Hi ladies, I'm due to return to work on 10th July, and I'm worried about my supply. I've started a freezer stash and already have about 50oz stored. My DS will be 5.5 months old, and I'll be working 3, 8 hour shifts a week. With the commute I'll be away from him in an early shift from 6-4:30, a late shift 12 till 10:00pm. I will be able to pump during my 15 minute tea break and my 30 minute meal break. I will manage to have 1 let down during the 15 minute break and the meal break I'm thinking I'll pump before I eat and after, so 2 let downs. I only seem to let down once per session. My body just doesn't respond too well to pumping! I will also have to pump when I get home off a late shift as DS will be asleep, I may be able to feed prior to my early if he's awake, if not, I'll pump then too.
Does this amount of pumping sound like it will maintain my supply? It's no where near as much (or as effective!) as DS feeding at breast! I'm so worried about my supply. I'll be working Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Any experience and reassurance would be great
Does this amount of pumping sound like it will maintain my supply? It's no where near as much (or as effective!) as DS feeding at breast! I'm so worried about my supply. I'll be working Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Any experience and reassurance would be great