Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

:ignore: im living in denial here, cause i just dont think its ever gonna happen for me :dohh:

never - im with sbb, im loving your pic :thumbup:
:ignore: im living in denial here, cause i just dont think its ever gonna happen for me :dohh:

never - im with sbb, im loving your pic :thumbup:

I was totally feeling like that last month - and (whispering very quietly to make sure I don't frighten that bean from sticking properly) look what happened!! 14 months TTC has been a really long journey but I know it will be worth it in the end if all goes to plan!! :hugs::hugs:
Aj - we shall be moving houses at the same time :D we can share the stress :thumbup: :haha:

Lezze - soo happy for you babe :D

Dandy - your gna get told off again :haha: your bfp WILL happen!! I know its a heart breaking journey but don't u DARE give up hope :hugs:

Never - love your pic :D you & hubby will have one cute baby :hugs: y are u going to school? Yuck!!!

Sbb - :hi:

Afm - spoke to ians mum.. basically were going to move into her old house.. shell still own 50% of it, well own 25% and ians bro will own 25%... she's going on holiday beginning of march so we shall be moving end of march then Ian bro is gna move in in Sept after he finishes his catering course!!

How is everyone??

char- that is great news. So glad you will have a home to bring your little girl home to!

Leeze- Loven the new ziggy!!! :happydance:
Never- What a great pic!! You two will make some adorable babies!

Leeze- SO happy for you!! Sticky Sticky Sticky!!! :dust:

Ttc- Fx'd for you hun!

Dandy- It will happen! :hugs:

Char- That is exciting news! I haven't been on much so I wanted to say Congratulations on having a baby girl! That is so exciting!

Tnt- Hope you are doing well!

Afm- I had a follow up appointment for my ectopic today. My doctor says I'm healing quickly so that's good. But she's already throwing the option of IVF at me.. Makes me so nervous. :( She says with my history it may not look good for my only tube to be capable of what it needs to do. But she is scheduling my HSG for the week of March 14th after my next AF so only 3 weeks away! She says it couldn't have been completely blocked because the sperm met the egg but it may not be open enough for the egg to get back down. So now I'm praying the HSG opens it up real good for that egg to get through! And praying I can follow in Leeze's footsteps and get my BFP right after it!
Kikki- That is terrific news! I pray IVF is not the only option and hopefully your HSG will bring you a nice sticky bean this time! Im glad you are healing well though. :hugs:
Tnt- Thank you hun! I appreciate that! I'm not letting myself worry about that IVF option just yet! Next step.. HSG.. and BFP right after it! That's my plan! :D

How are you feeling?? You have beautiful eyes! :)
Tnt- Thank you hun! I appreciate that! I'm not letting myself worry about that IVF option just yet! Next step.. HSG.. and BFP right after it! That's my plan! :D

How are you feeling?? You have beautiful eyes! :)

Thank you hun! :hugs: I think what your dr said sounds promising. That maybe your tube was clear enough for sperm to swim but not enough for an egg. So I am glad you will have the HSG soon. So you can start again soon. How have you been feeling lately? It took me quiet some time to recover from my MC.

I have been feeling VERY emmotional. :haha: I've been tired and nauseous quiet a bit. I seem to be pretty sad right now with one of my friends that hasn't been supportive so its put me in a weird position im not used to. So im keeping my distance because of my emotions being so crazy right now.

Just counting down the days until our first scan! (9days) and praying there is a bean in their this time!
Hello girls and whooooaaaly cow!

LEEZE- super duper duper congratulations! You are knocked up! YAYAYAYAY!!! FX'd crossed for everything to go well. Hope you dont stress as much as i do!

TTC- im excited to see if you get a bfp too!

Kiki- I belive the HSG will help you, I really do, so just keep focused on that part first and think of the IVF much later if you must but not now!

Never- that is a good pic im glad you had a great time w hubs.

Celtic- how do you feel, big and ready to go im sure .

TNT- hope your scan goes well, thats still a while to wait!

Thank you ladies for the thoughts and kind words... Here's what my situation is. I had some spotty brown cervical mucous friday. Kind of all day had tinted brown mucus....then saturday on and off. By sunday it was pretty much not tinted anymore and so im not sure whats going to happen, but at least it didnt get worse. Never was it actual blood...but tinted discharge. So, Ultrasound thursday (they called and had to reschedule-lol). That will tell all. Say some prayers for me and will my baby to have stuck!
Tnt- Thank you! I think what my Dr said sounds promising too. So I'm hoping the HSG just clears the way for it! I'm feeling better now. It did take me a little while though. I have been staying away from this site because it drives me nuts not being able to do anything but now that we have a plan and the HSG is scheduled.. I'm feeling better. I have something to look forward to so we can finally move on.

Your emotions, tiredness, and being nauseous tells me there is a very strong little bean in there! I'm so excited for your scan! 9 days! Woohoo! I'm sorry to hear your friend isn't being supportive. Do you know why? That's smart of you to just keep your distance though.

Ny- Thank you so much for your positivity! I really appreciate it! That is very good news the tinted discharge didn't get worse! It sounds very positive! It's definitely your turn for this bean to stick so no worries!! It will stay put! I am praying for you! Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!
Ny- Lots of prayers are sent your way my dear! I know many of the ladies here had some spotting and I believe Celtic actually had bleeding or was is SBB. :dohh: So its good that it has let up a bit. Maybe you did too much that day and you just need to rest for a bit until your scan. My dr told me if I ever see blood or spotting that I am on bed rest until it goes away. So maybe try that for a bit.

Kikki- I got better once I had the D&C. Then I knew that I had to wait for AF and then hopefully be put back on track. But after dealing with an awful dr I went back to my old dr who helped me through everything. So its def good that you have something to look forward to...but we will never forget our angels! :hugs:

Uh im thinking my friend is jealous a bit. She isn't TTC and actually has a 10month old but we got into it bc her lack of support or being happy at I was with her pregnancy. Sometimes she is the type of friend that is a bit selfish and if it doesn't suite her needs in the end then she doesn't care. IDK why were friends really...but we've been through alot together and when I had my MC in Oct...she was the one there almost everyday to cry with me. So maybe thats why I stick around.
Hi my lovely ladies. I'm sorry I've been mia the last few days. AF came yesterday :cry: so obviously a stark white bfn on Friday. Went home to visit my family, and met my 6 week old nephew. It was awesome, but sad at the same time. I'm happy to be home with my dh, ready to start a new cycle. I see a new ob-gyn on Wednesday, and I'll hopefully be leaving with some Clomid or something. :shrug:

I haven't caught up entirely, but congrats to Leeze!!!!! :wohoo: I'm so happy for you!!

I'll catch up and comment later. Miss you ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. :hugs:
Tnt- Sounds like jealousy. I have a friend like that too.. Things needs to be more about her and if they aren't or it's not benefiting her, she's distant. But we have been through quite a bit together too so we'll probably always be friends. Hopefully your friend will come around soon. Sometimes people just need a little while to cool down if they are jealous about something. She will get over it and be there for you like you were for her. That's what friends do. :)

Miss you too Rosa :hugs:
Hello ladies :hugs::hugs:

Oh my word it's so hard to keep up these days lol.

Never, I'm so glad you had a fab time with DH. I love your new picture it's so sweet :hugs::hugs:

Leeze, A huge CONGRATULATIONS :happydance::happydance::happydance:

NY, :hugs::hugs::hugs:

KIKI, It's good that the doctors are on the ball with you and are talking through your options already. I'm sure you will have a sticky bean very soon :hugs:

AJ, Congratulations on the house :hugs::hugs:

:hi: SBB, Dandy, Char and anyone i have forgotten. The brain is not what is used to be ladies.

Hope you all have a great day :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Just a quick one to say hi and I'm feeling the love in this thread right now! :hugs: Am at work so have to be very quick, just wanted to see how everyone is doing

NY - great that the brown cm has stopped :hugs: - this is a really good sign and hopefully means everything is progressing as it should do - I can really understand the worry though - fingers crossed everything looks good at the ultrasound :hugs:

Kiki - I'm really hoping the HSG gets you your BFP. Funnily enough with mine the Doc said she couldn't see a blockage as such, but it must have done something right!!! :hugs:

Rosa - sorry AF got you - what a mean witch :growlmad: - hard being around children when it reminds you of your own sadness - hopefully it will be your time soon :hugs:

TNT - something I've come to realise recently with friends is that sometimes I need to go to different friends for different things - so one friend is really good at being there emotionally, one is really fun to hang out with etc - and right now I need to be around people that make me feel safe or good about myself but at other times I can be with people where it's more light-hearted or fun. :hugs:

Hi to everyone else- I will hopefully catch up more later - I'm still in a bit of a blur! :hugs:

Thanks all for your congratulations, it still feels very unreal to me - like I'm not quite there!!
Hello ladies- Im so confused. I have some brown discharge again:( what in the world...this seems to me an early MC. Its making me so mad I cant even think straight. Sorry for the rant, I just have tried for this for 2 years and losing another one is an unbearable thought:(
morning ladies!

Kiki - many women get pregnant with one tube or a partially blocked tube so I would say talk of IVF is def. premature. I will pray the HSG does the trick and you will have your BFP very soon!

TnT - it is hard with friends who are not supportive. Maybe it is best to keep your distance and allow yourself time for your hormones to what they need to do after all...your lil bean is the top priority right now. This might not hold true with yoru friend but I do believe that God brings people into your life for a reason and when they have fulfilled that reason then they move on.

NY - I am praying that this isnt a miscarriage....I think not having any red blood is good though....

Leeze - I am so happy for you...awesome news...and loving your ticker! Were you on maca or anything?

Never - you guys are so good looking the pic!

Rosa - sorry af gotcha hun....ugh!!! I am feeling like I am out also so we can try to get through next cycle together.

Dandy - Sorry you are feeling down, I have those moments...lately they have been more often. I hope you feel better soon!

Ok sorry if I left anyone out! I hope everyone has a great day/night!
Sparkle- Thank you. I'm happy they are right on the ball with me too. It saves me from having to just keep waiting for something to be done. I hope you and Isla are doing well! I just love looking at that pic of her on your avatar!

Leeze- Thank you so much! I really hope I can follow in your footsteps! I have heard it helps women who don't even have a blockage. Something about it coats the inside of the tubes so it makes it easier for everything to flow freely. How are you doing?? I'm still so excited for you!

Ny- Your bean is sticking in there so tight! I know it's so hard not to worry but just try to think positive. I'm sorry you have to worry at all! I wish you didn't have too!

Ttc- Thank you hun. I thought the talk of IVF was premature too. I mean we know my issues with Endo and now an ectopic but we don't know for sure what the tube looks like. I think my Doctor is just very realistic and she wants to make sure I know up front that there are other options if this doesn't work out. Still didn't make me happy to hear it because I would obviously rather conceive naturally. But one step at a time. :) How are you doing?

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