Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

:hello: ladies.. sorry I've been MIA - had a bad week :( work messed up my pay..then Ian didn't get paid..and now look like he won't get paid at all & doesn't have a job anymore :(

how is everyone???

SBB - what a gorgeous pic!!! I want to reach into the screen and give him a big hug!!!! Well done for keeping up the BF. :hugs:

NY - that's funny about being in the 2WW for 2nd trimester. I'm in my 2WW for my next scan. I hadn't thought about it like that but actually that makes me feel a whole lot better somehow. Great you can hear the heartbeat on the doppler - and lovely to hear such encouraging words from SBB. I think your baby is a tough one and is telling you that he or she will be hanging on in there with you right till the end!! :hugs:

Char - that's a nightmare about your pay and Ian's job. What a time for this to happen. I hope something else comes up for him soon if he does lose his job. :hugs:

Dandy - how's it going with your new addition? I hope your other dog likes having a new friend :hugs:

TTC - fingers crossed clomid gets you your BFP - I know it's worked for a lot of people so this could be your lucky time hon :hugs:

Welcome TTCfl :flower: - I took organic gelatinised maca capsules - I liked these because they were quite easy to swallow. I was taking these for about 4 or 5 months I think. I hope they get your your BFP :hugs:

Kel and Never - lovely to see you both dropping by - I hope you're doing ok :hugs::hugs: Never - not long now till you see your DH

I'm feeling quite sick a lot of the time at the moment but am trying to remind myself this is a good sign. Also, sometimes it's quite useful like when I started cleaning the bathroom this morning and the smell of the disinfectant was making me gag so I had to stop cleaning!!!!! At the moment though it's a real struggle to get through the weekdays because of having to be in work. The weekends are lovely because I can relax a lot more - like yesterday when I went to bed for a nap in the afternoon. Lovely.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone :hugs:
our new addition is a handful, her and our old dog do play together :thumbup: its me who is still struggling with the 2 dog dynamic :dohh:
SSB: You're baby is so adorable
ttcbaby117: Thank you for the information. I am expecting my maca order this week. Also I will be doing acupuncture once a week.
xcharx: Sorry to hear you're going through so much. I hope things get better for you.
Leeze:Thank you very much. Yes Leeze when you feel sick that is a very good sign ;-).
SBB oh what a cute picture he is a very handsome little man and way to go on the weight well done you:thumbup:

no my cat never came back :cry: he will be missing a week today!
Paul is doing great though :thumbup: keeping me busy but I am loving it :flower:
wow - very quiet on here - hope everyone is ok :hugs:

Celtic - sorry to hear your cat isn't back yet, maybe it's gone on an adventure and will be back soon! :hugs:

Dandy - that's cute that it's you that's struggling and not the dogs, hopefully you'll get used to it in no time at all :hugs:

TTCfl - I had acupuncture for a few months too - I think this really helped me. I had it twice a month (just before and just after O)

It's lovely and sunny in London today - hottest day of the year so far at 21 degrees!!! It's making me want to laze about and do nothing!!!
Char - I just noticed you're 30 weeks already!!!!!!! Wowee!! :hugs:
Hello ladies!

How is everyone doing?

I am doing well, have finally told my family about the pregnancy so praying that it isn't a jinx to it. We are about 12 weeks today and doing well. Had ultrasound on monday and there is a baby in there. It is my avatar picture. My NT measurement was really good too, so hope my blood work matches up with that and everythings good. Ready to start buying things but need to feel more confident first:)

Found out my little sister is having a girl! She is 2 months ahead of me, so Im hoping for a boy, but shhhhh, don't tell baby that.

Leee- its finally nice here too and it makes me want to read on my Nook and lay around! How have you been feeling, and have you had scans or any other exciting news? Thought about buying a baby fetal doppler yet?

Char- im so sorry about the jobs. It is tough, but you have each other and your baby! Happy 30 weeks.
leeze its funny that its warm there and we have just had the coldest day so far :haha: i've brought out my winter jarmies lol, im cold!! :cold:
I received my maca order today wow it was an interesting smell. I mixed the powder with OJ and drank it. I am now in Maca train LOL.
NY - that's all great news honey and what a lovely picture!!!! :happydance::happydance: - my next scan is 18th April - it's officially the 12 week scan because it's 12 weeks since my last period but going by my early scan where they put my dates back I might only be 11 weeks and 2 days

Dandy - that is funny, isn't it? We have weather swaps between the UK and Aus, although I think you get much nicer weather generally when it is warm. When's your next appointment - I'm thinking it's probably not long now? :hugs:

TTCfl - welcome to the maca train :flower: - choo choo - let's hope it gets you that lovely BFP. Remember it's best to take in the morning or lunchtime because with some people it can have a bit of a stimulant effect and mean that it can interrupt sleep if you take in the evening :hugs:

Almost the weekend!!!! I can't wait to rest and not have to go to work for 2 days!!!
next wednesday :) we will get bak OH SA results and will confirm PCOS for me, and then hopefully start the clomid next cycle. as i took nothing this time i have no idea how long that will be :shrug:

yes i love our summers, though OH sits inside all day with the aircon :dohh: but i love being out in the can get very hot though :thumbup: do your summers get like really hot? is it a dry heat or a humid heat? (ours is humid, so we sweat lots :haha: tmi)
Hi Ladies. Just checking in.

AF got me on Monday. 2 days early making my LP only 10 days so that sucks. I'm hoping it's just a fluke thing. I ovulated very late so hoping it was just a screwy cycle.

Hope everyone is well! :flower:
hi ladies.. sorry been a while!! well looks like OH job might be safe, hes been paid soo its looking up.. but i cant get the rest of my wages til next pay time :( bums!!

hows is everyone??

miss u girls :hugs:

im taking my mum shopping today && then going to clear the house out - hopefully it will only be 2 weeks til we move now!!

mucho loveeeee to you alllll

Leeze: How are you feeling? I will take Maca in the morning. I love acupunture it relaxes me for sure. I will try to go once a week if I can. It is very hot here in Florida 89 degrees today.
Nypage:Glad to hear that everything is going well.
Hello dandybush,kiki
xcharx glad that the job is safe
Ttcbabyfl- I'm doing well thank you. Getting fat and continuing to feel lazy as a walrus. Hope nice weather gets me outta this funk.
I was just in Florida last month for family vacation and was very nice. I miss it! Although, we are getting a lovely springtime now and its almost 60 degrees today. Wooohooo! Hope maca works for you STAT.
Hi everyone!!

Dandy - for the last few summers it hasn't really been that hot in the UK - we quite often get some nice days here and there but it's been about 5 years since we had a really hot summer!! It tends to be somewhere between about 16 and 22 degrees for a lot of the summer - so 21 degrees today in April is pretty good!!! Fingers crossed for good SA results - and hopefully the clomid will bring you that much-wanted BFP!! :hugs:

Kiki - sorry AF got you, hon :hugs: I think 10 days for a LP is ok, it's anything less than 10 days that can make things a bit more tricky for implantation. Remember, you're still super-fertile for the next 3 months after the HSG. Are you trying anything different next cycle? I was using softcups and pre-seed the month I got my BFP - I think these really helped. Good luck, hon :hugs:

Char - that's good news about your OH but still sucks that you're not getting paid for a while. Wow - 2 weeks till house move time. How exciting!! Good luck with the packing up, you've got a great incentive to get it done!! I always put thing off till the last minute when packing up, I can never get motivated!!! Do you need to get anything for the new place and have you started getting things for your nursery yet? :hugs:

TTCbabyfl - I'm feeling a bit sick today actually, but reminding myself this is a good sign!! It's difficult to get motivated to do much at the moment!! I really got into the acupuncture, and after 3 months the acupuncturist said that she noticed a big change in my Chi (I think that means your body's energy flow) and it was the next month that I got my BFP!!! 89 degrees is very hot - wow!! The type of weather to just lie and relax in!!!! :hugs:

NY - I'm feeling lazy too, hon. But I think it's our bodies ways of telling us to take it easy so I'm trying not to feel too guilty about it!! Someone offered me a seat on a train yesterday - I do feel like I've got a bit of a belly at the moment but it does feel a bit early for a bump although I've been eating quite a lot so it could be a bit of a combination!!! Today my OH and I are going to go for a picnic in the local park, that's about my limit in terms of activity at the moment!!!! I love your scan pic, it's so cute and makes me smile whenever I see it. Are you feeling any more relaxed about the pregnancy or are you still worrying? I think you got a very strong bub in there!! :hugs:
nypag - Don't worry about getting fat just enjoy the pregnancy. Make sure the baby is getting enough food ;-). Oh wow you were in FL which part? Glad you had a wonderful time. Thank you I hope Maca works miracles for me too.
Leeze- Did you take herbs while pregnant or you just did acupuncture? Oh yes 89 is hot most of the time we end up spending all day home.
nypag - Don't worry about getting fat just enjoy the pregnancy. Make sure the baby is getting enough food ;-). Oh wow you were in FL which part? Glad you had a wonderful time. Thank you I hope Maca works miracles for me too.
Leeze- Did you take herbs while pregnant or you just did acupuncture? Oh yes 89 is hot most of the time we end up spending all day home.

I was taking maca and doing acupuncture while TTC but have stopped both since getting the BFP. Good luck, hon :hugs:
TTCbaby- we were in cocoa beach for 2 days then orlando for the Disney extravaganza. Took my 7 year old for the first time on a spring break vacation. She loved it we all had such a great experience! Even being at the beginning of my scary pregnancy, it was a blast. Hope you are surviving the heat!

Leeze- bet you are excited for your scan. Seems to me, that your time is flying, I feel like you just got a BFP!

Is everyone ok? I think this thread seems to have died off a lot....hope you all have luck in whatever you are doing!

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