Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

welcome mamato4: ) keep thinking positive! Im sure you read my story, bedrest really helps with our big sch's
Hi ladies

Just looking for some advice really, got diagnosed with my hematoma at 6 weeks after spotting - there was never enough to reach the liner but every time I wiped was brown CM, day after that internal scan at 6 weeks I started heavy heavy bleeding with clots, lasted 4 days, at worst was changing pad every hour, after the 4 days I continued bit of spotting, had another scan tuesday this week - really thought would be bad news but bubs was there right on size 7+5 heartbeating, OH and I so shocked and overjoyed. My hematoma though had doubled in size BUT the sonographer said it was resolving?! On wednesday started bleeding again - wasn't too worried they'd told me to expect that, but 3 am this morning I woke up literally gushing blood, just sat on loo 3-5am and it poured out, no clots, no pain just watery bright red blood. Rang EPU told me to rest - have scan on monday anyway because as well as hematoma, I have bicornuate uterus, I'm so stressed, OH and I have been TTC for 3 years, had m/c in dec and really hope I can hang on to this LO - basically I'm asking do you think this bleed could be because the hematoma is resolving as doc said? And both my big bleeds have happened 24 hours after internal scan - has this happened to anyone else?
Wasn't sure about posting here but I feel it'd be good to give some advice. Although most people that get diagnosed with a hematoma go on to have healthy babys, I didn't and just wanted to tell people to please go onto bed rest when you find out about it and hassle your doctor/midwife for advice or to see a specialist, as I didn't and unfortunately lost my baby at 15 weeks. Good luck with all your pregnancies. x x x
I'm at 13 weeks and have a sch that started at 9 weeks. It was tapering off with old blood for a few weeks and then started again at 12 weeks with fresh red blood. I just read all of the posts since this thread began and appreciate all the support.

I really appreciated Stephy's sharing the article about bedrest:

(sorry can't post the link b/c this is my first post)

"... The women who adhered to bed-rest had fewer spontaneous
abortions (6.5% in group 1 versus 23.3% in group 2, P = 0.006),
and a higher rate of term pregnancy compared to the women
who did not (89% in group 1 vs. 70% in group 2, P = 0.004).

But I wondering how strict a bedrest is needed. Is lying down best, sitting up mostly to eat and drink? What do people mean by bedrest? Is sitting around good enough? I understand that lifting is out and that pelvic rest is required. But is there a lot of difference between staying off your feet & taking it easy and bedrest?

Thanks! - Jen
Well I have had bleeding for most of my pregnancy. I was diagnosed at about 12 weeks with SCH. I have been on bedrest off and on ever since. While I was on bedrest at home, my specialist wanted me in bed most of the time. As my bleeding stopped, I was allowed to increase my activity a little at a time. Every time the bleeding returned I had to go back on bedrest. I am now 25 weeks and was just admitted into the hospital for strict bedrest. I am allowed to get up to go to the bathroom as needed and to shower once a day, but that is all. I will hopefully only have to be in the hospital for 1-2 weeks and then be able to go on bedrest at home for the rest of the pregnancy. I think "bedrest" means so many things to different doctors, so it may be best to find out exactly what he or she means and just stick with that.
I had a six week scan yesterday and I had brown discharge just before the appointment
They wrote on the USS that It was a small Haematoma. and I was told it was 1cm

I have had no more bleeding since. I am now 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant
This baby was conceived with clomid afetr 24m of trying so we are desprately concerned. I am hoping and praying that flump will be ok x
Thanks for writing. I hope your hospital bedrest goes smoothly and your bleeding stops. Congrats for getting to 25 weeks. It seems like many schs improve then.

My doctor was very vague about the rest b/c she said that bedrest hasn't been proven to improve sch, and she just told me to take it easy. But it really seems like other moms in this group have benefitted from bedrest, and I'd be happy to do what they did if I knew what it was, even though my doctor didn't request it of me.

I had a sch in my previous pregnancy, early like yours, and after a week or so of strict bedrest, it ended up resolving itself in the first trimester, and I had no complications or restrictions from it and have a healthy boy now. I was told that's how most happen. This pregnancy I was diagnosed about as early, but I'm starting week 14 and still having bleeding (3 episodes now), and am trying to figure the bedrest thing out for my situation now. Best of luck to you. Google: "Pregnancy Outcome of Threatened Abortion with Subchorionic Hematoma: Possible Benefit of Bed-Rest?" for one paper.
Hi all,

Was told I had a sch at 9wk scan on Tuesday after a couple of episodes of bleeding. Midwife said it was nothing to worry about, although the bleeding would probably return worse than before. No mention of bed rest or anything like that. In fact she said the sch would have no effect on the outcome of the pregnancy. Now I'm very worried and confused because that seems to contradict what others are saying.

I don't have to do anything strenuous in my job, but I am on my feet quite a lot, and have quite a long walk to and from work each day. Should I be avoiding that? I had actually been thinking the walking was probably doing me some good :confused:
I don't know. It seems like if the sch is big enough that she said to expect more bleeding, that I would take it easy. At the least go on pelvic rest and drink a ton of water. Read back through the posts on this site. Although doctors don't always recommend bedrest (there isn't conclusive evidence about it helping) it does seem to have helped other women on these sch sites.
Keep us posted.
Hi all

I came across this thread and thought someone might be able to help....

I sadly MC a few days ago due to SCH and cant find any info or advice on how long it will take to heal so I can TTC again. Do I need to wait for it to clear or if I dont could it cause problems in future pregnancies?

Also, does anyone know if you have had a SCH are you more likely to have one in future pregnancies?

Can anyone help or point me in the right direction? My head is spinning at the minute.
Hi hun,
I'm so sorry you lost your bubba. Hugs to you!!

The good news is, is that it will clear up on its own, and in no way will effect you in pregnancies to come. It's just one of those unfortunate things where there is no way of predicting it. I think you just got (very) unlucky.

I'd wait a cycle before trying again, but I know that is easier said that done. Rest up, have a glass of wine, get your head right and try again when you feel you are ready xoxox
Hi Everyone,
I'm new here. I was diagnosed with SCH when I was about 9 weeks along. I'm 13 weeks now. I have never had a major bleed, and the doctor never told me how big the SCH was, so I really have no clue what's going on. I have mostly brown spotting, but about 3 weeks ago I passed a red clot and bled a bit of red (this is when I found out I had an SCH). I go for an ultrasound tomorrow to check on the bleed, and to find out the size. I'm praying it's not big, and I'm praying it's in a "good" spot. I had a week of clear CM, and I thought it was all over, but 5 days ago I started spotting brown again - complete with brown stringy stuff, yuck. It has progressively gotten heavier, but I just need to wear a pantyliner - no pads needed. The spotting has always been light for me, but there. I'm pretty freaked out by all this. I have 1 daughter who is 22 months and my pregnancy/delivery with her was flawless, so this is all new to me. I'm terrified to lose this baby at 20 weeks or something like that - it would be so traumatic and I'm not sure I could get pregnant again after something like that. Anyway, just in need of support. Glad to be here!
Hello. I'm new here. First time pregnancy. My DH and I have been trying since Oct 09 and finally concieved. At 12 weeks, I woke up to undies full of blood. Freaked out and went to ER. They checked everything and said my uterus was still closed. Went into doctor the next day and they diagnosed me with a bicornuate uterus, which is a heart shaped uterus. Doc explained that at the top of the heart shape, there was a pocket of blood (and she said it's the same as a SCH). Everytime baby/uterus grows, it pushes that pocket and causes me to have painless bleeding. I'm now 14 weeks and recently had another bleed a couple nights ago.

Thank you for this forum. It seems like you ladies don't make up a bunch of BS like some of the other forums you get on... this one is far more positive and not just doom and gloom. Any other ladies with bicornuate uterus/SCH bleeding? I'm just bleeding a little brown now, but am eager for this to clear up and be done with. First time mommy so this is extremely scary!!
hi everyone, im 9w 5 days today after ttc for 8 months and a termination of my previous first pregnancy at 16 weeks due to anatomic abnormality of fetus . I am now diagnosed with a small SCH and had 2 bleeding episodes (gush of blood) so far -one week 6 and one week 9 and of course complete bed rest prescribed.Scan showed the baby is fine and growing correctly, normal heartbeat and movement and closed cervix. I also had gush of blood at my last pregnancy week 12.Could I have tendency for SCH? could i have a clotting disorder or is just random? Any similar stories? Im trying to be positive
:happydance:\been a few mths since i last posted and jst thought I'd post again as my pregnancy is still going well since my sch disappeared at 15+1. I will be 32wks 2moz - Iknow there are many sad stories of loss on here - i read every post - but there are also many happy outcomes too. Keep supporting each other- its the best way to get through the tough times. good luck to all x

Barasti - thrilled to see you're still here supporting others - you're a gem!
hi everyone i was diagnosed with sch at 9 weeks it was 5cm but bleeding stopped at 16 weeks and at 20 week scan it couldnt be seen but at 22 weeks my waters broke which they say cud have been caused by the clot but im nearly 30 weeks now so the panics over this baby is just a monkey and dr sed will be appearing early good luck every1
Hi personal path and lower

I had a large SCH which grew from 5 weeks to 12 weeks. I had 3 episodes of gushing heavy red blood - terrifying and each time thought the worst but at each scan baby was there and fine. From 12 weeks I did 2 weeks bed rest - drank tons of water as if you're dehydrated this can irritate the uterus and cause more bleeding. At 16 weeks SCH was gone.

If you cant do bed rest try and have no pelvic strain, no housework, no lifting, No sex, just take it so easy and lie down whenever you can and drink loads water. I know SCH is terrifying but most outcomes are good. Good Luck xxx

P.S Lower - I have a heart shaped uterus too. They're not sure bicornutae/septate/arcuate but its possible why I got SCH. Tbh though I don't think anyone has any idea why some people get SCH and some don't. xx
I had massive bleeds around 7 weeks and 9 weeks. When I went for my 12 week scan and they found a small sch. They never mentioned anything about it I had just seen it on the paper. I do brown discharge from now and then but never for long. It annoys me that my doctor doesnt seem to concerned and doesnt really check to see if it went down or getting bigger. I am now 14 weeks and had no bleeding since(fingers crossed) but still this brown discharge from time to time.
any tip? how do we should lay on the bed? can I move leg, turn round, or sit on the bed? thanks
HI, i was diagnoated sch last thuresday. it is 4.6*2.6. I saw your post. some mentioned midwife. when I need a midwife? i am week 10+4days now. I keep in touch with obg. what a midwife does? where i can find a midwife.

I am nausea couples time a day and vomit 1-2 times a day. How do u do with nausea? due to nausea, I eat much less than regular from week 9, I feel that I am weak currently.

Thank you all and best wish for you.

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