Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Thanks Ny!! You'll have to check on Friday. :winkwink:
Leeze, I have not tested yet because I'm terrified of bfns. :blush: I think I'll test on Friday, but I'm not sure. I've luteal phases of 15 and 16 days, so I may wait. However, the wait is driving me crazy so far! :hissy:
Hello ladies :)
Well I am CD 14 and this is what I got on my OPK this evening

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I am pretty excited NEVER in the 3+ years of TTC have I even been this close to O on cd 14 usually not until like CD 18 or later so maybe just maybe the maca is helping me!!!

How is everyone??????


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Rosa those temps look great, FX they stay up now although its miles away from what you get if AF was on the way looking good! :thumbup:

Leeze cramps sound good I had them as well FX for you as well :flower:

Daisy I noticed that with the MACA I was OV later and it brought it forward to CD 14 or 15 think it was a CD 15 I got my BFP from :thumbup:

How is every one else doing:happydance:
I'm going crazy today, the 2WW is driving me mad!!!!
Daisy, nice positive opks! Get bd'ing!! :sex:

Celtic, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

My temp was a little lower today, but still quite high for me. If it's still high tomorrow, I'll test then. I'm feeling oddly at peace with it all. I'm praying hard and somehow, I feel like I'm being heard this time. :shrug:

Leeze, when are you testing?
maratobe - welcome to the group! it is a wonderful bunch of ladies and i'm sure you will fit right in :)

celtic - eeeek, it's so close! i bet you are 50 times as anxious as i am. hoping for a quick and painless birth for you so you can stop with all those horrid injections! :hugs:

tnt - i missed your 6 week, so happy 6 week and 1 day sweetie pie! i'm so happy fo you. i'm sure i missed it somewhere, but when is your scan? i think i'm more excited for it than you (okay, i know better than that, but i'm pretty darn excited!) STICKY BEAN VIBES!

ny - so happy for you honey, and like tnt, STICKY BEAN VIBES!

leeze - i think you and i are on the same emotional journey dear. i agree, all those on my newsfeed are pregnant or announcing too. it's hard to not be a little happy for them, but it's also aggravating because you want it to be you posting the pictures of the bump or the announcments. our time will come honey, and we will enjoy every second of it! i'm hoping all of your cramps and twinges are a good sign and this is your :bfp: cycle! right after an HSG is the most fertile i've heard, so let's hope that was the case for you.

kadan - welcome to you! i love the avatar picture, very pretty! as for me, i take the capsules because i've heard the taste is strong and not nice of the powder. i've used several different brands, but creative nature has been my favorite so far.

aj - i love your approach and i hope it works for you boo. i so hope for you! i hate that part of my cycle too. even though i can't try when DH is away, i still have fun during the ovulation period of my cycle, so i know the boredom of the beginning!

dandy - sending you ovulation vibes like i always do babe. got my FX'ed for you pumpkin!

rosa - i'm loving your temperatures girl. i hope a :bfp: is to follow soon! can't wait for you to test!

daisy - i'm not sure if i have welcomed you, so i would like to do so. WELCOME DAISY! what a nice, bangin', OPK! get to :sex:ing girl!

AFM, today was the day. boy was i nervous, but it was nothing. i ended up getting an HSG AND a laposcropy which i had no idea i was going to get. i found out yesterday, which is why i got very nervous. well, the outcome - the doctor said my uterus is perfect and that my tubes are fine. she said the dye flowed through very nicely. no scarring, no endo, and he did an ultrasound yesterday that showed no cyst. so, hoping all i needed was a nice clearing of the HSG! it was reccommended no sex for one week, but i'm not sure DH will be such a fan of that. i wouldn't take the risk of it if i was like most couples and got to see him often, but this is our last trip together until the end of april and i certainly don't want to miss our :sex: chance. i think we are going to play it safe though and at least just be gentle. DH is a medic so i'm very confident that everything will be fine if we choose to do so. i don't think we will be in our fertile window now unless the HSG decides to move up my ovulation time, but who knows. just going to have a ton fo fun this weekend and hope for the best. oh, i am a bit sore where the incisions were, but nothing unmanageable. almost all of the technicians spoke english and were very kind so i'm happy i was lucky to get that staff! i fly to see DH tomorrow! :yipee:
rosa sent me a link to this thread in another thread - i'd never heard of maca.

so, since i don't have time to read through 1459 pages (lol), do you take this maca supplement daily while ttc? if you get preggo, do you continue taking it, or stop? just curious - i'll be reading up on it and any other info would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, ladies!
Fides!! Hey hey hey!!! These Maca girls rock. You'll like it here. :winkwink: They know much more than me, so they'll be of more help, too. :thumbup:
rosa sent me a link to this thread in another thread - i'd never heard of maca.

so, since i don't have time to read through 1459 pages (lol), do you take this maca supplement daily while ttc? if you get preggo, do you continue taking it, or stop? just curious - i'll be reading up on it and any other info would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, ladies!

Welcome :flower: go back one page and check out post 14572 I posted information and its all there its a qoute of what I posted. I took caspules 2 a day for two months then 4 a day for my third month and got my BFP :thumbup:
Best of luck you will love it here:flower:

Never :happydance::happydance: whoo hoo one day to go and for great results from HSG brilliant! man can you imagine telling a woman she cant BD for a week If I were you I go potty! esp as I say your all over each other, I know I would be if I were away from DH. hey only 2 and half weeks left or there abouts! :happydance:

TNT yay happy 6 weeks
Evening ladies... :hi: jus popping in to send :hugs: will try and catch up later :flower: :kiss: Xx
thanx never, im having no signs or symptoms :dohh:

thats good news about you uterus :happydance: is the laproscopy where the make holes and are supposed to remove any cysts? glad it went well for you
I posted this in LTTC, but wanted to cross-post to get your ladies input :winkwink:

So, a little back story of the past few weeks. I have been having terrible, I mean TERRIBLE stomach pains. Lower left abdomen and directly behind my belly button. To top it off, my boobs hurt SOOOO bad! I felt like I had a cold coming on too, lower backache, the whole nine yards. I was just sure I was going to POAS and it would be a blaring :bfp:...

Went to the hospital Monday morning to have a blood test drawn, about passed out when the tech drew my blood. Thats very unusual for me, has never happened before. An hour later, the test was negative, but I was still having lower abdominal pain, breast pain to the point I wore a sports bra ALL day, couldn't wear my regular one. I was heartbroken because I felt more pregnant then, than when I actually WAS pregnant before my miscarriage! It was just bizarre to me.
Spent a wonderful Valentines night with the hubby :sex::happydance:
Woke up Tuesday morning to :witch: !!!
I have not had a period since Novemeber 2010. I definitely did not expect to wake up to that. However, I do think since DH and I have been taking Maca for a little over a month and a half now that since it is suppose to regulate your cycle, since I didn't have one it was cleaning me out from the deep depths of my soul haha :haha:
This may be TMI, but by the end of the day Tuesday- My pad was black. super dark creamy blackish-deep brown. And it didn't absorb into it, just kind of laid on top of it. strange? I thought so too. Wednesday morning-afternoon normal flow, never turned red though, just maroon. Wednesday night, just spotting. Thursday morning, nearly nothing. WEIRD!
My wonderful Best Friend Stephanie (PrayinForBaby) went out and got me the FRER Fertility test to take on day 3 off your cycle to tell if you have a good egg reserve or not. ANNNND because she's awesome, a Basal Digi thermometer! I haven't attempted to chart my temps before, so this is going to be a new adventure in my TTC journey. I've actively done OPKs, but the charting will be new.
So where are these pics you may ask?...
The FRER fertility test tests the FSH level in your ovarian reserve, and basically you POAS normal (or in my case, dip ) Wait 30 minutes, and read results. It has the traditional control line (reference line) and a test line. You are looking for the test line to be lighter than the reference line, or not there at all. It instructs you to keep ttc at this point. If the test line is as dark as, or darker than the reference line, seek physicians advice in ttc.
here ya go...
I guess we just keep on keepin on! :thumbup:

By the way...Fertility Test or not, let me just tell you how TRIPPY it is to see 2 lines come up...that totally has messed with my head all morning, just actually SEEING 2 lines..trippy! lol


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rosa sent me a link to this thread in another thread - i'd never heard of maca.

so, since i don't have time to read through 1459 pages (lol), do you take this maca supplement daily while ttc? if you get preggo, do you continue taking it, or stop? just curious - i'll be reading up on it and any other info would be greatly appreciated.

thanks, ladies!

Welcome :flower: go back one page and check out post 14572 I posted information and its all there its a qoute of what I posted. I took caspules 2 a day for two months then 4 a day for my third month and got my BFP :thumbup:
Best of luck you will love it here:flower:

Thanks so much for the info - read it and am thinking about trying it! So, are you still taking four capsules a day during pregnancy?
Man, you all can just always cheer me up, even without knowing it!

Never have CRAZY fun this weekend, u deserve it! Like you said be gentle with the :sex: just so you don't get hurt.

I think i forgot to say welcome to the new ladies before, so welcome to you all! I cant remember all the names right now but may your ttc journey be a short one.

Still in the boring phase so nothing to report really, just checking up on you all.
Hi ladies
I hope everyone is having a good day / evening
I feel crazy :(
So you seen what my OPK looked like yesterday thought wow 2day will be REALLY dark
It is really light.....Any thoughts :(
thanks so much
Maybe you surged and then it didnt acutally happen? Otherwise you may have surged over night. Some women have a super super short surge. I always seemed to miss mine...I got close, then it was fainter. So i thought maybe during the night always. You should test 2 or 3 times a day/evening/night while you think your ovulating.
Ok maybe I am hoping we caught that eggy we BD @ like 3 am last night so my FX for me and ALL of you!!!!!!!!
Thanks and hugs I appreciate your response

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