Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi Diggydog, how did your follow up appointment go? I hope you are resting - making beds is exactly the type of lifting/twisting you shouldn't be doing - are you feeling ok? xo

Hi barasti,

Your clot looks quite small on the pic, hopefully it wont grow and will absorb away by 12 weeks.

The doctor signed me off work for 3 weeks and depending on my next scan results if the clot is still there or bigger then may sign me off longer. Thank goodness.
Excellent news!!!! Now take this time to rest up. I know easier said than done. I made a huge pot of chicken and vegetable soup, took me most of the day - makes me feel productive!! hehe
I just wanted to let people know that if there hematoma causes lots of bleeding keep pestering the medics as i lost my beautifull baby at 20w5d on the 20th feb due to infection, the infection was caused by the heavy bleeding and my mucus plug to have gone, with out the plug there there is no barrier between you and baby and it is a good place for infection to grow. and thats what happened to me. I am devistated and we were so close to getting to the weeks were we could get help but as i was under 22 weeks they would not help. if anyone has had the same problem as me i would love to talk to someone. I have been advised to wait 6 months before trying to concive and once preg to go on a higher dose of folic acid.
thanks Jo x
Mummy to my little angle Zack 6 weeks old today x
hello, i have just seen some devestating news on the second trimester section, another loss due to a hematoma, although lots of good outcomes it is very scary! :( think the reason why i have been ok despite still rushing around is because i have now been told mine is not a hematoma, but a placental chorioangioma, a benign tumor in my placenta, not sure about the complications i could incur, not much information available. but thought i would update and wish everyone the best.......xx
Found this info online tonight, and thought it may help others like me who have not been told the size of their SCH. I've been able to compare the size of my SCH and gestation sac just by looking at the scan picture I have!

"...A subchorionic hematoma can be considered large if it is greater than 50% of the size of the gestation sac, medium if it is 20-50%, and small if it is less than 20%. Large hematomas by size (>30-50%) and volume (>50 mL) worsen the patient's prognosis."

info came from this website:
The doctor signed me off work for 3 weeks and depending on my next scan results if the clot is still there or bigger then may sign me off longer. Thank goodness.

You're just a day ahead of me (8wk 4 dys). So glad you're signed off now - not really the type of work you want to be doing with an SCH. I've been signed off for the past couple of weeks and will be due back at work a week on Monday, but will wait and see what my scan says in two days time!

Good luck x
also found this:
"... The women who adhered to bed-rest had fewer spontaneous
abortions (6.5% in group 1 versus 23.3% in group 2, P = 0.006),
and a higher rate of term pregnancy compared to the women
who did not (89% in group 1 vs. 70% in group 2, P = 0.004).
However, there was no association of pregnancy outcome with
duration of vaginal bleeding, gestational age at diagnosis, or size
of the SCH [Tables 1±3]..... A large prospective randomized study is required to determine the true therapeutic role of bed-rest in improving pregnancy outcome.a larger study"
Think I'm a bit obsessive as everyone else seems to be having a busy Easter weekend! Have spent the weekend reading all the posts on this thread and learned loads from each of you. Have felt a full range of emotions, been inspired and positive at times, and cried reading other posts. Thanks to everyone for sharing their informatio, thoughts and fears, as I feel like I have a much better idea of the overall picture.

Kevbo - How did ur wifes scan go last week? Hope all is well. She should be drinking loads of water to help control the cramps/ contractions.

babybedford - I read all your posts and hoped your story would have a happier ending, so sad for the loss of your little one. So kind of you to write a post that will help others at a time that must be so difficult for you.

jennifer - congratulations on your beautiful baby, and thanks for posting so frequently and inspiring somany others on this thread. You make me smile.

emma2810 - Can't believe you are having to deal with this all over again - my heart goes out to you, and I am really rooting for you and your little one.

1babygirl1987 - really hope all works out well for you and you find more support and info on your condition soon. Would love to see a post here saying you have a healthy baby in your arms.

barasti - (hope your soup was yummy) Your sch size looks around 20-25% compared to size of your gest sac - think thats considered small to medium: much better than large, so good news I hope.

I have both my booking appointment with MW tomorrow, and US in afternoon. Both my kids are a bit unwell, and my OH has an interview. Going to be a busy day.

Feeling bit stressed, nervous and emotional tonight. I have a bit of a list of questions, but not sure how much the sonographer will answer, or when I will get to speak to a doctor or consultant. FX
wow babygirl - how terrifying :( Always so horrible to read about losses. Glad you have been OK so far though and fx'd for no problems!!

Stephy, keep us updated on how everything goes, you have had quite a weekend!!! Take care xo
Thanks Barasti

My booking appt with MW was fine - just taking all the usual info - and I have the same MW that I really liked with my last child. She had no info from the hospital, as their keeping my notes for todays scan, so really couldn't tell me anything.

My scan showed a lively jumping little tyke with a strong heartbeat, and measures a day older than my previous scan 2 wks ago. However, both myself and OH took one look and could see immediately that the sch has seriously grown since that scan - it is a cresent shape around one half of the placenta and nearly the same size as the gestational sac. That makes it pretty damn big.

As instructed by my MW, I asked that they take my 'booking bloods' as MW did not want two sets of blood taken in one day - The sonographer wasn't best pleased. She refused to be 'drawn' on any questions I had, and size it had grown but was only measuring millimetres - although I later checked my notes and todays measurements were there (although no measurements for the first scan to compare against).

I asked quite specific,ally if there were any specific things that I should or shouldn't be doing and her answer was "no"!!!! Doesn't she even know the basics?? Also asked about risk of miscarraige and all she said was that although my chances are higher than normal, most babies pregnancies are a sucess.

Don't get me wrong, she was nice enough, just very evasive. Maybe this stops some people panicking, but I find it easier to cope with the know than the unknown - am I weird? She also did not commit to it being an sch - just said it was a haematoma - starting to wonder if she knows anything about them at all.

How far on do you need to be to request a peri? I am only 8wk+5 - is this too early?

I've to phone my comm MW 2morrow to update her, so I'm hoping I can get an appointment with someone face to face who has experience to explain the good/ bad of my individual situation (where its lying, size, how risky) and answer my questions. My OH was annoyed that I didn't ask more questions and become more insistant, but I didn't want to antagonise her and jepordise my care. I know she's unlikely to do this, but I'd rather not take the risk. There's trying not to scare you, then there's treating you like a mushroom!

Since rest is not an issue, I will be returning to work on Monday, and trudging up and down three steep sets of stairs throughout the day. Since I deliver group training courses, i am also feeling a bit paranoid that I will have a huge bleed in the middle of my training group. I'm then feeling guilty that this is a ridiculous worry to have when I should only be worrying about losing my baby, but still cant shake the image of it happening.

Sorry to write so long, just needed to get some of this stuff out of my head.

Stephanie x
Oh no. That doesnt sound helpful at all. Sonographers can be tricky. Maybe she's divulged information in the past and it turned out to be wrong - she could be following rules, or even protecting herself. Try not to dwell on it, and keep in touch with the midwife about it instead.

Personally, I would fork out the money, go somewhere completely different and get a second opinion. Maybe somewhere on these boards there might be recommendations for ob's/midwives in your area. The extra money will be worth your piece of mind.

As long as you take things slow and careful, you should be ok. you know your limits xo
Thanks Barasti, can't believe I didn't think of that! Haven't managed to get hold of my MW yet (surprise, surprise), but I know a couple of MW's through my volunteer work with breastfeeding support so will try talking to them for some advice too.

Sorry to be so miserable, just not feeling too hopeful just now, and thinking too straight.

How are you doing anyway? Hope ur feeling good and all is going well right now. Thanks for ur support, it really does help :hugs:x
Hey girls,

Just a quick msg, i had my follow up scan today and the SBH had shrunk hugely! It was the same size as babys sac 2 weeks ago and resting on it. Now babys sac is much bigger and SBH very small. Im hopeful it might be completely gone by my 12wk scan in 3 weeks.

I hope everyone is doing well

Oh 3 hours later and ive just had a red blood bleed it filled about half a pad. I wonder whether the lady doing the scan may have disrupted what was left of the clot? :nope:
:) you're welcome stephy!! See how this week goes and also let us know what the other mw's say.

diggydog, congratulations!!!!! So glad to hear it's dissipating. Re: the bleed - very likely that it is the clot bleeding out, but you can never be too sure. I don't know if it was just a coincidence with the timing (most likely), I dont think a scan would do anything to the clot. Can you go to a doc just to be safe? And then spend the rest of your arvo relaxing in the knowledge that everything is ok?
Hi there

I should be 4+4 but I had what I thought was an early MC at 4 +1. The thing is, my preg symptoms are still there and my tests are getting darker. I only got a bfp 36 hours before the bleeding and it was really faint on a 10miu test. Now I am getting bfp's on frer and CB digis which were bfn before the bleed. I have been sent for bloods and an us scan but on researching I came across this page and others about SCH. IS 4 weeks too early? I know HCG stays in your system after a MC but surely not long after such a faint positive - and surely shouldn't get darker and stronger?
Diggy - great news, you bring me hope!! Get the bleeding checked just in case x

Barasti - When do you get your next scan Alli? Hope your still chilling in bed (or on floor) and not got ny bleeding x

Dragon - Welcome to the forum. Dunno how long it takes the HCG to go away if MC. But from everything I've read I don't think it would be increasing, and seems that it is, which is a great sign. This links tells you a bit more about early US if you want a look:
Thanks. I am not patient enough for NHS so I have booked a scan for thursday. I'll be 5+3 by then so hopefully something will show.
hey dragon, make sure you rest up till the scan. 5+3 is still very early - you may not see a heartbeat yet, so if you don't, don't lose hope. Just make another appt for the next week. They should be able to see at least a sac, yolk and maybe a fetal pole.

Well ladies - I am VERY pleased to report that the bleed is GONE! KAPUT! Yaaaaaay!!!! I went for my follow up scan today and the doc could see NO SIGN of anything and even told me I had a "beautifully formed uterus"!!

I will upload pics tomorrrow when I get back to work and can use the scanner but you have NO IDEA how relieved I am. Looks like bedrest and progesterone really did the trick.

I spring cleaned the house as soon as I got home cos hubby, bless him, has no idea how to vaccuum/wash properly!!

Keep the hope ladies! If I can do it so can you!!!


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