Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hi ladies, just found this group tonight and have been reading it for hours! (still only half way through tho).

I am 16 weeks today. I started bleeding in week 13 and a subchorionic hemorrhage was found by u/s, it was 41cc. Two weeks later it was 105cc! I had another u/s today (because I originally had an appt. for an amnio today, that was postponed of course) and it showed to be about 75cc (10.4 x 2.6 x 2.4) but it's very difficult to measure because of its shape, but I'm hoping it's gone down--it looked absolutely huge on the u/s!!.

I have had nothing since the 1st bleed except a good amount of brown blood this past week, so I've convinced myself it's on the downhill slope right now and is decreasing. The docs don't seem concerned and pretty much just say if I'm going to miscarry, I'll miscarry. I feel like I am the only one concerned about this SCH and it's very frustrating--I had to insist on the follow-up u/s and on the one today. The docs say just take it easy, no heavy lifting and nothing strenuous, that's it. After reading this thread I feel as if I should stay home from work at least awhile, but the docs don't seem to think so so I will have to go.

I am very grateful to have found this thread, and hope to catch up with the last 40 pages soon!!
Welcome, PAgal! I find lots of comfort in this thread and I hope you will too.
Hope everyone is doing ok.. Hoping I'll get scan next week, but not sure it'll be happening I live in Christchurch new Zealand if you look at the news regarding the quake with many injured and dead... Im really shaken and quite upset really....
And I'm back on bedrest... With all the stress of today I just started bleeding red again... I'm not certain this will be ok, despite me knowing that it's probably the sch... I've had cramping today since the quake and now trying desperately to try and calm down...
And now gushing again. I'm hoping baby will just hang in there
I heard baby on the doppler which is a huge relief, but I will see how I go....
I heard baby on the doppler which is a huge relief, but I will see how I go....

This is very good news! Hang in there and stay in bed, drink a lot of water. I am sure all the stress caused the bleed :hugs:
Hi everyone have read some of your posts they have been very helpful.
I am currently on my third pregnancy my last ended in miscarriage at 9 weeks, so i was already slightly worried for my current pregnancy i started bleeding heavily at 11weeks had to wait 5 days for a scan was convinced i had lost the baby but when we went for out u/s was relieved to see baby was very much there and very active :happydance: we were told i had a empty sack where another baby would have been this measured 38x30x23mm, they gave me the option for a check up scan which of course i did you can never be to cautious.
At my follow up scan at 13wk5days they re-diagnosed as a SCH which had grown to 2/3rds the size of the sac 51x29x66 this was very worrying because of how much it had grown, they told me to expect bleeding and go to the hospital if it got heavy. The following day i started spotting very dark blood this was to me sign the SCH was getting smaller this continued for 2 weeks, i went for a u/s yesterday which showed baby 15weeks 5days is thriving but SCH has still grown 66x32x63 but with comparison to the the baby this is now small i am really hoping all goes well 2 weeks is a long time in these situations but the staff in the hospital were happy with everything yesterday as long as the SCH has started to settle so fingers crossed and for all you other expectant mums as well xxx
Hi sjbaby, glad to hear the hospital is happy with how it's going, that's always comforting. Did they put you on any kind of modified activity or bedrest? My doc just said nothing strenuous and no sex right now.
Hi ladies, just found this group tonight and have been reading it for hours! (still only half way through tho).

I am 16 weeks today. I started bleeding in week 13 and a subchorionic hemorrhage was found by u/s, it was 41cc. Two weeks later it was 105cc! I had another u/s today (because I originally had an appt. for an amnio today, that was postponed of course) and it showed to be about 75cc (10.4 x 2.6 x 2.4) but it's very difficult to measure because of its shape, but I'm hoping it's gone down--it looked absolutely huge on the u/s!!.

I have had nothing since the 1st bleed except a good amount of brown blood this past week, so I've convinced myself it's on the downhill slope right now and is decreasing. The docs don't seem concerned and pretty much just say if I'm going to miscarry, I'll miscarry. I feel like I am the only one concerned about this SCH and it's very frustrating--I had to insist on the follow-up u/s and on the one today. The docs say just take it easy, no heavy lifting and nothing strenuous, that's it. After reading this thread I feel as if I should stay home from work at least awhile, but the docs don't seem to think so so I will have to go.

I am very grateful to have found this thread, and hope to catch up with the last 40 pages soon!!

Hi hope all goes well at your next follow up scan i was told by my doctors no heavy lifting or intercourse(not that you prob feel like it anyway) take it easy, they just told me carry on with everyday things except vacuuming or lifting my 3y.o nearly almost impossible to do, i have had to finish work because of the strain you should maybe go see your doctor and tell him your concerns and ask them 2 write you off for a fortnight, i have had consultations by a sister and a midwife and both times have been told the same thing good luck xx
Thanks, sjbaby. I was so preoccupied with my scan yesterday that I didn't even call my local doc here yet, so now I'm thinking they'll want me assigned to light duty at least, since my job requires some lifting and strenuous activity now and then. Here's hoping for a healthy and happy remaining 5 months to us!
Hope everyone is doing ok.. Hoping I'll get scan next week, but not sure it'll be happening I live in Christchurch new Zealand if you look at the news regarding the quake with many injured and dead... Im really shaken and quite upset really....

Hi inperfected I hope you are ok, I just looked at the news online - terrible! You must stay calm for your baby that is the most important thing. Thinking of you:hugs:
Welcome to PAgirl and sjbaby. Sorry you all have to be here but glad that you found us. I'm pretty new to the thread as well but everyone here has really helped me to stay positive.

Inperfected - I'm so sorry that you are having all this added stress and confusion on top of everything else. I'm glad that you were able to hear the baby's heartbeat, I'm sure that was a huge relief. Thinking of your and your family and friends.
Thanks everyone. Been a worrying night with at least 65 dead already, and possibly 200-400... Considering the main quake (in sept!) was a 7.1 not a 6.3 it's devAstating but this one was worse in many ways. I kinda just want to leave, but nit without hubby who works on the roads and is desperately needed right now.
Thanks everyone. Been a worrying night with at least 65 dead already, and possibly 200-400... Considering the main quake (in sept!) was a 7.1 not a 6.3 it's devAstating but this one was worse in many ways. I kinda just want to leave, but nit without hubby who works on the roads and is desperately needed right now.

Are you safe where you are right now? Has the bleeding slowed? What about those cramps? Any chance your DH can take you to some relative´s or friend´s just so you are not alone while he is working?
inperfected, how terrifying! Glad you're OK. :hugs:

AFM, had my 20 week ultrasound today. I think the bleed is still there. The technician didn't say much to me but there was a student and they were talking about the scan. It sounded like they were saying it looked like old stuff. Ah well. I'm going for a scan at the children's hospital next week to specifically check out the bleed so I'll get more info then.
Thankfully we live at my families so mum and brothers will be home throughput the day. Baby's heart is fine this morning still. My bleedings significantly slowed... I'm at home which is perfectly safe and stable here ( we live in this most stable suburb). Just praying the latest news isn't true (that's they've given up on one building) as that's about 60 more trapped in there I believe.

Has anyone had a REALLY tender tummy with it for hours? The best description is like hyperstimulation (but haven't gained weight or tummy girth- I've had it before), or real bad constipation, but not condtipated either. If I touch my tummy it's tender as and if I push gently on my tummy tummy (or anywhere) it hurts my chest... I do wonder whether bloods escaped (through my tubes maybe??) into my abdo cavity as that inflames the diaphragm lining I believe. I'm so over it and the tenderness. I'd be at the hospital if I only could be seen within a reasonable length of time.
Thankfully we live at my families so mum and brothers will be home throughput the day. Baby's heart is fine this morning still. My bleedings significantly slowed... I'm at home which is perfectly safe and stable here ( we live in this most stable suburb). Just praying the latest news isn't true (that's they've given up on one building) as that's about 60 more trapped in there I believe.

Has anyone had a REALLY tender tummy with it for hours? The best description is like hyperstimulation (but haven't gained weight or tummy girth- I've had it before), or real bad constipation, but not condtipated either. If I touch my tummy it's tender as and if I push gently on my tummy tummy (or anywhere) it hurts my chest... I do wonder whether bloods escaped (through my tubes maybe??) into my abdo cavity as that inflames the diaphragm lining I believe. I'm so over it and the tenderness. I'd be at the hospital if I only could be seen within a reasonable length of time.

Good to know you are not alone! my tummy feels tender sometimes, but I have found out it is always a crazy amount of gas :p In all honesty I doubt any blood from inside the uterus can go anywhere else in your body ( unloess something was perforated, which is notthe case! ) Bad gas can make your chest hurt and gives you all kinds of weird feelings. I sometimes look huge in my tummy and I haven´t gained any weight yet. Luckily you and your baby are fine atm, and that is what counts. Possibly in a day or two things will not be so chaotic outside and you can go see a Dr. for your peace of mind:thumbup:
inperfected, how terrifying! Glad you're OK. :hugs:

AFM, had my 20 week ultrasound today. I think the bleed is still there. The technician didn't say much to me but there was a student and they were talking about the scan. It sounded like they were saying it looked like old stuff. Ah well. I'm going for a scan at the children's hospital next week to specifically check out the bleed so I'll get more info then.
It is reassuring to see :baby: is doing for students commenting on the bleed, well, it is all new for them, I wouldn´t sweat it, let the experienced Drs tell you.
Sorry about the stress Inperfected!
Old blood sound good Starry, much better than new. Do you still bleed or spot?
I have my ultrasound tomorrow. Im still having brown spotting. The shades of brown change from day to day. Sometimes its very dark almost black,sometimes a lighter brown with kinda greyish tint to it, today its just brown.Wonder what it means?

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