Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Thanks hun!!

Here's the little gummy bear - the clot used to be on the top left of this scan and as you can see, nothing!! :D
wow barasti, go girlie, soooo happy for you. I am getting onto them about progesterone straight away!!

Been back at work this week and in bed by 8pm - knackered!!

not even taken the time to come online cos been so bushed.

scan nxt tues for me (20/04), so fx i also get good news xx
Thanks :)
Looking forward to heaing your update!!

(PS - I am going to bed at 8pm too!!!)
Hi Ladies...I'm new to this site.
Last thursday I went to the ER because I began spotting bright red blood. After the ultrasound they said I have TWO SCH's and one of them is right under the placenta.

I see that SCHs are fairly common but I can't find anyone with a story of having 2 or even of someone just having 1 that is directly under the placenta. I'm 12wks along right now, not sure if that makes a difference. One SCH was 2.2cmX.75cmX1cm and the other is 2.4cmX1.8cmX.9cm. The first one is the one that's right beneath the placenta.
I'm on bedrest until Thursday when I go in for my follow up appointment and the doc said we'll go from there.

Any insight? Thanks!
Oh and it normal to feel sharp pains when you have SCHs? I haven't had cramps since the day before I had the bleeding...but I've been getting a lot of sharp pains.
Hi ammil, sorry you need to be joinng us, but a good place to get support and info.

Could only find one comment on more than one hematoma
"I sufferred two episodes of heavy bleeding (lasting about 24 hours) due to two large subchorionic haematomas. These occurred at 11 weeks and 16 weeks. In all, I had 11 weeks of spotting that ended in about my 22nd week. I was advised to take it easy and had 1 week bed rest after each episode. Do not haematomas got bigger as the pregnancy progressed and I believe that one even reached about 20cm. I am now the proud mum of an 11 week old daughter. Just stay worked for me."

...good outcome so hope this helps! I've also had some stabbing pains too

dragon - wondering how you got on at the scan? hope all was well

barasti & diggy - my scan gtoday went really well as clot has shrunk much smaller - wehey - walking on air!! for the first time in a while I'm starting to feel like I can look forward. I know theres still no guarantees, but my little star is hanging in there

hope you are all doing well xxx
I had SCH at 5, 8 & 12 weeks and bled (heavily) until 15 weeks - i thought it was never going to end, but fortunately it did. I just wanted to share some positivity and wish you all the best, this is a great place for support and information xxxx
hi im a newcomer on here im 9 weeks pregnant and last week had a big bleed had a scan which showed an sch of 3cm by 3cm the baby was fine but im still bleeding on and off im really worried as it seems no one has given me much hope just told to rest see what happens then have a rescan. The doctor hasnt really much information about it just want to know if it will all b ok!!!!!!!!
Ive just found out i've got one of these after a large bleed and a scan, im nearly 11 weeks and pretty terrified as im pregnant straight after a MMC. Heard the heartbeat and the babys growing fine atm, just wanna know peoples stories about what happens after this? And how likely miscarriage is now? Xxx
hi girls!! great to hear how you are all progressing.

ammil - i've not had experience with two, all I can suggest is taking it very easy and trusting your doc. let us know how you get on. I didn't have any stabbing pains, though.

stephy! congratulations!! :D

hallielou and laura, sorry you've had those bleeds :( Bedrest is the order of the day, along with progesterone supplements - if they haven't given you some, ask for it. Truly most of the time they sort themselves out, so try not to stress too much and make sure you take it easy.

In other news.... today I have had another bleed!!! Quite small, only a couple of streaks on the undies, but enough to send the alarm bells ringing. Luckily I have my 12 week scan tomorrow so am already booked in to see the doc. I checked my cervix to see if it was all bloody in there - it wasn't- all just creamy white, not even any trace of blood so I have no idea whats going on.... am now wondering if this is going to be a recurring thing throughout the pregnancy :/
Barasti - Hope ur scan went well and bleeding due to something harmless and unrelated - felt really gutted reading about ur bleed. Thinking of you.

Diggy & dragon & amil - how are you guys?? Hope all is well.

hallie & Laura - stats on mc sfter sch seem to vary widely, anything from 20%-50% risk. Risk seems to increase if mum is over 35yrs old. If you want a really good overview of sch, go back and read as many posts on this thread as you can. There are some really sad cases of loss, but the majority of stories have a happy ending. DO ask for progesterone (dydrogestrone) as research suggests it decreases the risk of MC by up to 35%.
more info here:

I'm waiting for my next scan date (being arranged by community MW cos it's my dating scan), and really hoping it's all good news again. My 2yr old has 'hand, foot & mouth' just now which is causing painful mouth ulcers - neither of us are getting much sleep! can also 'rarely' cause MC during pregnancy, so I should be avoiding contact with himv -v. impossible as I'm off work looking after him & sleeping next to me cos so distressed. Think I'll cnange my name to Lucky McLuckLuck...
just re-read my post - the sites listed above are general info about sch.

this site is about dydrogesterone:

Stephy, don't worry mate, the chances of mc because of that are so remote it's worth not worrying about it!!

as for the bleed - it looks like I had nothing to worry about!
The doc didn't say anything about it, wasn't worried in the slightest, and there was no hematoma in the ultrasound!!!

Here's the baby, just chillaxin...

and here is a video of the ultrasound!

:happydance:feeling pretty good!:happydance:
Awwww Barasti, your ultrasound video is so cool! Look at him/her move! I cant wait till my 12wk scan this friday!!!!

Im doing well, i found bubs HB on a doppler i hired 2 days ago so feeling alot less stressed about the scan now!

Baraisti - love yer wee mosher: was lol at your 'oh my god' and 'wow' comments ... exactly what i say at every scan!

Diggy - you can buy decent dopplers on ebay - might be worth a look dependign on your rental costs

I'm just waiting on my next scan date coming through - need to phone tomorrow if no letter arrives. After watching barasti's i'm getting excited!!!! big time!!!!
LOL!! Thanks ladies - all very exciting (isn't it weird hearing your own voice on a video!!)

Diggy, stephy, any scan news??
Scan today, 18th May, ALL CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!! they've written "no haemorrage identified" in my notes!!!!!! soooooo happy!!!!
Can't quite believe I'm in the clear at 15+1; I really am on cloud 9 and don't intend coming down for a good while yet!

Hope all you girls are doing well & wonder'n how your scan went Diggy?

Will keep posting here anyway 'cos I know from experience what a tonic hearing 'good news' is when times get tough - it really helped get me through some black days.

Big hugs to all x

p.s. Barasti - I always sound like I'm about 12yrs old on videos & answerphones!
Hi all,

I'm new here....may I join? I am currently 15w, though I think I may be 16, and now that preterm labour could be an issue, I'm pushing to have my due date changed b/c I NEED to get to that 24 week viability point as quick as possible! According to when I "think" it happened, I'd be 15 weeks 3 days, but according to my LMP I should be 16 weeks 1 day...if I go into labour around the 24 week mark, that amount of time could make a difference in if they try to save my baby!!

Anyways...I was diagnosed with SCH on May 10, mine is 7.9cm x 4.4cm x 3.1cm, which they said was very large. I haven't seen a Dr since I was at the hospital on the 9th (my Dr phoned to give me the results, and put me on strict bedrest until I have 48 hours with no bleeding, when I can move to modified bedrest). I started bleeding on May 9 HUGE gushes of bright red blood, my husband and mom thought it was urine there was so much, and had the u/s the following day after a trip to the ER on the 9th. I bled red blood until the 11th, and then it was brown until the 12th..stopped on the 13th, started again on the 14th, stopped again on the 15th...and then didn't start up again until Friday the 21st, at which point it started off dark red at 11pm (one time on the TP) and was brown by morning. This morning I'm still bleeding brown's scary. I'm not doing much...I get up to use the washroom or get a drink, and to have a five minute shower once a day, and other than that I stay in bed. I am happy to have my own doppler because it lets me check in on my babe whenever I get nervous...

I'm seeing my OB on Tuesday, and hoping he'll send me for another u/s ASAP but who knows if he will or not. My next scheduled one is on June 7, and that just seems too far away to find out if this thing is growing or shrinking or changing at all, and if it is affecting the placenta. The U/S results from last time don't say anything about if it says the hematoma is seen to the left of the gestational sac extending over the internal os, and that the placenta is situated posterior.

I've read through this entire thread, from beginning to end, and cried over the sad stories and smiled about the happy's nice to see those little bits of hope, but I can't help be afraid. Especially knowing if I were to m/c at this point, I'd have to actually deliver the baby...that part really scares does the idea of ever trying again after this. I'm bonded to this baby and love him so much (I have a strong feeling it's a boy even though I would be just as happy with a girl).

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