Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

:hugs:Bella'smummy, I am so so sorry to hear that. I had wondered how you were doing as you hadn't posted in a while and I had really been hoping that things were improving. I'm so sorry for your loss and know there is nothing I can say that will make you feel any better. Just to let you know I'm thinking of you.
Just wanted to let you know that on wednesday the 10th Feb, I went in to premature labour after being in hospital for 2 weeks.

At 7.30pm Olivia was born weighing 1lbs 5oz but sadly died during delivery, she could fight no more I was 24 weeks to the day.

I feel lost and angry that his has happend and why me, she was so beautiful and with the angels now and I hope at peace.

i'm so sorry for your loss... *hugs*...
Hi, so I figured I would introduce myself. My name is Cara and this is my story...So my doctor put me on bed rest this past week until I have a week of no bleeding(I was having some bleeding before hand). I was doing good. Well I went back to school yesterday and after class I got up to leave. I felt a huge gush. Went to the bathroom and there was blood and lots of clots. So I call my doctor's office it's 4:30pm now and they tell me to go to the er. So I have my mom go with me to the er. The run all the tests. I went through about 3 or 4 pads soaked! Well after all was said and done I found out I have a Subchorionic Hematoma. I basically have a hemorrhage(massive amount of blood they seen on the ultrasound) and if it gets bigger it can detach the baby and I'll miscarry. The baby is hanging on. Which I'm being hopefully and praying he or she continues too. The baby's heartbeat was 149. He or she is measuring 6 weeks 6 days. It's about 4 days off from my regular EDD, but last time I was in the er it was measuring a little off too and my doctors office goes by me being 7 weeks 3 days. Which today I'm 7 weeks 4 days.

Sooo now the doctor recommends I stay on bed rest, because with me on bed rest I'm to lay horizontal and it prevents weight pressing down and more than likely the baby detaching. I'm canceling all of my activities until further notice and dropping out of school unless they will work with me and let me do my work at home, with me having about 5 or so weeks left this semester. To me the baby is more important so I'm trying to do everything to save the baby. I honestly don't want to experience another miscarriage. Also about 10 or so at night the bleeding has subsided only when I go to the bathroom which I'm glad. I hope it continues to stay that way. Still no cramps too which is good. Also my hemorrhage measured 4.5 x 4.0 x 2.7 cm. Is that big? My beta level(hormone) was 274444. Which is where is should be I assume. They also said my cervix is open but only enough for the blood to come out. Will it get bigger? I'm not sure what to expect. I've been laying down and drinking lots of water.

Well that is my update. If you pray please pray for me and that the baby stays long enough to grow and the hemorrhage disappears. Anything is possible. Thank you all so much and I will keep you update!!
Hi, so I figured I would introduce myself. My name is Cara and this is my story...So my doctor put me on bed rest this past week until I have a week of no bleeding(I was having some bleeding before hand). I was doing good. Well I went back to school yesterday and after class I got up to leave. I felt a huge gush. Went to the bathroom and there was blood and lots of clots. So I call my doctor's office it's 4:30pm now and they tell me to go to the er. So I have my mom go with me to the er. The run all the tests. I went through about 3 or 4 pads soaked! Well after all was said and done I found out I have a Subchorionic Hematoma. I basically have a hemorrhage(massive amount of blood they seen on the ultrasound) and if it gets bigger it can detach the baby and I'll miscarry. The baby is hanging on. Which I'm being hopefully and praying he or she continues too. The baby's heartbeat was 149. He or she is measuring 6 weeks 6 days. It's about 4 days off from my regular EDD, but last time I was in the er it was measuring a little off too and my doctors office goes by me being 7 weeks 3 days. Which today I'm 7 weeks 4 days.

Sooo now the doctor recommends I stay on bed rest, because with me on bed rest I'm to lay horizontal and it prevents weight pressing down and more than likely the baby detaching. I'm canceling all of my activities until further notice and dropping out of school unless they will work with me and let me do my work at home, with me having about 5 or so weeks left this semester. To me the baby is more important so I'm trying to do everything to save the baby. I honestly don't want to experience another miscarriage. Also about 10 or so at night the bleeding has subsided only when I go to the bathroom which I'm glad. I hope it continues to stay that way. Still no cramps too which is good. Also my hemorrhage measured 4.5 x 4.0 x 2.7 cm. Is that big? My beta level(hormone) was 274444. Which is where is should be I assume. They also said my cervix is open but only enough for the blood to come out. Will it get bigger? I'm not sure what to expect. I've been laying down and drinking lots of water.

Well that is my update. If you pray please pray for me and that the baby stays long enough to grow and the hemorrhage disappears. Anything is possible. Thank you all so much and I will keep you update!!
Hello Levi's mommy, its good that they put you on bed rest, your measurements are not 'too' large but they normally work out the risk compared to the size of the baby, so at 7 weeks the baby is not too big....... however i had one about that size (a little bit smaller) at 8 weeks and im now 20 weeks and waiting to see if mine has shrunk (as it continued to grow to a large blood clot) i hope everything works out well for you, best thing you can do is listen to docs and try and get school on side to help, problem is a lot of people do not know about SCH, my doctors didnt even tell me thats what it is, and have just continued to monitor (scans, consultant led pregnancy) but didnt tell me to rest or no sex etc!!!there are a lot of positive outcomes so try not to worry too much.xx
Hello Levi's mommy, its good that they put you on bed rest, your measurements are not 'too' large but they normally work out the risk compared to the size of the baby, so at 7 weeks the baby is not too big....... however i had one about that size (a little bit smaller) at 8 weeks and im now 20 weeks and waiting to see if mine has shrunk (as it continued to grow to a large blood clot) i hope everything works out well for you, best thing you can do is listen to docs and try and get school on side to help, problem is a lot of people do not know about SCH, my doctors didnt even tell me thats what it is, and have just continued to monitor (scans, consultant led pregnancy) but didnt tell me to rest or no sex etc!!!there are a lot of positive outcomes so try not to worry too much.xx

Thank You, unfortunately..I had a appointment today and ultrasound again. I lost the baby. There was a fetal pole but no heartbeat like there was a few days ago when I was in the er. It must of been all the blood and clots I had... I have no words to express how I am feeling. This is my second miscarriage. Yes I have a wonderful son, but it's just hard when you want a second child and the odds aren't in your favor. I have a d&c scheduled for in the morning.
awww :( im so sorry! was hoping for good news for you, my thoughts are with you, xxxxxx
Sadley after being in hospital for over a week with a really bad infection, our beautifull baby son Zack was born to early and soon. Zack was born on 20th February 2010 at 14.30, 20w 4d old. he was the most beautiful perfect baby boy and weighed 10 1/2 oz and was 10 1/2 inches long, perfect in evey way.
mummy and daddy's hearts are broken, but are so proud we got to meet him, hold him and kiss him good night.
Sweet dreams are little angle
all our love mummy and daddy x
im really sorry babybedford, lots of sad news at the moment.... :( really sorry for your loss xx
HI ladies,I have a feeling I'll be joining you (again).

I had a MC at 17weeks in July 09 after bleedingconstantly from week 5-very heavy and very red.
Each time they basically put it down to this 'clot' which in thier words 'would be of no harm to the baby'.The post mortem showed the constant bleeding had caused my membranes to inflame and rupture.(I never had more than 2weeks at a time without some sot of blood)

So hear I am now afte getting my :bfp: on valentines day-Im 5weeks and 4 days pregnant and i started spotting last sunday :( its ranging from bright red to brown throughout the day,(its by no means heavy-touch wood,and no pains,lets hope it stays that way)I havent had normal discharge in over a week.Im going for a scan at the epau on Monday and praying with all my heart that the baby will be fine and I'm not going down the same route as last time.

I'd like to make a point that if you are in anyway confused or dis-satisfied with your care that you stand up for yourself and ask lots of questions,I didnt last time.I guarentee I wont be taking a back seat this time!

FX,prayers and PMA![-o<
Anyone know what to expect at the consultants appointment?im going tommorrow and not sure what she is going to say as my scan isnt till the following day. Thankyou xx
hi all

I am 6+4 pregnant with my third child, and have two amazing wee boys at 4yrs & 2yrs old.

I started bleeding,fresh red blood like a light period, and having abdominal cramps at 6+2 but, as it was a Saturday afternoon, all EPU's across Scotland were closed, and had to wait until yesterday for my scan!

When I arrived for this appt yesterday (Monday), I was told that my appt was not until Tues - however, when they checked my notes it had been written down as Monday there - just what we needed while thinking we may have lost our baby. They were really nice about it and gave me scan and I decided everyone makes mistakes!

I cried when I saw my baby's heartbeat on the monitor, and was then given an internal scan due to a 'dark area'. They said was a blood clot and that I should expect some more pinkish/ brown bleeding, and to contact them back if I had fresh, heavy bleeding. I was given a new appointment for 2wks time and told to advise my dr who would let the community midwives know too.

It was only when I got home that I started wondering whether I should return to work the next day but I haven't been able to get hold of a doctor or midwife to find out. Thats when I started looking online and discovered I should be resting, drinking plenty, and that my clot is called an SCH. I have no idea what size it is, but will cetainly be asking more questions at my next scan.

My bleeding seems to have tailed off and I don't have any more cramping, so I'm hoping they can tell me it's shrunk at next US. I will keep trying to get hold of my doctor today to make an appt. I'm not one to take time off work, but I really don't want to put my baby at any increased risk at all.

Is the general advice that I should or should not be at work?? I deliver training so don 't have heavy lifting, but I am on my feet all day and have to go up and down three flights of stairs regularly.

Any advice appreciated...
Hi all,

Thank you all for this informative group. I have learned a lot from this. This is my wife's situation...

She is now 12w exactly, her first pregnancy and had a few dramas in the last few weeks...

She had a continuous cramp on the right of the abdominal for 2 days after coming back from holiday in Prague and had a bit of brown discharge at 8w, went to A & E and had an internal exam, doc said nothing to worry but just as a precaution (I think he worries about ectopic pregnancy), so he arranged a scan the following morning, the baby was in good form so we went home reassured....

Just last sat, we had a big argument two days in a row and she started to feel some abdominal pain in the center and lower left with a very slight light brown spotting (only just tinted the usually white mucus), we went to the gp and had a scan on the following thur and the sonographer found a 3.5 x 3.6 x 1.5mm SCH... I didn't know what to ask then, but midwives said that it happens to a lot of women and the clot is small, so nothing to worry about...

I would like some opinions please... my wife had some intermittent(3-4 at a time and 2-3 times an hour) little twitch/cramp on the lower left which I know is exactly where the baby is, when she had her cramps before the second scan... is that some sort of contractions??

Her discharge has been back to clear white for a few days now since 2 days before the last scan but we are just so worried to have found the SCH, is it something to worry about if it stays the same size in her next scan? Her next scan would be this thur which is the NT scan at the hospital, what should I be asking the nurses?

Thanks for your help.

Hello ladies,

Ive been searching everywhere for some information on these blood clots and so happy ive found some people to talk to about this!

I had a brown discharge at 6wks and was scanned by EPU who said theres was two sacs one with bean and HB and one sac of blood. She sent me on my way saying i may bleed a little or spot in the next 2 weeks from this sac of blood. 4 days later i had red blood trickle out of me so went back fro another sac on friday 7w2d and they showed the sac of blood is now bigger and a clot. Measuring 15x35x28mm.

I had a mm/c end of Nov 09 and so so scared about the future of this pregnancy because of this SCH.

I have a pyshical job as a chambermaid in a hotel, where i can sometimes make upto 22 beds a day as well as all the cleaning. I havent been told to rest of anything like that. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow im going to ask her whether i should still be working and not resting.?

I thought id add a picture of my horrible clot sitting on top of my little ones sac:

Thanks for listening xxx
Hi there... can I join?
My name is Alli and i'm 8 weeks today.

Went to an Elton John concert last saturday night, came home and found brown fluid on my pants. Scary as. Went to bed and the whole of Sunday, it petered off bit by bit, I thought it was just one of those things. Woke up Monday morning to find more blood, took myself straight to the doc. Got diagnosed with this. Am under house arrest for the next two weeks. I am also on progesterone suppositories each night.

During the day I move from the bed (which is on the floor) - to the lounge, to the bathroom, to the kitchen. The only thing I carry is my laptop, and I have been doing very light housework like wiping down benches, washing light dishes etc, because frankly I have nobody here to help me so am doing what I can.

Here's a pic of mine. You can see the bub, and to the top left of that, the hematoma.
Is this big?

Hopefully it'll all turn out ok.
Hi Diggydog, how did your follow up appointment go? I hope you are resting - making beds is exactly the type of lifting/twisting you shouldn't be doing - are you feeling ok? xo

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