Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Hello Ladies, ive been guided to this thread by some nice ladies on first tri.

well ive had one episode of some fresh red blood, not enough to bleed into my panties, but defo soaked a tissue.

ive been to the docs and have been diagnosed with a hematoma. its apparently small according to them, seems to be 6.1x2.1 or something and its under the babys sac so i dont know how dangerous it is, but im on progesterone pills thrice daily and im taking a primolut depot injection weekly. im being monitored weekly for improvements.

im supposed to be on bed rest too and the bleeding has stopped, but i do have some brown discharge.

can i be rest assured that it will resolve? doc has asked me to stay positive but i cant help but worry.. some input from you ladies would be lovely thanks. xx
Went in for my followup ultrasound yesterday but my doc won't call with my results until Monday or Tuesday. The technician showed me the baby, though, and I feel better knowing that there is still a little one in there. Very strong heartbeat of 170-175 and TONS of movement. I'm still nervous because the tech wouldn't tell me if the hematoma is still there, if it's shrunk, or if it's gone because of some law. It's frustrating for me because I know so little about my hematoma except that it's 1-1.5in big and it's behind the placenta. I'm not bleeding but I just had some funny discharge this AM-not brown or red, just different from what I have been having-and I'm having alot of pressure in my lower back and abdomen. Could be growing pains, ligaments stretching, gas bubbles, or any number of things but with my history of m/c, I tend to get nervous about the smallest twinges. I just keep telling myself that it's in God's hands and there isn't anything I can do.
I also was diagnosed with a SCH last week after I had an episode of strong cramping. No bleeding yet, but doc said I might bleed a little bit. I'm 7 weeks today and I'm not really cramping anymore, just occasionally. We did see a heartbeat at just 6w 1d of 114 and doc said that was good. I was not reccomended any kind of bed rest or anything. Should they have told me something. I'm so scarred to miscarry again as we just lost our baby on 1/21 at almost 11 weeks.
Welcome to the new ladies. Sorry you have a sch but am glad you've trusted us with sharing your journeys.

I've heard that most clots resolve themselves around 20 weeks and that was certainly the case with me though I've also heard they can last the whole pregnancy. Most end with a healthy baby though I think some risks of miscarriage or complications are increased though how much is a matter of debate. Just remember that odds are still on your side.

I never got told any details about the clot itself until I went to a children's hospital next city over for an unrelated test (my bloods had come back as high risk for spina bifida...turns out my clot was the reason the results came back high as baby is fine and bleeding can give a false positive...just a warning to you ladies going for prenatal screening) ANYWAYS....the specialist was able to tell me loads about my bleed and my placenta abruption that I didn't even know I had until that point. It was the specialist who made me rest easy that my baby had a very good prognosis and to continue to 'take it easy" though complete bed rest wasn't necessary or even good for me.

I think as long as the baby itself is doing fine you should cling to that whenever you feel crampy or have another bout of spotting. Resting, taking it easy and drinking loads of water definitely helped me.
Hello everybody. I'm new here, was just dx with a SCH. Am very scared. :(
Hugs to all you new ones. It's a scary journey but so many do come through fine *hugs*

Baby hopes, I'm assuming that measurement is in centimeters?

I've had a more active weekend as today is 15 days eith no big bleeds, and I so need to start tidying this place up! So tomorrow and today, I'm back in bed. I had another red bleed today, with light flooding and so ugh! It's 7 weeks yesterday since the first big bleed, and still so hoping everything will be clear on my 20wk scan, only 4.5 weeks away now...ugh, stupid pregnancy!!
Hi, no my measurement is in millimeters

6.1 millimeters height x 2.4 mm width.

the radiologist said that was small and not to worry? but im not sure?
Sorry you're bleeding again, inperfected. I really hope your sch clears up soon. Maybe you can store up 'points' towards movement. Whenever I knew I had to go somewhere or do something I'd take extra care to rest the days leading up to that so I knew my body would have the energy to handle it. I'd also then give myself the time to recuperate.

I'm slowly rebuilding my strength and energy. My hope is I'll have enough muscle tone rebuilt that it will minimize the stress my body will go through during labour. I've read that bed rest can make labour and its recovery longer and more difficult. I still can't do much though...especially when compared to how I was pre pregnancy!
That measurement sounds small. Lots of ladies have had their bleeds measured in cms. I don't know how big my bleed was. I was simply told it was "moderate" out of mild/moderate/severe.
Babyhopes, that measurement is really small so excellent chanc of it clearing up quickly I believe :) :)

In comparion, mine has been 5x5 and 7.5x3.5 at two different times it was measure, and that is in centimetres.

And yeah starry night, I already do similar thing with resting more if I've done too much activity at all, or resting more for a few days before I have to get out there and do things. The bleed only was literally one tiny flood though yesterday and spotting again, and more lighter bleeding (more than spitting...) over night but much better than I thought it'd be :) energy so far isn't the problem as I so far have enough, it's more that doing things causes big and small bleeds...

And good on you for slowly gaining strength again! :) I think it's totally
Worth it and can't wait to do the same!
Just to let you all know, I've just seen a post from Sara and she lost her baby in the last few days :(
Hi there. I have a Hematoma.

I had an u/s at 7w4d. They said it is fairly large (we didnt ask the size) but it is likely to resolve.

Babyhopes, seems like we're in the same boat? I never had a major bleed. They seem to think it is the result of implantation. I have light brown discharge and now spotting. Not constantly.

No bedrest here. Just going back in two weeks for another u/s. Although my situation is not identical to some of yours, it is nice to see there is a group for support. I dont feel alone in my "complication."

Nice to meet you all.
Hi birdie dorf, we may be on the same boat as you say, bit surprising they didnt give you measurements on the diagnosis?

im advised to stay on bed rest and it is quite boring, but if it helps, im willing to do anything ! xx

thanks inperfected, that gives me some hope :)

has yours cleared out yet?
can i ask you all a question? with sch, is it tue that it is better to bleed it off than otherwise? i havent had a single bleeding episode and the bleed i had never actually came on to my underwear it was only when i wiped ?

hoping all your sch's shrink within your next scans. xx
I can't honestly say what's better. I know my big bleeds scared the bejeebers out of me every time. In between gushes I spotted every day. But even after my last gush and after I stopped spotting I still had internal bleeding but that eventually got reabsorbed into my body. I would prefer reabsorption over an actual bleed.
Had my original scan today. LAst week was because of the diagnosis of sch a few weeks back. Baby is doing great. Measuring on target with hb of 165. Sucking his/her thumb and everything. Just beautiful. Doc said all was perfect. I hesitated to ask about the sch as I really do better not knwoing...I asked. Doc said, phu, nothing. Its gone way, way smaller. OMG, I was so excited. She said keep doing what u are doing. I did however ask about me not bleeding and was that a good sign and she said yes. Not bleeding is great. It doesn't mean it is staying in there (obviously not, mine is shrinking) she said, stop worrying and enjoy your pregnancy:)

God is great!!!!
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum but have been following it for a few weeks. I am 10 weeks 2 days. Had my major bleed at 7 weeks and bleeding tapered off but I have had spitting daily and light cramping ever since. I have a large hematoma that measured 7 cm. then 5 next 2 visits. I have put myself on bedrest ever since and have limited myself to light activity only such as picking my kids up at school and lite meal prep. I would appreciate any other suggestions you have because the doctors do not give much info. Also this baby was conceived by I.v.f. So far the baby looks fine. I feel bad though because initially we did not tell my 5and 7 year old that I was pregnant because I have had my share of losses and I wanted to protect them in case something happened early in pregnancy. But when I had the bleed we decidedto tell them. I feel bad because they are getting excited and I do not want them to be upset if something happens. Sorry this is so long but I guess I have a lot bottled up.:nope:

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