Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hey everyone! HAven't had a bleed for about 2 weeks now but was in hospital a week ago for some severe stabbing pains and passing of tissue :( They said I was finew and so was baby but now I have to see a specialist today for an early pregnancy assesment... Have no clue what is involved in that but hoping it all goes smoothly. Maybe I will get a closer etimate on how far along I am ... fingers crossed.
I had an sch early in my pregnancy at 7 weeks; grew by 9 week but resolved by 12 weeks. I went in last week at 16 weeks and 4 days and found that I have another one (this one "quite large" according to the specialist and tech) and have an ultrasound next week to check it again. It's in a completely different spot and I'm sitting here wondering how the heck it happened... and I wonder what do they do if the sch has not resolved by time for delivery?
Hi Ladies,

I had some red and brown spotting at 4 weeks exactly, but it went away after a few hours. A week later, I had brown again, but it too went away. I was then bleeding-free until last Tuesday, when I was 7+3. I had quite a bit of brown goey spotting at work, with a few stringy clots. I went to the ER, and my cervix was closed. The next day I went to my RE for a scan, and it showed I have a small SCH. It's "Less than 1 cm". I also have a second gestational sac that is empty and has been empty since my first US.

I've been off work on bed rest since last Tuesday, and trying to follow it as much as I can, but it's hard with a 4 year old.

Yesterday I had a backache on and off all day, and then late last night had pink spotting when I went to the bathroom. It had been very minimal brown (mostly CM) up until then after last week.

Today I called my RE, but the can't see me until tomorrow, and said it's "probably fine" but to call if was red.

Well, about 2 hours after I spoke to them, I had a small amount of reddish-brown spotting when I wiped. Not a huge amount, about a quarter-size amount, mixed with CM.

Ironically, the US department called from the hospital to book my follow up scan from last week's ER visit, so I'm going this afternoon.

I am terrified we'll have lost our baby. We lost one child at 27+5 in my last pregnancy (twins after IVF) and have 1 son, age 4. We did 2 unsuccessful IVFs over the past 2 years, and had a succesful FET this January.

I am 8+4 today.

Do you think my bleeding could be the clot resolving? Or just clot-related? Or could it be from the empty sac breaking down?

I'm just in limbo right now, and hating this. :( If we lose this baby, we have only 2 "ok" quality embryos frozen, and can't afford to do another IVF cycle, so we'd likely have to look at donor embryos or something. :(
Had my U/S, bub was measuring on track. The SCH looked to have grown to me, but the tech wouldn't tell me the measurments. My Dr should call later with them. She did point out though that its nowhere by baby's placenta, but is instead right by my "uterine canal" and cervix. The clot looked longer and flatter to me, so I'm hoping I'm going to just bleed it out.

I am having reddish pink bleeding now, with a few light cramps. I'd worry more, but I JUST saw baby happy as a clam, and the tech said that there is nothing stopping the blood from coming out, so to expect it.

Before, the clot was between the two sacs, not by the cervix. Now it's migrated up a bit, which i guess is why I'm seeing more bleeding?

I'm still terrified that I have wear a pad during pregnancy, and that I'm having RED bleeding, but it's reassuring that the clot was still "small", right? Compared to baby it was like maybe 1/10 or 1/8 the size of baby's sac...and it was nowhere near the placenta....those are positive, reassuring things, right?
the fact that it is small IS positive as is the fact that it is nowhere near the placenta or baby. So theoretically you'd just bleed the clot out without really any danger to the baby.

I know how stressful bleeding in pregnancy is, and even when you have seen your baby you still end up second guessing yourself and wondering how on earth he/she can be fine when you are bleeding!?

But you CAN bleed a lot and have it be fine - it does happen - I'd say more frequently than people realise. Take your docs advise no matter how hard, and stay on bedrest because it really does help.

Keep your chin up and it will clear up over time - I bleed for around 5 weeks and it was so so so stressful, especially when it's ginormous red blood and massive clots the size of your hand. But I"m now 19 weeks and our little girl is happily growing and bouncing around in there. And no more bleeding and no more sch. Keep reminding yourself what it's for, and try to not stress too much! :)
Thanks Stardust - I am trying to reassure myself that we saw baby with a good HB yesterday, measuring on track for 8+4, and that the blood clot is by my cervix, not near baby.

I just want the damn clot to go away so I can enjoy this pregnancy and do "normal" pregnancy things, like tell my friends and family, and get excited and coo over baby's ultrasound pics.

I had it all planned out in my head, how it would go...I would tell a few friends once I was around 8 weeks, and then at 12 weeks I'd tell everyone. Then I'd relish getting a big belly and waddling around. I never got to really waddle as much last time - only got to 33 weeks.

I'm hoping and praying the clot is gone after another couple of weeks, and that I can go back to work and "normal" and enjoy my pregnancy.
Hi all,
I'm so glad I found this group! To read so many encouraging stories helps me feel a little more hopeful.
I've been having mild cramps and brown discharge now and then. My first US was on Saturday when I was 6+5. However my OB measured the baby more like 6 weeks, with a faint HB (he didn't count beats per minute unfortunately). He gave me an injection and a progesterone gel and told me to come back one week later.
Well, this morning I woke up with a red bleeding, which scared me to death. It was not too much and did not continue (although I see some when I wipe). My only consolotion was that I didn't have any cramps at all, which I read should most likely be present if a M/C was happening.
I rushed to an OB near my house (my own is a little far to reach). He did an abdominal and a vaginal US and we saw the heartbeat (again did not count :() He said I have SCH areas (did not measure or tell me how many) and told it could go either way from here.
Lucky for me I'm working from home and can just raise my feet while working on the computer. Now it's a waiting game and I hope and pray all will end good.
Thanks again for creating this thread...
Hi everyone, Ive just got back from an appointment at the clinic, where they gave me an unexpected ultrasound.
I went in and the tech started scanning and asking me if I'd had any bleeding or spotting, then if I'd had any pain. I said no as I haven't and asked if something was wrong to suggest that.
Apparently I have an area of bleed adjacent to the gestational sack measuring 3.1 x 0.9cm I have no idea if that's big or not? if its too close to the baby? i just blanked and didnt think to ask these things. I saw the baby measuring 6+6weeks which is almost bang on for my calculations just a day out and we also saw a heartbeat. He didnt say how many BMP's it was or anything he did say everything seemed fine with the baby though.

Now I'm so scared that this means I'll lose the baby. I'm also worried that I'm going to start bleeding and what to expect. Any help and advice would be appreciated.

I just want to also mention the ultrasound tech didnt say anything about not lifting, no sex, no exercise. Nothing. He didnt even say if it was too close to the baby or not. The only reason I know where it is kind of is because in my notes it says "adjacent to gestation sac" :(

Is the size of my bleed big?

The ulstrasound tech didnt say anything about another scan for another 6weeks at my 12 week scan. Should it be left that long?

Hi everyone, Ive just got back from an appointment at the clinic, where they gave me an unexpected ultrasound.
I went in and the tech started scanning and asking me if I'd had any bleeding or spotting, then if I'd had any pain. I said no as I haven't and asked if something was wrong to suggest that.
Apparently I have an area of bleed adjacent to the gestational sack measuring 3.1 x 0.9cm I have no idea if that's big or not? if its too close to the baby? i just blanked and didnt think to ask these things. I saw the baby measuring 6+6weeks which is almost bang on for my calculations just a day out and we also saw a heartbeat. He didnt say how many BMP's it was or anything he did say everything seemed fine with the baby though.

Now I'm so scared that this means I'll lose the baby. I'm also worried that I'm going to start bleeding and what to expect. Any help and advice would be appreciated.

I just want to also mention the ultrasound tech didnt say anything about not lifting, no sex, no exercise. Nothing. He didnt even say if it was too close to the baby or not. The only reason I know where it is kind of is because in my notes it says "adjacent to gestation sac" :(

Is the size of my bleed big?

The ulstrasound tech didnt say anything about another scan for another 6weeks at my 12 week scan. Should it be left that long?


First off - don't stress!!!!! I KNOW it's easier said than done, trust me, but stressing about it won't make it go away, and is bad for you and the baby!

Secondly, the US techs usually aren't allowed to give you medical advice or tell you anything about stuff they see really. That will be left for your doc to explain.

As for the size, I'm not overly sure as mine was never seen on ultrasound, we could only gauge it once it came out me, and from that I'd say it was around 10 - 15cms, which is massive.

What you do need to do is absolutely take it easy - don't have sex, don't do anything that might aggravate the clot - blood is an irritant to the uterus so it doesn't take a lot make it want to push the blood out. So do nothing that might cause any muscle irritation - no stretching no lifting no running or anything strenous.

If you do start bleeding don't panic, but do call your doctor. If there is pain with the bleeding go straight to ER.

You can have LOTS of blood and clots and your baby can still be absolutely fine. If you read some of the back posts on here, you'll see there are lots of us who have had huge bleeds and clots and we're either still here pregnant or have had babies!

In my own case, I had some very minor spotting twice during a two - three week period and had an ultrasound but they saw nothing. Then at 12 weeks I had a MASSIVE bleed. I'm talking bright red blood literally running down my legs and pooling on the ground, and the hugest black clot looking thing (it actually looked like a big piece of chunky liver but was rounder) came out me and I bleed very heavily for another 3 hours or so - (roughly 1 maxi pad completely soaked from top to bottom every half hour or so). Couldn't go to the docs or emergency because we were in the process of driving across Australia and were quite literally in the middle of nowhere with 4 kids, two dogs and a trailer full of stuff. So we watched for signs of blood loss/shock and waited it out and it stopped after a few hours. Then believing we had miscarried we saw a doc when we finally got to the other side of the country (3 days later) had an ultrasound and saw our beautiful little baby girl bouncing happily around. They still couldn't see any clots or bleeding on the ultrasound but obviously I WAS still bleeding. I bled for about 5 weeks all up, almost always brown, sometimes more red. Sometimes it was big gushes of blood soaking a pad, mostly it was just like a light gross period for that 5 weeks. The doc did another US a week after that one and she could see some bleeding coming from behind the placenta.

They have said to me it was most likely from when the placenta implanted it hit a maternal blood vessel and the blood started pooling between the placenta and the uterus, and then because of all the activity (we had moved house which is why we were driving across the country!), it dislodged and came away. I was lucky because the size of it could have taken the baby and placenta with it, but it didn't. They also said it takes a long time sometimes to empty all that accumulated blood - sometimes you can bleed the entire pregnancy.

It doesn't mean something bad always. Please take hope from this. Talk to your doc and do minimal stuff until you have spoken to him about it. Your baby will be ok and you will get through it. I was told that it only causes miscarriage in a very very small amount of people. Almost everyone who has this goes on to have a healthy and happy baby at the end!

Take care. :)
How's everyone getting on? Anyone still on bedrest and bored?:hugs:

I had my first big bleed at 12 +2, at 16 weeks today and baby still doing good for now and its a boy:cloud9: We saw perinatology at 13+4 and the bleed was over the cervix and going up and lifting the edge of the placenta, I believe he called it marginal. The placenta is at the fundus. The bleed is upto 15cm and I'm still bleeding everyday, usually its worse when I wake up in the morning. Starting progesterone shots today and hoping they help alot:thumbup:
Seriously, this whole spotting during pregnancy thing is gettin' old.

I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow, bleeding on and off since I was 4 weeks. I hope that since I spotting Monday and am again today, that it means my SCH is going away. That would be really nice.

My next scan isn't until March 26th, when I'll be 12w3d, but I'm seeing my Doctor next Wednesday. Will probably request another u/s that week so I can see how things are doing. :(

I just want this stupid spotting to go away so I can enjoy being pregnant! :(
Just wondering if anyone could help me? I went for a private scan today. I had a scan a week and a half ago and the person who scanned me said I had a bleed adjacent to the gestational sac with no echoes. Ive already posted in here I was worried it was SCH.

Today, at the private scan they scan you with a big monitor right in front of you so you can see everything going on. The "bleed" is still there, but you could clearly see that there's something inside it. She couldnt say what it was but you could see white/grey inside the black area. Do you see something inside of a SCH?

She said that its either a blood clot or that it was an early twin pregnancy that I lost :(
An encouraging story for those of you who are anxious.

I was diagnosed with SCH at 9 weeks pregnant after 24 hours of heavy bright-red blood loss. I was admitted into hospital (I was there two days) with threatened miscarriage. The US showed a viable heartbeat and we were sent home and told we had an 85% chance of everything being OK.

The SCH showed up on the 12 week scan but they told us not to worry any further and we didn´t.

Baby girl was born 10th February, two days after her due date, a healthy 8lb 14oz.

Hey everyone - Just wanted to update that I no longer have my SCH. At my 14-week scan it was still there but much smaller. Yesterday at my 20-week scan it was gone. BUT, I did end up with a circumvallate placenta. It's likely unrelated...just another new hurdle to deal with!

Anyway, I hope that offers some hope to those of you who have a SCH. Mine was considered very large and I was on bedrest for the majority of the first trimester (diagnosed at 6+6). I really think the bedrest is what helped me get through it.
So confused...

I was diagnosed with a small SCH around 7.5 weeks. It was "1 cm" (no other dimensions given). At 8+ weeks, it was 1.7x1x 06. At 10 weeks it was 2.3x 1.9 x 0.9. I've had spotting on and off since week 5.

Today was my NT scan. I'm 12w3d. They saw "something" but weren't sure if it was my SCH, or the empty sac of the twin that didn't develop (we knew about the second sac from week 5).

If it IS the SCH, it's grown a bit...2.7x2.3x1.6. Still small, but should I worry? My OB says he's pretty sure the "thing" is not the SCH, but the vanishing twin...should I trust him? Or should I still worry?

I've been on bedrest, but am due to return to work this Friday. If my SCH HAS grown, despite bedrest, that makes me nervous to go back on full duty...on the other hand, if the OB thinks it's the vanishing twin, should I just trust him that it's safe to work???

I'm so torn....

To top it off, I may have a DVT, so they might put me on Fragmin. I am prone to clots due to a clotting disorder. *sigh*
Hi everyone. im 7 weeks pregnant and went for an early scan at 5 weeks 5 days and although they found the heartbeat which they said was a very good sign, they also found and Retrochronical hematoma of a size of 18x6x17mm. i have had some cramps but no bleeding at all. i don't know anything about this and so just want to know what i can expect. is there a threat for the baby even if i don't bleed and what happens if i don't bleed but the bleed just gets bigger in size? thanks for your answer
Hi everyone. im 7 weeks pregnant and went for an early scan at 5 weeks 5 days and although they found the heartbeat which they said was a very good sign, they also found and Retrochronical hematoma of a size of 18x6x17mm. i have had some cramps but no bleeding at all. i don't know anything about this and so just want to know what i can expect. is there a threat for the baby even if i don't bleed and what happens if i don't bleed but the bleed just gets bigger in size? thanks for your answer

Hi Annagain - Don't panic. The majority of these do reabsorb or bleed out with no impact on the baby. DON'T GOOGLE IT. All you'll find are horror stories. While there CAN be complications that can cause miscarriage, the chances are in your favor. Based on the size you gave us it sounds like yours is relatively small. Mine grew quite large (bigger than the sack early on) and eventually did reabsorb. I did have a few bleeds so don't be shocked if you bleed. If it's brown blood, that's a good thing. It's old blood. If it's red blood I would contact your doctor. Were you told to go on bedrest at all? I was on bedrest for the majority of my first trimester and I truly think that's what did the trick. Just don't do any heavy lifting or strenuous activity if your doctor didn't prescribe bedrest.

Keep us posted. Try to relax as much as possible.
Thanks mama d this was found during a private scan so i called up the epu after the scan but midwife was very dismissive that they dont care unlesd i bleed and that was it. Im calling up the mw tomorrow to have the booking date confirmed so i will ask her about the rest and if they would re scan me. Otherwise i have another private scan booked for monday. Its just a bit said that nhs doesnt care unless you are in real crisis. Anyway i will try and take it easy although it will be a bit hard as have a 3 and a 17 month old and have no family around. The worst bit for me is the stressing. I only had a mmc in dec and there was a hematoma there but never bleed there either. Just the baby didnt grow as it should have and eventually stopped at the size of a 6 wk b thatut by then i was 11week. So im really worried that this is the begining of something bad again :cry:
hi everyone just a quick update. i had another scan at a different place and baby is doing great measured a few days bigger than i thought. this sonographer hasn't even mentioned the hematoma so at the end i asked if there was one and she said yes but it's very high up and i should not even worry about it as it will just disappear. i asked her to measure it and it's the same size but i noticed that it's not round any more, it looked very long and thin. she really made me feel better and maybe i can start to belive that i am pregnant and there is a baby :cloud9:

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