Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

My husband is a pastor so that also involves a lot of moving. This is my first time moving away from my hometown so I'm a bit nervous how I'll handle leaving family and friends (especially my nephew and niece) but I try to focus on the positive. We're moving to an area with a lower cost of living so we can get a family home cheaper than our current starter home. Also, we'll be able to afford to live off dh's income so I can stay home with the kids. We won't be rich but it should work.

Baby is kicking around this morning as if trying to reassure me he's fine. Good thing too. I'm feeling especially achey and heavy 'down there' this morning.
Exciting to feel the kicking and I hope all goes amazing at the scan *hugs*

Actually a question about movement! does a SCH make people feel movement less? I'm just asking cos my little one is literally cocooned, one side sch, one side placenta, so just a wondering thought really!
Exciting to feel the kicking and I hope all goes amazing at the scan *hugs*

Actually a question about movement! does a SCH make people feel movement less? I'm just asking cos my little one is literally cocooned, one side sch, one side placenta, so just a wondering thought really!
Starry Night, good luck with the scan!:hugs: I have my scan tomorrow, too, and I am on pins and needles! I will pray that we both get the good results we want and need.:thumbup:
Good luck on the upcoming scans, ladies!!

I had my appt. today with the specialist, the doc was awesome and took lots of time talking to me and answering my questions. Good news-- my bleed has gone way down!! I didn't get the measurements yet but he says it's about 2.5 teaspoons now, about the size of a thumb. He said I may still be bleeding some inside because I've been losing so much brown blood for 3 weeks now, more than the size of the bleed initially was. But I'm losing more than I'm gaining so that's good.

I do have a dynamic cervix though, which if I understand it right is mainly caused by the bleeding so that may resolve later. He said it's not a concern until the 3rd tri because my contractions now caused by the bleeding can't affect the whole uterus like a real contraction would. So basically, I'm in the clear until 28-32 weeks or so, as far as the cervix issue.

So he said I will be "high-risk" my entire pregnancy due to the bleed and the cervix issue, but I am still very happy with today's results!
Btw, I know we've all discussed the bed rest vs. taking it easy on here, so thought I'd share what the perinatologist said today. He said there isn't any clear evidence that bedrest helps with SCH (he may not have been including the very enormous ones, not sure), but there was a recent study done in Israel this past few months that has been a topic of discussion within his specialty--basically, it showed that women who take it easy and decrease their activity DO have better outcomes. He admitted this was a very small study but he thought it was worth mentioning nonetheless and that it does have some merit.

He made one more good point (sorry this is getting long, lol:)--that when we are losing blood thru the cervix, the cervix is obviously weakened and not completely closed (otherwise the blood wouldn't be draining), so if blood can come out, infection can get in. That's the main reason for the no sex/ no objects of any kind in the V area. He said just normal bacteria that is not normally harmful can get in and cause inflammation, etc. His recommendation was no sex until 10-13 days after being symptom-free (bleeding-free).

Just wanted to pass this info on in case anyone else can use it too!
Congrats on the good news, PAgal! And thanks for passing on that info. Kind of nervous about the cervix info. When I've had my gushes the ER doctor would give me an internal and each time I was told it was closed. So confusing...wonder if it could open then close? Or be just open enough to let out blood but look closed to the naked eye? Something to ask the specialist when I see him tomorrow.

Just 12 1/2 hours until my scan...
Starry night, he did say it was closed, he just meant that it obviously has to be open some in order for the blood to leak out. Didn't mean to worry you!!

good luck at the scan tomorrow!
Hoping the sch won't bleed tonight... Our cats been gagging all day by the looks of it and been really upset (won't go near hubby - her best friend and agitated)... I've tried not to be stressed but I am rather... We have had her t the vet right now getting X-rays an tat as we thinktheres something in her throat, but will kno soon... Ugh I hate this!!
Well, X-rays done... They think she has gastro so been taken home and we are shutting up the cat door at the moment... Ugh, at least we don't have to put her down which is what we thought initially...
inperfected, glad your kitty doesn't seem to have anything too serious. Hope she feels better soon.

Just got back from my scan and it's GREAT news!! The bleed is completely gone and my abruption has healed. :happydance: It's not back to functioning capability but has scarred. The specialist said my placenta is still working properly and as my baby is measuring on the big side it's clear he's getting the nutrients he needs. Also, my blood tests to see if I have a clotting disorder have come back negative!

The only cause for concern is my one uterine wall seems to be not delivering as much blood as it should (the other is fine) which could potentially lead to reduced growth in the future. The specialist said the risk is minimal as everything else is exactly as it should be but I'm going back in a month for another scan just to make sure.
That's wonderful, congrats Starry Night!! I bet you are soooo relieved! My doc also mentioned the reduced growth but said it's not a worry til into 3rd tri, when they have the growth spurt, so we can enjoy things for awhile now at least without so much worry:) So glad to hear that the evil SCH hasn't affected baby, that's fabulous!
Inperfected, glad to hear kitty is going to make it, that's a huge relief for you and hubby I'm sure:)
Congrats on the wonderful news, Starry Night, that's awesome!:thumbup:

So I had my scan this morning. They took forever taking all of the pictures, but finally told me that baby is perfect (they were doing an echocardiogram because of the Lexapro I was taking early in pregnancy) and everything looks great with him. He's measuring right on schedule!

The doctor came in and spoke to me. He called the area of blood a placental lake, rather than a hematoma. It was on the surface of the placenta, near the cord insertion. The tech couldn't measure it because apparently it kept changing shape (?), but from one measurement she tried it was 3.5 cm by 1.2 cm, so it didn't seem huge. It looked exactly the same as it did 2 weeks ago, actually. He was super, super laid back about it, said that it shouldn't cause any bleeding or problems at all. He told me that I didn't have to do anything differently, be on pelvic rest, etc. I'm going back in a month for another scan, but he told me if that scan goes well that I will be fine to go on the road trip/anniversary trip that DH and I had planned for April a while back.:thumbup:

So basically, I'm happy. Baby is perfect, no problems, and the doctor didn't seem to think that the lake was an issue. I am confused, however, with the difference between a placental lake and a preplacental hematoma. I asked if the fluid was blood to which he replied "I don't know, we'll probably never know"...:shrug: But I didn't see a difference appearance-wise between the fluid on my placenta and the images I've seen of preplacental hematomas, so I don't know how he distinguished the two. From what I've read preplacental hematomas tend to be near the cord insertion, which mine was. They are on the surface of the placenta, which mine was. So how does it differ...? I wish I had thought to ask!:dohh:

Still, happy day!:happydance:
CamoQueen - I'm so happy to hear your scan went well too! I would also be confused by the difference in terms. I guess it is because they don't know if it's fluids or blood? Today the specialist mentioned something about water -- he said "the water must be gone" when referring to the damaged placenta becoming scar tissue. So I guess it's possible for other fluids besides blood to collect. Strange things, our bodies are.

I think my baby got an echocardiogram as well because the technician spent a loong time measuring the heart and zooming in on it and I could see the blood flowing through the chambers (it was coloured in blues and reds on the monitor). I also got to see the blood flowing through the umbilical cord. It was pretty neat.

Congrats once again on your excellent scan! What a relief! Yay!
CamoQueen - I'm so happy to hear your scan went well too! I would also be confused by the difference in terms. I guess it is because they don't know if it's fluids or blood? Today the specialist mentioned something about water -- he said "the water must be gone" when referring to the damaged placenta becoming scar tissue. So I guess it's possible for other fluids besides blood to collect. Strange things, our bodies are.

I think my baby got an echocardiogram as well because the technician spent a loong time measuring the heart and zooming in on it and I could see the blood flowing through the chambers (it was coloured in blues and reds on the monitor). I also got to see the blood flowing through the umbilical cord. It was pretty neat.

Congrats once again on your excellent scan! What a relief! Yay!

Thanks! All I could find online as far as a difference is that lakes don't clot, they either go away, stay the same, or get bigger. However, they rarely have an effect on the baby!:thumbup: I'm a little nervous because it's near the cord but the doctor said he saw a woman who had the cord directly over a lake and her baby was fine.

But yes, I am so happy, isn't this a wonderful day?:happydance:
Starry Night I am so happy that you finally got good news!!! You are now going to feel much more relieved :)
Just annoyed I forgot to ask the specialist if we could start having sex again. lol! I see my OB in about 2 weeks so I can ask him. Though I might wait until the follow up with the specialist a few weeks after that.

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