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S T M ( Single Teen Mummy & Mummy-to-be's )

Right, so i'm looking for you all to tell me i'm a complete loonatic!

Jarrod and me have been together like what? 2 minutes? And me being me, i'm ALREADY doubting him. Dont get me wrong he's the sweetest guy ever, and i know he's really trying with me... But i'm rubbish with relationships, i usually always push guys away.

So i'm a bit of a spy when it comes to men, i like to check out that i'm not being cheated on ;) (that's the excuse i use for stalking around :haha:)
I checked out his profile, and there's this girl on there that kept posting shit like "miss you jarrickle, mwa mwa mwa" and so i dug around on her profile (people should privatise more often! :haha:) and he has responded in the same way. So i thought, right she's just a close friend and nothing more, stop being paranoid woman. But then i noticed in his "notes" section he has a quiz, one of the questions is "have you ever been in love" of which he's answered "yeah i am right now and have been for a long time, but she lives half way across the world and i miss her so much :("
Now this girl lives in his home country (South Africa) So obviously i presume its about her the amount they go on about missing each other. Now they havent commented each other since the day me and him started talking. So i have it in my head that that day is the day she told him it wont ever work out blahdy blah or some shit. So now i'm being used as some kind of "rebound"? He text me earlier and put miss u mwa mwa, I said DONT EVER USE THE MWA'S WITH ME :rofl: He must think im a total loon, well i am really lol.
So what do you all think?
The first thing I'm going to say is change your little status. :thumbup:
NO being sad. :winkwink: :flower:
Now to the point.
You've been hurt before.
You're taking the baggage from previous incidents into this relationship, and no one can blame you.
But maybe just give him a chance!
And yourself too!
You're amazing!
Why would anyone WANT to cheat on you!
And us girls could use a good laugh once in a while, and if you like him and he likes both you AND Jude, then what's the harm, eh? :hugs: x
awww hun you have a right to be like wtf but if i was you i would chill abit dont let things get too serious with him and just take it as it comes for now. if you chill off a bit you will see what hes up to (if anything) with this gal before things get too serious with you n him. going on passed experience dont jump in with both feet always test the water first.
for me id never go out with someone again who told me they loved me within the first few days. (thats what happened with my ex). i think mayb just relax for a bit and take things as they come. being a spy is good untill you find something you dont wana see and half the time you get the wrong end of the stick anyway. mayb just ask him out straight who she is but dont act like your too bothered :p hope you good hun xxx
and yeaaa HAPPY 1 MONTH TO JUDE!!! how quick has that gone xx
wow times going so quickly! idk where its going!!!
kierans threatning me hes going to message chris on facebook..
keeps switching one minite he can be my friend, next he cant! :(
girls I had two drops of very very light pink blood :( is this normal I'm freaking out!
It can be normal.. they usually say wait a few days if it gets heavier or more red.. then get your self to doctors or hospital.. it may be nothing but its best to be on safe side but my friend got sent back from hospital after it happened to her and she got told to wait a few more days to see if there was anymore
i'll give this a little bump.

I just hate how when you're single noone gives a shit, the minute you're in a relationship it's as if you are god to men.

Jimmy is (and always will be, noone could ever match up to him) the "love of my life" and we've just recently started talking again, and he's just sent me this song he wants to dance with me to, and its just about missing someone and wanting to rush back to them and ahhhhhh. He makes me smile so much.

My bad :nope:
I don't like it though, cos Jimmy will never be far from my mind, we were perfect. And why does he have to come back now I got Jarrod? :(
But haha, i just realised that's another J name! I have a thing for J names :haha: x
And Jude. ;)
Aww, honey, it's okay!
Cheesey I know, but - Go with your heart. x
I know thats what i mean; the only three guys ive ever loved all J names.
My dad- Jason
Jude and Jimmy lol.
i should do, shouldnt i? But i like Amelie and Dharma, i want a girl called either one of them lol.

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