Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I still feel like Im dreaming. The peri told me that my sch was so massive and at 21 weeks when it kept growing I really thought it was over. I was even afraid to sneeze thinking my water would break *lol* Everyday I tell my husband that I just cant believe it,he just grins at me:)
Jennifer..Im the same re: sneezing..everytime I sneeze I have this image of the SCH getting bigger1
hope you are well today
Im good:) had contractions every 8 minutes for 2 hours last night so I took ashower, even shaved my legs *lol* then layed down and fell asleep...I only had 3 contractions wake me up during the night....booo!! Well,my due date is 8 days away,I guess I cant be pregnant forever *lol*
Good luck, Jennifer! You have come so far! Im so pleased that things have worked out so well and baby has stayed snug to get to term.

Cant wait to hear some news! :hugs: would be kind of ironic if you ended up overdue!

Im feeling miserable today..had a very stressful 24 hours with some personal stuff going on and my heart has been racing and the adrenaline racing..worried sick now that its made the SCH grow or that my placenta has bleeding though
Dont worry about worrying *lol*!! My peri did say to keep my heart rate low and to stay clam as much as possible but if stress could cause you to lose a baby no one would ever be born:)
Dont worry about worrying *lol*!! My peri did say to keep my heart rate low and to stay clam as much as possible but if stress could cause you to lose a baby no one would ever be born:)


sometimes you just cant avoid stress..Ive hired a doppler to I can listen in to the HB iof Im worried
I loved my doppler!! I listened everyday from 9 weeks to 28 weeks:) it really kept me sane and my doctor said it doesnt cause any harm, they told me to listen as often as I needed to:)
Just found out today that I have Gestational Diabetes..a friend asked me if I was going for the record for most pregnancy complaints:wacko:
Hello, friends!

I just wanted to check in with a quick post as I'm getting ready to head off to my Level 2 here in a couple hours! I can't believe it's here!

We are so incredibly excited, but I still can't get over the whole "high risk" due to "advanced maternal age" thing! It's a bit nerve wracking! I just pray that he or she is healthy and developing normally!

I will check in later this evening or tomorrow with results!

Hope everyone is well!

I had my 39 wk 4 day appt today and Im 3-4cm dilated and the bag of waters is bulging through my cervix:) she did a sweep and said she would be surprised if I dont go into labor today!! God,Im so excited:):)
Good luck Shelley:winkwink:

Jennifer..thats sounding really excited on your behalf!:happydance:
Kaleidoscope: So sorry to hear about the gestational diabetes! I'm not terribly familiar with it, but hope everything goes well for you! :hugs:

Jen: How incredibly exciting! I guess you could be in labor or even have delivered by now! Please keep us updated! :happydance:

As for me, I am thrilled to announce we are expecting a healthy baby girl! :cloud9: Everything looked great & the SCH is all but gone! So excited!

Hope everyone is well!

Hello :wave:
I am new to this board. I found this forum doing a Google search for SCH
It is a surprise baby so I had an Ultrasound done yesterday to date the pregnancy. I am 6 weeks. The baby, sac, and heartbeat all looked fine but the tech found a small SCH. I have not had any bleeding or anything (one teensy bit of brown 10 DPO that I attributed to implantation) so it was a surprise finding.
Of course I was the last U/S appt. of the day so by the time I got home and Googled it my Dr. office was closed.
Of course Google has me in a huge panic that I am going to lose this baby, so I was very excited when I found this forum and saw how many of you went on to have beautiful healthy babies.

I talked to my Dr. this morning. She put me on pelvic rest for the rest of the first trimester but other than that she said to do nothing. She does not even want me to have recheck ultrasound or anything.

She did tell me to come in today to get a Rhogam shot. I am Rh- and DH is +
I had the shots at 28 weeks when I was pregnant with my daughter but it kind of freaked me out that while my Dr. is not too concerned about the SCH she wanted me to run right in and get the Rhogam.

Sorry to babble, I am just kind of nervous and eager to read the rest of this thread.
Shelley thats great news!

Pony..what ever you do..dont google! youll scare yourself to death!

chances are at this early stage your SCh will probably re absorb...I discovered mine at 7 weeks, it was a real shock..Ive since discovered it does seem to be more common than we think.

What a crazy day *lol* I saw the midwife at 9:00 and she stripped my membranes,said I was 3cm and could stretch it to 4cm...ouch!! I had sporadic contractions all day but I really didnt think it was going anywhere. Around 4:00 pm they started coming 5-10minutes but not to painful, at 9:00 I told dh we should just go to bed,they were still 5-10 minutes,hurting me but not to bad....Well, at 9:44 I was woken up in horrendous pain. I got up and 5 minutes later another one hit, then I had the urge to use the bathroom...tmi but tons of bloody show and 3 minutes later another contraction, very painful by now. I got scared and woke dh up and said we had to go now!! The car ride was awful,the contractions were every 3-4 minutes(I really thought I had waited to long) We got to l &d and they checked me, I was 6 cm dilated :o this was at 11:00pm, they got the first dose of antibiotics in me at 11:30pm and at 12:00 I told them they needed to check me again...I was 9cm!! The midwife said If I could do it we needed to go as long as possible without my water breaking to protect dayne from the gbs and let the meds work...I was able to make it til 1:30 am when I had a horrible urge to bear down,I was standing by the side of the bed and my water burst everywhere and OMG...I thought he was gonna fall out on the floor, the nurse and midwife helped me into bed and told me to push,he was born 6 minutes later ;D

Everything about this birth was like a dream,I did it without any pain medication, the midwife was awesome,she never left the room, she cheered me on, helped me change was the perfect delivery.The only bad thing was poor daynes face was very bruised because when my water broke he dropped quickly into my pelvic bone...luckily it is almost gone and he is fine. I was also able to hold him immediately and he was so awake and alert that I nursed him for an hour...hes a little piggy ;D
He weighed in at 8lbs 4ozs and 21 inches...he has long skinny legs *lol* Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers:)
Aw Jennifer I am so pleased for you! He is a little stunner! I think you have done so well to get so far and then have your perfect little man :cloud9:

Thanks for letting us know the story. Wishing you all the happiness with your new addition!

Keep in touch! :hugs:

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