Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Just a quick question if I may, I've had a little more bleeding just now and it was when I went to the toilet for a bowel movement, it was the same with my first bleed last Tuesday, I had been to the toilet for a bowl movement too when I had the bleeding. I do strain a little. Is there any reason why I'd be bleeding vaginally while I'm straining to go to the toilet? Is this because of too much pressure and I should try to avoid it? I have probably over done it these last 3 days to say I've been put on bed rest. I have a scan in the morning which was already scheduled.

Just got home from our scan and alls ok :) saw baby's heart beat at 139bpm and the SCH has gotten smaller , so all good news and I'm so relieved x
So glad to hear that missy! I used to have the same thing during/after a bm, I think the blood is already in there and the pushing just pushes it out, doesn't cause it. I'm so glad you saw LO and everything looks good :hugs:
Hello all! I am glad I found this forum, I have been reading through the pages. I wanted to share my story here, because not many people I know understand what I an going through. First of all I will be 33 years old in 3 days, I have 1 5 year old healthy boy, and am 11 wks, 4 days pregnant. This past Sunday was a normal day to begin with, until I felt pain quite a lot like contractions. Once they went away (I have intestinal spasms, which is what I thought the pains are) I carried on with my plans. I went to the atm, and returned home. When I was getting out of my van, I felt like I started bleeding. I confirmed that once I got into the house (quite a lot of red blood). I put on a pad and my husband took me to the ER. I walked from the car (dropped off at the door) to the counter, and blood was running down my legs. I told the lady at the fro t desk, and told her I needed to run to the restroom. I left a trail to the stall, it was so bad it had puddled in my shoes, I just knew I was having a miscarriage. They came and got me from the bathroom with a wheel chair. They took blood, and did an u/s. Baby was fine 155 bpm, flipping around. I want to my ob the next day and the baby showed 166 bpm. I have been on bed rest, and the only time I have bled red is when I got out of bed to go to my ob. My husband and I have both been terrified. I go for an ultrasound next Wednesday. I am really anticipating it. I have felt quite dizzy since the blood loss. I was diagnosed at the hospital with SCH. I have been paying everything works out. I thought some support would help with my fears. Thanks everyone, nice to meet you all.
Hi Mom2b, its soooo scary! I know exactly how you are feeling right now :( You just have to believe its going to be OK. The VAST majority of SCH patients go on to have healthy babies. I dont know why it happens :( I agree though, no one understands what you're going through, they cant possibly understand the fear associated with bleeding every single day while you are pregnant. Are you still bleeding? I only had red blood for 2 days and then spotted brown for almost 4 weeks, every day. :hugs: it will be ok, just really try to take it easy. My Dr. put me on activity restrictions, no lifting my toddler, no sex, no orgasm, no washing the floors, no scrubbing anything, no carrying groceries, no carrying laundry, etc. It wont be long, but for now just take it seriously. please let us know how everything goes at your ultrasound.
Hi Mom2b, its soooo scary! I know exactly how you are feeling right now :( You just have to believe its going to be OK. The VAST majority of SCH patients go on to have healthy babies. I dont know why it happens :( I agree though, no one understands what you're going through, they cant possibly understand the fear associated with bleeding every single day while you are pregnant. Are you still bleeding? I only had red blood for 2 days and then spotted brown for almost 4 weeks, every day. :hugs: it will be ok, just really try to take it easy. My Dr. put me on activity restrictions, no lifting my toddler, no sex, no orgasm, no washing the floors, no scrubbing anything, no carrying groceries, no carrying laundry, etc. It wont be long, but for now just take it seriously. please let us know how everything goes at your ultrasound.

I spotted until yesterday (brown blood). I have not had any bleeding today. I get scared at every ache I feel. I have been put on bed rest by the hospital, and no sex or activities by my doctor as well. They didnt say anything about orgasm but, I will follow that instruction too. Whatever makes the best outcome, I want to do. I have been trying to remain calm, but at times it is hard especially when we see the blood. I am sure that everyone here feels that way. How far along are you? I think I may have had SCH with my first child, and it was never detected. I had a large clot come out after he was born (a few days later), my doctor didnt seem to think anything about it. I am wondering though if it just never bled. Luckily I work from home, and can do my work from my bed (that is a great help). I will let everyone know how my ultrasound turns out Wednesday.
Just a quick question if I may, I've had a little more bleeding just now and it was when I went to the toilet for a bowel movement, it was the same with my first bleed last Tuesday, I had been to the toilet for a bowl movement too when I had the bleeding. I do strain a little. Is there any reason why I'd be bleeding vaginally while I'm straining to go to the toilet? Is this because of too much pressure and I should try to avoid it? I have probably over done it these last 3 days to say I've been put on bed rest. I have a scan in the morning which was already scheduled.

I have strated bleeding due to having to strain some for a bowl movement as well. When I "Can't" go to the restroom, I get a lot of cramps. I keep thinking it is my SCH, but sometimes it is having to go and cant. One thing that has helped keep me from straining is getting in a warm bath, and a lot of times it has helped me to go to the restroom. :flower:
It's been a long long time since I posted here (about a year) but I wanted to post and let people who are in the shoes I was in a year ago know how things panned out for me.

Background: I had a MMC in Jan '09, gave birth to my daughter at home in March '10, started ttc when she was 6 months old and it took nearly 2 years and 2 miscarriages to conceive her little brother.

When I was 9 weeks pregnant I started spotting... I'd not wanted to have any early scans (after having one with our previous pregnancy then still miscarrying 3 weeks later) but went for one after the spotting and baby seemed fine. A few days later I had a very heavy bleed, with clots, and thought it must be all over... but I could still hear the heartbeat on the doppler. A scan at 10w showed baby was fine but I had a 4-5cm wide SCH - bigger than the sac was at that time.

I continued to bleed on and off for weeks... but our 12 week scan showed there was no more new blood in the SCH. I spotted until 14 weeks, then it stopped.

We had a rocky pregnancy for other reasons (issues picked up at 2nd trimester scans) but on the SCH front, by my 20 week scan last November, there was no sign of it at all.

My son was born in March, and although he has some challenges in life (he has a muscular condition and talipes/club foot) he is very bright, smiley and just generally wonderful!

I wanted to share this as I found it helped so much to read SCH success stories back when I was so scared this time last year. Fingers crossed for you all. :)

Thank you for sharing your story! It does help to know someone who has been through this with postive outcomes. I have had a lot of emotions (I was just diagnosted Sunday). I think this is one of the most terrifying things I have been through.
I was told pelvic rest after my bleed in my first pregnancy which means no sex, but not bed rest just taking it easy.

I was told quite the same thing, but if I walk any length (like to my kitchen), I start bleeding again. How are you doing with just restricted activity?
Hi all, am now 8 weeks and diagnosed with a small SCH (about 1cm) at 5 weeks. No problems until I started having pink and brown spotting two days ago & today, after peeing, I had a sudden gush of watery bright red blood. It wasn't a lot probably about 2-3 ml and had since stopped. But it is enough to worry me. I already had a blighted ovum many years ago and a chemical pregnancy earlier this year. Tried IVF & lots of infertility stuff and miraculously conceived accidentally on our own while waiting for our next IVF. Just saw a healthy heartbeat yesterday at 180 bpm but now this? I am trying to remain calm but realized I couldn't take this stress and broke down. It has been a challenging journey to get pregnant and in this current pregnancy, it is so stressful even though fetus heart beat is progressing normally every week & it is growing (I request for weekly scan since week 5). Am told fetus implanted too low, I have a SCH that is very close to the cervical below the sac, and the fluid in the sac is on the low volume. Given a 50% risk of miscarriage until next week. If everything is fine at week 9 my risk will reduce drastically. It is just a few more days before week 9 but now this bleeding? I dunno how I can take this anymore...
Ohhhh big big :hugs: I'm so sorry you are going through this wannabemom, I really am. It's so hard to hold onto the hope some days. I conceived both of my babies through IVF and I understand how hard the road to a successful baby can be. Just pray and believe and I will do the same for you. Just believe in this little life inside you, that's all you can do today. Please update when you can :hugs:
Missymoo, any updates?

I just found out today we're having a boy!! No signs of that darn sch anymore, praying it stays at bay...
Mom2b - how is everything?
Things are going well. I had the ultrasound Wednesday, everything looked good. The doctor took me off bed rest. I started bleeding (very dark blood) this morning. I am back on bed rest now. Baby is still doing well. I will try to share an ultrasound pic. The next scheduled ultrasound is Nov. 27TH. I did reach 13 weeks today. I have noticed right before the bleeds I start feeling really sick (I did before I got my periods too), has anyone else experienced that? How are you feeling and doing?
I am sorry you are going through that, I know it can be quite discouraging, scary, and stressful. My life has changed from normal to doing everything in bed. I know the blood is quite scary, and the hospital is often not too positive. Most women go on to deliver healthy babies, try not to stress. I have tried taking my mind off of it the best I can, so I do not make myself feel worse. My husband has to work so he bought a mini fridge and put it in our room, the microwave, and a toaster. This has helped me actually. I also have a son at home with me that is 5, we find things that are entertaining lol. Try to do things that distract your mind from the SCH. Think positive the best you can, and try not to read too much on the internet lol. We can all talk to each other and help through the difficult moments.
Hi, I'm just looking for some advice really, had a scan today and was told I have an extra chorionic haemorrhage. I have had any bleeding and they said it was small but I'm scared and confused! Do I just carry on as normal and hope I don't bleed?
I was just diagnosed with SCH. After several years of surgeries and IUI and IVF procedures, we became pregnant with our last frozen emby. I stopped progesterone on Thursday, and on Friday, Nov 1st, I had my first trimester screening. On Saturday, I woke up to pee and had a flush of red blood and clots. I immediately went to the ER. They did a urinalysis and an ultrasound and found bleeding around the baby. Since the hospital I went to, didn't have any OBs, I had to call the on call OB at another hospital to determine what was going on. She diagnosed me with SCH. Basically said I have SCH and it can be a sign of miscarriage. Since it's the weekend, I have to wait until Monday to talk further with my OB to find out the size and location, and the risk level. I don't really understand this yet....what questions should I be asking my dr? Thanks!!! Michele
Hi, I'm just looking for some advice really, had a scan today and was told I have an extra chorionic haemorrhage. I have had any bleeding and they said it was small but I'm scared and confused! Do I just carry on as normal and hope I don't bleed?
It depends what your normal is.....I would take it easy. I was told to relax, no heavy lifting, drink lots of water, rest as much as possible.
Has anyone had success with making dietary changes, in regards to SCH? I read that vitamin C, eating lots of spinach and protein can drastically improve the situation.

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