Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

i was told at 7 weeks i have a haematoma... she spent ages querying if it was twin or haematoma. I am factor v leiden so take aspirin and clexane and have had no bleeding. What does this mean?
Some women don't bleed at all when they have a hematoma or some reabsorb back into your body or you may not bleed till a bit later I don't think it means anything hun! I had a scan today and mine is still visable but I have spotted for 5 weeks now so it can take forever xxxx
There are times I wonder if my hematoma was related to an under-developed twin. I had two early ultrasounds at 5 and 6 weeks and both only showed a single pregnancy so I guess it's not likely but when I passed my clot nearly 2 weeks ago I could have sworn I held my baby in my hand. Beneath one of the clots was what looked like a flesh-coloured lima bean. I panicked and immediately flung it in the toilet and flushed so I never got a close look at it. But I thought it was a baby so that's part of the reason I was convinced I had miscarried. There is no evidence it ever was a twin and it's less emotionally disturbing to assume there never was one.
I passed a clot the other day aswell it was really scary it was only small but very hard I thought I had miscarried too but luckily little bean was kicking away on my scan yesterday, I really wish my bleeding would stop now it's so annoying I really want to enjoy my pregnancy and stop worrying xxx
For sure! I'm only spotting brown stuff but it won't let up and I get frequent cramps. I have IBS so I know some of it can be attributed to that but it's scary all the same. Activity does seem to bring on the discharge. I'm having a hard time staying calm now that I'm entering the time period I lost my last baby. :(
Oh god Hun I bet you are, I have been shopping today first time I hae been out in a while due to me being so ill with my hyperemisis and I have got to say that I am very uncomfortable so I under stand what they mean now by take it easy it has also increased my spotting so I am only going to go out if I really need to now I am of work sick so I suppose I haven't really got to go out xxx
Ladies, I was diagnosed with a hematoma 2 weeks ago after a large bleed. I was discharged from hospital today after staying in for strict bed rest. I am not sure of the actual size of my hematoma as they didn't tell me, just saying it was very large. I am a UK citizen but live in Germany, husband is in the army, and so the language barrier was a minor issue at times!

I am so worried as they kept talking about how high risk the pregnancy is and how I may lose our baby. I am now home and been told to continue bed rest, but finding it very stressful. Worried that even getting up to go to the toilet may trigger another bleed! I am just over 9 weeks and so worried this isn't going to go away as it didn't decrease in size at all whilst I was in hospital.

Anyone got any advice or pearls of wisdom for one seriously stressed out woman?!
Hun you need to do just that bed rest limit your movements as much as you can and make sure you drink lots of water apart from that there is nothing else you can do I really hope everything will be correct itself and remember if you bleed at least it's not lying round your baby. Xxx
Thank you, am trying so hard to relax and jut rest. Not helped by severe morning sickness meaning I am constantly running to the toilet!
I know exactly how you feel I have just recovered from hyperemisis it lasted 3 weeks I was in hospital and everything, I kept a bowl with me in the end to prevent me from getting up. Watermelon is good for morning sickness it really helped me. Xxx
I was on a drip pretty much the whole 2 weeks I was in hospital as I couldn't keep anything down. However now I am home am back to struggling on! Going to give the watermelon a shot, things that used to work appear to have stopped like ginger biscuits and crackers no longer help!!
:hugs: I can't imagine having hypermesis on top of sch! My ms was annoying but never that bad. I munched on Gold Fish crackers to help with the nausea and just laid really still.

I think I'm going to have to stay on bed rest awhile longer. My obstetrician had said I could return to normal activity but my every attempt to reintroduce activity (and I have been doing it slowly) has resulted in more spotting and cramping. Last night I went to the bookstore for only 20 minutes and walked as slow as a turtle and this morning I had the most spotting I've had in days. I even think there was a bit of red in it (the spotting has been brown for 2 weeks). So I guess I will be spending Christmas in bed after all. I was starting to get hopeful I'd be able to go out and see friends. :nope:
I haven't had any red for the last few days and today I have had some again it's so annoying u just want it to stop! Also I only got married last month and me and hubby haven't even consimated our marriage yet x
I havent bled since I went into hospital 2 weeks ago, so I keep imagining myself having a huge bleed. Its so scary not knowing whats happening to your body. I thought I would enjoy pregnancy but the combination of ms and sch means I am finding it truly horrific.
i know exactly how you feel hun, i'm exactly the same we were ttc for 4 years before we finally got caught so although i am over the moon I am also a bit upset that i have not been able to enjoy it so far xxxx
I've decided to tell myself I didn't have red this morning. After the initial wipe it was all brown stuff. My bathroom light has a way of adding a pinky hue to everything (I look flushed whenever I look in the mirror) and my spotting is gone again so I'm pretty sure what I had this morning was brown. I do know my clot is gone as is the sack of fluids. I just have to continue to take it easy. I'm a bit worried the placenta was damaged when I passed the clot.

I'm hating pregnancy so far. I like that I am pregnant but hating this stress and emotional roller coaster. I am also missing the sex. lol My hormones are pushing me to "go, go, go" but doctor says "no, no, no".

It's two weeks exactly until my next ultrasound and I am just waiting for that. I wish it were here already!
I have got mine on the 5th January I can't wait for it I have also chose my pram and nursery furniture so as soon as I have had the all clear from my next scan I will be going straight to mamas and papas to order it I can't wait xxx
I have got a scan tomorrow, so really hoping for some good news. Every little twinge and I think the worst, and can't get past the fear at the moment. When I first got pregnant I was worried about a miscarriage enough as it was, this is making me really down as I keep reading things online which are really scaring me. Plus whilst the Doctors here are great and incredibly thorough, the language barrier means I get hardly any information and just the bare facts in a straight forward and matter of fact way, definitely no bedside manner here!! Like they told me about the D and C I might need which hasn't helped, but no information on what the odds are of the haematoma going. Just incredibly scared right now.
Don't Google it. The information is conflicting and you're pretty much guaranteed to get worst-case scenarios. Most girls pull through with healthy babies.
Thanks, when your stuck on the sofa or in bed its really hard to not reach for the laptop and start searching away!

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