Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Pumpkin- it's good if you don't bleed but if you do bleed all can be fine too. I haven't bled in almost 6 weeks I think. I get ultrasound every couple weeks to check it now and all is still fine with my baby. The good news is your SCH is small so hopefully it will absorb soon.:hugs:
Hi Ladies, Can i join this group please I was diagnosed with a small hematoma yesterday morning, I have been bleeding off and on now for nearly 2 weeks so I am not benefitting at all with the no bleeding in pregnancy thing in fact I am bleeding more now i'm pregnant than before when i was having my normal periods every month.

Anyway I had a scan yesterday at 6+3weeks saw my little baby and its flickering heartbeat, my hematoma is under my baby so the hospital isn't worried they said it can only cause concern if above the baby.

Anyway yesterday was my second scan so far during my pregnancy and i have noticed that after both scan I seem to start bleeding more heavily! but last week was a internal scan and yesterdays was done normal on my tummy. today i have had the most blood so far do you think i should ring my EPU and let them know and see what they say?????

I have been told that it should rectify its self but they havent said if i need to rest, or have more scans, (although i think i am going to pay for a private one anyway to check on its progress). or even be monitored more closely.

anyway i am really glad i have fount this group and i really hope that all our little ones will be perfectly healthy and that we won't get any further problems fx'd xxxxx
Amy- That's good the hospital says it's under baby and less likely to cause problems. Hopefully the bleeding your experiencing is just the blood expelling. :hugs:
Hi there,
I beld lightly at 6 weeks, was scanned at the EPU and everything looked fine. At 9weeks had a massive bleed that went on for a day and half, worse than a heavy period, went to a+e who said was most likely a miscarriage. However i was scanned a few days later and told everything looked normal. paid for a private scan a week later and the lady showed me a large black mass on the screen, think it looked much bigger than it was 5cm by 1cm. she informed me this was an extra chrionic hemorrhage (same as sch i think) and it was right above my cervix (where the placenta had torn). Told me not to worry and it would bleed out or become reabsorbed. For last three weeks had really heavy black.dark brown think discharge, which i have been told is old blood, still not pleasant! and i still cant relax. It has eased a little over the last day but its been consistent for 3 weeks now.
Im paying for another scan next week to see if anything has changed. Not allowed a 12 week nhs scan as had an early scan at 6+9 weeks.
Been told to take it easy but not been put on bed rest and told to continue as normal.
I will keep you updated on how it goes.
Hi all :flower:,

This is the first time I've posted in this area, I've only just found this group!

I bled at 5 and 1/2 weeks and went for a EPAU scan, it showed the sac with the flicker of the start of an early pregnancy inside and also a pocket of bleeding in my womb.

I went back for a scan at 7 weeks and saw baby with heartbeat and the bleed (haematoma) was still there too. From the day of my 7 week scan I had stopped bleeding though. So I assumed the bleeding had reabsorbed into my womb lining.

On Friday night (at exactly 11 weeks) I started bleeding again, this time it was heavier and redder than the first bleed. As the EPAU/antenatal units are closed on weekends and I already have my 12week dating scan booked for Wednesday morning, I'm hoping and praying my baby holds on and the bleeding is the last of the haematoma coming away.

Has anyone else had such bright red blood from a haematoma and gone on to have a successful pregnancy?

I don't think I'm in any pain (I've had a bit of constipation - sorry if TMI!) and I think any discomfort I've had is down to that.

Thank you in advance for your support :hugs:


UPDATE -we lost our baby naturally yesterday, the bleeding and cramps got much heavier and more painful and it all came to the natural conclusion 14hrs before our scheduled dating scan.
HI, may I join? :flower:

I've been spotting since shortly after getting my bfp. Had an ultrasound at 5 weeks that showed a gestational sac and a 1cm lesion which "may" have been a clot. Asked the ER doctor about the clot and he got snippy with me.

A week later I had a bigger bleed though not too bad...just a small amount in the toilet and a few small pea-sized clots. Went to the ER and had rising hcg and a scan showed a 6 week old fetus with strong hb at 143bpm. No mention of the lesion.

Another week later I had an even bigger bleed. Filled the toilet with bright red/maroon blood. No clots. ER doctor wasn't comfortable giving me another scan so soon but said rising hcg a good sign.

Yet another week later I had the biggest bleed yet. It absolutely gushed out and I had a clot the size of my hand. Continued to pass more, but smaller, clots for a few hours and had fairly severe cramps. Everything felt similar to my miscarriage in the spring only slightly less intense. Told everyone the baby was gone and the nurses agreed with the symptoms. However, the doctor wasn't convinced. The bleeding had already stopped, the cervix was closed and my hcg was now over 118,000. I had an ultrasound the next morning and the nurse found the hb the moment the wand touched my belly.

Since that last bleed I'm still spotting but less frequently and it has gone from a dull red to pink to a reddy brown and now just brown. The ultrasound had showed a sac of fluid beneath my baby that looked large but I'm hoping that it's just leftover stuff and that the clot is gone.

I'm seeing my obstetrician on Tuesday and am hoping to get more information on sch and my particular case. Still living in constant dread of another giant bleed....
Starry Night I pray your little one clings on with all his/her might! Sounds like a right little fighter! Bleeding is so scary, I hope with all my being you don't have to go through a heavy bleed again. All the best :hugs:
Just a little update:

Had a scan at my obstetrician's office today and it showed that both the clot and sack of fluids are gone. I'm still having brown spotting so I'm still on pelvic rest but the doctor said I could start returning to normal activities. I'm hoping to get the all clear at my next ultrasound in 3 weeks.
Well ladies last week I thought my bleeding was finally coming to an end all I was getting was a brown discharge, well today has been very eventfull I fount I am extremly dehydrated and was sent straight to my epau to be put on a drip whilst I was there I started bleeding again bright red their was a lot at once but since it has just been when I wiped! I am soo worried that this baby isn't going to make it I just don't know what to think anymore why am I the only one who is bothered whenever I tell staff at the epau they say unless you are soaking a pad in an hour or have clots the size of a 50pence piece their not worried about it! Thanks but this does not ease my mind, what do u ladies think?
I was told the same thing. I guess it's because, technically, you would be bleeding that much if you actually were miscarrying the in your body is actively passing the baby. But bleeding can be the beginnings of a miscarriage so it would be nice if they at least tested your bloods. I've gotten an ultrasound 3 times at the hospital but during one of my visits I wasn't given one because it followed too closely to the previous two. I did, however, get my levels checked and they had gone up. It's not conclusive evidence but it can be a good sign.

And with sch I think large amounts of blood loss are to be expected. If you read my story a few posts up you can see I have lost a fair amount. It can be a good thing as it is your body's way of getting rid of it.

If the doctors won't give you an ultrasound you should demand blood work.
Well the bleeding hasn't got any heavier but last night I kept almost passing out everytime I got up and after I went to the toilet for a number 2 which was unsuccessfull I had horrendous pains in my back and tummy I really don't know what they was wether it is the start of an unhappy ending or just pains from constipation I am so scared I am going to the epu at 9 o clock and I'm not leaving there untill I get some answers.
:hugs: I think they'll help you if you tell them you're having pains accompanying the bleeding. Play up the symptoms if you have to. But personally, I think the pains could very well be from constipation. I have it really bad myself and I always get really bad cramps (stomach and back) just before and after a bowel movement. But don't tell the doctors you're wondering if it's that because they'll probably just say "yeah, you could be right". You want them to give you reassurance. :winkwink:

I hope you're just having a final bleed to get rid of whatever gunk is causing your sch. My last bleed was very heavy and definitely very, very painful. There was a reason I was convinced it was a miscarriage and the nurses believed me. But now my clot and bleeding are gone and my doctor thinks I will have a normal pregnancy.

Good luck!:flower:
Hun that's brill news I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a hAppy one x I have been on a drip again all day I have been given some more anti sickness and constipation liquid they said I have got to go back on Friday and if I am still having pains they will re scan me xxx
Hope everything is OK Amy. I got stomach pains on and off, which worried me because my SCH but looking back it was probably an upset stomach.
Thanks for the reassurance ladies, I feel a lot better today my tummy is still tender but it's more high up than low down and the bleeding has gone a lot lighter so I am trying to stay positive I have got my private scan on Saturday so I haven't got much longer to wait now fxd xxxx
For those who bled out their clots how long afterwards did you have brown spotting and discharge? It's almost been 2 weeks since I bled out my clot and I'm still having loads of brown discharge and outright flow. I thought I was ready to get off of bed rest so yesterday I did some basic chores and went out for coffee (de caff) with a friend but started to spot/bleed brown again. It was so heavy I felt like I peed myself. I then was crampy the whole night. I'm glad it's not fresh stuff but it's still scary.
Hun its just horrible isnt it all this bleeding the same happened to me I stopped bleeding/spotting and it just went to brown discharge, then it decides to come back full form I have got to say that it does seem better when i just relax. so i think you need to get those feet up again unfortunatly xxxx
I have sick leave from work until the New Year and my obstetrician said I should be fine by then but now I'm thinking I should get it extended until I'm 20 weeks and can feel the baby move. My grandmother went through this a few times with her pregnancies and that was her advice. Also, my aunt is a doctor at the ER and she said the same thing.
Yeah that sounds a good idea, especially if you have a active job, which i do have but because i am pregnant i'm not allowed to do it at the moment because of working with prisoners. so i am just off sick at the moment due to the fact that i have hyperemisis. I am going to stay off work untill i am i my second trimester and i start feeling better and more energised, xxx

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