Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Starry night hang in there I'm sure everything will be fine I have my scan the day after you I get so nervous just before a scan thinking babys not going to be there it's such a worrying time!

I couldn't keep liquids down yesterday I was sick 4 times it's just horrible, I haven't even got out of bed yet today because I am so scared of being sick I just hate it xxx

I had some pale brown spotting again last night. It was so frustrating. :growlmad: But I think it's from all the violent coughing I've been doing thanks to my flu. It stopped again this morning but I'm going to be taking it easy.
Yeah you need to take it easy if your still spotting, I havent stopped spotting since I was 5 weeks pregnant I find that it gets worse if Im not drinking enough or if I go walking or if I carry my shopping! I don't go back to work till 10th January so I am really hoping things have settled down by then xxx
I hadn't spotted in a WHOLE week. I honestly thought it was over. But my coughing was really harsh and I was started to get pains in the pelvic region from it. The timing also stinks as today is my milestone day. But as I said, the spotting seems to have stopped again and curling into the fetal position while coughing seems to lessen to bodily impact.

Technically, I should be returning to the work on the 3rd as that's when my doctor's note runs out but I'm not comfortable doing anything active until I can feel the baby move....or around 20 weeks. I just want to be extra careful. Also, I hate my job and was planning on quitting in the New Year anyways. LOL
Hi everyone! I'm new to this thread, and am here as i saw Starry Night mention that there was a sch support group in another thread. Thought i would check it out, and i'm glad i did, so thank you Starry :thumbup:

I've not been diagnosed as having a sch, but after some research & bnb browsing, sch is the closest thing that i can pinpoint my bleeding spells to.

So, here my story so far I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant now, and have already been for 3 baby ultrasounds! At week 5 i had suspected ectopic (pain on left side) but a hospital stay & scan confirmed that baby was in my uterus, and the nurse said she was able to see fluid by my left ovary which was likely to be a ruptured corpus luteum cyst :wacko:!

At week 7 i had a random bleed at my parents house - dark red blood. I had another scan which saw baby heartbeat for the first time. All was well and no bleed seen. The bleeding lessened over the course of the week.

At week 8, i woke in the middle of the night, with a horrible feeling between my legs. I knew it was blood, so i got up to go to the loo, and another 'gush' came out & into my pants before i reached the loo. Sitting down on the toilet, i was horrified to see a HUGE clot right there in my pants. It was a big mass of clotted blood, and i bled a bit more into the toilet. I got another scan the next day and i was so sure it'd be bad news. Baby heartbeat was strong, and she was growing well, and again - no bleed seen. :shrug:

The bleeding lessened again over the week and turned into yucky brown old blood which was only there when i wiped. I stopped wearing pads etc.

Then at 9 weeks (last friday), i was sitting on the sofa playing on my xbox and another gush between my legs. I was honestly fuming - NOT AGAIN :growlmad:! I went to the loo and blood trickled out of me (which i've never experienced before). I sat and waited for it to 'finish' and it'd made the toilet red. This was christmas eve so i wasn't expecting to get another scan, but to be honest, i wasn't as worried as i had been before. I was worried about what was going on down there, rather than health of baby (scan the previous week had reassured me that babe was fine).

I ended up phoning the community midwife that night and she was really panicky. She didn't seem to listen when i told her i'd bled before, it was more "OMG you're bleeding, get to hospital NOW". So i phoned again christmas morning and spoke to another woman who was very straight-forward - "Sometimes women just bleed during pregnancy". She said theres no point coming into A&E unless the bleeding was very heavy ('down your legs') or cramps were extremely painful.

Over this past week the bleeding has lessened again. To best describe my bleeding it would be that it is one 'bleed' - and then whatevers left over comes out later :blush: I went to the loo this morning and had brown blood when i wiped, theres hardly anything, but i found it unusual that brown blood came back on its own (rather than come as leftovers!)

I'm praying that i don't bleed anymore. I'm scared because the past 3 bleeds i've had have come every weekend, so i'm dreading this one. I'm so glad this group is here, as sometimes going through something like bleeding, you can feel very alone. I feel its been hard to talk to people about it whether it be midwife or on bnb because its hard to fully explain the situation without people panicking about the fact you ARE bleeding.

Thanks for reading, i really appreciate it :flower::hugs:xx
I've spent the last two days reading all of the posts in the thread. I've been overjoyed for some of you and cried for others. What a roller coaster! I suffered from a terrible stomach flu 2.5 weeks ago. I had a lot of bleeding just afterwards. I saw my OB the next morning and was told I have a large bleed that is probably due to the violent puking I had. I was never given any measurements.

They never actually said it was an SCH but through all my research it matches the definition perfectly. I was 10 weeks at the time I had the original bleed. I had another sonogram this past week at 12 weeks which did not show any improvement. The sonographer asked if I'd been having any additional bleeding. I told her no but she was surprised because she said I had a pocket of blood just above my cervix that she assumed would come out. It has been coming out over the last day or two. It's been very dark brown so it's old blood so I'm not freaking out anymore than I already have been for two weeks.

Anyway, I still don't have any measurements of my original SCH which is still there in full force. The sonographer told me she'd only ever seen two bleeds as big as mine and one lady delivered stillborn at 20 weeks and one went on to have a healthy, full-term baby. They've told me it can go either way. My placenta is still fully attached and the baby is growing beautifully with a strong heartbeat! I told my dr we hadn't told my hubby's family or made this pregnancy public (it's my 3rd) and she told me to try to wait another month. I don't think that sounds too positive???

Anyway, that's my story and I'm joining all you ladies. I really hope we're all in this for the long haul...meaning we have healthy babies! I dislike this stress and I really hate every little twinge I have anxiety over!
I'm so happy to have found this group after a week of bed rest. I am a little over 13 weeks along with this pregnancy. In the past I've had an ectopic pregnancy, then a full term pregnancy (my 11 yr. old daughter!), another ectopic pregnancy (on the same side as the last one) and now this little blessing. Last Monday, I went to the doctor with a pain on my right side. He said he felt some fullness, so I had an u/s. They found "features of a subchorionic and a retroplacental hemorrhage". My doctor put me on bed rest and I'll go back for a check up with him tomorrow and another follow up u/s the Monday after that. I have not had any bleeding, but the pain in my side continues. My doc said I may not bleed since the separation is high up he thought it may all just reabsorb into my body. Has anyone else had no bleeding, yet pain (not cramping) with your SCH?

As you all know, this is very upsetting, especially since there are no "fix-its" or definite answers about the outcome. After searching on the internet I was rather upset, but his group has given me hope and a support network. Thank you for being here.
Welcome here, selt! I hope your body reabsorbs everything. That really sounds like the most ideal way to go. Bleeds are scary.

I've had alot of one-sided pain too. The doctors kept checking for ectopic even after a viable pregnancy was detected in the womb. I was spotting and with the pain they had to make sure there wasn't an ectopic twin. After I passed the clot the pain subsided for the most part but it's still tender on the one side. I'm nervous there was some damage to the placenta. My scan is tomorrow so we'll see how things are going.
Okay I obviously have too much time on my hands...I come check this board like twice a day hoping for new posts to keep me going! I think that might mean I have an addiction to this thread!
Ladies I have my 12 week scan tommorow wish me luck I feel so nervous and sick about it! I am really hoping my bleed has got smaller it can't have gone yet as I am still spotting!

Cjr07: they never called my bleed a sch either they just called it a bleed/hematoma do you know the position of yours?
This thread is a slow one compared to others I have waited days for a reply sometimes too xxx
Hi ladies, hope everyone is well and had a good christmas and new year.

Have just got back from our scan which went really well. One haematoma has gone totally, the smaller one, and the other is a little bit smaller. They said it is in a good position, away from the placenta, and they are pleased with how it seems to be shrinking away.

I am going to be scanned weekly still as a precaution but feel a lot more positive now, especially as the baby looked so much more like a baby now! Was amazing to be able to see the limbs and hands and toes, as opposed to the sort of baby shaped blob we saw before.

Now just have to hope it continues to shrink away and I get to 12 weeks so I can relax a little bit!
That's wonderful news!!

My own scan is in a few hours. Will let you know how I get on.
Good luck with your scan starry night I will check on this thread in a few hours xxx
Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you XXX
Great news on the postive scan!

amy_1234- My tear is pretty large. When looking at my sono my placenta is behind the baby and fully intact and attached. Much of the rest of the sac is torn away. She said I have a 50% tear? I'm assuming that's why they told me this could go either way. As long as my placenta stays attached this pregnancy could continue but who knows?

I don't go back until the end of this month which is killing me. Plus, I don't get a sono then only a heartbeat check! I won't have my 20 week anatomy scan until the end of February. I may lose my mind before that. I really can't believe that my dr (who I love, by the way) is treating this like a normal pregnancy!

I've been really thinking about buying myself a doppler for listening to the heartbeat. Maybe that would make me more at ease? Do you gals have one and do you like it?
My scan went great! Got to see our "Cuddle Bug" roll and kick and both dh and I feel over the moon. The sonographer couldn't give us any details besides the baby's actual size so I won't hear back on the status of my sch until I see my OB next week but I was kinda expecting that. At least I know baby is doing fine!
Wow brill news hun have you got any piccys for us?
I posted it in the July Beach Bump threads. I also have it posted in the Pregnancy After Loss Forum in the summer 2011 thread. It takes forever for my computer to upload it.
I'll see if I can find it then! I didn't like the July beach bumps forum I think there is too many ladies on it whenever I posted anything for advice no one ever seemed to read it x

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