Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I hope your bleeding stops soon yo yo! I had cramps the whole time the sch was there (about week 19) and bled bright red (at 11 weeks) but it hasn't been seen at the last two scans and I'm now 28+5.
Get as much rest as you can. Unfortunately a lot of these doctors and midwives just dismiss you until you reach viability and then all of a sudden they start caring! It's such a horrible situation but most do have a happy ending.
Stay positive x
Oh yay Mara!

1.5 weeks to go for me.

Good luck yo yo. I think we all totally know how you are feeling. It is scary, frustrating, confusing and lonely when the docs are so blase but you are having to cope with the unknown.

Just hang in there, drink lots of water and keep your feet up as much as possible!
Yo-Yo, did your bleeding stop and then come back? Or have you just been bleeding heavy red for days? I'm so sorry you have to go through this too. I was just telling my DH that I hate that I can actually join in on conversations and talk about my experience. I wish I could have just had morning sickness or something else to complain about. But if I can help shed light on anything about SCHs, I'm an open book. You ask, and I'll tell. Even though I only had to deal with it for about 3 months, those 3 months seemed like the longest, most stressful time of my life. I can't imagine how other ladies deal with it ALL the way through their pregnancy.

I hope you're ok Yo-yo. :hugs:

And thanks ladies about viability day! Sort of seems like it just sprung up out of nowhere! haha :flower:
Thanks Mara :flower: so pleased you reached v day-that's a huge thing after sch-congratulations! :)

my bleeding has gone like this:
Thurs- first massive gush of bright red blood on loo-like I was peeing. Filled a pad in an hour after, then bleed red through to brown over two days

Wed-cramps and then big gush of same bright red again-all over sofa and clothes. Then filled a pad over 3 hours or so-still on off bleeding red/slightly darker red now with cramps every now and again-quite painful at times.

I'm still bleeding-need a pad on. It's red, but maybe slightly on the darker side of bright red-I'm praying I'm not deluding myself.
Woke up this morning-was dreaming I was buying baby things, and could feel cramps and bleeding going on :cry: cruel dream

Saw tiny tiny clots in blood-is that a good/bad thing?

I'm always thirsty too- drank 6 litres yesterday-hubby and mil are concerned I'm drinking too much water-I'm just so thirsty. Could it be the blood loss?

Thanks Mara :flower: so pleased you reached v day-that's a huge thing after sch-congratulations! :)

my bleeding has gone like this:
Thurs- first massive gush of bright red blood on loo-like I was peeing. Filled a pad in an hour after, then bleed red through to brown over two days

Wed-cramps and then big gush of same bright red again-all over sofa and clothes. Then filled a pad over 3 hours or so-still on off bleeding red/slightly darker red now with cramps every now and again-quite painful at times.

I'm still bleeding-need a pad on. It's red, but maybe slightly on the darker side of bright red-I'm praying I'm not deluding myself.
Woke up this morning-was dreaming I was buying baby things, and could feel cramps and bleeding going on :cry: cruel dream

Saw tiny tiny clots in blood-is that a good/bad thing?

I'm always thirsty too- drank 6 litres yesterday-hubby and mil are concerned I'm drinking too much water-I'm just so thirsty. Could it be the blood loss?


Firstly there are a lot of "normals" you are experiencing for an sch.

It is normal to gush more than once especially in the early days when the "tear" is still actively bleeding. I bled for 5-6 weeks. Albeit I was lucky just to have one gush, but had red bleeding for several days then weeks of dark red, brown, orange... All sorts. So don't panic. Sch's can take weeks to stop bleeding altogether so prepare yourself for this even though it is not fun to see.

Cramps are normal especially when actively bleeding as your uterus contracts in irritation at the blood.

Thirst - that was the weirdest thing! When I had my first bleed and I was in hospital being told I was miscarrying, all I could say was "I'm SO thirsty I need more water!" So yes, this could be related to the bleeding, or pregnancy? Either way, it is no bad thing to drink lots when you have an sch as it is supposed to calm the uterus and lessen the cramping.

So hang in there, I would encourage you to get your feet up and rest as much as humanly possible while you are bleeding red. Imagine you had cut your finger and every time it tried to heal you pulled the skin so the cut opened again, that's kinda how I viewed it! Need to keep still while the cause of the bleeding heals.

Good luck.
Thanks Mara :flower: so pleased you reached v day-that's a huge thing after sch-congratulations! :)

my bleeding has gone like this:
Thurs- first massive gush of bright red blood on loo-like I was peeing. Filled a pad in an hour after, then bleed red through to brown over two days

Wed-cramps and then big gush of same bright red again-all over sofa and clothes. Then filled a pad over 3 hours or so-still on off bleeding red/slightly darker red now with cramps every now and again-quite painful at times.

I'm still bleeding-need a pad on. It's red, but maybe slightly on the darker side of bright red-I'm praying I'm not deluding myself.
Woke up this morning-was dreaming I was buying baby things, and could feel cramps and bleeding going on :cry: crueyl dream

Saw tiny tiny clots in blood-is that a good/bad thing?

I'm always thirsty too- drank 6 litres yesterday-hubby and mil are concerned I'm drinking too much water-I'm just so thirsty. Could it be the blood loss?


Firstly there are a lot of "normals" you are experiencing for an sch.

It is normal to gush more than once especially in the early days when the "tear" is still actively bleeding. I bled for 5-6 weeks. Albeit I was lucky just to have one gush, but had red bleeding for several days then weeks of dark red, brown, orange... All sorts. So don't panic. Sch's can take weeks to stop bleeding altogether so prepare yourself for this even though it is not fun to see.

Cramps are normal especially when actively bleeding as your uterus contracts in irritation at the blood.

Thirst - that was the weirdest thing! When I had my first bleed and I was in hospital being told I was miscarrying, all I could say was "I'm SO thirsty I need more water!" So yes, this could be related to the bleeding, or pregnancy? Either way, it is no bad thing to drink lots when you have an sch as it is supposed to calm the uterus and lessen the cramping.

So hang in there, I would encourage you to get your feet up and rest as much as humanly possible while you are bleeding red. Imagine you had cut your finger and every time it tried to heal you pulled the skin so the cut opened again, that's kinda how I viewed it! Need to keep still while the cause of the bleeding heals.

Good luck.

Thanks for your words of encouragement. It's nice to talk to others who know how it feels. :flower:
Good way to look at is as a cut on finger. I'm being strict about bed rest. Only been up to go to the toilet. Mil is looking after the girls at out house. Major help right now.
Thanks again. X
Thanks Mara :flower: so pleased you reached v day-that's a huge thing after sch-congratulations! :)

my bleeding has gone like this:
Thurs- first massive gush of bright red blood on loo-like I was peeing. Filled a pad in an hour after, then bleed red through to brown over two days

Wed-cramps and then big gush of same bright red again-all over sofa and clothes. Then filled a pad over 3 hours or so-still on off bleeding red/slightly darker red now with cramps every now and again-quite painful at times.

I'm still bleeding-need a pad on. It's red, but maybe slightly on the darker side of bright red-I'm praying I'm not deluding myself.
Woke up this morning-was dreaming I was buying baby things, and could feel cramps and bleeding going on :cry: crueyl dream

Saw tiny tiny clots in blood-is that a good/bad thing?

I'm always thirsty too- drank 6 litres yesterday-hubby and mil are concerned I'm drinking too much water-I'm just so thirsty. Could it be the blood loss?


Firstly there are a lot of "normals" you are experiencing for an sch.

It is normal to gush more than once especially in the early days when the "tear" is still actively bleeding. I bled for 5-6 weeks. Albeit I was lucky just to have one gush, but had red bleeding for several days then weeks of dark red, brown, orange... All sorts. So don't panic. Sch's can take weeks to stop bleeding altogether so prepare yourself for this even though it is not fun to see.

Cramps are normal especially when actively bleeding as your uterus contracts in irritation at the blood.

Thirst - that was the weirdest thing! When I had my first bleed and I was in hospital being told I was miscarrying, all I could say was "I'm SO thirsty I need more water!" So yes, this could be related to the bleeding, or pregnancy? Either way, it is no bad thing to drink lots when you have an sch as it is supposed to calm the uterus and lessen the cramping.

So hang in there, I would encourage you to get your feet up and rest as much as humanly possible while you are bleeding red. Imagine you had cut your finger and every time it tried to heal you pulled the skin so the cut opened again, that's kinda how I viewed it! Need to keep still while the cause of the bleeding heals.

Good luck.

Thanks for your words of encouragement. It's nice to talk to others who know how it feels. :flower:
Good way to look at is as a cut on finger. I'm being strict about bed rest. Only been up to go to the toilet. Mil is looking after the girls at out house. Major help right now.
Thanks again. X

Then you are doing the right things. Just keep those feet up and drink.
Yup, when I'd have a big bleed, I'd spot/bleed red-pink blood for a day or two, then it would slowly turn to brown and then I just had my usual brown/pink tinged CM until my next bleed. :dohh:

As it was starting to heal though, I'd actually get a week or TWO of nothing! And it would get my hopes up soooooo high that it was finally over. And then boom, another bleed. But those stretches between bleeds started to get longer and longer and longer, until they just stopped.

Cramps. Omg, the cramps. I never thought I'd have to deal with similar AF cramps while pregnant...and then not be able to take my normal medication (Ibuprophen/Advil/Motrin). A heating pad and sometimes strangely enough, a cold water bottle on my uterus helped. As well as Tylenol. There were many, MANY times I'd wake up from the cramps and be curled in fetal position or be in the kitchen and have to squat down, or bend over because they'd get so bad. I really thought for sure that no one can have those types of cramps and not lose the baby. But alas, it can happen.

Clots. Yup, got those too. In the really early weeks (weeks 5-7) they would be teeny, tiny black/maroon clots. I described it to the doctor as pencil eraser shaving sized. At one point weeks later I did get some bigger ones at maybe the size of a pea, but less than the size of a grape. The doctor repeatedly told me that unless I'm filling 2-3 pads in a hour and/or passing clots the size of my HAND, then it should just be the SCH bleeding out. She didn't say whether the clots were good or bad, just normal for having an active SCH.

Thirst. I went through random times in pregnancy where I was chugging water like it was going out of style. It could be hormones and it could have been my body being in stress from the bleeds (and just emotional stress) and that was how I dealt with it - water!

But water is a really good thing to drink. It actually would help ease the cramps - and lot of women on BnB mentioned that when you get cramps, drink water. So that's what I did. Bottle of water, kick my feet up. Give myself 10-20 minutes, and I'd start to feel much better.


ETA: Wanted to mention, at one of my many scans due to bleeding, I was seen by a different Ob/gyn at around 10w3d. I had just had a rather large bleed and was quite nervous during the scan. My baby was so active and bouncing around though! The doctor said that at this point (10w3d) the chance that I miscarry from a SCH was very minimal even though I was still getting gushes of blood. She said that the baby and placenta was now large enough that the SCH was now much smaller. Of course there was still that chance, but she was so confident that after 10 weeks, I was looking really good. Next time you have a scan, ask them the size and if its getting smaller, larger, staying the same. Lots of women had theirs double in size at one appointment, and by the next it was almost gone. So SCHs can go through a lot of changes while they're healing/active.
Yup, when I'd have a big bleed, I'd spot/bleed red-pink blood for a day or two, then it would slowly turn to brown and then I just had my usual brown/pink tinged CM until my next bleed. :dohh:

As it was starting to heal though, I'd actually get a week or TWO of nothing! And it would get my hopes up soooooo high that it was finally over. And then boom, another bleed. But those stretches between bleeds started to get longer and longer and longer, until they just stopped.

Cramps. Omg, the cramps. I never thought I'd have to deal with similar AF cramps while pregnant...and then not be able to take my normal medication (Ibuprophen/Advil/Motrin). A heating pad and sometimes strangely enough, a cold water bottle on my uterus helped. As well as Tylenol. There were many, MANY times I'd wake up from the cramps and be curled in fetal position or be in the kitchen and have to squat down, or bend over because they'd get so bad. I really thought for sure that no one can have those types of cramps and not lose the baby. But alas, it can happen.

Clots. Yup, got those too. In the really early weeks (weeks 5-7) they would be teeny, tiny black/maroon clots. I described it to the doctor as pencil eraser shaving sized. At one point weeks later I did get some bigger ones at maybe the size of a pea, but less than the size of a grape. The doctor repeatedly told me that unless I'm filling 2-3 pads in a hour and/or passing clots the size of my HAND, then it should just be the SCH bleeding out. She didn't say whether the clots were good or bad, just normal for having an active SCH.

Thirst. I went through random times in pregnancy where I was chugging water like it was going out of style. It could be hormones and it could have been my body being in stress from the bleeds (and just emotional stress) and that was how I dealt with it - water!

But water is a really good thing to drink. It actually would help ease the cramps - and lot of women on BnB mentioned that when you get cramps, drink water. So that's what I did. Bottle of water, kick my feet up. Give myself 10-20 minutes, and I'd start to feel much better.


ETA: Wanted to mention, at one of my many scans due to bleeding, I was seen by a different Ob/gyn at around 10w3d. I had just had a rather large bleed and was quite nervous during the scan. My baby was so active and bouncing around though! The doctor said that at this point (10w3d) the chance that I miscarry from a SCH was very minimal even though I was still getting gushes of blood. She said that the baby and placenta was now large enough that the SCH was now much smaller. Of course there was still that chance, but she was so confident that after 10 weeks, I was looking really good. Next time you have a scan, ask them the size and if its getting smaller, larger, staying the same. Lots of women had theirs double in size at one appointment, and by the next it was almost gone. So SCHs can go through a lot of changes while they're healing/active.

Thank you for your reply-made me feel lots better.
How big was your sch at 10 weeks? Wish I had had a positive OB at my last visit.
It's gone to brown right now-praying for it to stay that way and ten go for good.
:flower: this group is such a relief to find when your so stressed xx
They never gave me an actual size, they'd just tell me if it was small or still visible. When I first went in, it was like 3x the size of the gestation sac. Or at least it looked that way on the ultrasound scan picture. By 10 weeks, they were having trouble seeing it. But at 14 weeks the specialist said he could still see the tiniest of a remnant of it. By 16-17 weeks, it was no longer visible by my ob/gyn, but they had trouble seeing it at 10 weeks, so maybe the specialist had a better machine (or better eye). Either way, my last bleed was on X-mas eve, and then I spotted for a few days. Then spotted about a week later for 24 hrs. and then that was the end of it.

When I was diagnosed with a SCH during my 5th week, I think I read this entire thread over the course of two days. Then I scoured the internet for good and bad stories for MONTHS. Every time I had a bleed, I'd go online and drive myself nuts. I was a total basket case, and practically had my doppler attached to my belly at all times. Before work, after work...during a bleed. Its so stressful, and having others to talk to about it is what kept my sanity. My DH wasn't dealing with it too well either. But he was my rock, and he put on a really strong face since I was totally broken.

Keep on chuggin' along. Everything I read said that if you're diagnosed with one early in 1st tri, your chances of a MC are super high. If its found in 2nd or later, your risk is much lower. :hugs:
I can 100% relate to everything your saying! I'm a total basket case too then-these sch's do that to you.
That's rubbish having a bleed Xmas eve...glad it was one of your last though. My sch is 4cm x 2cm I think and I had another one but the rubbish doc didn't even look at it-thT looked like it was smaller than it previously had been when it was 3cm x 2cm or there abouts.
I have been reading through these pages too-finding some sounding just like me, only to read they lost the baby. Then some who didn't. It's hard not to read like crazy!
My U/S is on 9th April-so I guess if I rest as much until them and drink plenty, I can do no more.
Those sound like small measurements for your SCH. I know there are women on this thread who had them at 10cm+ (one lady even had a 17cm long one). :( The smaller the better.

You have your appointment the day after I have my next visit. I'm worry about pre-e. I've been getting some horrendous swelling in my feet/legs and now starting to get it in my hands. I think I'm ok, but my weight gain has been out of control, and I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Its as if eating the same way pre-pregnancy is causing me to gain weight uncontrollably. I didn't eat that bad before pregnancy, for sure though!!!
I can 100% relate to everything your saying! I'm a total basket case too then-these sch's do that to you.
That's rubbish having a bleed Xmas eve...glad it was one of your last though. My sch is 4cm x 2cm I think and I had another one but the rubbish doc didn't even look at it-thT looked like it was smaller than it previously had been when it was 3cm x 2cm or there abouts.
I have been reading through these pages too-finding some sounding just like me, only to read they lost the baby. Then some who didn't. It's hard not to read like crazy!
My U/S is on 9th April-so I guess if I rest as much until them and drink plenty, I can do no more.

Everything you are feeling now I promise you we all felt. And still do to some degree.

It is frightening beyond anything I think I have ever experienced, and it can take so long to stop.

When you are actively bleeding you think "how can I possibly bleed this much and the baby still be ok?".. It's just not what any woman wants to see when pregnant.

The size of your hematomas are I promise you not particularly big.

Mine was larger... Starting at about 5.5cm x 5.7 x 3cm... Last time it was a teensy but smaller but that was 9 weeks later and 3 weeks after all bleeding/spotting stopped! I was furious that it hadn't shrunk more.

But I am still here counting down to my v day. I am mega superstitious about everything still. Daren't buy anything big for the baby until 24 weeks in case something goes wrong, I fear if I buy something I am going to jinx it, so I am resting, drinking and ticking off every day as another day closer to a healthy boy.

I totally understand everything you must be feeling right now, and I understand how much you want someone to make it stop. Whilst we can't do that, we can empathise, give you info, and listen any time you want to rant.

I don't think a day goes by that I don't worry I will bleed again, and even if it goes away altogether, I don't think I will ever take a day of this pregnancy for granted.

Hang on in there.
Those sound like small measurements for your SCH. I know there are women on this thread who had them at 10cm+ (one lady even had a 17cm long one). :( The smaller the better.

You have your appointment the day after I have my next visit. I'm worry about pre-e. I've been getting some horrendous swelling in my feet/legs and now starting to get it in my hands. I think I'm ok, but my weight gain has been out of control, and I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Its as if eating the same way pre-pregnancy is causing me to gain weight uncontrollably. I didn't eat that bad before pregnancy, for sure though!!!

Oh lovely,
I bet it's just normal pregnancy swelling for you. I got swelling with my girls-it's not always a bad sign. It's like water retention-especially if it's got where you are..this seemed to make it worse. I'm sure they will keep a close eye on you after the sch. These pregnancy worries are horrible :-(
Don't worry about weight gain-you will soon lose that when baby is here.

So glad mine sounds small-you think the crappy doctor could have told me that at least. :-(
I can 100% relate to everything your saying! I'm a total basket case too then-these sch's do that to you.
That's rubbish having a bleed Xmas eve...glad it was one of your last though. My sch is 4cm x 2cm I think and I had another one but the rubbish doc didn't even look at it-thT looked like it was smaller than it previously had been when it was 3cm x 2cm or there abouts.
I have been reading through these pages too-finding some sounding just like me, only to read they lost the baby. Then some who didn't. It's hard not to read like crazy!
My U/S is on 9th April-so I guess if I rest as much until them and drink plenty, I can do no more.

Everything you are feeling now I promise you we all felt. And still do to some degree.

It is frightening beyond anything I think I have ever experienced, and it can take so long to stop.

When you are actively bleeding you think "how can I possibly bleed this much and the baby still be ok?".. It's just not what any woman wants to see when pregnant.

The size of your hematomas are I promise you not particularly big.

Mine was larger... Starting at about 5.5cm x 5.7 x 3cm... Last time it was a teensy but smaller but that was 9 weeks later and 3 weeks after all bleeding/spotting stopped! I was furious that it hadn't shrunk more.

But I am still here counting down to my v day. I am mega superstitious about everything still. Daren't buy anything big for the baby until 24 weeks in case something goes wrong, I fear if I buy something I am going to jinx it, so I am resting, drinking and ticking off every day as another day closer to a healthy boy.

I totally understand everything you must be feeling right now, and I understand how much you want someone to make it stop. Whilst we can't do that, we can empathise, give you info, and listen any time you want to rant.

I don't think a day goes by that I don't worry I will bleed again, and even if it goes away altogether, I don't think I will ever take a day of this pregnancy for granted.

Hang on in there.

I totally get what your saying-and it does effect how you enjoy pregnancy with things like buying stuff for baby-you feel more scared to and the fun is gone a little.
When are you 24 weeks? I hope your v day comes around really fast for you :flower:

Your doing all you can, and I can totally relate to everything your saying. It's hard not knowing-the uncertainty of will you-won't you bleed is mentally draining.

It's all worth it in the end though :)
Lol thanks. :flower:

Yeah, some doctors are really passive about SCHs and others take it over board. I had one doctor tell me that if I was going to MC, there's nothing anyone can just sit tight. Nice. I mean, I knew that already, but damn....don't need to be so blunt. Then another doctor (when I asked about pelvic rest) sort of frowned and said, "eh, doesn't really matter...I don't know if you need to be on it". Um ok... Then the specialist was all for pelvic rest and made sure I understood how important it was to remain on pelvic rest until further notice.

Needless to say, I was on pelvic rest from week 5 until about week 16. I'd rather err on the side of caution. :thumbup:
Hey all, I'm new here. Found this thread while scouring the internet for information for about the 600th time since my SCH diagnosis on Monday. I have no idea where my SCH is located, which now kind of freaks me out. Its 2.4 x 1.9 x 0.6, to me that seems small, but Im only 8 weeks. US was taken at 7w and babys heartbeat was 134bpm. My doctor was very off hand when he informed me. I havent had any bleeding at all, the SCH was found on the dating scan. Doctor didnt say to limit exercise or anything, but after reading evrrything, Ive put myself on rest, i know it may not affect the outcome, but its the only thing i can do.

This comes on the tail of a missed miscarriage in November, so im a complete mess. I cant stop reading about SCHs, and its doing my head in. Some people say they were ok, others say they werent. Some doctors wanted an US 2 weeks after the finding, my doctor said to wait for the 12 week scan. I dont know if i can wait that long, especially considering my MMC was found at 12w6d ultrasound... So i was already dreading it. Im having visions of the same scenario all over again. My partner works a lot and cant have time off, so my little girl and I are staying with my Mum currently so I can relax and rest as much as possible, and not have to lift a squirming 3 year old in and out of my SUV when we need to go places. I wish there was more i could do!
I forgot to mention, the ultrasound report said "viable but threatened intrauterine foetus" which completely freaked me out. Im guessing this meams threatened miscarriage... but ive had not bleeding or cramping, is this just because of the SCH you think ?
Hi Sharbear, my report also said threatened miscarriage (and by the time I got home, my email had a message from the hospital preparing me for what to expect from a miscarriage. Nice, right? Ugh).

Welcome to the group - although, I wish you didn't have to be here. Its better to know that you have a SCH, that way if you bleed, you are kind of prepared for it. I'll warn you now, that even though I knew I had a SCH, I was never prepared for a bleed. But I would have totally panicked had I not known I had one.

As I mentioned to Yo-Yo, some doctors are REALLY passive, and don't treat SCHs like they're anything to be bothered about. Pelvic rest is easy and its at least "something" you can do to try and help the issue. Uterine cramping from sex or orgasms put too much stress on an already compromised placenta, so its best to just let it heal.

Sounds like you have a small SCH, and that's great! If you bleed, call your doctor and tell them - and they'll most likely have you come back in for a scan. Another month is a long time to wait, but if you don't bleed, hopefully that'll keep your mind at peace. Rest up, drink lots of water and stay on pelvic rest. Its all you can do. :hugs:

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