Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Welcome hmommy, I hope the bleeding stops for you very soon!

It's viability day for me! 24 weeks already :) x
Congrats frizz, I have my 20 week scan on monday, so excited and nervous. We will make it public if all is ok. X
Welcome hmommy219 - fingers crossed for you that your SCH clears up as ours seem to have done!

Frizz - huge congrats V day was last Sunday, feeling SO good these days!!

Northern - you're creeping up on Frizz & I ....good luck with your 20 wk scan, fingers crossed everything is 100% now :)

I had my first visit to the er at 6 wks 6 days when, after several days of slightly yellow and pink tinged pearly discharge (which had previously only been pearly white) suddenly turned to bright red blood while I was using the restroom. I had been constpated for weeks, so automatically assumed that I had been bearing down too hard and had caused some sort of tear. I was certain that I was miscarrying. I had no pain prior, but shortly after I arrived to the er, I felt a good deal of painless pelvic pressure. US showed fhr at 136 BPM, and measured baby to be precisely on track. The Dr apparently did not read the full us report, and sent me home after telling me that there's nothing he could do, that I could be bleeding for any number of reasons, but that the baby was currently fine. Discharge paperwork stated 'threatened miscarriage.' Luckily I had a follow up with a triage nurse at my ob who informed me that the us tech observed a 'small subchorionic hemmorage.' She didn't give any clear answer as to what pregnancy outcome odds were, and scheduled me for a follow up us the next day. Then 7 wks 1 day pregnant, fhr was 146 BPM, and baby measured on track. Spotting subsided for a couple of days until pink discharge returned. Eventually, after a few days of intermittently spotting, I had a small bright red gush accompanied by two very small chunks of a grayish brown color. I woke my husband, and we headed to the er, a different hospital this time (civilian as opposed to military, so they actually cared). Dr did the us himself, was very happy with a 'perfect two chamber beat' abs and the size. He couldn't find an active bleed, nor what he would define an sch. He said his us wasn't that great in the er though... He also informed me that in a fetus where a viable hr is detected, the odds of miscarriage due to an sch that was not large were maybe 1% greater than the average population, and that if I made it to 12 weeks I'd be pretty much in the clear statistically. He observed the blood and said tgat due to its pale color, he could tell it was old. I had cramping, so they gave me Tylenol, and sent me home. Follow up with a new ob the following morning, fhr up to 170, normal for 8 weeks, measured with in a day of gestation, the dr was pleased, however would not make a single positive statement with out the cyoa 'anything could happen' :growlmad:... The sch is located on the uterus adjacent to the very bottom of the sack, right above the cervix. She "thinks" my placenta is located at the very top of the sack. I asked her if these locations were not ideal for a positive outcome; no clear response. I even tried to rephrase so that she could maintain her cyoa stance by asking 'if I should miscarry, given these circumstances, will it likely be unrelated to the sch'. Again no answer. She instead told me that sch could be a sign of impending miscarriage. I have been scouring for evidence to support this, but have found nothing. Instead I've found studies which demonstrate that sch is not a statistically significant factor in miscarriage at all. It seems to me that sch's only cause miscarriage when Dr's outright refuse to tell their patients to go on bed rest, to prescribe progesterone, or to prescribe medication to stop to cramping (aka contractions) for early pregnancies. Cramping exacerbates the problem; and given what an sch is, likely could cause it to grow. I am now spotting light red, brown, and occasionally yellow. It's semi clear now, and I'm terrified that it could be amniotic fluid, I am also having an occasional sharp stabby pain in my lower right side. Earlier, I passed a dime sized amount of solid that was light brown, black, and maybe tan/gray/white, not sure if it's another old, weird looking clot, or some thing more sinister . I am terrified, I can't sleep, but I have nothing I can do; I am sick of being brushed off by Dr's and nurses who find educated questions to be threatening, who treat me like I am over reacting, or basically write me off as an early pregnancy statistic. Reading many of your stories (so happy to read the happy ones :) ) I am aware that my issue, currently a .5*.5 cm, previously 1*1, is much less concerning than what many women and infants have been through, but that doesn't make my situation any less valid (though maybe less imminent). What concerns me is it's 1.5 weeks now, still intermittent spotting, with more fluid than I would expect even a 1*1 sch to hold. I don't know how to determine if some thing is tissue, or if it is, whether it is mine or the baby's, and what I need to do from there. Right now I just feel so helpless. /rant
Sorry to plug up the board with this mess, I wonder if any of you ladies have had similar experiences and/or emotions...and especially advice on how to not lose my mind over analyzing this to the nth degree.
Hopeful, I hear the panic in your voice and we've all either been there or are currently there. I just recently joined this thread after reading all the stories on here.... Some gave me great hope and some made me more stressed. This is my second sch pregnancy and one thing I can tell you is that your doctors vague responses are completely normal. This condition is not largely studied and doctors just seem to take the wait and hope approach. It sucks but I can say that with my last sch I didn't do bed rest and ultimately lost my baby. I can't say for sure the two were related as there were other factors, but this time I am in bed all day and have had much less bleeding and cramping and praying for a better outcome. I'm also drinking more water than is humanly possible!!!

We are here for you... And your chances for a positive outcome are better than a negative one :hugs:
Hopeful, SCH's are terrifying. No one ever expects to bleed or spot while pregnant. :hugs:

I had my first bleed at 5w6d, and went on to have about 4 more big bleeds after that (last one being on Christmas Eve). I spotted or bled for almost 100% of my 1st tri (and I'm not exaggerating). I was in and out of urgent care and hospital visits - to always be told, "well, it should be fine...but only time will tell". Not the most comforting thing. But that's the bad part - this condition is really a horrible waiting game. But most of the time, things turn out ok. The smaller it is, and if its not growing - the better. But we have quite a few members that had bigger ones that shrunk, then grew, then bled out, and then came back....and went on to have healthy babies. And some of them had SCHs during the 2nd pregnancies too.

I put myself on pelvic rest even though some of the doctors said it wasn't necessary. Two doctors said yes, two doctors said there was no evidence of pelvic rest helping. So I opt'ed to be on the safe side and did it. Which meant no sex, no orgasms, no working out and no activities that were physical. And NO HEAVY LIFTING!! When you feel cramps coming on - stop what you're doing, kick your feet up and drink water. That seemed to help me a lot.

I was on pelvic rest from November 19th - February 6th. That is when the specialist told me I was for sure in the clear, and the stress of the SCH was over.

They're scary. They're painful. And its unfair. But just keep chugging along and take care of yourself. Yours is small like mine was, so don't worry if you bleed or spot all the time. I know that's hard to hear. But I didn't stop spotting until about my first week in 2nd tri. And most doctors and articles online all agree that you can bleed/spot until about 20 weeks (that is the most common time for SCHs to heal....but not always. Some women will have it until they give birth).

PM me any time if you have questions or fears or want to rant.

Oh, and the doctors told me that unless I'm soaking 2-3 pads an hour and/or having clots the size of my hand...its most likely not a miscarriage, its the SCH bleeding. And I had plenty of fire engine red, bright fresh blood bleeds with tiny, tiny clots.
first post here, but i've read a bit... i'm 22 weeks today- last bleed was Tuesday (5 days ago). before then, i had gotten a great report at 19 weeks. a previously diagnosed SCH of 11X7X4 cm (huge) clot had gone down to 4cm at the largest measurement. i was super pumped.
and then almost 2 weeks later, i gushed bright red. went to dr, who was not worried. then the next day, i gushed bright red again for 12 hours. i went to the maternal fetal specialist at that point, who put me on bedrest.
i am worried sick. i've not read any good outcomes from people who still bleed bright red after 20 weeks... it usually ends up with preterm labor or full placental abruption between 22 and 24 weeks. this sucks.
Hi. I posted in this thread around the same time last year when I was pregnant with #2 and found that I had a hematoma next to the babies sac. I was quite surprised when they found it because I had no bleeding at all. It took until 12 weeks to clear up and my baby was born fine on the 8th october.

I got a bfp the same time again this year, and have just had another early scan to be told i have another hematoma next to this babies sac measuring 20x18x5mm! i know i've been through the same before, but i am scared again! I haven't been told anything about them and wasnt last time i had to research myself. they just sent me home and said nothing. I read that people should bed rest, no sex, no heavy lifting but wasnt told this. It is also impossible for me to do any of these things because I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 4 month old to look after, i have no choice but to carry my 15lb daughter around, and carry her in her car seat too which must be 20+lb altogether. I also have to walk twice a day with the pushchair to pick up my eldest daughter from nursery, i don't drive, and my partner works full time meaning that these are things I have to do alone! bed rest isn't an option and this worries me even more because of reading bad outcomes when people have been over working.
I really don't want to lose this baby and im very worried. I havent bled yet, but it's early. Ive also seen people saying they had pain with sch which i havent read before, or been told! i went to a&e last year with constant stomach pains and cramps that i now think could have been the sch as im getting the same cramps and discomfort again that gets quite painful but with no bleeding. it seems to be more painful if im doing a lot.

any advise would be muchly appreciated :hugs:
My advice would be do as little as you can and rest as much a possible.
I didn't this time and ultimately lost my baby. Last time I was mega careful and things resolved by 20w, after that I was able to carry on as normal. Xx
Thank you.

I was also curious about how much your babies weighed at birth, those that you had sch pregnancies with. I've read that sch can cause growth restriction and my last baby and first were growth restricted babies. I never had a really early ultrasound with dd#1 but now im wondering if its possible i had a sch with her too and the low birth weights are linked some how...
Hi ladies, just checking in :).

Still experiencing brown mucus discharge and using my Doppler once or twice a week to check on babies. I'll go for a couple of days without anything and get my hopes up and then BAM! More brown crap shows up. I'm also on antibiotics for a bacterial infection that may have been caused by the sch and another medication for a suspected UTI. So.. Things are great! Lol... :wacko:

I'm remaining on bed rest and just praying to get to 24 weeks. It seems as though they start taking you way more seriously once you reach that marker.

How's everyone else holding up? :hugs:
Hello everyone! Lots of :hugs: to all who are still battling a hemorrhage/hematoma!

Mine was found at 5w4d (November 17th) and I was on pelvic rest until February 6th. Pelvic rest: no sex, no orgasms, no heavy lifting, no working out

Any time you feel cramps, kick your feet up and drink some water. Actually, drinking water is really helpful and a lot of times relieves any cramping you might get.

My baby was growing well until about 8 weeks, then slowed down - and this *can* be a side effect of the hemorrhage. But after 10 weeks, he sped right back up, and he's been on track (and a few days ahead actually) ever since. I'm almost 21 weeks, and my last bleed was on Christmas Eve (and then I spotted for about 24 hours a week later) - and that was the last of any bleeding/spotting.

Stay positive, listen to your body and take it easy. You NEED to take it easy. Slower walking when doing household chores, slower walking when picking your daughter up from nursery, take more breaks, watch a movie with the kids and relax. Not all SCHs end up in MC, and not all of them bleed either. I had 4-5 big bleeds and when I didn't have a bleed, I spotted. I spotted for almost 100% of my 1st trimester, and I'm not exaggerating.

Best wishes to all of you!! :hugs:
Thank you.

I was also curious about how much your babies weighed at birth, those that you had sch pregnancies with. I've read that sch can cause growth restriction and my last baby and first were growth restricted babies. I never had a really early ultrasound with dd#1 but now im wondering if its possible i had a sch with her too and the low birth weights are linked some how...

Ds2 was 7lb 5oz at 38w :)
His SCH at was huge at 12w and same size by 16w but not seen on 20w scan, so shouldn't have affected his growth. X
hi- gonna try and ask again... is there anyone here who has bled bright red after 20 weeks?
I haven't bled past 20 weeks, I'm over 25 weeks now and have been told to go in to be assessed if I do bleed red again. My consultant said that she is not so worried about whether the clot is still there but rather whether it has left some damage behind regarding the I am having extra growth scans to make sure the placenta is working and my midwife suggested being induced at 37 weeks due to the risk of haemorrhaging. My first came so quickly that they don't really want to risk this one coming at home although it's still not definite yet.
Are you continuing to bleed red now? What has your midwife said? x
I'm not even sure where to post on here lol.. so, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong spot.. I just saw how many great replies there were to others and I'm sort of in a panic right now so I would like some personal answers if anyone can take the time to do so :)

I am 8.5 weeks pregnant (have 2 little ones and miscarriage last February) .. everything is going fine except I just got a call from my dr yesterday saying that I have the subchorionic hematoma ? which from what I've researched I understand what it is (pretty much) but of course as anyone would be, I'm a bit paranoid now...I still "feel pregnant" but I'm worried every morning that I'm going to feel how I did last year when I miscarried where I just all of a sudden didn't feel pregnant anymore... and I was only 5 weeks then, I can't imagine losing one at this point or further along, my gosh...

so he said it was pretty small and I go in for another ultrasound in a couple weeks... he said to take it easy, etc. so I obviously will not have sex or lift anything heavy, etc.... I had light pink spotting off and on for about a week when I was around 7 weeks pregnant (didn't know why, so of course went to emerge and hcg levels were good and they found baby's heartbeat on ultrasound scans both times)...

of course you never know the outcome but I'm worried??? also, I keep reading that most people bleed a clot or a fair bit of blood and that is actually good? is it bad that my spotting the other week was very very light (only really noticed it when I wiped after peeing pretty much and it was pink, is that bad because it means fresher blood?) But then I've read that not bleeding is ok too because it could just mean it was absorbed by the body? argggg.... trying to be positive but really didn't need this right now especially with everything else I'm dealing with...any advice would be great thanks!!

i don't see a midwife. but i see a regular OB and also a specialist. i'm getting conflicting opinions. my dr doesn't seem concerned, but the specialist scares the crap outta me with statistics regarding PROM and abruptions... OB says "9/10 pregnancies go on just fine even with bleeding" but the specialist says "you need to call right away if you have bright red bleeding", and then he put me on bedrest.
my last episode was while i was ON bedrest. no lifting, no sex, no nothing. UGH. i am so scared.
ugh..that's one of the most difficult parts is that there is never a for sure answer... the uncertainty is what kills us.. me anyway... I have heard a lot of positive stories but of course it's always the not so great ones that stick with you :( :( :(

as others have said, I'm terrified to go to the bathroom, which especially sucks when you're trying to drink more water than humanly possible so you have to wee every other second.

Trying to keep up with positive thinking.. my main thing is that 99% of ppl I read their stories and they say they bled and passed the clot which is actually good and again, my spotting was very minimal just here and there when I wiped a couple over days over the course of a week and was always light pink tinged... the first time I noticed it, it came out with a lot of discharge/tissue???

didn't think much of it because I went to emerge that night and they said bleeding in first tri is common, saw heartbeat on scan, and did my levels compared to a couple days before and they were rising at a good level...

so scared now though :( trying to not focus on it but can't stop thinking about it and don't even want to breathe I'm so nervous something bad is going to happen...

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