Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I'm on pelvic rest until further notice. But I'm hoping to get that lifted next week. Fx!!
Had my period the 26th of dec. went off on jan. 5th. Me & my boyfriend had unprotected sex on the 11th of jan. I had VERY light spotting on the 14th & 15th then afterward it started to get heavier & ended on the 20th. Then on the 27th I started heavy bleeding again & I'm still bleeding now. I am making an a drs appt Tuesday but I just wanted some advice from other people that maybe going thru the same thing. I've also been having some mild cramping basically like period cramps, back pain, heartburn & I've been more tired than usual. What do you guys thing ? Help me please I'm so nervous & scared & I never had this happen to me before...
Dont think this is the right thread hun but anyway as frizz said have you had a positive test and if yes then when and is it worth doing another one that says how many weeks to see if it has gone up? X
Dont think this is the right thread hun but anyway as frizz said have you had a positive test and if yes then when and is it worth doing another one that says how many weeks to see if it has gone up? X
Just thought I'd update. :yipee:

My SCH and placenta previa are..... GONE!!!!!!!!!!
I can't tell you have happy I am. I've been ecstatic since I found out. Omg. Maybe all this crap is really, truly behind me!!

My last bleed was on Christmas Eve, and then I spotted for 24 hours about a week later. And that was the last time I had any spotting/bleeding. So its been a month, and no cramps either. I'm just so happy. <3

Oh, and he is measuring about 4 days ahead now. On January 15th, he was 8 days ahead. But all the previous scans he's always been about 3-4 days ahead. So looks like he's back on his typical growing schedule. Maybe he hit a growth spurt on January 15th. :lol:
Hey there,

I am 30 years old with my first pregnancy, very healthy woman that used to jog every other day (before SCH diagnosis). I eat BY THE BOOK (only what is recommended to eat for pregnant women, no junk food whatsoever). Given that I really take care of myself, I was shocked when I was diagnosed with SCH at 6 weeks in the ER on 2/5/14 after a passed blood, clots, tissue... The heartbeat was detected (88 beats/min, which is appropriate for this gestational age), and I was put on bed rest and pelvic rest... I still bleed/spot brown/red, I have cramps and back pain, and generally feel weak and lightheaded.

It is soooo hard for me to stay home, since I am a hard-working person and on my feet all day long...Psychologically, I am very tense because of my diagnosis... I can't relax, can't read serious books, I can only stare at TV (funny movies only) and talk to my friends on the phone about THEM to get distracted... I tried to meditate, but my thoughts drift away...

This is sooo hard... I know nobody can do anything about this, and this is just "wait and see" type of a situation... There are so many women on this support group writing about their diagnosis, but I hardly even come across an update from them if they brought babies to full term...

How are you guys holding up NOT KNOWING WHAT WILL HAPPEN?
It's totally natural to be worried as anyone with a sch is, but really try not to stress as this won't cause anything positive to happen (hard I know!)
I found it really hard trying to take it easy as I have a two year old and I felt so bad for him with me not being able to pick him up, play chase etc but it's all for that little baby and will be totally worth it!
Being told to 'wait and see' is awful but that really is all you can do.
There are loads of women who go to full term and have perfectly healthy babies but unfortunately it's the ones with a bad outcome that tend to tell their story on here although you can find lots of success stories :)
I hope your pains and bleeding ease real soon! I'm waiting for my consultant appointment on Thursday and hoping they might scan me to see what's happening. The sonographer at my 20 week scan couldn't find it but I need a second opinion to feel reassured as it was still there and large just two weeks before x
Mara congrats!!

Edavt - I don't think sch have anything to do with how healthy you are, mine wasn't seen at the last 2 scans so hoping it won't re appear. Its the unknown that is the worst but I guess we have to wait it out and hope for the best. I know there are a few of us on here that have had quite large ones that have eventually gone at different stages. Good luck.
Hello everyone, may I join in?

I'm officially 12 weeks today and was diagnosed with a subchorionic hemorrhage via ultrasound at 7 weeks. :cry: No bleeding AT ALL, but I'm still worried. At that time, they told me it was small and is anterior/infront of the sac, then the following week at 8 weeks, the scan showed it has gotten smaller. But my last scan at 10w6d showed that the bleed has gotten bigger and is now next to the placenta. WHAT THE-?!?!?!? Now, i'm super worried.... I can't even be excited to tell people that we're pregnant because of this. :cry: My first pregnancy turned out to be ectopic, so I know exactly what a loss feels like. :(

I'm just so worried. I don't know what else to do. :shrug:
Mine was found in my 5th week due to spotting, and then a big bleed. It was small, but behind the sac. It's totally understandable to be worried. I spent the entire 1st trimester terrified I was going to miscarry.

Spotting, bleeding and cramping are normal for SCHs. Put yourself on pelvic rest - no sex, no orgasms, no working out and don't lift anything heavy. I was on pelvic rest from November 19th - February 6th.

Oh, and my bleeds would be bright, fresh red blood with little clots. I'm only telling you so that judge in case you bleed, you know it's normal. :hugs:

Stay calm, and think positive. I know that doesn't help much, but honestly besides taking care of yourself, there's not much else you can do. :(
I saw my consultant for the first time today at 22 weeks and 5 days!
She says that she is not worried about whether the clot is there or not unless I bleed red blood but she is concerned about the placenta working properly (as that is where the massive bleed came from) throughout the rest of my pregnancy so I'm (finally!) being given extra scans! These are to check baby boys growth and the efficiency of my placenta. I'm to have the jab after birth for my placenta to avoid haemorrhaging and will more than likely need to deliver him on labour ward close to theatre just incase! If I do bleed or have pains that don't go away I need to go in to be assessed.
I'm so happy that I am being listened to and a professional is sharing my concern instead of being fobbed off all the time, they really do seem to care more the closer you get to viability.
I've not bled for weeks but I do still get terrible pains at times that scare me as I know they are not growing, stretching or ligament pains (I have these too though!) x
Wow, I'm shocked they wouldn't scan you more often! But glad you're finally being seen now. Its been over a month since I bled or spotted, so I think if you've gone a long time without issues - it *should* be safe to assume you won't bleed again. At least that's what my doctor told me. Especially since they couldn't find any sign of the hemorrhage.

I get pains too actually. I just thought it was all part of growing stretching. But I guess they are pretty similar to the crampy feeling I'd get early on when I used to bleed often. They're just not as bad or often. Hmmm
The pains are horrid, I'd describe mine as shooting/lightening pain through my lower stomach and upwards...I literally have to lay down wherever I am. I went to get the post the other day and ended up on the hall way floor! I know these aren't my 'normal' pains as like I said I have these too and had them with my first son. I do also get cramping but that is what my Braxton hicks felt like first time round so could just be getting them early?? x
Hmm, my cramping from early on to now has always felt like some variation of AF cramps. Dull, burning, aching. Early on, they'd be so bad they'd wake me in the middle of my sleep or have me doubled over in the kitchen. Now, when I get them, its more of a mild annoyance.

I have no idea what BH are like. I thought they were just like a tightening of the tummy. lol :shrug:

I did notice however, that when I'd get bad cramps COLD helped more then heat! Like drinking cold water or putting the cold bottle of water on my uterus. :shrug: Weird. But it totally helped! As well as kicking me feet up and not having any stress on my tummy/uterus area.

I hope you pains go away. At 22+ weeks, you deserve a break already!!!!
Ahhh thank you! I'm feeling better about things knowing that I'm not going to just be left to see what happens!
I do find drinking cold water helps too!
So close to viability now! :)
I'm starting to allow myself to feel excited! x
Hi ladies, I'm so glad that you still post on this thread!!

This is my second sch pregnancy. I personally am convinced I got both sch due to orgasms early in the first trimester (sorry if that was tmi) :dohh:

My first ended in mc at 13 weeks... I didn't do bed rest at all and just constantly bled :(. This time I am currently 16 weeks and have been on bed rest since 12 weeks when the big bleed happened. I'm just passing brown cm now but will occasionally have a little red or pink in there. I bought a Doppler for peace of mind but am still very apprehensive :nope:

So glad to join this group for support :hugs:

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