Resisting the title Wonky Cycles R Us....boarding the Maca Train to BFP Central!

Hello everyone- just wanted to pop in..checking on any BFP's or anything.

Keep on with it ladies- we are excited to see them on everyone!

Dandy- love the puppy! So adorable. I want another but with 2 rescue dogs and a rescue cat and a child and one on the way in a "cozy" home, there's no room for more madness!

Kiki- can't wait til you can test. Im so excited for you with your chart! Cant wait cant wait !

Celtic- booo poor lost cat...has he come back? Ugh thats sad!

Leeze- you feeling well? Getting far along!

I am super nervous- have my scan on monday and just so afraid they'll tell me the baby is growing as should, or my sac is too small or something horrible! I hate this dread. I am in a good blissful pregnancy state right now and don't want that ruined!

SBB- you said you spotted a lot, right? How so? Like, every day? All through first trimester? Im just trying to get a sense of maybe this really will work out even when i'm spotting. How in the world did you handle it?
nypage, can i ask if you are closely bonded with your dogs? and if they are spoilt even with a child and one on the way? im struggling atm trying to figure out how to divide my time with 2 dogs, my first dog and i do everything we can together, we are veeeerrry close. I am scared of losing my closeness with him, now he has a friend :dohh: if i can bond just as well with willow (new pup) then ill be ok

my question to you, is it still possible to be close to your pets and do things with them when you have kids?
YES! I am not as close though since i've had a 7 year old before any dogs! time is obviously going to my daughter first, then the pups but now that your first has a friend when you have a baby it will be perfect. I take them for walks to pick up my daughter from school, we take them on family camping trips, they go everywhere with us like that. However, during the day, I do not bring them everywhere so they are together for that time. I'd say having them around children is so fun too because they get that playfulness and protectiveness for children that is so endearing. Don't worry- like with multiple children, you will always find enough time and love for all of your pets and all of your children! The first pup may be a bit slighted at first though, specially with a baby. Mine was a bit mad about the new puppy that we brought along but then he got over it. Sometimes OH will take the first dog out on a run, or somewhere alone so he still gets his special time that we took away from him!
thank you so much :hugs: this has been worrying me for aaagggees, obviously when i have a baby, i will have to put time into it :haha:

during the day i do leave my dog home alone (friend will be good for that) i go for a walk or to the dog park most arvos (would gladly walk or bring them in the car for school pickup) I have been walking my first dog seperately atm for me and him bonding time, though he seems fine with having a puppy around (not out of joint at all) and i do agility with him, (may do it with willow also) long as like you said i can find the time for each of them i should be ok thank you for making me feel better and not so worried about my doggy relationships :hugs:
You are a good doggy mommy:) Enjoy the pup, it may bring out some more playfulness in the first dog, ours did!
more playfulness... are you kidding all they do is play now :haha: :dohh: i do hope that they will still wanna play with me, raz (first dog) used to play with me every day :/ thats another thing i love :) he's my first born furbaby :D i love him to pieces :) im sure there is room in my heart for willow (second furbaby) too it will just take some adjusting on my part
hey ladies.. just stopping by to say hi.. looks like everyone is well... good to see that... miss you all....
Hello ladies, I am new here and I am ttc our first child. I am interested in trying maca. Which brand should i buy also capsules or powder? Those who tried it did it work for you. Thank you in advance.
Hello ladies :wave:

Hope you are all well! Its been very quiet in here lately...

Celtic how is Paul? Did the cat turn up? I hope so :hugs:

Dandy the pup is absolutely beautiful!!! How are you getting on? Keeping her?!

Ny I spotted through for a long time, til at least 20 weeks. More like 24 or even 28 weeks I can't remember! But it was every day, some days quite heavy. After id seen my healthy baby growing 3 times I just accepted that it was going to happen, and then I stopped worrying. Just pm me if you want to chat more about it :hugs:

Sammuel is doing well, he rolled over yesterday, I was very excited!! He is 17lbs now, 98th centile, its what an average 6 month old weighs :rofl: so I'm very pleased I kept up the BF!

X x x
hey ladies!

Well dr put me on clomid...we will see how that works!

TTCBABYFL - Try anything organic....I think you can go to amazon and they have some great brands....also, you can do powder or pill form. I found the pill form easier as the powder doesnt taste to pleasant......good luck hun and let us know if you have any questions!
Thank you SBB- im trying to except it also since ive got my doppler picking up the heartbeat! Its tough to deal with in the early days but it gets to be something you get used to! Glad you made it and have your beautiful BIG boy:)

Welcome TTCBABY- hope maca works for you, this thread was very lucky and it worked for a lot of the women on here. Most of them, in fact it seems.

Hope everyone is well! Im sure you are all busy with babys and TTC and stuff. I feel bored being in my 2WW for 2nd trimester!
haha 2 ttc names in here! ttcbaby17- thats awesome about clomid! You aren't doing maca with that, are you? I cant remember, but thought most people can do just one or the other.
Hello ladies,

ttcbaby117:Thank you for the information. When do you start taking it? DO you take it just like you take prenatal?
nypage1981: Thank you. I will buy it today.

ttc name is so popular ;-). I am trying to conceive our first.
sbb, she is growing on me daily, i have 1 more week of this trial :D so we shall see....everyone i know thinks she is here for good :haha:
Keep her :D :haha:

Here is a recent pic of my not so little pickle :D

X x x
Thank you! He is so funny I love his little face so much!! :cloud9: he cracks me up....

X x x
TTBABYFL - just take it throughout your cycle.....and stop when you get your bfp. You can start anytime in your cycle so dont worry about it!

NY - nope I stopped the maca this month so I will just take clomid.

SBB- what a hunk!

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