Thanks Barasti
My booking appt with MW was fine - just taking all the usual info - and I have the same MW that I really liked with my last child. She had no info from the hospital, as their keeping my notes for todays scan, so really couldn't tell me anything.
My scan showed a lively jumping little tyke with a strong heartbeat, and measures a day older than my previous scan 2 wks ago. However, both myself and OH took one look and could see immediately that the sch has seriously grown since that scan - it is a cresent shape around one half of the placenta and nearly the same size as the gestational sac. That makes it pretty damn big.
As instructed by my MW, I asked that they take my 'booking bloods' as MW did not want two sets of blood taken in one day - The sonographer wasn't best pleased. She refused to be 'drawn' on any questions I had, and size it had grown but was only measuring millimetres - although I later checked my notes and todays measurements were there (although no measurements for the first scan to compare against).
I asked quite specific,ally if there were any specific things that I should or shouldn't be doing and her answer was "no"!!!! Doesn't she even know the basics?? Also asked about risk of miscarraige and all she said was that although my chances are higher than normal, most babies pregnancies are a sucess.
Don't get me wrong, she was nice enough, just very evasive. Maybe this stops some people panicking, but I find it easier to cope with the know than the unknown - am I weird? She also did not commit to it being an sch - just said it was a haematoma - starting to wonder if she knows anything about them at all.
How far on do you need to be to request a peri? I am only 8wk+5 - is this too early?
I've to phone my comm MW 2morrow to update her, so I'm hoping I can get an appointment with someone face to face who has experience to explain the good/ bad of my individual situation (where its lying, size, how risky) and answer my questions. My OH was annoyed that I didn't ask more questions and become more insistant, but I didn't want to antagonise her and jepordise my care. I know she's unlikely to do this, but I'd rather not take the risk. There's trying not to scare you, then there's treating you like a mushroom!
Since rest is not an issue, I will be returning to work on Monday, and trudging up and down three steep sets of stairs throughout the day. Since I deliver group training courses, i am also feeling a bit paranoid that I will have a huge bleed in the middle of my training group. I'm then feeling guilty that this is a ridiculous worry to have when I should only be worrying about losing my baby, but still cant shake the image of it happening.
Sorry to write so long, just needed to get some of this stuff out of my head.
Stephanie x