come on Summer-Brooke, any sign yet??
I have NO idea about being dilated, they never check me, it does my head in that im not seeing anyone til next friday
Hoping he'll have come by then, dont want an overdue bubs!!
The cat makes me sick. When it snows it wont go outside so it shits in the bathroom sink, you walk in and the smell, omg its almost as bad as a crematorium! Its proper rank! Im quite worried about breathing in the fumes off it, cos i know cat shits dangerous. I dont clear it up, i leave that to someone else lol. Apparently most of us will have been exposed to it before pregnancy anyway and so were safe. I remember panicking cos id cleaned the litter tray out before i found out lol!
Anyhoo enough about cat shit!
I read theres an eye debate going on?! I was born with blue eyes like pretty much every baby, i had blue til i was about two then they turned green xD i weighed 9pounds7oz and was ten days overdue! I also came out and didnt cry, one bit, i just laid there and rolled my eyes around a bit then went back to sleep lol! I slept through from being about 6 weeks old and was on solid food from 3 months lol. so basically i was greedy and fat and lazy! Haha.