Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

there is so much discharge during pregnancy...anything from lotion type, clear and watery, to snotty mucousy stuff *lol* unless it smells bad or youre bleeding I wouldnt be alarmed:)

Thanks hon, its just so scary as the discharge has brown blood in it... like the type of thing I had with my SCH on the first trimester. Clumps and clots of brown stuff... and the problem is that at this stage we dont know where its coming from :-(

I had brown stringy stuff for months, maybe yours is just very old stuff still coming out?? Brown is always good:hugs:

I surely hope so honey :hugs: how are your pains? x
better thank you:) I had my 34 week 3 days appt yesterday and he is actually measuring large so maybe the pains really are muscles being pulled. (this last week feels like he has grown so much, I cant breath, the heartburn is awful, and my stomach looks massive *lol*) Im just gonna slow down again and take it easier than I was...once they released me from bedrest I think I went overboard and my muscles werent ready to be used so much again.
So this afternoon I had another huge scare. I will take it from scratch.

I didnt have any brown clots at all, so I thougth that it was the end of that nightmare... I was wrong.

When my mum and dad came back from work, around 18.00 went to the loo for a wee, and LOTS of red/burgundy blood started flowing out of me. I wiped and I filled tissue after tissue.

I started shaking from terror, called my doctor ( it was his day off today so called his mobile) and we arranged to meet in his practice in 30 mins. I took all the blood stuff with me and off we went with my parents. I cried a bit on the way, I felt really scared.

Went in, he put me really quickly on U/S and baby looked ok. He measured her and she is growing ok and as she should. He then decided to check my cervix.. he put something in it and it hurt like HELL I started crying but didnt make a noise as I didnt want to scare my baby. He then checked by hand as well.

He saw a lot of brown and pink discharge probably my "show" /plug.... he then did an internal ultrasound. My cervix is funneling. So externally is closed by internally is kind of open... so the thinks that this is what is causing the bleeding and that I am starting to dillating.. Great.

He then put me on the cardiotocographer, baby seems ok, she moves as usual and there were no contractions.

He then sent me to another specialist ob/gyn that has very good U/S equipment to check my placenta to ensure that I am not having an abruption. The other obgyn didnt see anything wront with my placenta at this stage, and agreed that the bleeding is probably caused by my cervix.

Now, I have been asked to monitor it all very closely. My bed is slightly elevated now at home so I can keep my feet up literally. I am not allowed to go to the toilet for a wee, so must get something in the room, to wee in. I can only get up for number two. I must not under any circumstances get up. I have to take it each day at the time, the doctor couldnt tell me how long I have, but the only thing I can do now is take it extremely easy.

If my bleeding gets worse I will be hospitilised for close monitoring or even birth. Everything is up in the air now and nothing is certain.

I am shocked I think. I am thinking one minute that ofcourse we will last we lasted so long, we only need a few more weeks. And then on the other hand I am thinking, what if tomorrow it happens? Like a time bomb!

first off, 31weeks is great!! Keep laying down, take that weight off your cervix..4 more weeks and the baby probably wouldnt even need the nicu:) I said a prayer for you and I will everyday! keep positive:hugs:
I cant believe it:) Ive made it to 35 weeks!!! Im still in shock as every week passes.

I have just been diagnosed with a sch though it is small- 12 x 7 x 14 mm in dimension. I haven't been having bad bleeding- very light and no fresh blood. The nurse wasn't concerned and suspect it will reabsorb. It is very small which is good. It is encouraging to see all of you here, struggling with the bleeding, but carrying on to term. How frustrating it is to have to worry all the time!
luckily that is a small one:) take it easy until it reabsorbs,I would go on pelvic rest and limit lifting stuff...Good luck!!
hi girls !

well i think its' very good for everyone to have pass the 30 weeks stage !!!:hugs:
hang in there girls!!!
thinking of you ,
Hi everyone:

Just found your thread today & could not be more thrilled.

My name is Shelly & I'm currently 14w4d pregnant with my 5th child. We did IVF following a tubal ligation I'd had 5 years ago that couldn't be reversed.

Following IVF, they do fairly intensive monitoring so we found our SCH in about the 6th week of our pregnancy. Shortly after, the spotting started and has been going strong ever since. It started out light and brownish in color and the severity had fluctuated throughout.

In the past month, I've had several episodes of fairly heavy bleeding, bright red, with 2 large clots passed to-date. Wound up in the hospital once and have had numerous "unscheduled" doctor visits.

This entire pregnancy has just been so stressful and I'm finding myself thankful for each and every day that I wake up still pregnant.

I can't tell you how much a support group like this will mean through this very difficult time. I wish everyone the best & hope to get to know you all better!

Hi Shelly,

I am currently 19 weeks pg, mine is an IVF pregnancy like yours. I too am coming up on my 8th straight week of bleeding...I had 2 heavy bright red incidents at 12 weeks (this is also when I lost one baby, it was originally twins) and it has been brown spotting of varying intensity ever since...Every day I hope its the day it ends, and every day its still there, though it has been much lighter yesterday.

I have a level 2 ultrasound on Tuesday, I can't even believe I'm there, when he said come back in 7 weeks after all of the bleeding, there were days I wasnt sure I was going to get here..Now its 2 days away!! I've been on modified bedrest for 8 weeks, so I'm hoping to get released back to work at least part time..

I understand what you mean about the stress, I am still waiting for the moment when I can truly relax. Ive been feeling a little better probably because I have the comfort of feeling some movement now, its helps alot. I also rented a home doppler at 12 weeks, that helped get me through the tough weeks...

This is a great board it by far has the most information and personal experiences I have found on the net. Its been great reading about everyone and seeing the similarities, Its calmed me many times..

How closely are they monitoring you? My last ultrasound was at 16 weeks, so it will be almosy 3 1/2 weeks since my last one, I think thats the longest Ive gone so far without seeing the little guy. So far I have only seen the OB about the size and position of the SCH so I'm looking forward to what the perinatologist has to say..

Welcome and good luck! Every day is another miracle!

hi shelly, Im sorry you are going though all this but this group is a great help.There is also a yahoo group that is amazing:) Dont ever give up hope,I hemorrhaged at 14 wks 1 day and bled til 21 weeks,Im now 36 weeks 1 day and the baby is doing great:)
Karen & Jennifer~Thank you both so very much for your words of support & encouragement!

Until recently, I've been fortunate to have weekly ultrasounds (again, due to the IVF) which have been a great source of comfort. I had my last one two weeks ago (after my last bleeding scare). I have a routine appointment tomorrow, but am not sure if they'll be doing one or not. I am eagerly awaiting my own Level 2 on November 11!

I'm 15 weeks today, so haven't really felt any movement just yet. I think I've noticed a little "fluttering" here & there, but that's about it. Once the movements start, that too will ease my mind!

Seeing every day as a miracle is a wonderful way to look at it! I've been so determined to stay positive, but some days that is a true challenge!

Thank you again!

I had a midwife appt today...I am 36 weeks 3 days and she said he has really dropped. Unfortunately Im only 1cm dilated and thick...its so weird to be waiting to go into labor finally *lol* I have a non-stress test next tuesday to check on placental function,but Im not worried since my sch never got close to my placenta.
good luck Jennifer !! you are so so close now!!! what along road but you are almost there now!!!
I had a midwife appt today...I am 36 weeks 3 days and she said he has really dropped. Unfortunately Im only 1cm dilated and thick...its so weird to be waiting to go into labor finally *lol* I have a non-stress test next tuesday to check on placental function,but Im not worried since my sch never got close to my placenta.

Hey Jennifer Congrats on making it so far I am so happy to see you have made it to full term!! Good luck with everything :thumbup:
My appt with the perinatologist yesterday went great! The SCH is still there, it has moved between the sacs of the viable and non-viable twin. When I asked the dr. if it was considered a small or large one, he said he looks at it in terms of comparison with the size of the baby, and it is very small compared to that. He my placenta was beautiful, and it is a good thing that its nowhere near it.

Baby looked terrific, measuring a few days ahead at 20 weeks, 5 days..

He said I would continue to spot as it works its way out, and just to monitor the flow and note any changes that would require attention, but that bedrest wasn't necessary! So I'm going to still take it easy but start doing things...

So we got the :thumbup: for the first time in a long time.. I have to go back in four weeks, they want to monitor me since the other twin did not reabsorb yet, they want to make sure its not affecting anything with the development of the little guy.

Thanks for all the advice ladies, you guys are great!
that is fantastic!! Its always great when the sch doesnt affect the placenta at all:)

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