Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Hi maca girls and welcome to the newbies! :flower:

sorry I haven't caught up on last couple days, not got much time tonight but wanted to say hello! Will post more over weekend and catch up with everyone else!!

Never, have a lovely trip!! :hugs:

TNT - good sign you're feeling crap, should be your little bean doing what it needs to do!! :hugs:

hi everyone else :hi: :hugs:

I'm still feeing very impatient, probably testing Monday or Tuesday - having a few cramps still but trying to keep myself calm as much as possible in case it doesn't come to anything!

Oh wow!!! This is soo soon!! So excited to see the new maca bub!! :happydance::cloud9::happydance: Its kinda neat that you know what positions he's in! I can't wait to feel that :cloud9: You dont get AF when your BF???? HECK YES!!!! Now a whole nother reason to BF for me! :happydance: No AF means no endo for me! At least I would hope! Gosh i've missed talken to ya on here! :haha::hugs: Lately I been soo nauseous that I dont even wanna look on my computer! :haha:
Hi maca girls and welcome to the newbies! :flower:

sorry I haven't caught up on last couple days, not got much time tonight but wanted to say hello! Will post more over weekend and catch up with everyone else!!

Never, have a lovely trip!! :hugs:

TNT - good sign you're feeling crap, should be your little bean doing what it needs to do!! :hugs:

hi everyone else :hi: :hugs:

I'm still feeing very impatient, probably testing Monday or Tuesday - having a few cramps still but trying to keep myself calm as much as possible in case it doesn't come to anything!

I had mild cramping early on so could be a good sign! I hope this is it for you hun!!! Going to any movies or shows this weekend?
Sbb- Aww I love your little ziggy now! Its so cute! Just love those little pictures! I haven't caught up completely just seeing how you are doing and feeling? Is your ta tah's feeling any better?

Sparkle- So nice to see you! And hopefully soon you will get Isla on a nice routine!

AJ- how's thing coming along? Hows the neighbor? Still waking you up?

Dandy- Not sure if I saw a post from you so hope you are well!

TTC- Hey girl!!! Your trip sounded so nice! I wanna sit on a boat all day! That would be so nice! I so hope you caught the eggy and all you needed was a nice trip away!

Never- Again have a lovely time hun! I am sure you are with him now!!

Oh wow!!! This is soo soon!! So excited to see the new maca bub!! :happydance::cloud9::happydance: Its kinda neat that you know what positions he's in! I can't wait to feel that :cloud9: You dont get AF when your BF???? HECK YES!!!! Now a whole nother reason to BF for me! :happydance: No AF means no endo for me! At least I would hope! Gosh i've missed talken to ya on here! :haha::hugs: Lately I been soo nauseous that I dont even wanna look on my computer! :haha:

yep big bonus to BF in my book :haha: Yea I guess Im in the two week wait again well feels like it any way!

AHHH glad and not so gald your feeling bad, get plenty of rest and drink loads of water ok! enjoy your weekend and tell him to come back safe :thumbup:
hey ladies!

SBB- vaginal prolapse...sorry this something that heals itself? I hope you feel better soon!

Leeze - wow it looks like we are around the same time...I am 7 or 8 dpo right now....fxed for us.

TnT - Sorry hun but I am so happy you are feeling like way I know that lil bean is sticking nicely.

celtic - congrats on 36 weeks....this is very exciting! Another maca bub is on its way!
Girls- I have started getting brown CM all day im assuming this is another early MC....after over a year of trying thats the most devastating thing i can imagine right now...just thought i'd share my sad update:(
NY Hun I really really hope it's not MC. I had brown spotting a lot through my pregnancy... :hugs:

Re the prolapse - I have to do pelvic floor exercises but I got the impression from the physio lady that they won't help that much, and potentially only surgery will fix it, but they wouldn't do that until I'm done popping the babies out.

X x x
NY Hun I really really hope it's not MC. I had brown spotting a lot through my pregnancy... :hugs:

Re the prolapse - I have to do pelvic floor exercises but I got the impression from the physio lady that they won't help that much, and potentially only surgery will fix it, but they wouldn't do that until I'm done popping the babies out.

X x x

:hugs::hugs: Your baby is just absolutly beautiful! congrats!!!!!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Girls- I have started getting brown CM all day im assuming this is another early MC....after over a year of trying thats the most devastating thing i can imagine right now...just thought i'd share my sad update:(

I hope and pray your not hun! Didn't you have a pap when you saw the dr? Or an internal exam or any sex lately? My dr told me after she did the internal exam that there could be a few days of spotting. I haven't gotten that but she said that most likely it could happen and not to be alarmed. Is it just brown cm? No clots or bright red?

I sure hope not hun! I will pray hard that this is just spotting from doing too much today! Keep us updated if you can hun! Thinking of you
Hello ladies :hugs::hugs:

Sbb, There is a little bit of a disagreement as to what Isla weighed at birth lol. The midwife in the delivery suite said she weighed 6lb 6oz but the midwife that i saw when i got home thought it didn't look right so she checked on the growth chart and said it was more like 6lbs 9oz :shrug: Not a lot in it but as the home midwife showed me the chart and how to convert i think i will go with 6lb 9oz.
:happydance: Christmas baby lol. Stranger things have happened Sbb :wacko:. I'm right with you on the no :sex: Although i am fine I just can't be bothered lol. My DH is on the sofa anyway at the moment. He can't stand all the night time noises that Isla makes lol. He says its like a bloody farm yard in our room :haha: We have :sex: once since birth so hopefully that will keep him going for a while lol. I mean that's once more than when i was pregnant :rofl:
Was the prolapse caused by sammuels birth ? or is it something you had anyway but has got worse ? :hugs::hugs:

Celtic :happydance::happydance: 36 weeks OMG not long now. Are you all ready ?

TNT, So happy you feel crappy :rofl: A very good sign that all is well. :hugs::hugs:

Leeze, I had cramping before my BFP. In fact i thought i was out because it was so bad. Goodluck with testing we need some more macca babies :hugs::hugs:

NY, :hugs::hugs: I had some brownish bleeding early on in pregnancy so don't give up just yet :hugs::hugs: Hope all is ok :hugs::hugs:

:hi: Aj, Ttc, Daisy :hugs::hugs:

Hope you all have a lovely day. I am off to my mums for brekkie and then i have a big tidy up to do as the girls had some friends over for a sleep over last night :dohh: I band them to the upstairs so i had a nice tidy room to come down to this morning lol. Catch you all later ladies :hugs::hugs:
Hiya ladies :hi:

Celtic - 36 weeks :o yay bring on the next maca baby :D

Never - hope your having a good time babe :hugs:

Sbb - prolapse v v doesn't sound very nice :( :hugs: hope it all gets sorted :hugs:

Sparkle - have fun tidying :haha:

sorry to the ladies I've missed... :hugs:

well ladies... can now tell u I'm team ...:pink: :D

Yay char that's fantastic news! Are you pleased? Is Ian happy? :D

Sparkle I didn't have the prolapse before, it's often caused by a long labour/long pushing phase/big baby/forceps which I had all of!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :hugs:

X x x
hi ladies :hi:

another quick one as we're being healthy this morning and doing an hour in the gym then going to see some flats this afternoon to try to find a lovenest to buy

NY - :hugs::hugs: - I know how worried you must be right now but, like the other girls say, remember this isn't necessarilly early signs of a m/c. When I had my m/c I did a lot of reading around it and apparently about 20% of women have bleeding throughout their pregnancy and it's just about little burst blood vessels as your bean snuggles in. What I understand is that when it's brown cm or brown blood that this is old blood so it normally means whatever the source of the bleeding is that it's stopped bleeding now. When you should worry is if you get really painful cramps or if the blood goes bright red or gets really heavy. You know Kylarsmum I think from some of the 2WW threads? - I remember she had a few days of early bleeding and now I think she's about 12 weeks preg (or maybe more, I'm losing count now!). Well, I really hope your bean stays tight and this passes in a couple of days. :hugs::hugs:

SBB - a vaginal prolapse, wow - that sounds painful and uncomfortable. :hugs: The things us women have to go through!! I hope you're getting lots of pampering and being looked after! :hugs:

TTC - cycle buddies, how cool!!! Any possible signs for you yet? I'm feeling really tired today but it was a long week, so who knows if this is a sign!! I'm going to test on Monday morning, when are you testing? Fingers crossed for those BFPs!! :hugs:

Char - a little girl, how lovely!! Time to start thinking about names!! Have you got any ideas? How's it all going with the house-hunting? :hugs:

TNT - sounds horrible that you can't look at the screen for long, but as I write this I'm thinking "I want that too - please let me be really sick soon!!" :haha: We've got no shows or anything planned for this weekend - relaxing and house-hunting - and maybe a meal out this evening (or take-away!!). How are you and Amy doing? Is she pampering you lots? :hugs:

Sparkle - you made me laugh out loud with your comment about BD-ing! I think our men have to understand what we're going through and be patient!! :hugs: You sound really happy at the moment and sounds like you got a really fun household!!! :hugs:

Need to run now, my OH is telling me we have to leave in 5 mins to go to the gym!! Funny, we both seem to have this short window of being motivated for the gym and we can easily dissuade each other from going!!

Hi to everyone else, have a lovely day everyone xx :hugs::hugs:
Awww char congratulations on team :pink: :hugs::hugs:

Leeze, This house is a bloody mad house. Not even the rabbit is sane, he thinks he's a dog :rofl: Enjoy your workout and flat hunting.

Sbb, sounds awful. Still I'm glad to see it hasn't put you off. The things us ladies go through to get pregnant, carry a chils and give birth :wacko: If it was left to the men we would be a dying breed lol. My DH shouted me last night while i was making the bottles. I ran to him cause i thought something was wrong as he had shouted with such worry. I get to him and he's holding Isla at arms length and saying "quick, quick" I tought at the very least someone was hurt, but no all that's wrong is Isla had had a poo and it was coming out of her nappy and on his trousers. :dohh: MEN honest to god what is there purpose :rofl:
:rofl: about the poo! Danny is the same with exploding poos but now I just make him deal with it, I have to do it on my own when he's not here!

Leeze hope you have fun at the gym! The prolapse isn't painful, in fact I don't even notice it now. It did feel like something was 'coming down' but it doesn't even feel like that now.

Char have you got any names for your little girl?

X x x
Hi ladies-

popping in to say hi and that I miss you all...

Char congrats on the lil girl.... how sweet

Celtic- not to long now- will be checking in from time to time to see your updates

Suz- you already know that I am completely in love with Sammuel- and so glad you are back up and running

Spark- you too- Isla is just a doll... but funny story about the poop.. :lol: MEN....

TnT- glad you are feeling ca ca :lol:

Leeze- I will be checking back sometime next week to see what's up with you.. FX'd for ya

NYpage- hun try not to worry to much- like Suz said- it is common- BUT it can't help that fact that it is happening to you- so you think the worst--- BEEN THERE DONE THAT- will be thinking of you

Never- hope you are enjoying your time with Chris

:hi: to Dandy- Linny-TTC- AJ- Yazzy- Rosa-

welcome all the new ladies- I hope this is a short and quick TTC experience for you :)

AFM- nothing to report just wanted to stop by and say hi
Hey girls... I haven't. Caught up just yet. Just needed my mind eased a bit. I been feelen sick and tired and sore boobs and the whole nine. Tody I barely feel sick and my boobs don't really hurt. Did you preggo ladies or ladies with babies have this. I'm trying not to worry of course but reassurance always helps. I don't dare go to first tri thread cuz it freaks me out. Lol any help would be great! I will catch up after work...short work day so will be on later.
Hey ladies - Happy Saturday!

Suz - That prolapse doesnt sound sorry!

Leeze - yes....we are cycle buddies, I am not testing till next weekend...or even later...I dont feel like stressing myself out over bfns!!!

sparkle - hi back at you! Enjoy your day!!

Never - I know you are having tons of fun with DH...woohoo!

Char - hi there!

TnT - Well I am not the best person to calm you down b/c I have never been pg...but I have read and heard of many women who complain about this...I think it usually comes in waves....your prog and HCG raises in waves...then it levels off and starts raising again....this is what might be causing a loss of symptoms...give it sometime and I am sure they will return.

NY- thinking of you hun, please let us know how you are doing when you can.
Girls- I have started getting brown CM all day im assuming this is another early MC....after over a year of trying thats the most devastating thing i can imagine right now...just thought i'd share my sad update:(

Hun like every one said already, it may mean nothing brown is good means old blood it could be from your cervix, I know how scared you are, I remember when I had my MC on my next pregnancy I had bright red bleeding again and was in an awful state went to the hospital and all was ok the spotting lasted for about two weeks but all was ok. :hugs: please keep us updated

Hey girls... I haven't. Caught up just yet. Just needed my mind eased a bit. I been feelen sick and tired and sore boobs and the whole nine. Tody I barely feel sick and my boobs don't really hurt. Did you preggo ladies or ladies with babies have this. I'm trying not to worry of course but reassurance always helps. I don't dare go to first tri thread cuz it freaks me out. Lol any help would be great! I will catch up after work...short work day so will be on later.

yep it can be normal for the feelings to come and go, rest assured it will prob hit with a bang later on! :hugs: I so agree frist tri is very very scary!!!! at times

Ill be back later to catch up with every one else :hugs:

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