Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Good luck for your scans Mara and loopy!
Will you be finding out the gender loopy if baby allows? I hope everything looks good in there! x

I've always known since before I was even confirmed pregnant that I'm having a boy as we had pre-genetic testing on the fertilised blastocyst before the transfer back into me.

The news came as a bit of a shock though as we weren't anticipating being told, the embryologist just said "the only healthy blast you have is a boy so that's what we're transfering" reply....."Errrr, OK, well you can't take that bit of info back can you! Great it's a boy then" :)
Ah how cute! I've booked my gender scan for the 31st :) can't wait for the piccies then x
Scan was great thanks! (meant to update earlier but have been flat out at work all week & exhuasted in the evenings!).

Here's what I sent to my Mum which pretty much covers all :happydance:

Dear Grandma,

The scan doctor took LOTS of pictures of me on Tuesday and got lots of measurements, but I was far too excited and wriggly and wouldn’t stay still long enough to get a good head shot in 2D for the album!

So my real doctor who I saw next (not the scan doctor) was kind enough to agree to take my picture in 4D, but he said I’m still a bit young and need another 4 to 6 weeks before the 4D camera picks up my features properly. I don’t really look like an ugly alien like the pictures show, it’s due to distortion coz I’m still a bit small. Should have some much better pictures next visit.

I’ve also attached my ‘report’ card showing I’m doing really well and don’t have any abnormalities which is great. I weigh nearly 300 grams now!

Mum is also doing great and it looks like her abnormal bits (the sch bleed areas) have totally resolved themselves, and I’m being carried quite ‘high’ which is apparently ideal and very good. I’m also starting to get the hang of kicking my feet into her tummy and making her jump which is a really good laugh J.

All is good, will get Mum to give you a call over the weekend.

Lots of Amniotic Love,
Munchkin xxxx

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That's so cute and I love the pics! So happy your little baby boy is all healthy and happy in there!
My anomaly scan is getting closer, can't wait to make sure he is ok and get a proper look at what this sch is doing x
I thought I'd ask my question on here as I can't find the info I want elsewhere and thought one of you ladies may have come across the answer!
Do sch's cause infections? I think I've read that if the clot hangs around for a long time they can cause an infection that is dangerous to the baby and placenta and leads to preterm labour? I wondered if that's only if you are actively bleeding or if it can occur just from 'being there'? I have a scan a week from today so hopefully they'll be better news but the scan last week showed it was still there so I feel like it might hang around as I'm over 19 weeks now...any info would be appreciated :) x
Hi Frizzabelle!

How's everyone doing? Anyone still spotting/bleeding? :hugs:

To answer your question, the best I can, Frizzabelle, I asked my ob/gyn about infection from the SCH and she quickly said that wasn't an issue. I had read somewhere about someone who got an infection and also had a SCH and I got worried the two might be related. Looks like it was just a coincidence. Fx

Hope everyone is doing well! Today marks one whole month, to the day (Christmas Eve) that I have not had a bleed! I had a few spotting events after that bleed, and one day 1-2 weeks ago...and nothing since. I'm so so so so very hoping that all the spotting and bleeding is way behind me.

At my NT scan (which I couldn't get since LO was measuring wayyyy ahead) the specialist found that I have marginal placenta previa. :( Meaning, the placenta isn't covering the cervix (which would prevent a vaginal delivery) but it is very, very close and if I were to be full term right now and go into labor, I couldn't have a vaginal delivery. But he is really hopeful that it will move completely out of the way. So for now, because of my past spotting/bleeding and now marginal previa, I'm STILL on pelvic rest. :cry: No :sex: and no working out. He thinks that maybe by my next ultrasound in a few weeks the placenta may have moved enough out of the way, and they'll lift my pelvic rest status. Fx!!!!

Hope all you ladies are doing well. This has been a helluva bumpy ride so far.

Oh yeah, I do my private gender scan tomorrow!!!! :happydance: The NT doctor was thinking boy, but the cord was wrapped between the baby's legs, so he couldn't tell 100%. But he thinks he saw a little ding-a-ling there. :winkwink: We'll find out tomorrow for sure!!
Thank you Mara :)
Good luck for your gender scan! Let us know how u get on!
I hope your placenta budges out the way, pelvic rest is SUCH a pain. I'm still on it and have been now for 10 weeks, it's rubbish. Me and my husband are hoping our scan on Monday will hold good news :) x
Oh yeah, I do my private gender scan tomorrow!!!! :happydance: The NT doctor was thinking boy, but the cord was wrapped between the baby's legs, so he couldn't tell 100%. But he thinks he saw a little ding-a-ling there. :winkwink: We'll find out tomorrow for sure!!

Soooo ding-a-ling or cord Mara?! Lol x
Had our anomaly scan today, was in there for two hours as baby wouldn't play ball! I was asked to go to the loo and jump up and down till I was out of breath and he still didn't move!! Managed to get a good look at him in the end though and all looks good! So happy! We had a lovely and very thorough sonographer who measured everything! Some things she measured twice lol
She couldn't see any blood clot or bleeding! I'm still a bit wary as it was 6cm just two weeks ago but she did have a good look for it so it's the best we could hope for! :happydance:

Picture of his nose and mouth lol x


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Congrats Frizz, that's amazing news!!! Wishing you a smooth hassle free pregnancy here onwards!!

Good luck tomorrow Northern, do let us know how you get on.

Hello there. I'm new to this thread. I was diagnosed at 9w with a SCH. I had a big bleed right at the doctor's office (which was a blessing in disguise bc we could see right away what was causing it) and I've been spotting every since dark brown blood.
I'm wondering how long have you ladies had yours. I'm currently on bed/pelvic rest. A little bit stressed bc I have to travel for my work a bit and I;m not being able to.

Also, I don't have crampings per se but a low abdominal pressure on and off that it's pretty annoying. Have any of you ladies experience the same thing?

I am also seeing in my pee (sorry if TMI) little particles that look like blood.. I'm wondering if it's something else.

I can't wait for this to go away. Everyday is so stressful!
Hi Liz418, huge hugs first - this is a really stressful time. :hugs:

I was diagnosed with mine at 5 weeks. And I had more days during my 1st tri where I either bleed or spotted than I did of non-bleeding/spotting days. I cramped, a lot. And sometimes to the point of waking me up from my sleep or having me doubled over in the kitchen - they were that bad. :( I had about 4-5 moderate bleeds (the last one being on Christmas eve). Usually the bleeds were a huge gush of bright red with tiny clots. One particular time it was gushing and even kept coming out and turned the toilet bowl red. (I'm so sorry for the TMI - but I think its helpful to hear the stories so you're not alone). The gushing/bleeding usually only lasted a few minutes. But the spotting (pink and/or brown) would last for weeks sometimes. I might get a day here or there of nothing, but then spotting or a gusher would happen. :(

I could sometimes tell when a gusher was going to happen. I would normally get cramps, or an ache low down in my tummy right above my pubic bone. And it could last for hours or days. Usually when the pain subsided, I'd get spotting or a bleed.

The doctors told me at one of my many visits due to the bleeding (this one was at 10w3d) that at this point, my chances of miscarriage were just about in line with any other woman at 10w3d - about 3%. She could see LO wiggling around and looking rather healthy. And she said my cervix was nice and closed and there was nothing to point towards a miscarriage being imminent.

Like I said, my last bleed was on Christmas Eve, and it was the smallest of all of them. And then the spotting lasted maybe 3 days. About a week later I had the teeny, tiniest amount of spotting for about 24 hours and then I haven't had anything since then. They normally say that by 20 weeks, everything should heal.

I do have marginal placental previa, which can also cause bleeding, but its really not an issue at this point.

Ask me or any of the ladies any time about our experiences, or to just vent/complain/be scared. Take it easy. No sex, no orgasms, no working out, nothing too active. Drink lots of water, and when you feel cramps - lay down, kick your feet up and have a cup of water. :hugs:

You'll be fine, don't worry.
Mine was large at 10 weeks, it was found then after I had a massive bleed.
It had doubled at 13 weeks and was still there at 18. I'm just over 20 weeks now and the hematoma wasn't seen at my scan on Monday. I have a consultant app on 13th feb, hoping they tell me it's gone, not just hiding!
Other than the massive bleed, I had a little bit of spotting (always red for me).

I too had loads of cramping and belly pains. I always made sure I drank plenty of water and rested when necessary. I've been on pelvic rest since the bleed but we have dtd since my 20 week scan when the clot it wasn't seen and nothing bad has happened so far! I'm still very wary of not pushing myself just yet as I'm not convinced it's completely gone :/

I hope the bleeding goes away quickly for you and your sch heals soon! x
Thanks for the reassurance Mara.

I'm wondering did you have any restrictions? I'm currently on bed/pelvic rest.
If I could move around a little I feel I'd feel much better since I can keep myself occupied.

Glad to know you are doing well after that ordeal!

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