Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi everyone!
I am new to this forum and I am very happy that I found this support group.
Here goes my story:
I got my BFP on Dec 9th. At 5 weeks, I started spotting a little bit, so I went to mt OB and he said there was a little pool of blood close to the gestational sac and that it was not possible to know if I was going to miscarry or not. So he recommended bedrest and progesterone. 2 weeks later, at my next appointment, everything looked great on the U/S and my doctor couldn't find the hematoma anymore, so he said all was well and that I could resume normal activity.
Unfortunately, at 8+4, I had a big gush of red blood (a lot!!) after having sex (and orgasm, sorry if TMI!!).. so I panicked as you can imagine and went directly to my OB. He did an U/S and baby was fine, but he found a tear of the sac where it was attached to the uterine wall, next to one of the edges of the placenta. there was a tiny hematoma right there (of about 1 cm x 0.5 cm). He said it would probably heal on its own and recommended bedrest again..
The bleeding stopped that same day and I continued spotting for a few days after that. Then spotting stpped completely and I was hopeful that the tear and hematoma had healed.
Today, I went to my OB again, and baby was already 4 cm (11 weeks)!!! I was able to see tiny legs and arms and was very happy. The bad news were that the hematoma was still there, though still very small..he measured it and it was 9mm (didn't get the other measures). Also, my blood pressure was sky high..i hope it was high because I was VERY nervous. Anyway, more bedrest for me. Next appointment in 2 weeks
So, thanks for reading my story! I really hope everything goes fine for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!
hugs to everyone
Welcome BBelly! I have found a lot of support from these ladies. It's hard dealing with this. I'm on bed rest and my SCH is getting smaller. I hope yours goes away. Hopefully your blood pressure was high due to being nervous. When is your next appt?
Thanks HappyBunny! I hope we get rid of the hematoma soon! My next appointment is in 2 weeks..Feb 16th.
I have started bleeding red blood again. I am so worried. How much of this can my baby stand? It stands to reason that if I am bleeding fresh blood again the hematoma could get bigger. I just want to cry and my dh trying to make lite of it is not helping.
I have started bleeding red blood again. I am so worried. How much of this can my baby stand? It stands to reason that if I am bleeding fresh blood again the hematoma could get bigger. I just want to cry and my dh trying to make lite of it is not helping.

I know exactly how you feel. Everytime I think the bleeding has stopped for a few hours, it then starts up again. :(

It's getting me really down and it's very stressful.

The way I am trying to think of it is this. My husband said to me when I was particularly depressed about it. If the bleeding is still happening, it means that it's coming out of you and not pooling in there. Which (and I could be completely wrong!), makes me think that if it's not pooling the hematoma won't get bigger because the blood is escaping. So it's a good thing actually.

That's how I'm choosing to think about it until I am told otherwise. Maybe that thought can help you?
I think I may be losing my sanity. I have my 12 scan on the 13th. It seems so long away and I am terrified something has/will go wrong. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and i have resumed semi normal activities, no heavy lifting, pushing etc but as i have only had a few days of brown discharge I am worried that the hematoma is getting bigger. I had a scan at 8+4 and hematoma was still there but baby is fine. Am i being ridiculous? I cant shift the feeling that something is wrong i just dont know it yet. I hope everyone is doing ok today.
I think I may be losing my sanity. I have my 12 scan on the 13th. It seems so long away and I am terrified something has/will go wrong. Most of my symptoms have disappeared and i have resumed semi normal activities, no heavy lifting, pushing etc but as i have only had a few days of brown discharge I am worried that the hematoma is getting bigger. I had a scan at 8+4 and hematoma was still there but baby is fine. Am i being ridiculous? I cant shift the feeling that something is wrong i just dont know it yet. I hope everyone is doing ok today.

I don't think you're being ridiculous. I think this whole situation messes with your head. It's just so not how it is supposed to be. You finally get pregnant and things seem just fine, then all of a sudden, it's turned on it's head and it's very confusing.
We are conditioned to think that bleeding in pregnancy is bad, then we have it and we are told don't worry it's fine. But in all actuality, it is very hard to not worry.

And sometimes being in your own head is the worst place to be.

Keep your chin up, and just try and stay positive. We're in this together. :)
Hi everyone! I am soo glad to have found this site. I went to the hospital on monday morning because I was bleeding and cramping up. Have been spotting off and on throughout but that time it was a lot heavier. Had an ultrasound at the hospital and got to see the baby's heartbeat on the screen. They said there is a small 9 mm sch but that there is no way to tell how it will effect the baby. The bleeding stopped but then lastnight I had some 'special' time with my husband and ended up bleeding quite a bit with a few clots :( :( now I am freaking out a little. :cry: This is my second pregnancy, I miscarried in 2008 but was only a few weeks along and didn't even know. This baby is all my husband and I have ever wanted and I just want things to be ok. I also have the added issue of having Fibromyalgia and am trying to ween of my pain meds. Wasn't sure if that had anything to do with the bleeding or not. Either way my next visit with the dr isn't till the 28th and 12 week ultrasound beginning of march. It's nice to be able to vent about this problem with people who actually know what I am going through. Happy and healthy thoughts to all! :hugs:
Hi everyone! I am soo glad to have found this site. I went to the hospital on monday morning because I was bleeding and cramping up. Have been spotting off and on throughout but that time it was a lot heavier. Had an ultrasound at the hospital and got to see the baby's heartbeat on the screen. They said there is a small 9 mm sch but that there is no way to tell how it will effect the baby. The bleeding stopped but then lastnight I had some 'special' time with my husband and ended up bleeding quite a bit with a few clots :( :( now I am freaking out a little. :cry: This is my second pregnancy, I miscarried in 2008 but was only a few weeks along and didn't even know. This baby is all my husband and I have ever wanted and I just want things to be ok. I also have the added issue of having Fibromyalgia and am trying to ween of my pain meds. Wasn't sure if that had anything to do with the bleeding or not. Either way my next visit with the dr isn't till the 28th and 12 week ultrasound beginning of march. It's nice to be able to vent about this problem with people who actually know what I am going through. Happy and healthy thoughts to all! :hugs:

hey KrisCodd!
I hope you are feeling better now. I just wanted to tell you that sex and/or orgasms are a no-no when you have a sch. I had a small one at 5 weeks that healed at 7 weeks (my OB said he could'nt see it anymore), but at 8 weeks, I started gushing bright red blood after an orgasm! So my OB did another U/S and he found a small sch (around 1cm) near my placenta. Two weeks later (at 10+4 weeks), an U/S showed that it has got a bit smaller (8-9 mm) after bedrest, lots of water, and complete pelvic rest (no sex/orgasms). So please, don't have sex...
hugs sex. :( It's been a looooong while now and it's really starting to bother me. My poor husband and I are bracing ourselves for the prospect of no sex until the baby is born, as my doc told me this week he expects the slow bleed to continue indefinitely. So depressing. But I guess it will make it all the sweeter when we finally get to do it, haha! Or just make it really really quick! ;)
Thanks for the advice!!! I have been on bed rest and thankfully have not bled for over 24hrs so fingers crossed :thumbup: I plan on not having sex until I know it is absolutely safe... whatever it takes for the health of the baby :) It's really nice to be able to talk to ppl who have the same experiences!!! Best wishes and health to you and your families :hugs:
My daughter is 13w3d. She has been hospitalised with dehydration twice due to severe and constant vomiting (at 9 wks and 11 wks). Had ultrasound 2wks ago and everything normal. Three days ago she started bleeding so we went to hospital to get her checked, the doctor said the neck of the womb was closed so baby is ok but would book an ultrasound to check. The bleeding was brownish red and like a period but has now settled to a very slight discharge. She had this today and was told there's a 'large bleed' around her womb. He told her they dont know why some pregnant mums get these bleeds but as its 'large' he is concerned about it. Told her to rest and go back in 3wks for another ultrasound to see if it has reabsorbed or shrunk but has warned her it can cause miscarriage!
As you can imagine we are utterly devastated to hear this and would like to know if there's a chance the baby can survive? At the scan today the baby was totally fine - everything is the right size and normal and he/she is very lively with a very strong heartbeat.
Help! We need some reassurance :(
My daughter is 13w3d. She has been hospitalised with dehydration twice due to severe and constant vomiting (at 9 wks and 11 wks). Had ultrasound 2wks ago and everything normal. Three days ago she started bleeding so we went to hospital to get her checked, the doctor said the neck of the womb was closed so baby is ok but would book an ultrasound to check. The bleeding was brownish red and like a period but has now settled to a very slight discharge. She had this today and was told there's a 'large bleed' around her womb. He told her they dont know why some pregnant mums get these bleeds but as its 'large' he is concerned about it. Told her to rest and go back in 3wks for another ultrasound to see if it has reabsorbed or shrunk but has warned her it can cause miscarriage!
As you can imagine we are utterly devastated to hear this and would like to know if there's a chance the baby can survive? At the scan today the baby was totally fine - everything is the right size and normal and he/she is very lively with a very strong heartbeat.
Help! We need some reassurance :(

I have been told that there is only a low likelihood of a large bleed causing a miscarriage. I believe that in the very occasional instance what might cause a miscarriage is when a large clot has formed because of a large bleed and it comes away from the uterus wall it can theoretically take the placenta with it thereby causing miscarriage.

I had a MASSIVE bleed, a huge clot came away and it was big enough to think it was the baby and the placenta all at once. Seriously, the blood clot was the size of my hand. And it didn't cause a miscarriage. My baby is fine, and I have FINALLY stopped bleeding! It took over 4 weeks to stop completely, and a couple of ultrasounds to make sure during that time. I was told very very light duties. No lifting, no exercise, no sex, no swimming, no pushing or pulling, no walking the dogs etc....
This is because any activity which uses muscles might cause the placenta to break away from the wall of the uterus. (In my case anyway).

My specialist AND my doctor both agreed that the risk of miscarriage was low if I followed those instructions. So take this as reassurance, follow instructions, bedrest or limited activity only and it should go away on it's own over time.

Try not to stress too much! :)
There is hope!
Went to my appointment today. Baby looks great at 13 weeks and hematoma seems to be gone!!! yay!!! I hope your hematoma heals very soon :)
My daughter is 13w3d. She has been hospitalised with dehydration twice due to severe and constant vomiting (at 9 wks and 11 wks). Had ultrasound 2wks ago and everything normal. Three days ago she started bleeding so we went to hospital to get her checked, the doctor said the neck of the womb was closed so baby is ok but would book an ultrasound to check. The bleeding was brownish red and like a period but has now settled to a very slight discharge. She had this today and was told there's a 'large bleed' around her womb. He told her they dont know why some pregnant mums get these bleeds but as its 'large' he is concerned about it. Told her to rest and go back in 3wks for another ultrasound to see if it has reabsorbed or shrunk but has warned her it can cause miscarriage!
As you can imagine we are utterly devastated to hear this and would like to know if there's a chance the baby can survive? At the scan today the baby was totally fine - everything is the right size and normal and he/she is very lively with a very strong heartbeat.
Help! We need some reassurance :(

There's definitely hope! I was diagnosed with my LARGE hematoma at my 7 week ultrasound. I had a massive red bleed that day with large clots. I've been monitored very closely every since. At first the hematoma grew but is now less than half the size it was originally. I was on bed rest for quite awhile but I believe this is what helped and it was totally worth it. I'm now back to a modified bed rest schedule (I'm able to go to the office a couple days each week) and my doctor has been very pleased with the progress. I won't get another scan until 20 weeks so I'm hopeful it's gone by then. My doctor did mention that most of these just go away by 20 weeks. The best thing to do is take it easy....complete pelvic rest is important (no sex or orgasm) as cramping of the uterus can cause more bleeding. The odds are in her favor. You hear more good outcomes than bad.
Hello all,

I hope everything is going well with your pregnancies! Here is my story:
I'm 5 weeks, 6 days.
I went into the ER on Tuesday night for a random brown bleed. The bleed was that of a period, so I assumed I was having a mc. After 8 hours, blood and urine tests, a pelvic exam, and an ultra sound, the doctor advised me I was not having a mc, I was still pregnant and progressing well. He told me I have some bleeding in between my uterus and placenta, but didn't mention the size of the clot or location. He just told me to take it easy, no bending, running, jumping, sex.... So I've been following orders.
This is now Thursday night. I just got up to pee and I am now bleeding bright red. Currently it's not a lot, and I only have slight cramps (SO FAR). It's almost 10:30 pm and I have no one I can call to confirm if this is normal or not. I'm scared because the blood before was brown and watery, but now it's clearly red.. There's nothing I can do but lay here and wait to see what happens. I've never been so miserable and confused by my own body. :(
Something else that's weird, I've had EXTREME nausea since last Monday and all the sudden for the first time since, my nausea has gone away..
So my question is, is it normal for the blood to go from brown to red?
And how am I supposed to know if this is normal for my situation, or if its a mc?
Someone please help. :(
Hello all,

I hope everything is going well with your pregnancies! Here is my story:
I'm 5 weeks, 6 days.
I went into the ER on Tuesday night for a random brown bleed. The bleed was that of a period, so I assumed I was having a mc. After 8 hours, blood and urine tests, a pelvic exam, and an ultra sound, the doctor advised me I was not having a mc, I was still pregnant and progressing well. He told me I have some bleeding in between my uterus and placenta, but didn't mention the size of the clot or location. He just told me to take it easy, no bending, running, jumping, sex.... So I've been following orders.
This is now Thursday night. I just got up to pee and I am now bleeding bright red. Currently it's not a lot, and I only have slight cramps (SO FAR). It's almost 10:30 pm and I have no one I can call to confirm if this is normal or not. I'm scared because the blood before was brown and watery, but now it's clearly red.. There's nothing I can do but lay here and wait to see what happens. I've never been so miserable and confused by my own body. :(
Something else that's weird, I've had EXTREME nausea since last Monday and all the sudden for the first time since, my nausea has gone away..
So my question is, is it normal for the blood to go from brown to red?
And how am I supposed to know if this is normal for my situation, or if its a mc?
Someone please help. :(

Hi October2013 - I'm so sorry you're dealing with this so early in your pregnancy. It is NOT fun. My experience was that my hematoma bled red only the first time I had a bleed and every bleed thereafter was brown (sort of a rusty brown). Have you talked to your doctor? I would make an appointment just to ease your mind. I know my doctor has always said to call if I ever have red blood or cramping. I also know that for some of the ladies on this board it was very common to have red bleeding for much of the time they had their hematomas. And things can end up being perfectly fine.

It's stressful for sure. Bedrest seemed to do the trick for me but I know it doesn't always work for everyone. My best advice is to get in to see your doctor and until then, try to limit your activity.

Keep us posted!
Can I join too?:hugs:

I'm 12+5 now and started heavily bleeding at 12+2 where it went all the way through my clothes and all over the sofa :( I went to the ER and the ultrasound showed a healthy, perfect size wriggly baby:cloud9: But a 11cm area of SCH, I'm told its very large. It was a massive bleed and then after the scan, they did an internal (cervix closed:thumbup:) but it made the bleeding worse and tmi it was the amount and feeling similar to when your water breaks. Next day we go to our OB and baby still doing good! She has put me on strict bedrest at least until the active bleeding stops, its still red atm. Its a nightmare as I have 4 kids already, 3 of them 5 and under lol and I was still bfing my youngest who is 2 next month, she's not happy about being stopped cold turkey:nope:

To add to this, all 4 have been preemie, my last a 3lber at 32 weeks so the chance of preterm labour anyway is huge. We go to perinatology on tuesday for more indepth scan and to get more advice:thumbup:
Just wondering how everyone is doing?

My bleeding finally stopped a few weeks ago (so all up it took about 5 weeks I think). Had our 18 week us last week and no sign of hematoma, placenta and fluid all look great. So BIG sigh of relief.

How are you all managing - and how's the bleeding?
I had my 12 weeks scan almost two weeks ago and no mention was made of my hematoma so i had to ask. She had quite a good search and couldnt see anything! I just that is has gone for good now. Wont have another scan until 20 weeks but have had no bleeding since week 7 so i do hope I am on the mend! Good luck to everyone else.

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