Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

That's wonderful news!! I am so happy for you!
Has anyone had times when it feels like they are flooding, but they've just lost about 10-15ml of brown blood, not red? It's happened about 5times today and I know old blood is a good thing, but I hate it as it's so fluidy and freaks me out everytime. Happened quite a few times now even before my last ultrasound (which was slightly bigger than the others). I'm over it and got 1.5 weeks til next midwife appt, and about 5-6 weeks til next scan...
I can feel like I'm flooding with regular discharge. Freaks me out! Yesterday, I felt a huge, warm and gloopy gush and was convinced it was blood. Nope. Just the clear stuff. Some days are just wet days and it brings back bad memories of my bleeds. I know I have the all-clear on my sch and abruption but it's hard to break myself of those fears.
I'm not sure what the fluid is but I had a lot with my brown blood too. Reading the 2nd tri forums was making me paranoid it was amniotic fluid but it must not have been, my fluid level was normal at my u/s's. I have no idea what all the fluid was, it wasn't discharge, it was only with the brown blood, but it must have been normal. If you get concerned tho, ask the midwife.
My brown bleeds were liquidy. Some of my red spotting was too. Not really sure what that was all about.
Hey girls, I'm not sure where to start but it would be so nice to have some support from people who are going through the same thing. I had my first bleed at 6w4d, only for maybe 20 minutes of red blood and then just brown. I was so scared but had an US the next day and the babies were measuring consistently with where they should be and had grown well since the previous scan a week earlier. Both heartbeats were found and I was feeling better despite my RE telling me I had a small SCH pooling near the cervix. Then a week later I had another bleed, again for maybe 20 minutes and then back to brown but two days later I had another scan and the babies once again were growing and the HB's were even stronger. The US didn't show anything particular. My RE decided to release me to my OB but my first appointment isn't until March 29th. In the meantime my RE told me that he could see me until I was 10 weeks along and to call if I had any concerns but no further appointments were planned. The brown gunky blood stopped almost immediately after that appointment and I was feeling good and all was well with the world. Despite the brown gunky spotting returning when I wiped I was starting to feel more comfortable being pregnant and starting to consider telling my DD we're expecting so she could go tell the rest of the world. But.... last night at 8w4d I had another fresh red bleed, this time with a clot that was the size of a nickle and I was freaked! I thought I was done with this. I went to bedrest immediately and the bleeding stopped after again 20 minutes, back to brown stuff. My RE's office is closed today but I left a message so I can maybe get in for another US soon before I'm at 10 weeks. I hate going through this. It was so hard for me to get pregnant (IVF and ICSI) and meanwhile my sister is pregnant too and literally only a few days ahead and she is just breezing through her pregnancy. I hate that I'm so scared to emmbrace being pregnant because I keep thinking 'what if..?'

Anyway.. that's me in a nutshell.. I'm going to try and read back a few pages and see what I can learn from your experiences and see if I can get to know some of you.
sorry to hear all that. I think a lot of us feel the same way. We want to embrace our pregnancies but are scared to. Stress as I have learned the hard way is such a killer. Try and toss the negative scary thoughts and deal with one day at a time. If each day is another along in your pregnancy then it is a blessing. Put your trust in the man above, he has the higher power. I have. I sit and think of the good stuff that will happen when my baby is born, instead of thinking what this means or that means. I would go to the ER, it willease your mind and you will see your beautiful babies.

Keep us posted and keep your chin up, the babies need their mommy to stay positive and strong:)
Aw, hun. :hugs: Sorry that you have to go through the worries of a sch. Passing clots can be normal with sch and since it seems the bleeding has stopped it may be safe to assume it was from that and not from the babies. If you ever get really scared it may be worth getting checked at the emergency.

I first passed some pea-sized clots at about 6 and 7 weeks. At 9 weeks I lost a clot the size of my hand! After that the clots stopped but I did have another huge bleed at about 14 weeks - each gush lasted several hours. Only my bleed at 9 weeks was accompanied by any pain.

The stress is killer as the not-knowing is sooo tough. I have cried many times over this pregnancy. But now it looks like I'm on my way to a normal, healthy pregnancy. The girls who joined at the same time I did have left with a clean bill of health quite some time ago. Odds are yours will resolve too.

And congrats on the twins! How exciting!
Great news StarryNight!!! Thats exciting! So are you done with bed rest?
And about the leaking thing I felt that with my pregnancies. With my 1st baby I did have a leak in my amniotic sac, but it was obvious. I really should have known and even told my Dr but he told me it was nothing, so I went on as usual for 8 days before deciding to get checked at Labor and Delivery. I was 35w5d when I got checked. But, you will know when it happens. I leaked several times a day and it was pure liquid and would just about leak through to my pants. With my 2nd daughter there were several times I worried that my waters were leaking, because I would get quite a bit of watery discharge that would leave me feeling pretty wet. It never was my waters, but I do remember thinking, was it like this when my waters were leaking? But trust me, when my waters were leaking it will happen several times throughout the day and literally I could feel it kind of like squirt out.
Even now last week I wondered for a moment if my waters were leaking lol. I had very watery brown stuff. I think having had it happen in a previous pregnancy I will always freak over watery discharge. It can be hard to tell what is what. And now having a sch that increases my risk of having my waters break early I will worry even more.
I have now been spotting for 5 weeks. Its been brown for 4 weeks(I have been on bedrest 4 weeks now) and I am wondering how can brown last so long! Have any of you had brown stuff this long? Its frustrating and endless. The first time I bled I had the same amount of bleeding, but I only spotted 5 days. But this time its so much longer...There was 2 days where I literally felt like it was gone as I even had clear discharge, but the next morning more brown! Will it ever end?
I'm not sure whats up with my sch either. I havent had the size checked for 5 weeks(since right before this bleed started). My next app isnt until April 5th
Sometimes I do feel like I'm wetting myself or taking a bit of a pee. It feels bad but I'm not soaking my panties or anything and some of it's the typical creamy stuff so that feels normal...I do get large wet splotches. I'm seeing my OB next Tuesday so I'll ask him about it then. I am freaking out a bit about how much I'm getting right now.

My OB wrote me off of work for my whole pregnancy and I think I'm going to take advantage of it and take it as easy as possible. I'm starting to do more around the house but I still very easily get tuckered out and if I do too much I get really sick and sore. I don't want to risk another abruption.
Hugs Ashley!

I've been spotting, or more generally lightly to heavily bleeding for 9 weeks today. I hate the gushing feeling too, but so far it's only been blood, though even at 15 weeks, I've wondered if it's been my waters a couple of times - I think not though which is good... I have had only one day of Normal discharge in that time. But I have had 5 huge bleeds so just hoping for none more... (11 days since the last! - which is good considering the last three were 5 then 7 days apart). It's definitely not a fun journey though :(

I hav midwife appts monthly at this stage, but can get ultrasound whenever the bleeding is heavy again... They don't generally do any scans other than 12 and 20 weeks.
Littlestars, welcome to the group. Hope you can get a scan soon and congrats on the twins!

Ashley, I've been losing brown blood for exactly a month now. My SCH was found Feb. 2nd, and the brown blood started Feb. 12th and has just now this week lessened, with barely any today. My SCH was 105cc (a little over 2 shot glasses), and last Thursday it was down to 2.5 teaspoons. I felt like I lost way more blood than the original amount, because many of the days I soaked pads all day. So depending on how big your SCH was, I'd say it's normal. I loved to see it because I knew it meant the SCH was bleeding out, so that's the good part.
Hello everyone I am so glad to have found this forum. I had gone to the ER on March 5 with a pain in my side I was 6 weeks 3 days the ultrasound showed a sch of 0.8x 0.4. I was in the ER again today 7 weeks 6 days with pain again the ultrasound should the sch at 2.8 x 2.3 x 0.8 now I think that has grown a lot in just over a week but the doctor said it’s moderate. I have not had any bleeding. Also I can not see an OBGYN until April 18. I am going to start bleeding soon?
Not everyone with a sch has any visible bleeding. Hopefully, that's the case for you!
Welcome LittleStars and bobanz. Hope you'll find this group helps you stay positive!

bobanz - just wanted to say I've had very little bleeding with my SCH. I know many of the other ladies on this board have had significant amounts of bleeding but I have only had light spotting on two days since I was diagnosed about 6 weeks ago. Once was the day I went to the ER when they found the SCH and the other was on a day when I overdid things a bit. I think everyone's body (and SCH) is different so I would just try to take things easy until you can get in to see your doctor.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Glenoakgirl - congrats on the scan!
Same here Starry..even if/once this heals I will still take it easy. Even if I feel fine and non-achy I will be too worried to just resume normal activity!
I did start to resume some more activity (not even normal) and I did start to get really sore and achey. I'm still paying for it a few days later. I think I may even blame it for my extra discharge at the moment as it started up after I began moving around a lot.
Thank you all so much for getting back to me. It is so scary to me and I feel like everyone in the medical field really doesn’t care they just keep telling me “whatever happens, happens” I know that it is up to god but they can at least tell me things I should be avoiding. I have found out so much information from reading all you’re posted. Thank You.

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