Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

well done sweetie !!! yay!
Hiya. I just found this thread wanted to come here and share my story and also ask some advice.

When pg with ds2 I had a huge bleed at 12wks (After on/off spotting brown for wks) I was told I had a miscarriage. Then 4 days later we were told baby was alive and well and was diagnosed with a huge SCH. I continued to 'pour' with blood and was told on another 3 occations I was having a miscarriage. At exactly 26wks I went into hosp again with few pains, I was told I was in labour. In 8 mins the room filled with people, he turned head down, I was 10cm and he was born. I had a placenta abruption due to the SCH.

Joshua was only 660grams and they were sure my dates were wrong and I was 10days he was 24wks.

He was a fighter from day one, after a long hard struggle and nearly loosing him on a number of occations he came home after 3mths weighing 3lbs. He is now 20mths and still dinky, the only problem he has is his hearing, due to high levels of drugs he was given in hosp. I find I am pregnany again. I started spotting and my Dr did HCG tests.
At 5w2d it was 1235
At 5w4d it was 1487
I had scan at 5w4d which showed empty sac - right size AND another huge SCH all around the sac!
They told me this is not a viable pg and I will miscarry. I never had blood tests or scans so early with Joshua. So have no idea what it would have showed.
I am going back on Mon when I should be 7w2d to see if I need a D&C.

What I wanted to know was....does bleeding/SCH effect HCG results? Is there any hope at all for this pg?
Why have I got this again? Am I more prone to them somehow?

Thanks for listening.
Im sorry you are going through this amy. I also had a sch in my last pregnancy and now this one...I asked my perinatologist about having sch's in recurrent pregnancies and he said it could mean I have a blood clotting disorder. I have never heard of an sch affecting hcg levels but I know the level should double every 48 hours. I hope that your next u/s shows a heart beating away:)
Holy crap, Im officially full-term :) What a weird feeling after preparing for a preemie for the last 23 weeks.
Jennifer~Congratulations on making it "full-term"! I am so jealous! :happydance:

Happy to say my issues seem to have lessened over the past week or two for the most part! (knock on wood!)

I'm 16 weeks today which feels like a milestone of sorts but still with such a long road ahead!

I've been going back through some pregnancy journals as well as this board and find so much hope & inspiration in the stories of others!

Hope everyone is well! :flower:

Jennifer, Yaaah on making it full term, what an accomplishment.

Shelly, glad to hear things are going better.

Ive been back at work for 4 days now and no heavier bleeding (knock on wood)...The spotting has actually changed, its light now, and almost has a chocolate milky, white/light brown color and is much less thick than it has been...Its been super light even after a BM when it used to be the heaviest...I hope that means it might be going away for good.

Im almost 21 weeks, it seems like it took an eternity to get here! I'm feeling quite a bit of movement too so that helps ease my mind. Although the perinatologist didnt make too big of a deal about the SCH, I don't know why my mind can't stop worrying.

karen, even at full term I still he moving enough,growing good still etc...once you go through something like an sch you see your pregnancy differently until your holding that baby in your arms:) Im glad everything is looking better for you *hugs*
Just checking in, Im hoping no news is good news:) I am 38wks 2 days now, and I see the doctor again tomorrow for another non-stress test. I cant believe it could be any day now:)
I can't believe you made it to 38 weeks Jennifer, your story is very encouraging to others!

I am slowly getting back into doing things, so far (knock on wood) the spotting has stayed super light, I'm hoping that it stays far away.. My next appt with the perinatologist is Nov 24, I'll be 24 1/2 weeks then. I'm hoping the SCH is either minimal or gone, though I have a feeling I will be with the peri until I deliver because of the non-viable twin still being visible, appartently by the end it will be paper thin and smooshed by the growth of the other...They just will monitor that having the other sac there is not affecting growth.

I don't know if I should be happy about this or not, but I'm actually having some clear discharge...I keep going to check in the bathroom because I'm afraid the spotting has come back and its clear, the midwife at my appt this am said its normal...I just am jumpy over everything lol.

Hope to hear news of your baby coming soon Jennifer and hope everyone else is well.

21 weeks
Vanishing Twin at 13 weeks and SCH
Hello, everyone! Just wanted to check in and report that...knock on wood...I've been "incident-free" for several weeks now! I can't believe it! :happydance:

Mind you, the light spotting continues, but at this point I've almost come to consider that a normal aspect of this pregnancy! We have our Level 2 a week from Wednesday & are thrilled to be finding out the sex as well as get an update on the SCH. Can't get here soon enough!

Jennifer: Congratulations on being so close!! I am so jealous!! But I must agree with Karen that your story is a true source of inspiration. It's so comforting to know we're not alone in this! :flower:

Karen: I was actually having some clear discharge there for a week or so as well. My doctor also reassured me that it was nothing to be worried about. Easier said than done! :wacko:

Hope everyone has a great week!!

17 weeks
Jennifer - just popping back in to check on you, glad to see you're doing well. Can't wait to "meet" your baby boy!
Shelly I had that light spotting from 13-20 weeks, I too began to think of it as a normal 21 weeks, finally, its at a state where im not sure its even spotting only a tiny bit usually during BMs (tmi~sorry)...

We knew we were having a boy since 13 weeks, we had CVS genetic testing done due to the struggling twin we had at the time. It so exciting to find out isnt it...

Thanks for the reassurance about the spotting, I think I'm going to be on edge til this little guy is in my arms..
Hello Everyone...can I join this thread?
Im 37 and expecting my 5th child, my eldest is 18..I had quite a bit of bleeding at 6 weeks and was scanned and told everything was fine..however a repeat scan a week later showed a small 6mm by 4 mm SCH..the sonographer was very blaze about it and basically said that there was nothing they can do and they dont monitor them..I was not advised to rest or anything. I booked in with my consultant at 11 weeks and my dating scan showed the SCH had grown, although I had no further bleeding..but both the sonographer and the consultant were unfazed saying it was a common finding in early pregnancy and it would probably absorb..the SCH look thin and squashed and the sonographer said it looked as though the pregnancy sac was squashing it out and that was a good sign?
At my private nuchal scan at 13 weeks I saw an active healthy looking baby, sucking its thumb..and the SCH appears to be low down near the bottom of the sac and was measuring 21mm by 5mm by 18mm so I dont know if this means it is large or small...again the sonographer wasnt worried she said the placenta looked lovely and babies heart rate was normal.
My consultant has told me to continue as rest, nothing and they have refused to scan me again until my anatomy scan..however Ive booked a private scan for next week. My midwife has been lovely though and has been a little more honest saying Im more at risk of complications and listens into the HB, heard the HB on tuesday..but I feel so sad..I feel like Im just waiting to lose my baby and with 4 children its impossible to rest..sorry for the rant...Ive read through the thread and its been heartening to read the success stories.

Welcome! And I have to say that I relate whole-heartedly to your situation in more ways than one. I, too, am 37 years old and pregnant with my 5th child. My oldest is 17 (she'll be 18 in April when the baby is due!) and the others are 16, 13, & 7. My SCH was diagnosed early also & the majority of health professionals I've dealt with since my diagnosis have also had a very cavalier attitude toward the entire thing. It's repeatedly been said to me that "there's nothing that can be done" and "what will happen is going to happen regardless". It's been very emotionally stressful and quite heartwrenching at times feeling as though everyone is dismissing me and my stress and anxiety! Please do take some time to read through these boards as well as the journals of some of the ladies who have traveled this road. They are so incredibly inspiring! When is your little one due??

Hi Shelley

My children are 18.15.8 and baby is due on 4th May so I am 14+2 today.
strangely enough even before my first scan..I "felt" something wasnt right..Ive just hang onto the fab that LO has hung on so far..I had a beautiful scan pic from my last scan which Ill try and upload later.
The stories on this thread have been so inspiring..especially Jennifer..Im so glad I found this forum as I felt so alone when I was diagnosed
Im sorry you had to join us but Im glad you found us:) Whats with these ornery 5th babies giving us "ama" moms a rought time?? lol I know its easier said than done but rest as much as possible, my older kids were forced to step up and do more..guess what?? they survived *lol* Unfortunately,until you are about 24 weeks you will hear the doctors say "there isnt anything we can do" many times ,(but dont ever give up hope, there are plenty of things we as moms can do before, drink alot of water,pelvic rest, no lifting etc.) The success stories seem to outweight the sad stories by alot:) always remember that!!
well Ill be honest and say..Ive had severe hyperemesis, so havent been doing a great deal anyway..and of course I certainly havent felt like sex!:wacko:

I have however had to start doing the school run as we simply dont have any one to help..I am trying to avoid heavy lifting though and when Im at home..I just potter about the house..trouble is I have had to go back to work b ecause Im self employed...

I havent bled since 6 that a good sign?
no blood or brown blood is a good thing:) and its understandable that we have to do little things, I had to continue grocery shopping every 2 weeks...I just took one of the kids with me and made them push the cart:) I couldnt imagine what my cupboards would have been full of if I let them buy the food*lol*
ah now I have discovered the joys of on line food need to leave my armchair..and I arrange for it to be delivered when DH is he can pack away:happydance:

Ive read through this entire thread and am amazed that you are now at term after thinking you would have a prem baby..thats incredible!

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