a line there.....i guess I will keep testing and we will see....I pray we all get out BFP'S
Enjoy your much well deserved time with your hubby!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hey girls, sorry I haven't caught up... Just wanted to say have a fab time never :hugs:

Welcome to all the new girlies, daisy it's nice to see you in here! :hugs:

X x x
Hi all

I have just been doing some research into maca and have found what i have read really interesting.

I was just wondering can you take it with other things? I am currently taking soy iso (to bring my ov forward - last cycle ov'd on cd 15), B50 complex (to lengthen LP - now 13/14 days, was only 11 before) and also epo for CM.

Hello ladies :hugs::hugs:

I'm just jumping on to see how never went with her appointment.


All very positive stuff :hugs::hugs::hugs: Enjoy your time away with DH :hugs::hugs:

Hello to all the new ladies :hugs::hugs:

Does anyone know if kelster is ok ? I haven't seen a post from her in a while.

SBB, 1 Month breast feeding :happydance::happydance: hope sammuel is good.

I will be back later when i get a chance to catch up. Hope your all well. God i have never typed so fast. Im trying to hurry before madam starts she is due a feed ant time now :dohh:
Hey sparkle :wave: how are you and isla?

Yeh I emailed kel a few days ago she is fine, just busy I think and she often takes a few days off from b&b...

Lol I know others have taken it with soy, I took it with clomid and epo. And I'm sure b50 is fine too so go for it!

X x x
:hi: Sbb :hugs:

We are great thanks. Isla is settling down just fine now. We have started a bedtime routine and thats going well at the moment. Her reflux has settled and she is doing really well.
How about you and sammuel ? Are you feeling well in yourself now ? I cannot belive how fast the time is going. I was looking at Isla this morning and thinking my word you are growing lol. I feel a little sad that she is my last :cry: lol.

I have just emailed kel just to say hi :flower:
Sammuel is growing super fast too! He's 12lbs 11oz now. He has no routine, what's your bed time routine?

I am feeling really good now :) already saying when we start :sex: again we'll just ntnp and see what happens! But as I'm bf the chances of falling pregnant are almost zero!

Are you bf or ff?

X x x
Aww he's doing really well bless him. We may have another Christmas baby then :thumbup::winkwink: Wouldn't that be great :hugs:

I'm ff. I only tried bf with kizi my 2nd born. I didn't get on too well and have never wanted to try again :wacko: I only have awful memories which is very sad but I'm happy enough to be ff and all my babies have done ok on it :shrug:

Our routine is a simple one lol. I take her up about 630, wash or bath her put her into her vest and grow bag and then i put the lamp on and give her a feed, have a cuddle then i put her down awake, She normally falls asleep in 10 minutes and then i wake her at 10/1030 for a dream feed, she then sleeps till about 2/3am. We have another feed around 5/6 and then get up at 7am. So i think it's going well. I hope she will drop her 2/3am feed over the next month and then we will be going through the night (fingers crossed) lol.

Isla was weighed about 2 weeks ago and was 9lb 3oz. I'm thinking she is a lot more than this now as my arm starts to ache when I'm holding her.
Sounds like a great routine! Sammuel just wont lie down and sleep - he'll be ok for about 10 mins then scream.. But over half term we'll try and get more of a routine established.

BF isn't for everyone, it's just something I always knew I wanted to do. Lol imagine if I got preggers again with Xmas day due date :rofl:
Seriously it's not going to happen. I am BF for a start, which makes it almost impossible, plus it took a little while and clomid last time. It's more a case of if it happens so be it! We want to have our babies pretty close together.

X x x
How much did Isla weigh at birth again sparkle?

X x x
SBB breast feeding means nothing, lots of ladies fall pregnant again even when they're breastfeeding so you might just find yourself with a little surprise :haha:
rosa sent me a link to this thread in another thread - i'd never heard of maca.

so, since i don't have time to read through 1459 pages (lol), do you take this maca supplement daily while ttc? if you get preggo, do you continue taking it, or stop? just curious - i'll be reading up on it and any other info would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, ladies!

Welcome :flower: go back one page and check out post 14572 I posted information and its all there its a qoute of what I posted. I took caspules 2 a day for two months then 4 a day for my third month and got my BFP :thumbup:
Best of luck you will love it here:flower:

Thanks so much for the info - read it and am thinking about trying it! So, are you still taking four capsules a day during pregnancy?

No I stopped at lot of us stopped when we got our BFP just incase

I posted this in LTTC, but wanted to cross-post to get your ladies input :winkwink:

So, a little back story of the past few weeks. I have been having terrible, I mean TERRIBLE stomach pains. Lower left abdomen and directly behind my belly button. To top it off, my boobs hurt SOOOO bad! I felt like I had a cold coming on too, lower backache, the whole nine yards. I was just sure I was going to POAS and it would be a blaring :bfp:...

Went to the hospital Monday morning to have a blood test drawn, about passed out when the tech drew my blood. Thats very unusual for me, has never happened before. An hour later, the test was negative, but I was still having lower abdominal pain, breast pain to the point I wore a sports bra ALL day, couldn't wear my regular one. I was heartbroken because I felt more pregnant then, than when I actually WAS pregnant before my miscarriage! It was just bizarre to me.
Spent a wonderful Valentines night with the hubby :sex::happydance:
Woke up Tuesday morning to :witch: !!!
I have not had a period since Novemeber 2010. I definitely did not expect to wake up to that. However, I do think since DH and I have been taking Maca for a little over a month and a half now that since it is suppose to regulate your cycle, since I didn't have one it was cleaning me out from the deep depths of my soul haha :haha:
This may be TMI, but by the end of the day Tuesday- My pad was black. super dark creamy blackish-deep brown. And it didn't absorb into it, just kind of laid on top of it. strange? I thought so too. Wednesday morning-afternoon normal flow, never turned red though, just maroon. Wednesday night, just spotting. Thursday morning, nearly nothing. WEIRD!
My wonderful Best Friend Stephanie (PrayinForBaby) went out and got me the FRER Fertility test to take on day 3 off your cycle to tell if you have a good egg reserve or not. ANNNND because she's awesome, a Basal Digi thermometer! I haven't attempted to chart my temps before, so this is going to be a new adventure in my TTC journey. I've actively done OPKs, but the charting will be new.
So where are these pics you may ask?...
The FRER fertility test tests the FSH level in your ovarian reserve, and basically you POAS normal (or in my case, dip ) Wait 30 minutes, and read results. It has the traditional control line (reference line) and a test line. You are looking for the test line to be lighter than the reference line, or not there at all. It instructs you to keep ttc at this point. If the test line is as dark as, or darker than the reference line, seek physicians advice in ttc.
here ya go...
I guess we just keep on keepin on! :thumbup:

By the way...Fertility Test or not, let me just tell you how TRIPPY it is to see 2 lines come up...that totally has messed with my head all morning, just actually SEEING 2 lines..trippy! lol

whoo hoo for two lines and welcome, MACA is great may it be the trick you need to get that BFP get your DH to take it as well.

perhaps tou did catch that eggy last night hun! :)
i brought my maca....purchased 2 days ago!.....very excited to try them! is it ok to start taking them now even though i am 9 days away from ovulation??
Yep I started mine when ever I got them :thumbup:

perhaps tou did catch that eggy last night hun! :)
i brought my maca....purchased 2 days ago!.....very excited to try them! is it ok to start taking them now even though i am 9 days away from ovulation??

Yes i started them the day i started menstrating and have seen a HUGE difference in DH semen (SORRY) if tmi
It was so cloudy and clump before now it is more liquified and clear so I am VERYYYY hopeful.Even if it isnt this month maybe within the next few months we will be blessed.So yes i would start taking them now and stop when and if you get your monthly
Goodluck!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Babydust for all!!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: LETS DO THIS LADIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I noticed the same with my DH, I noticed it was funny before he started MACA :thumbup:

i'm leaving this afternoon to see DH! it's been almost two months since the last time we were together, so i'm definitely excited. not too sore from my HSG & lap yesterday, but a bit sore. still going to take things gentle though. i love you girls!! where are all my maca ladies????

temp jump this morning, no idea why, :shrug: i assume it is going to just go down tomorrow. maybe it's because of everything yesterday it gave me a slight fever. who knows.

You mind your self and have a brilliant time hun :hugs:

Hi all

I have just been doing some research into maca and have found what i have read really interesting.

I was just wondering can you take it with other things? I am currently taking soy iso (to bring my ov forward - last cycle ov'd on cd 15), B50 complex (to lengthen LP - now 13/14 days, was only 11 before) and also epo for CM.


I took it with other things and I know some of the girls took it with clomid or soy and vot B complex:thumbup:

SBB hey hun love your new ticker:thumbup:

Sparkle I feel the same this is my last baby I think it will be a very happy moment and sad as well :flower:

How is every one else:hugs:
hey ladies -

welcome baby watson! I hope maca does the trick for you!

Nothing going on here...just wanted to say hi to you all!
36 weeks celtic!!! woohoo! Sorry I haven't caught up, do you know yet when you'll be induced yet?

AJ I know loads of stories of people falling preg while BF but it is pretty unlikely. I haven't had a period. Again I know that doesn't mean I can't get pregnant, but honestly with my crappy cycles and everything I just think it's very very unlikely. If it did happen we'd be happy but I'm not going to get serious about it... Or I'll try not to!!

I have a vaginal prolapse (where the Walls of my foof are so weak because of the birth that they're not holding up basically) so I don't exactly feel like having sex anyway!!

X x x

X x x
36 weeks celtic!!! woohoo! Sorry I haven't caught up, do you know yet when you'll be induced yet?

AJ I know loads of stories of people falling preg while BF but it is pretty unlikely. I haven't had a period. Again I know that doesn't mean I can't get pregnant, but honestly with my crappy cycles and everything I just think it's very very unlikely. If it did happen we'd be happy but I'm not going to get serious about it... Or I'll try not to!!

I have a vaginal prolapse (where the Walls of my foof are so weak because of the birth that they're not holding up basically) so I don't exactly feel like having sex anyway!!

X x x

X x x

I know yay!:happydance: I was dying to get to 36 weeks!
No not yet! I have an appointment with my GD doc on tuesday so depending on if he wants to see me in 1 or 2 weeks I then see the baby doc then, so he will book the induction when I see him, I am going to ask my GD doc if he will see me the following week at 37+4 so at least I will have a few day to prepare rather than a day or two if its the following week! Im so ready for it now. I dont think baby feels big I can make out how he is lying inside so we shall see, around the 8, 9 mark I think! hope :wacko:

Thats not good at all on the prolaspe, what can you do to fix it! any exercises fix it!
if your like me, you wont get pregnant BF even when my cycles returned nothing happened for ages! not till I found you all and started MACA any way!

you never know though! I know a friend who did and she was 20 weeks when she found out! all depends on how much feeding you are doing at nigh and that!
Hey girls,

Sorry been MIA awhile. Been busy lately and feeling like CRAP! :haha: but worth it.

Never- OMG yeay!!!! That is great news! Iam sooo stinking excited for you!!! Have a fab time this weekend and enjoy it! Can't wait to see pics! teehee

I just wanted to check in real quick. Have a client in 10mins so can't stay on. Have a fab weekend! Might not be on all weekend cause we have 2 goen away parties for our donor.. :cry: So going to enjoy time with him before he gets shipped off!

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