Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Feeling more panicked this morning my boobs are jo longer sore. 4.5hrs until my scan and I am a mess.

Any scan news? Got my fingers crossed for you.

Got horrible cramps :-( had them hours now. Wish I has a us machine at home, I swear i would use it constantly!!
Thank you for replies, and good luck to every one else. I am seriously living on tenter hooks. Its so frustrating. My 3 year old has also chosen now to start pushing boundaries and spends a lot of time screaming at me. Hard to relax. Haha. 9 weeks today, only three weeks to wait. Im doing nothing... but feel so tired all the time haha. Still no actual bleeding though. Boobs still sore, eating like a horse... that being said I felt pregnant right up until i had my u/s with my miscarriage, so i remain cautiously optimistic. :S

Can totally relate to living on tenter hooks. :hugs: each day is a day nearer to healing and a stronger baby!

My youngest is 2-I think they can pick up on things being different, and they can play up and be harder work as a result sometimes don't worry, it will pass. :flower:
My cheeky boy today at 29+3. Measuring a week ahead and still no sign of the clot! x


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Hi everyone, this is my first post (thanks Ferreroroche for pointing me here). I had continuous spotting from about week 4, had a scan at 6 weeks and everything looked ok though baby was smaller than expected. They did a follow up scan at 8+4 weeks, and the dreaded sch was found; it measures 13mmx6mmx12mm, about half the size of the sac. From looking online that seems classed as large?

I'll jump straight in with the tmi; I've had heavy bleeding since a few days before that scan (am now 9+3), which has scared the bejesus out of me. I've had tons of clots, and last night had some of the most horrific cramps I've ever felt followers few hours later by a couple of lumps of squashy liver-like stuff and lots of dark blood and clots. The bleeding seems slightly easier this morning for the first time so just praying things settle down now.

I can't tell you how happy I am to find this group and read about how so many of you are going through the same thing (though I wish you weren't!).

I called my epu yesterday to ask if the cramps and clots were normal, and was told "oh no, that's not normal". They're going to give me another scan next week as it sounds like they think I've miscarried, but from reading here I sounds quite normal for sch I think, so keeping everything tightly crossed.
Hi everyone, this is my first post (thanks Ferreroroche for pointing me here). I had continuous spotting from about week 4, had a scan at 6 weeks and everything looked ok though baby was smaller than expected. They did a follow up scan at 8+4 weeks, and the dreaded sch was found; it measures 13mmx6mmx12mm, about half the size of the sac. From looking online that seems classed as large?

I'll jump straight in with the tmi; I've had heavy bleeding since a few days before that scan (am now 9+3), which has scared the bejesus out of me. I've had tons of clots, and last night had some of the most horrific cramps I've ever felt followers few hours later by a couple of lumps of squashy liver-like stuff and lots of dark blood and clots. The bleeding seems slightly easier this morning for the first time so just praying things settle down now.

I can't tell you how happy I am to find this group and read about how so many of you are going through the same thing (though I wish you weren't!).

I called my epu yesterday to ask if the cramps and clots were normal, and was told "oh no, that's not normal". They're going to give me another scan next week as it sounds like they think I've miscarried, but from reading here I sounds quite normal for sch I think, so keeping everything tightly crossed.

Welcome to the group-sorry you have to be here :hugs:
I've had cramps, clots and very heavy bleeding-it's certainly not unusual for those of us with sch sadly.
Are you resting up? I've heard it off so many people/forums to drink plenty of water when your cramping. It really helps :flower:
Hi everyone, this is my first post (thanks Ferreroroche for pointing me here). I had continuous spotting from about week 4, had a scan at 6 weeks and everything looked ok though baby was smaller than expected. They did a follow up scan at 8+4 weeks, and the dreaded sch was found; it measures 13mmx6mmx12mm, about half the size of the sac. From looking online that seems classed as large?

I'll jump straight in with the tmi; I've had heavy bleeding since a few days before that scan (am now 9+3), which has scared the bejesus out of me. I've had tons of clots, and last night had some of the most horrific cramps I've ever felt followers few hours later by a couple of lumps of squashy liver-like stuff and lots of dark blood and clots. The bleeding seems slightly easier this morning for the first time so just praying things settle down now.

I can't tell you how happy I am to find this group and read about how so many of you are going through the same thing (though I wish you weren't!).

I called my epu yesterday to ask if the cramps and clots were normal, and was told "oh no, that's not normal". They're going to give me another scan next week as it sounds like they think I've miscarried, but from reading here I sounds quite normal for sch I think, so keeping everything tightly crossed.

Gosh how scary for you. I was lucky in that I didn't lost many clots (just some really small bits which my mum found when she was cleaning my carpet while I was in hospital), but I did gush blood like the worst day of my period and that alone scared me witless.

I know people on here that have passed all sorts... Clots the size of a fist etc, and had cramping too.

In terms of size, 13mm x 6mm x 12mm is small in volume, but because you are early in the pregnancy it is bigger in proportion to the baby.

To give you a comparison, mine was 55mm x 37mm x 57mm approx. but it occurred at 11+6 weeks and was about the same size as the baby at that point. At 20 weeks it was still 40mm x 30mm x20mm I think but baby was then much bigger so was considered less significant at that time.

How was the baby at your last scan when you were bleeding? Did they say it was still measuring small or was it developing normally then?

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the scan shows baby still ok and that all your cramping and clots was just bits of the sch passing. I'm sure there will be some other ladies along soon to give you their support.
That makes sense about the size Ferreroroche, I'm just keeping everything crossed that the hematoma has broken down and bled out now. I'm still bleeding this morning, but much much lighter than I have been, though it's still red.

At the last scan baby was still small for dates, but had grown exactly the right amount from the last scan so they think I must have just ov'd and conceived later than I thought. The heartrate was very low at first scan (70 bpm), but at the one last week they said it looked absolutely fine. I didn't have many pregnancy symptoms anyway, but I do still feel pregnant (certainly hormonal!).

Yo-yo I've been resting as much as 19-month old DS allows! My DH has been great at doing stuff round the house so I can put my feet up in the evenings, and on the days I'm at work I'm pretty much sat down all day, just the days when I have DS are a bit harder to rest as he's not been walking all that long and still wants carrying a lot. I have picked up the drinking water tip from here and I definitely noticed the cramps eased after drinking 2 pints!
It's getting heavier again now :( really thought for a second there that I could relax, but no. I hate this bloody thing!
It's getting heavier again now :( really thought for a second there that I could relax, but no. I hate this bloody thing!

I sympathise it's hard to rest with a dd2 is 2. So
You have anyone helping you with him?

What colour is your bleed now? It's so hard as it's unpredictable-that in itself is stressful :hugs: but every day your body is working on healing it. :flower:
Green star sorry to see you here! Some clots are normal with a sch and I know some ladies who lost very large ones and baby was fine. My cramps when bleeding were not too painful but I would get them much worse when I had finished bleeding strangely! Water does help but remember not to overdo that either as drinking extreme amounts can do more damage.
My clot was 6cmx7cmx1cm at 10+5 and 6cmx7.1cmx2.5cm at 13+5 so was classed as large. It was still there at a scan at 18 weeks but looking a bit old but still large and then it was magically gone at 20+2!
I really hope your bleeding stops soon and your scan brings good news!

Thank you ladies, he's certainly a cutie and we got a lovely DVD of him poking out his tongue, yawning, smiling etc. watched it again as soon as I got home with my 2 year old and cried my eyes out! Feeling so lucky right now x
Green star sorry to see you here! Some clots are normal with a sch and I know some ladies who lost very large ones and baby was fine. My cramps when bleeding were not too painful but I would get them much worse when I had finished bleeding strangely! Water does help but remember not to overdo that either as drinking extreme amounts can do more damage.
My clot was 6cmx7cmx1cm at 10+5 and 6cmx7.1cmx2.5cm at 13+5 so was classed as large. It was still there at a scan at 18 weeks but looking a bit old but still large and then it was magically gone at 20+2!
I really hope your bleeding stops soon and your scan brings good news!

Thank you ladies, he's certainly a cutie and we got a lovely DVD of him poking out his tongue, yawning, smiling etc. watched it again as soon as I got home with my 2 year old and cried my eyes out! Feeling so lucky right now x

Aww bless you! It's definitely emotional seeing them on the scan. I could watch my baby on a scan all day without being bored! :cloud9:
Green star sorry to see you here! Some clots are normal with a sch and I know some ladies who lost very large ones and baby was fine. My cramps when bleeding were not too painful but I would get them much worse when I had finished bleeding strangely! Water does help but remember not to overdo that either as drinking extreme amounts can do more damage.
My clot was 6cmx7cmx1cm at 10+5 and 6cmx7.1cmx2.5cm at 13+5 so was classed as large. It was still there at a scan at 18 weeks but looking a bit old but still large and then it was magically gone at 20+2!
I really hope your bleeding stops soon and your scan brings good news!

Thank you ladies, he's certainly a cutie and we got a lovely DVD of him poking out his tongue, yawning, smiling etc. watched it again as soon as I got home with my 2 year old and cried my eyes out! Feeling so lucky right now x

Ahhh! I can't wait for that. Praying i make it there ok.

I had a rough day yesterday, getting pain in my groin and out to my hips, and braxton hicks came quite a lot until late afternoon.

Pain seems to have died down in the groin now, but my bump is hurting all over today and I have terrible indigestion.

Braxton hicks are back again this morning, but hoping plenty of water and some lunch will calm them soon.

Baby is kicking me to death which isn't helping the discomfort, but at least I know he is still going strong.

Did anyone else feel really uncomfortable around 20-26 weeks? Am wondering if baby/uterus is on a growth spurt which is making me rather uncomfortable.
I had the hip/groin pain too, I eventually bought a support belt which really helped when going out for the day or walking around.
My heartburn has only got me in the last week when baby turned head down and had a big growth spurt! He now measures a week ahead!
Pregnancy is definitely not the most comfortable time, I feel like I haven't slept properly for weeks now but it will all be so totally worth it and even though the kicks are sometimes quite painful they are still completely magical.
I hope you manage to get comfortable today ferrero and the Braxton hicks calm down x
Feeling more panicked this morning my boobs are jo longer sore. 4.5hrs until my scan and I am a mess.

Any scan news? Got my fingers crossed for you.

Got horrible cramps :-( had them hours now. Wish I has a us machine at home, I swear i would use it constantly!!

Thanks for asking. Still in limbo land after a distressing day. I went to my fs who did scan and basically sorry no hb. He then sent me to another scan place and no hb. Then this is when it got very odd, they asked me to sit in this room and this lady came in because she wanted some clarification. During the scan I said I had been for a scan the week before, 9mm gs and yolk sac seen but no hb or foetal pole. Well she had been told we had seen one and I corrected her and she then says that changes everything.

Apparently my gs had grown to 15mm, growing appropriately from the last scan and I had a 2mm embryo. Gs size is 6w2 and embryo clr is 5w5 (I was suppose to be 6w5 so not sure if this good or not) They have said for me to have another scan next week. I only found this all out today when I rang and asked for the report.

I have spoken to the ivf clinic where I had the transfer done and and they say the scan is still looking normal. So not sure if the few days behind matter or if gs age is suppose to be older than the embryo age (anyone know?)

But the kicker is my fs I went to on Tuesday said he would write me a script for clexane if the scan turned out something different and today when I called he said he doesn't think I no longer require. I thought with my FVL I did so tomorrow I am going to have to try and go to the gp and see if that will write me a script. So I think he thinks I am now just wasting my time.

But today my sore boobs are back and I have had nausea most of the afternoon and into tonight. Hopefully that's a good sign.

They also did not locate any sch, so that's a relief. But still concerned no hb has been detected.
Feeling more panicked this morning my boobs are jo longer sore. 4.5hrs until my scan and I am a mess.

Any scan news? Got my fingers crossed for you.

Got horrible cramps :-( had them hours now. Wish I has a us machine at home, I swear i would use it constantly!!

Thanks for asking. Still in limbo land after a distressing day. I went to my fs who did scan and basically sorry no hb. He then sent me to another scan place and no hb. Then this is when it got very odd, they asked me to sit in this room and this lady came in because she wanted some clarification. During the scan I said I had been for a scan the week before, 9mm gs and yolk sac seen but no hb or foetal pole. Well she had been told we had seen one and I corrected her and she then says that changes everything.

Apparently my gs had grown to 15mm, growing appropriately from the last scan and I had a 2mm embryo. Gs size is 6w2 and embryo clr is 5w5 (I was suppose to be 6w5 so not sure if this good or not) They have said for me to have another scan next week. I only found this all out today when I rang and asked for the report.

I have spoken to the ivf clinic where I had the transfer done and and they say the scan is still looking normal. So not sure if the few days behind matter or if gs age is suppose to be older than the embryo age (anyone know?)

But the kicker is my fs I went to on Tuesday said he would write me a script for clexane if the scan turned out something different and today when I called he said he doesn't think I no longer require. I thought with my FVL I did so tomorrow I am going to have to try and go to the gp and see if that will write me a script. So I think he thinks I am now just wasting my time.

But today my sore boobs are back and I have had nausea most of the afternoon and into tonight. Hopefully that's a good sign.

They also did not locate any sch, so that's a relief. But still concerned no hb has been detected.

A fetal pole sometimes isn't detected until the 9th week, and a heart beat may also take a week or do longer to be seen...and pre 12 week scans are known for being out by up to 7 days -/+ my sonographer told me this herself. So don't worry/everything sounds perfectly on track.

I know how stressful it all is-I was told with one of my other babies they couldn't even see the gestational sac! This was at 5+4 It was found at the next scan-my point is, they can miss things, things can develop slightly different timings and it doesn't always mean the worst, but I get your worry honey :flower:
Whens your next scan?
No sch seen is fab news :flower:
Feeling more panicked this morning my boobs are jo longer sore. 4.5hrs until my scan and I am a mess.

Any scan news? Got my fingers crossed for you.

Got horrible cramps :-( had them hours now. Wish I has a us machine at home, I swear i would use it constantly!!

Thanks for asking. Still in limbo land after a distressing day. I went to my fs who did scan and basically sorry no hb. He then sent me to another scan place and no hb. Then this is when it got very odd, they asked me to sit in this room and this lady came in because she wanted some clarification. During the scan I said I had been for a scan the week before, 9mm gs and yolk sac seen but no hb or foetal pole. Well she had been told we had seen one and I corrected her and she then says that changes everything.

Apparently my gs had grown to 15mm, growing appropriately from the last scan and I had a 2mm embryo. Gs size is 6w2 and embryo clr is 5w5 (I was suppose to be 6w5 so not sure if this good or not) They have said for me to have another scan next week. I only found this all out today when I rang and asked for the report.

I have spoken to the ivf clinic where I had the transfer done and and they say the scan is still looking normal. So not sure if the few days behind matter or if gs age is suppose to be older than the embryo age (anyone know?)

But the kicker is my fs I went to on Tuesday said he would write me a script for clexane if the scan turned out something different and today when I called he said he doesn't think I no longer require. I thought with my FVL I did so tomorrow I am going to have to try and go to the gp and see if that will write me a script. So I think he thinks I am now just wasting my time.

But today my sore boobs are back and I have had nausea most of the afternoon and into tonight. Hopefully that's a good sign.

They also did not locate any sch, so that's a relief. But still concerned no hb has been detected.

A fetal pole sometimes isn't detected until the 9th week, and a heart beat may also take a week or do longer to be seen...and pre 12 week scans are known for being out by up to 7 days -/+ my sonographer told me this herself. So don't worry/everything sounds perfectly on track.

I know how stressful it all is-I was told with one of my other babies they couldn't even see the gestational sac! This was at 5+4 It was found at the next scan-my point is, they can miss things, things can develop slightly different timings and it doesn't always mean the worst, but I get your worry honey :flower:
Whens your next scan?
No sch seen is fab news :flower:

Next week, I think I will make it for next Thursday.
Feeling more panicked this morning my boobs are jo longer sore. 4.5hrs until my scan and I am a mess.

Any scan news? Got my fingers crossed for you.

Got horrible cramps :-( had them hours now. Wish I has a us machine at home, I swear i would use it constantly!!

Thanks for asking. Still in limbo land after a distressing day. I went to my fs who did scan and basically sorry no hb. He then sent me to another scan place and no hb. Then this is when it got very odd, they asked me to sit in this room and this lady came in because she wanted some clarification. During the scan I said I had been for a scan the week before, 9mm gs and yolk sac seen but no hb or foetal pole. Well she had been told we had seen one and I corrected her and she then says that changes everything.

Apparently my gs had grown to 15mm, growing appropriately from the last scan and I had a 2mm embryo. Gs size is 6w2 and embryo clr is 5w5 (I was suppose to be 6w5 so not sure if this good or not) They have said for me to have another scan next week. I only found this all out today when I rang and asked for the report.

I have spoken to the ivf clinic where I had the transfer done and and they say the scan is still looking normal. So not sure if the few days behind matter or if gs age is suppose to be older than the embryo age (anyone know?)

But the kicker is my fs I went to on Tuesday said he would write me a script for clexane if the scan turned out something different and today when I called he said he doesn't think I no longer require. I thought with my FVL I did so tomorrow I am going to have to try and go to the gp and see if that will write me a script. So I think he thinks I am now just wasting my time.

But today my sore boobs are back and I have had nausea most of the afternoon and into tonight. Hopefully that's a good sign.

They also did not locate any sch, so that's a relief. But still concerned no hb has been detected.

A fetal pole sometimes isn't detected until the 9th week, and a heart beat may also take a week or do longer to be seen...and pre 12 week scans are known for being out by up to 7 days -/+ my sonographer told me this herself. So don't worry/everything sounds perfectly on track.

I know how stressful it all is-I was told with one of my other babies they couldn't even see the gestational sac! This was at 5+4 It was found at the next scan-my point is, they can miss things, things can develop slightly different timings and it doesn't always mean the worst, but I get your worry honey :flower:
Whens your next scan?
No sch seen is fab news :flower:

Next week, I think I will make it for next Thursday.

Good luck with it. Gives baby a good few days to grow and be more easy to look at.
Sorry I don't know much about scans that early. Here we don't get scanned until 12-13 weeks x

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