Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

I don't recall the location of mine when I found out about it because at the time I didn't know that it mattered, but last time I asked a specialist who had stopped in for just a few minutes and he responded that it doesn't really matter where. Maybe he didn't understand what I was asking, because I hear a whole lot of ladies on here talking about behind the placenta, etc. My doc said it depends more on the size in comparison to baby and if it reabsorbs (which he said they usually do). I am going to ask more about this at my appt. Thursday tho so I'll let you know!
I actually read about different hematomas and there are three places you generally find them -- subchorionic, the most common, is behind the edge of the placenta and extends around the sac, retroplacental is directly behind the placenta, and preplacental, the least common, is in front of the placenta (so, inside the sac).:thumbup:
Yeah, that's right camo...

Mine is right beside the cervix and not actually sure if it's touching the edge if the placenta at all at this stage.

Also, I know my mums placenta was only 50% the size of normal with me and though I was only 5lb, I wa healthy, so even more than 25% use can be lost without distasterous consequences. :)
Well, milestones are good aren't they?

I've been spotting non stop for 8 weeks today - and baby is still perfectly fine :) praise God! (literally!!)
Thanks, Camo, I'm actually going to stop in to my doc's office and get a copy of my u/s reports on the bleeds and see how they have it written up. They tell us all "SCH" but maybe they are just being general, who knows. When I am at the doc's I always get the feeling they are trying to keep me from worrying and therefore are giving me the least amount of medical details possible (but since it's MY medical record I can get a copy of everything!! :)
My sch seems to be the one from behind the edge of the placenta.

inperfected - I agree about the milestones. The next one I have given myself is reaching viability which I think is 24 weeks. So two more weeks to go. The one after that is 32 weeks. Sort of arbitrary but I figure being at least 8 months pregnant is good.
Thanks guys. I often wonder also about the amount of information they don't give. My actual OB/GYN is out sick and her partner is seeing me. I am not real crazy about her but she will do until my doc comes back. She always seems in a hurry. I am the kind of person who wants to know the truth, don't sugar coat it, tell it how it is. I guess its all a waiting game.

Great news to hear the sch is gone!!!
I'm the same. The more minimal the information I'm given, the more I can imagine the worst. If I get the hard, honest truth then I can more willingly believe the doctor when he says not to worry. If all the doctor says is "it's probably fine" then I worry!! That's what I really appreciated about the specialist I saw. He didn't sugar-coat anything and gave me the gory details. So when he said, "odds are very good your baby will be completely fine" I believed him! Lifted a HUGE weight off my shoulders. I still worry, of course, but I'm not wallowing in it.
Thats great to have such a good doc. I really can't wait for mine to come back. I do believe if we are told the facts we can deal with it better, otherwise we kill ourselves with the what if's.
Hello haven't posted for a while (been busy with work etc since I was told by a consultant at 18 weeks that it was ok to go back to work, despite the hem) but I have just caught up with the posts. Glad new ladies have found this site, I have found it really supportive and informative when I've needed it and inperfected really happy your baby is ok after your recent bleed!

Just wanted to share some good news and give others encouragement..I had a scan today (was moved from friday) and the baby is 21 weeks, super healthy, measuring nearer 22 weeks and.....

NO SIGN OF THE HEMORRHAGE!!!!! IT'S GONE!!!!:happydance:

For those that don't know and are interested:- I started bleeding at 14 weeks, two big red gushes then bleed red for about a week then bleed brown for about 2 weeks, had severe pain one night that lasted 30 mins and then the bleeding stopped.

Then hem got twice as big by 16 weeks - 9.8cmx3cm then reduced by half and split into 2 parts at 18 weeks. Since I had no bleeding from 18 weeks and now I have no hemorrhage the rest must have been reabsorbed by my body.

So good luck to everybody, I'll check back in every now and again and see how everyone's doing!!

Lots of love :kiss:

Awesome news! Congratulations! Hope you get to fully enjoy this pregnancy now :happydance:
Some clarification: Upon reading and researching, Drs refer to the chorion ing the first tri and only start referring to the chorion as placenta onn the early second tri. There are some statistical differences in the outcomes of subchorionic or retrochorionic hematomas vs retroplacental hematomas. The placenta is fully formed and functional around week 18, I assume this is why Drs say most hematomas resolve by then.
I'm the same. The more minimal the information I'm given, the more I can imagine the worst. If I get the hard, honest truth then I can more willingly believe the doctor when he says not to worry. If all the doctor says is "it's probably fine" then I worry!! That's what I really appreciated about the specialist I saw. He didn't sugar-coat anything and gave me the gory details. So when he said, "odds are very good your baby will be completely fine" I believed him! Lifted a HUGE weight off my shoulders. I still worry, of course, but I'm not wallowing in it.

I totally get that! The woman doing my gender scan said I had a hematoma (week and a half ago) but I haven't had an in-depth scan yet or spoken to a specialist about it, so all I have are these vague ideas and my mind goes to awful places.:wacko: I can't wait to know just how worried I should be, exactly where it is, how big it is, etc. The not knowing is the WORST!
I tell you what, I get so frustrated with doctors--I just picked up my reports today, just so I can better understand the SCH and to develop better questions for the specialist Thursday, and get this-- according to one of my FIRST u/s's (on 1/21/11, for my 1st tri screening and nuchal test), less then 2 weeks before my SCH was found, there was a problem and I was NEVER told about it. The report is difficult for me to understand and may not be a big deal, but the hospital doing the u/s clearly stated twice in the report that follow-up is recommended at the hospital. I'm thinking it was just stuffed in my file at my ObGYN's and they never even read the dang thing. Here's some of what it says...

"The myometrium is diffusely cystic (meaning full of cysts!!), particularly in the lower uterine segment, suggesting the presence of venous varicosities...They are much more prominent than is usually seen. Reevaluation of the myometrium, as well as the placental insertion site in approximately 4 weeks, at Magee Hospital under physician guidance is recommended."

So I'm thinking, without the medical background to fully understand what all this means, that this may have been the CAUSE of my SCH?! I looked up what the myometrium is and "It's main function is to induce uterine contractions." Maybe it was nothing and my OB Gyn decided so, but I highly doubt it because I know they would have sent me for follow-up just to cover their own a@@es. My mom is a retired nurse and understood the language but she didn't exactly specialize in women's reproduction so doesn't know what it means either, but is also suspicious it's related to my SCH. The docs I saw after this for u/s's clearly had never read this report. I am pretty ticked about this, but I'm going to ask the specialist Thursday.

Any thoughts?
Joining you ladies - I was told yesterday that my ultrasound from last week showed a small SCH. Today, I had dark red spotting. It came and went quickly. Still, the doctor had me come in for an internal and an ultrasound.

My cervix was closed and everything seemed normal. The ultrasound showed the baby is fine, heartbeat is strong (151 BPM) and everything looks good. The ultrasound tech could not see the site of the hematoma. So, I am guessing that is a good thing?

So - I am trying to take it easy but, of course, my LO and my husband BOTH have stomach viruses today. So, I was taking care of them all night. Lovely!
Hope you girls are doing good. ginamurr welcome. So sorry about your scare, but you will find lots of support here.

I had my appt today and we heard the heartbeat with the doppler. I go on the 21st for another ultrasound to check my sch. Just wanted to let you girls who are wondering know that I asked my dr about the pelvic rest and I don't have to be on it anymore. So it apparently does vary depending on your dr. But I havent had any bleeding since my initial gush so that may have something to do with it too.
welcome Gina but on the other hand sorry you are here:) Please God all will be ok and its just another hurdle we have to get over during our journey.

I spotted on Sunday, just a tiny little bit and have had nothign before that or since then. I am taking it easy.

Vanillastar, great on hearing your little ones hb:) It must have been awesome!
ok,so no cramps or bleeding...... wheres the ball and when will it drop:)
ok,so no cramps or bleeding...... wheres the ball and when will it drop:)

Hopefully never! My last bleed at 14 weeks seemed to come out of nowhere. The other gushes had crampy and spotty warnings. It can really set one on edge.

About 28 hours until my next scan and I'm starting to get nervous now. I had been feeling confident things would be OK as I've been feeling so much better and baby is so active and strong but now that it's here...:wacko: So much is riding on the outcome. Obviously, my little guy's life is the most important but DH got a job out west and we need to get the all-clear so we can move before baby comes. My sick benefits have already run out, DH's unemployment runs out next month and we found a house but to make it work we need to get it soon!
I am the same, I always feel ok until right before the scan...I think we are all like that. Please God all will be fine!!! Hopefully u get the all clear and you get on yoru way too. How exciting is that!

Good luck hun!
Keeping my fingers crossed that you get the all clear to move on with things! Being a military wife I have moved a LOT (I haven't had to move while pregnant though!). As much work as it is, I always find the starting new part to be sort of uplifting. And with your little guy on the way, hopefully you guys will find you are starting a new, happier chapter of your lives.

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