S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

Masons alright hes got some teeth coming already im abit horrified lol 3 white dots on his bottom gum :o i hope they dont come soon lol.. Hes just being mardy at minute too. Hows Alice?
awww bless him!! so soon.

alice is good thanks :) was going through a growth spurt so wasnt sleeping too good at night because she was starving all the time lol. she drank 160z the other evening and a few weeks ago she would only just drink that ina day. she giggles non stop aswell its cute :)
does mason see his dad x
cant belive how quickly there growing up! quins a lil chubber lol do you no how much he weighs rome?

i FINALLY have found a dummy that alice will suck!!!!!!!!!! yayyyy. she had tomme tippe ones with the cherry teat she would suck if you held it in so i had to sit there for ages until she went to sleep sucking it. i got her the bigger size ones and she sucks them!! shes in her cot asleep right now. wooo!

i used to have to put her in her pram and push her to sleep in the day but earlier i put her in her cot with her dummy and she went off to sleep.
its quite sad how happy i am that she sucks a dummy lol!
I don't know if you have ever heard of a group called Gingerbread?

They've been around for years and are an organisation for single parents (including a young Mums section) ...

not only do they offer a free advice line for things like benefits and general support (which is even free for certain mobile networks!) but there are local groups all over the country who often have Mums and Tots groups and other get togethers like coffee mornings, evenings out, kids outings and so on to help you get out and meet other single parents of both sexes (someone I know met her husband through Gingerbread)

Here's the link to their website

https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/port...lone parents/single-parent-information-online

If you ring them they will be able to tell you about activities local to you or put you in touch with your local group :D

Being a single Mum is lonely :hugs: but spending time with other single parents (who also don't have to worry about having to fit in with a partner/husband's plans) is a good way to go :D
awww bless him!! so soon.

alice is good thanks :) was going through a growth spurt so wasnt sleeping too good at night because she was starving all the time lol. she drank 160z the other evening and a few weeks ago she would only just drink that ina day. she giggles non stop aswell its cute :)
does mason see his dad x

No he did but not now its too awkard and hes not on birth certificate anyway i just told him if he wants contact with him or like to be on birth certificate hell after go through court hes done nothing for mason since he was concieved.. brought nothing except a few clothes that didnt fit him :\ but he dont think masons his anyway so he wants a DNA test done but i aint splashing out for one not on my income anyway :\ and he cant afford it as he cant afford to even support mason :\
What about Alices dad?
awww bless him!! so soon.

alice is good thanks :) was going through a growth spurt so wasnt sleeping too good at night because she was starving all the time lol. she drank 160z the other evening and a few weeks ago she would only just drink that ina day. she giggles non stop aswell its cute :)
does mason see his dad x

No he did but not now its too awkard and hes not on birth certificate anyway i just told him if he wants contact with him or like to be on birth certificate hell after go through court hes done nothing for mason since he was concieved.. brought nothing except a few clothes that didnt fit him :\ but he dont think masons his anyway so he wants a DNA test done but i aint splashing out for one not on my income anyway :\ and he cant afford it as he cant afford to even support mason :\
What about Alices dad?

ohrightt better off without him then :p i wish fob would fuck off i really do!
atm letters are going back n forth through soliciors about how much contact he wants and tbh i have never heard anything so stupid! he wanted to come round and do 'bedtime' and me go round on weekends but not stay in the same room. hes not on bc and he doesnt pay anything so i said he cane come round twice a week for half an hour and he has to pay cm or he can go through court. my solicitors said if he goes to court it will take a minimum of 4 months and he will get them same outcome so im not worried. i havnt had a reply yet but should do this week sometime!!

me too :(

anna hows noah

and hows mason becy x

hes really restless atm, so tiring! hows alice? x

aww thats shit hun :( is he crying all the time or just not sleeping?
alice is doing well thanks :) xx

good good :) hes crying most of the time, not full on screaming but just moaning and stuff and needing constant attention xx

me too :(

anna hows noah

and hows mason becy x

hes really restless atm, so tiring! hows alice? x

aww thats shit hun :( is he crying all the time or just not sleeping?
alice is doing well thanks :) xx

good good :) hes crying most of the time, not full on screaming but just moaning and stuff and needing constant attention xx

aww you must be so run down :( i dont no what to suggest but there must be a reason hes being like that hun. is he feeding alright x
awww bless him!! so soon.

alice is good thanks :) was going through a growth spurt so wasnt sleeping too good at night because she was starving all the time lol. she drank 160z the other evening and a few weeks ago she would only just drink that ina day. she giggles non stop aswell its cute :)
does mason see his dad x

No he did but not now its too awkard and hes not on birth certificate anyway i just told him if he wants contact with him or like to be on birth certificate hell after go through court hes done nothing for mason since he was concieved.. brought nothing except a few clothes that didnt fit him :\ but he dont think masons his anyway so he wants a DNA test done but i aint splashing out for one not on my income anyway :\ and he cant afford it as he cant afford to even support mason :\
What about Alices dad?

ohrightt better off without him then :p i wish fob would fuck off i really do!
atm letters are going back n forth through soliciors about how much contact he wants and tbh i have never heard anything so stupid! he wanted to come round and do 'bedtime' and me go round on weekends but not stay in the same room. hes not on bc and he doesnt pay anything so i said he cane come round twice a week for half an hour and he has to pay cm or he can go through court. my solicitors said if he goes to court it will take a minimum of 4 months and he will get them same outcome so im not worried. i havnt had a reply yet but should do this week sometime!!

FOB just asks every other month when he can see mason.. and i end up ignoring him harsh as it sounds but its so awkard when hes at my house he jsut sits there and its silent and mason always screams when he holds him :\ i end up taking over with stuff cause its sumat i just find i have to do weird as it sounds. He will never go through court to see him he aint got the balls to do it all plus he cant pay for him so its pointless, tbh im happy as i am him not seeing him till mason understand more and dont cry as much would make stuff alot easier i think. But at min im seeing someone new and were seeing if we can work out and i know FOB wont like it but tbh if someone else is willing to make me happy and take my son on its better then his dad not even paying or helping out! He really annoys me lol. Well i hope everything sorts out for you xx
awww bless him!! so soon.

alice is good thanks :) was going through a growth spurt so wasnt sleeping too good at night because she was starving all the time lol. she drank 160z the other evening and a few weeks ago she would only just drink that ina day. she giggles non stop aswell its cute :)
does mason see his dad x

No he did but not now its too awkard and hes not on birth certificate anyway i just told him if he wants contact with him or like to be on birth certificate hell after go through court hes done nothing for mason since he was concieved.. brought nothing except a few clothes that didnt fit him :\ but he dont think masons his anyway so he wants a DNA test done but i aint splashing out for one not on my income anyway :\ and he cant afford it as he cant afford to even support mason :\
What about Alices dad?

ohrightt better off without him then :p i wish fob would fuck off i really do!
atm letters are going back n forth through soliciors about how much contact he wants and tbh i have never heard anything so stupid! he wanted to come round and do 'bedtime' and me go round on weekends but not stay in the same room. hes not on bc and he doesnt pay anything so i said he cane come round twice a week for half an hour and he has to pay cm or he can go through court. my solicitors said if he goes to court it will take a minimum of 4 months and he will get them same outcome so im not worried. i havnt had a reply yet but should do this week sometime!!

FOB just asks every other month when he can see mason.. and i end up ignoring him harsh as it sounds but its so awkard when hes at my house he jsut sits there and its silent and mason always screams when he holds him :\ i end up taking over with stuff cause its sumat i just find i have to do weird as it sounds. He will never go through court to see him he aint got the balls to do it all plus he cant pay for him so its pointless, tbh im happy as i am him not seeing him till mason understand more and dont cry as much would make stuff alot easier i think. But at min im seeing someone new and were seeing if we can work out and i know FOB wont like it but tbh if someone else is willing to make me happy and take my son on its better then his dad not even paying or helping out! He really annoys me lol. Well i hope everything sorts out for you xx

it doesnt sound harsh dont worry i wish my fob would leave me alone im fed up of the whole process of going through solicitors when i have better things to do! he hasnt seen alice since she was like 3 weeks old and she was just sleeping obviously and he was just sat and i no how awkward it is. i have nothing to talk to him about and he thinks im interested in hearing his life story n i really couldnt give a shit. i no when he comes round alice will scream because she even does it with some of my family who dont see her much.
awww how lucky are you for finding someone else! im not looking for anyone but its pretty lonely i being just me and her and i think it will be really difficult to find someone whos willing to take on alice aswell. and i no for a fact fob wouldnt like it and would do everything he could to fuck things up so atm i dont think its even worth it.
im waiting for his reply to wether hes going to see her on my terms or go to court. im so annoyed that the one person i never want to see again is always gona be a part of my life whether i like it or not! :(
if noah was born late,he would have been so big!
i know! :shock:

aww you must be so run down :( i dont no what to suggest but there must be a reason hes being like that hun. is he feeding alright x
i am and i feel like shit cos im so shattered im not really enjoying it and i feel like a crap mum for not enjoying time with my child. they say you should treasure each moment when they're little but i cant wait for this stage to be over, im so drained. yea hes feeding fine, 5oz every 3-4 hours :shrug: xx

im not looking for anyone but its pretty lonely i being just me and her and i think it will be really difficult to find someone whos willing to take on alice aswell. and i no for a fact fob wouldnt like it and would do everything he could to fuck things up so atm i dont think its even worth it.
omg i could have wrote that myself!! it does get really lonely. i really appreciate my friends and stuff but sometimes you just need "that" male company and like in the nights and stuff. feels like something missing. argh i hate FOB for making me so dependant on a bf!! after about 2 weeks of being together i moved in with him and we were basically never apart (even tho we hated each other :winkwink:) so its really really weird being on my own after 14 months of that. even lately we've been spending most days and nights together but now its a breach of his bail if he contacts me in the next 3 weeks so i cant even use him for his company lool :( its pathetic i still miss him after what he did
aww anna you cant expect to be happy all the time and noway does it make you a bad mum i was so run down aswell and it took me ages to adjust to being a mummy and i felt pretty shit about it and thought i wasnt doing a good job and you have to look back and laugh about it when things gets better:) im always about if you wana chat hun.
i couldnt even stand being in the same room as fob id rather have no company for the rest of my life than his! but i no what you mean, going to bed alone, waking up alone. just doing everything by yourself makes you just feel alone:( im living with my mum though so i have some company i think i would really hate having my own place.
dont ever feel like your not doing a good job though hun because i bet your a brilliant mum and just think your all noah really has and he would be lost without you which means your the best thing he has. cheer up chick x
awww bless him!! so soon.

alice is good thanks :) was going through a growth spurt so wasnt sleeping too good at night because she was starving all the time lol. she drank 160z the other evening and a few weeks ago she would only just drink that ina day. she giggles non stop aswell its cute :)
does mason see his dad x

No he did but not now its too awkard and hes not on birth certificate anyway i just told him if he wants contact with him or like to be on birth certificate hell after go through court hes done nothing for mason since he was concieved.. brought nothing except a few clothes that didnt fit him :\ but he dont think masons his anyway so he wants a DNA test done but i aint splashing out for one not on my income anyway :\ and he cant afford it as he cant afford to even support mason :\
What about Alices dad?

ohrightt better off without him then :p i wish fob would fuck off i really do!
atm letters are going back n forth through soliciors about how much contact he wants and tbh i have never heard anything so stupid! he wanted to come round and do 'bedtime' and me go round on weekends but not stay in the same room. hes not on bc and he doesnt pay anything so i said he cane come round twice a week for half an hour and he has to pay cm or he can go through court. my solicitors said if he goes to court it will take a minimum of 4 months and he will get them same outcome so im not worried. i havnt had a reply yet but should do this week sometime!!

FOB just asks every other month when he can see mason.. and i end up ignoring him harsh as it sounds but its so awkard when hes at my house he jsut sits there and its silent and mason always screams when he holds him :\ i end up taking over with stuff cause its sumat i just find i have to do weird as it sounds. He will never go through court to see him he aint got the balls to do it all plus he cant pay for him so its pointless, tbh im happy as i am him not seeing him till mason understand more and dont cry as much would make stuff alot easier i think. But at min im seeing someone new and were seeing if we can work out and i know FOB wont like it but tbh if someone else is willing to make me happy and take my son on its better then his dad not even paying or helping out! He really annoys me lol. Well i hope everything sorts out for you xx

it doesnt sound harsh dont worry i wish my fob would leave me alone im fed up of the whole process of going through solicitors when i have better things to do! he hasnt seen alice since she was like 3 weeks old and she was just sleeping obviously and he was just sat and i no how awkward it is. i have nothing to talk to him about and he thinks im interested in hearing his life story n i really couldnt give a shit. i no when he comes round alice will scream because she even does it with some of my family who dont see her much.
awww how lucky are you for finding someone else! im not looking for anyone but its pretty lonely i being just me and her and i think it will be really difficult to find someone whos willing to take on alice aswell. and i no for a fact fob wouldnt like it and would do everything he could to fuck things up so atm i dont think its even worth it.
im waiting for his reply to wether hes going to see her on my terms or go to court. im so annoyed that the one person i never want to see again is always gona be a part of my life whether i like it or not! :(

Sounds exactly like me when mason was just born he was sleeping mostly so it wouldnt be a prob when he saw him but now when hes seen him lately he constantly crys but when i take him off him he stops :S mason evem laughs at my best mate he never has to FOB :\ .. i havent found sum1 exactly but were seeing if we can make sumat of it which i doubt highly tbh.. iv been single so long now its getting to me i think i really want some1 in masons life instead of always getting "are you mum and dad then" off health visitor/doctors etc when its me and my 53yr old dad!!!! grr so embarresing i feel like crying sometimes when people say that.
im not looking for anyone but its pretty lonely i being just me and her and i think it will be really difficult to find someone whos willing to take on alice aswell. and i no for a fact fob wouldnt like it and would do everything he could to fuck things up so atm i dont think its even worth it.
omg i could have wrote that myself!! it does get really lonely. i really appreciate my friends and stuff but sometimes you just need "that" male company and like in the nights and stuff. feels like something missing. argh i hate FOB for making me so dependant on a bf!! after about 2 weeks of being together i moved in with him and we were basically never apart (even tho we hated each other :winkwink:) so its really really weird being on my own after 14 months of that. even lately we've been spending most days and nights together but now its a breach of his bail if he contacts me in the next 3 weeks so i cant even use him for his company lool :( its pathetic i still miss him after what he did

I'm lonely, your lucky you have friends, I only have mom,quin and my new puppy!:cry:
I went on a few dates with this guy, he loves quin, and its super sweet but he is 6 years older, and doesn't have a very good job...hes nice but "simple"

My mom said that if I guy doesn't treat me badly then I don't like him which I think is true,
why are us girls like that?:shrug:
This guy im seeing is 6 years older then me too :) hes seen mason once only in his pushchair but hes took to him good.. i dont see anyone but my dad and my dog haha my mates always busy with other stuff :( wish i still had my close mates miss the company!

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