Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi ladies! I havent had a chance to read all of your stories yet (am going to right now), but I was hoping I could join you. I was diagnosed SCH at 12w4d after a pretty big bleed. I am happy to have other ladies to talk to about this, and gain support from those who have gone through it.
Hi everyone. I was thankful to compare my experiences with those women who have posted in this thread for the last couple years. It reaffirmed some of the feelings and symptoms I have been experiencing. Hope this helps someone else as the stories of Starry Night and Imperfected helped me!

A brief history...
I had been experiencing issues with my period, breakthrough bleeding, shortened cycle length, heavy flow and extreme pain that caused me to miss work. We had been TTC since November 2010, and as she was leaving my doctors office too, my nurse practitioner sent me to a ob/gyn (there are several drs and 2 midwives in the practice). I had an ultrasound and an ovarian cyst was found as well as evidence that I had probably had one burst earlier in the year, this was June 2011. I was supposed to have a follow-up scan in early August because of a thickening in my uterine wall, but discovered I was pregnant! At approximately 6.5 weeks I miscarried. We began running all the basic tests and everything came back normal (except my Thyroid TSH - unrelated diagnosis of subclinical hyperthyroidism).

March 2012 I found out I was pregnant again. 5 days later I miscarried again. More tests and this time as I was approaching 35 a referral to a maternal-fetal specialist. He went over all my blood work from the last two years and decided that my progesterone levels were a little low. Decided that we would try again, adding progesterone once I was pregnant.

Once again found out I was maybe pregnant in August 2012, after a few days of having a very faint line went in to have blood work done, which confirmed a pregnancy, but even though I had started progesterone it was too late and miscarried again. Now we had three losses and had to decide on chromosomal testing. We did it and it came back normal. The next plan was to do progesterone after ovulation and then if I got pregnant to continue through week 12. If not, stop, have period and repeat.

In January it worked! I found out on January 21st that we were expecting again. As soon as my hcg levels were confirmed high enough my dr ordered an ultrasound and we saw a heartbeat (125) and the baby was measuring 5 days ahead of my last period date. Also, the tech saw a uterine polyp that was most likely the cause of my period issues and hormonal issues as well as the thickening of my uterine wall.

All was well until the baby was 8w1d. I couldn't get comfortable to sleep and that discomfort turned to pain and then to bleeding. Fearing another miscarriage, we headed to the ER at almost 2am Tuesday morning, Feb. 19. I was examined, cervix closed, but a lot of bright red bleeding. Blood work and urine samples taken, and then to an ultrasound. After a very uncomfortable half hour the tech took pity on us and showed us the baby and the heartbeat of 162! We were told it was an SCH. The ER doctor was very reassuring that most likely we would have a healthy baby. I was released to call my dr in the morning to be seen. The next day was given signs of what to expect and what to watch out for and put on bed rest till the bleeding stopped. Two days later I was back at work. Friday night I had another bright red bleeding episode. This one didn't last as long and I took it easy all day Saturday and Sunday. Then Sunday night I had a third episode of bright red blood. I called the after hours number and was told to come in for an ultrasound the next day, Monday.

Monday, Feb 25, 9w1d and we went in for an ultrasound and were afraid that was it the baby was gone. Instead it waved at us! Heartbeat 178. (The next day was my first official prenatal appt. at 8 wks.) More bed rest for a couple days and this time the bleeding went away, for almost 2 weeks... Then I began spotting brown again, then bled brown with small clots for nearly 2 weeks and had just started wearing just a pantyliner again when out of nowhere I had another large bleed dark red, this time at work.

Wednesday, March 27, 13w3d Left work, went home to change and pick up the hubby and into the dr's. Was examined, cervix closed, heard the heartbeat. Decided to do an ultrasound to see what was happening with the SCH. Tech almost couldn't find it and said it was so small that if I hadn't been having symptoms she wouldn't have mentioned it. No sign of the polyp! Midwife put me on restriction and modified bed rest for the rest of the week and weekend. Easter weekend.

Tuesday, April 9, 15w2d Next prenatal appt. Cervix closed. Heartbeat good. Still spotting but letting up. Dr doesn't consider me miscarriage risk anymore. Still cycling through bleeding, letting up then coming back every few days. End of the week started noticing when the baby was in a different spot and having tightening of my uterus where it was, BH? On 16w exactly had the quickening day were it wouldn't stop moving all day and the rest of the week pretty active.

16w6d Had a rough day and was passing medium to medium large (golf ball sized and a bit larger) clots with red blood running the color range from lighter to dark. Passed a lot of them over night and called the after hours service on the next day (Sunday). Dr wasn't too concerned. Pretty matter of fact. Spent most of the weekend reading this thread. Had another gush of brighter red blood Monday night and passed another clot and then one more early Tuesday morning. Stayed home on the couch on Tuesday.

Doing much better, the bleeding is letting up and hopefully it will stay that way! Baby is wiggling like crazy on some days and minimal on others. It isn't really comfortable because of the irritation of my uterus, but it is getting better. Also we rented a dopler from babybeats website. It has been a lifesaver for me to listen to the baby's heartbeat whenever I need reassurance.

Have next scan scheduled with the maternal-fetal specialist for my 20 wk anatomy scan. Baby will be 19w1d it is May 6th. Hopefully we will see a happy healthy baby with no SCH and maybe even find out the sex!

Sorry for the novel. Hope everyone is doing well. I will post back my updates.

im so glad everything seems to be turning out well for you. Its the most scary thing to live through day after day not knowing if you can even allow yourself to get too attached to baby (although impossible)
you are over the worst stage now and your baby is just getting stronger with every passing day. I know with me i was so desperate to get to 24 weeks and it seemed to take forever, now i have a whole load of different concerns and think i will one way or another for ever now lol but its so worth it.

dont let go of the fact that your baby has hung on through so much already and is very determined to make a happy healthy appearence ;)

there is a lot to be said for bedrest too. i spent nearly 10 weeks on and off on bedrest and it always helped calm the bleeds so i think my little lady is still going strong due to that.

sending all you ladies all the gl in the world! its a horrible thing to experience but most do go on to have great prgnancies! xx
Hello, ladies.

I first started bleeding on 4/12/13, bright red & heavy at 7w3d.

I went to the ER & was eventually sent home with the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage.

In the weeks that have passed, my bleeding has turned to brown, & goes from watery to speckled. There were a few days I had no bleeding at all.

I have had a weekly ultrasound, 4/12, 4/19/, & 4/26... & I am due for another tomorrow 5/3.

Every week my ultrasounds have been great; baby growing at a normal rate, excellent heartbeat, etc... just an approx 5x3cm hematoma, away from the placenta.

I have been bleeding again since this past Sunday, dark brown, after a near week of no bleeding at all. Yesterday, I passed a sizable clot, approx 3 inches long by 3mm wide. The clot itself was also very dark in color. So far, knock on wood, I have not had a second episode of bright red blood, save for the initial day of bleeding on 4/12.

I have also been on bed rest for weeks.

I have noticed changes in myself... my breasts are not as sore & swollen as they were just a few days ago. Even more so this morning. I am so terrified that my hormone levels are going down for a reason. I have my next ultrasound in less than 24 hours from now, but the wait is just torture.

Reading through everyone's positive stories on this forum, I am a little reassured... but I am obviously & normally very scared for the health of my little one right now. It is very consuming.

If anyone has any words of advice on how they made it from one ultrasound to the next I would appreciate any sharing. I am honestly expecting the worst. I am 10w3d today. Last week, my little baby actually was moving around & was really starting to look like a little person. I am not sure how I can prepare myself for this ultrasound tomorrow morning any more. I am so terrified!

I need a little of the strength I am reading in your words, ladies!
just try and keep yourself focused on the last scan you had, thats what i did, i kept telling myself I AM pregnant until told otherwise, i had to have faith that this baby was for keeps and that me as her mum had to have faith that she will be safe. I do think that with each day that passes you lo is getting stronger and in a better situation than a week ago for example. If they can hold on through all this then we can stay strong for them :)
Its absolutely terrifying going for each scan, i really used to get in a state before id go because i was so scared of getting bad news but each time i came away with a little more confidence than the last time.
This is so much more common than women are told and majority pregnancies carry on perfectly, sounds like your bleeding old blood and dont worry about clots too much, i had them too but eventually it all subsided. Sending you lots of luck tomorrow, i hope you get some great news and you enjoy seeing baby again xx

ps i had 2 sc measuring about 6cmx8cm at one point and was sure i was going to loose baby, but she came through it and is now an extremely active baby kicking all the time, keep focused on the positives xx
Good luck for your ultrasound tomorrow!! I hope that your SCH is shrinking and goes away. Mine took a little over a month the heal and go away. I was the same as you, one big bleed (old blood) and then almost 5 or 6 weeks of brown spotting and random clots. I was never told an actual size, just 15-20% of my placenta (whatever they meant by that) Keep us updated! Oh, and dont feel too bad about your symptoms fading a bit, they seem to do that around the end of the first trimester :) I will be sending you healing thoughts!
Thanks bumski for your kind words. Looks like you don't have much farther to go!

Honneytot, hope your us went well! My last one was on 3/27 and my next one is on monday, 5/6 and I can't wait! Hopefully we will find out the sex. It has been so hard going that long without seeing the baby. Thankfully we rented a doppler from baby beats so we could at least hear the heartbeat and know our lo is ok.

Mums, I also had my bleed at 7w3d (baby was 8w1d). If you read a couple posts up you can see the details. As you approach the end of the first trimester, it is pretty common for some of the symptoms to ease, like the sore breasts. I know mine did. Try not to freak out. Like bumski said, you are pregnant until told otherwise!

AFM, after passing a bunch of clots a couple weekends ago my bleeding had been letting up. Passed another one yesterday morning and had a little increase again. Starting to have energy and be able to actually do things instead of being a blob on the couch. :happydance:

Hope all is well and will update next week after my us. Here's hoping we get to start using pronouns instead of "it" all the time!

~ unkskitty
gl for your scan hun! i bet you just cant wait to find out the sex of baby! its nice to have something positive to look forward to :)
great idea about the doppler too, i had one of my sil and it was an absolute god send! x
Good luck to everyone ladies,

I had a small one on my last pg but I had a mc. So keeping my finger crossed on this one!

Bumski: how are you? I remember , we were sharing the PCOS thread a couple of years ago then you left, glad you're back and all is going well!
Good luck to everyone ladies,

I had a small one on my last pg but I had a mc. So keeping my finger crossed on this one!

Bumski: how are you? I remember , we were sharing the PCOS thread a couple of years ago then you left, glad you're back and all is going well!

omg i just seen your name and thought i swear i remember her.....then read your post lol.
i took a year or so away from here a while back as just needed to give up on ttc for a while then decided to give it one last shot and do ivf, luckily after a year of tests and needles etc here we are :cloud9:

how are you? its absolutely fantastic to see that gorgeous ticker you have there :happydance: its about time we have good news :winkwink:
im doing brilliant now thanks, after 5 long years ttc, then 14 weeks of bleeding im happy to be massivly pregnant now and with all the aches and pains this little one is bringing im enjoying every single minute!
how are you feeling now, you have been through so much, would be lovely to stay in touch now :hugs:
Hi Ladies,

I had a bleed at 12+6,wasnt huge but enough to soak my pants, was bright red. After that initial bleed I just had brown when I wiped and light brown stringy discharge for a day and nothing since. I had a scan at 13+1 and baby was fine. I had to ask the sonographer is she could see anything, and she said 'there's a small bleed area there, it's tiny, I wouldn't worry' she did quick measurements and it was 3cm by 1cm. She didn't even write it on the scan report. I wasn't told to bed rest, or pelvic rest but obv I am really concerned after reading some stories online.
I had a bleed with my son around the same time and from memory it was larger and I wasn't put on bed rest with him and it resolved by my 20 week scan.
I don't have a scan until end of June now, how do I know if it's going or getting bigger?

My discharge is back to normal but should I expect another bleed?

I'm sure all will be fine, it doesn't sound that big.

Bumski: do you have journal? It would be good to hear all about your journey, follow me on my journal, the link is just below ;) very happy to hear you've done it and now nearly there!!!
I havent updated here for ages either, hope everyone is doing well:hugs: Good luck at all the appointments coming up too!

My last update was at 16 weeks with a near 15cm bleed area, marginal over cervix and lifting placenta edge. Now I'm 24+2 and still pregnant! 12 weeks of solid bedrest and the bleed is down to 7cm at 22 weeks at perinatology and back to check on it tomorrow as well as growth scan. I've been bleeding less, only spotting the last couple weeks. Done 8 weeks on progesterone shots, had steroids for his lungs bang on 23 weeks and even though we've had one episode of preterm labour, terbutaline shot was able to stop it:thumbup: I cant believe got here and neither can any of our doctors, between the sheer size of the bleed, my cervix shortening and my history of 4 preemies!

Thinking of everyone going through the worry of this:hugs:
i dont have a journal sunny but i will sure make a trip over to yours x

mummy it sounds like you have been through so much, your drs sound very prepared and like they are looking after you and lo very well though. lots of luck for your next scan, i hope all is going as well as poss x
So we had our ultrasound this morning. We weren't able to find out the sex of the baby. Baby is weighing in at 9 oz. (baby is 19w1d) and has a good strong heartbeat. All organs seen look good and we got a pic of it's hand spread out.

Finally have a measurement on the sch which looks to be behind my placenta at approx 5cm by 1cm. Doc said it looks like there may be another clot above my cervix.

The bad news is that at some point along with my bleeding I've been loosing amniotic fluid. There isn't much left around the baby. Since we don't know when it was lost we don't know how much lung development the baby has. The other main concern is the pressure of the uterus cutting off the flow from the umbilical. :cry:

Will be doing a week of antibiotics and having weekly hb checks. If baby can hold on till 24 wks we have to decide if we take it then or try to wait to 26. The situation isn't hopeless, but the odds are definitely against us. Even if baby makes it that far and survives the chances of it not having problems of some sort are not good.

We are going to take things one day/week at time and we aren't giving up on our little fighter. It has fought so hard to stay here and is so big and strong that we will do everything we can to help it out.

My question is that we have to decide if we want to do the first two days of antibiotics in the hospital as IV or just do all 7 days orally. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thanks.

have no experience of this hun but just wanted to send you loads of hugs, seems you are going through such a lot. you obviously have a very determined little one in there and the babys weight seems good too, baby will just pile it on over the next few weeks too which is great and atleast they are preparing baby the best way possible incase of early arrival which will help a lot.
hoping baby hangs on in there for a good while longer and gets bigger and stronger before it decides to meet mummy and daddy, keep us updated on how your doing xxx
Hi everyone.
I woke up yesterday (12w5d) to a huge gush of blood. Having lost my first LO I was terrified it was happening again. I rushed to the ER, by then there was only some brown spotting, and had multiple tests done and ultrasounds. Baby is doing great, I saw it kick, wave, roll over, and even saw the heartbeat.
I have a SCH but they did not tell be exactly where it is or how big, and I also have a 7cm benign fibroid on the outside at the top of my uterus.
I have been put on bed rest but I haven't heard about an other scans or anything. Pretty much just "wait and see" which annoys me.
Hi girls, i was dx with a 'small' SCH at 6w4d. I just had very light spotting and 1 tiny blood clot the size of an appleseed. But that was enough to warrant my baby a death sentence, I was told to 'go home an wait to miscarry.' Even if my SCH is small, since I'm so early in my pregnancy, it's the same size as my gestational sac. I don't know where my SCH is, but report says it's adjacent to the sac (is that good or bad?)
Hi girls, i was dx with a 'small' SCH at 6w4d. I just had very light spotting and 1 tiny blood clot the size of an appleseed. But that was enough to warrant my baby a death sentence, I was told to 'go home an wait to miscarry.' Even if my SCH is small, since I'm so early in my pregnancy, it's the same size as my gestational sac. I don't know where my SCH is, but report says it's adjacent to the sac (is that good or bad?)

hi. i was told i had a sch "area of bleed" adjacent to the gestational sac at 6+6 the bleed area looked as big as the sac with things starting off so small. I didnt personally experienxe any bleeding but it could be seen at 6+6 8+2 9+6 but was gone at 13+2 i think it stayed roughly the same size until it went, just changed shape a bit. i assume my body reabsorbed it.

i know most women go on to have normal healthy pregnancies after this :)

does it say how big the area measured in your notes? i could dig mine out and look up the measurments of the bleed area

Hi SisterRose, thanks for answering, i'm really freaking out with this. On my report, it says 20x8x16ml, the unit ml was a puzzle, hence i asked my gp. He said, he doesn't know as well, but thought it's a typo, should be mm. He said it's probably mm. Didn't say much except, "this is nature's way of screening the unfit and weak."

I havent had any bleeding for 48 hours, is this a good thing? Shouldn't I be passing out the blood?

Also, I have horrible nausea, which I don't know whether because of hcg or SCH related. My last hcg couny is almost 60000 which was textbook for 6-7 weeks. I tried doing exhaustive research if SCH do worsen nausea cause I just feel so tired all the time, slept more than 14 hours last night.

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