Sch group (Subchorionic Hematoma)

Thanks for the welcome girls!

Starry - I know what you mean about getting achy from doing much of anything. DH doesn't seem to understand it but at least he could care less that the house is getting messier and messier.

AFM - I got a call back from the RE's office and I guess the admin and RE talked and she won to toss to call me back. Anyway, the doctor reviewed my US from last week and says there were two hemorrhagic cysts seen so that's what that was this last time most likely and I could possibly expect another bleed. Is this the same as the SCH I had before or something new? Mon dieu!

I guess they aren't concerned or feel like they're done with me so I was not scheduled for an US but told to call if anything else happens. Grrr.. I like seeing my babies on the screen. I does wonders to my psyche to put me at ease. Though, perhaps it's better to stay a little on edge so I don't overexhurt myself. I can't wait until I start seeing my OB. I hate this limbo feeling while transitioning doctors.
Hi Ladies, I'm new here but have been following all of your stories for a few weeks. This is by far the best forum I've found for SCH issues. Here's my story...

I'm pregnant with twins, 18 weeks tomorrow. I had a very scary bright red heavy river decide to shoot out of me at 13 weeks 6 days. No bleeding before that. ER visit, ruined clothes, scariest night of our lives, the whole nine yards. I was diagnosed with a fairly large SCH. Since then, I've been on bedrest, so one month tomorrow. No work, no cooking, no cleaning, just hanging out with my dogs.

I've had brown/dark wine colored bleeding (more than just spotting) for the last month straight. It leaks into the toilet, it soaks pads, it does pretty much everything you never want to see when you're pregnant. But my SCH is right below Baby A and right above my cervix...thus, every bit of blood is coming out instead of absorbing back into my body.

At first I was REALLY scared, now I'm just frustrated more than anything. The biggest risk now is that it could cause my water to break...but so far all is well. I have a doppler at home so I listen to their heartbeats every night and both bambinos are still doing very well :)

Anyway...after that long ordeal...I just wanted to join your group and be an "official" SCH group sufferer. I'm sorry any of us have to go through this, but from what I've read, even with all the bleeding, most have positive outcomes. Thanks for your encouraging words (even though you didn't know I was creeping on the site, ha)

Hi Ladies, I'm new here but have been following all of your stories for a few weeks. This is by far the best forum I've found for SCH issues. Here's my story...

I'm pregnant with twins, 18 weeks tomorrow. I had a very scary bright red heavy river decide to shoot out of me at 13 weeks 6 days. No bleeding before that. ER visit, ruined clothes, scariest night of our lives, the whole nine yards. I was diagnosed with a fairly large SCH. Since then, I've been on bedrest, so one month tomorrow. No work, no cooking, no cleaning, just hanging out with my dogs.

I've had brown/dark wine colored bleeding (more than just spotting) for the last month straight. It leaks into the toilet, it soaks pads, it does pretty much everything you never want to see when you're pregnant. But my SCH is right below Baby A and right above my cervix...thus, every bit of blood is coming out instead of absorbing back into my body.

At first I was REALLY scared, now I'm just frustrated more than anything. The biggest risk now is that it could cause my water to break...but so far all is well. I have a doppler at home so I listen to their heartbeats every night and both bambinos are still doing very well

Anyway...after that long ordeal...I just wanted to join your group and be an "official" SCH group sufferer. I'm sorry any of us have to go through this, but from what I've read, even with all the bleeding, most have positive outcomes. Thanks for your encouraging words (even though you didn't know I was creeping on the site, ha)

I've heard that it's good when the bleed is below the baby/babies. That's how mine was. I was pretty much on complete bed rest until I saw a specialist at 18 weeks. He said that complete bed rest isn't very good either due to blood clots in the legs and lungs, etc and it leaves you weak and increases constipation. So after that I did some mild movements like getting up to get myself a drink or sitting at the computer for more than 10 minutes at a time.

My sch is now officially gone but I'm still sensitive and plan on taking it easy the rest of the pregnancy. Today I'm putting myself on bed rest as I've been busy the past two days. I do lots of reading, crossword puzzles and watching TV. DH isn't working right now so I have him to keep me company and fetch me things when I'm feeling particularly wretched.
Hi Nicki, welcome to the group. Lurkers are always welcome as well, we all did our fair share at 1st I'm sure:)

Congrats on the twins!! That's wonderful! My SCH was also above the cervix and I lost tons of old blood (I was told anything other than bright red was "old") for a month, and it's just now almost gone most days. And at my last u/s last week, the SCH had gone way down. So I'd bet my next paycheck you'll find yours has too:)

Do you have a follow-up u/s scheduled? I'd push for one at least every month--they are more for our peace of mind not the doc's, so I would insist on one soon.
Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! I actually went in last Tuesday just for a check up and it has gone done a little bit, not a ton. My high risk OB told me this is "neither good nor bad." I think he has to say this because the risk of preterm labor is still there, but I consider it good!

Right now I have an u/s scheduled for Monday 3/28 and I believe I'll get one per month (at least) after that. It all depends how my SCH is doing I think. Having twins helps with the frequent u/s too.
The dam things are just stubborn, aren't they?! Hope you get great news on the 28th:)
Littlestars, congrats!! there's a desciption of the cyst. I've had them before and whilst they are often painful (not always though!) they rarely have complications :) and baby is perfectly safe I believe unlike with an sch. So glad to hear it isn't one :) by the way, despite the weblink, they are NOT cancerous.
:hi: I'm new to this forum.

I start having heavy bleeding at 9 weeks and 2 days. I went to the ER they ran some test and sent me home on bed rest until I saw my OB doc.(this was on a Saturday night. The hospital that is in my town does not have no OB ward so they did not do no ultrasound) I saw my OB doc. on Monday, he done a ultrasound and the baby was fine with a heart beat of 174. By than my bleeding basicly stoped. So he said everything fine and sent me home with pelvic rest for a week.Wednesday I started heavy bleeding again( by than my OB doc was on vacation and I was 9 weeks and 6 days) I went to a hospital with a OB ward and the ER doc did a ultrasound telling me the baby was fine. I was sent home on bed rest. The bleeding changed to brown by Friday. So I asked my OB nurse if it would fine if I could go at to eat and run a couple of errands. She said it should be fine since I was only spotting brown blood. By Saturday morning I started bleeding heavy once again with a big blood clot(this was at 10 weeks and 2 days). I went back to the ER the ER doc did a ulatrasound and the baby was doing fine matter of fact she or he was moving around like a jump bean! Once again I had more blood work and was sent home on bed rest. I went to see my OB doc today(10 weeks and 6 days) he did a vaginal ultrasound I found out I have a subchorionic hemorrhage. He said that baby is doing wonderful and growing great!! He said that I was going to bleed some more and that it can last up until 20 weeks. I'm hoping and praying that it clear up before than! He sent me home on pelvic rest and I go back for my next appt April 1st.
I'm so glad that I found this forum. This is the first time I have ever gone through this and I was kind of feeling kind of alone.
Littlestars, congrats!!
there's a desciption of the cyst. I've had them before and whilst they are often painful (not always though!) they rarely have complications :) and baby is perfectly safe I believe unlike with an sch. So glad to hear it isn't one :) by the way, despite the weblink, they are NOT cancerous.

I'm glad to hear that the newest development isn't more SCH but I hate having yet another new 'issue' to add to the SCH. I guess I'm just hoping that by the time my OB (first appointment isn't until 29th) gets around to an ultrasound I'll get the all clear. That would be bliss.

Nicki - yay for another twin momma!
Welcome, TTCBaby! It's great to hear that your baby is doing well. Whenever you feel stressed or worried just hold on to that fact. Your baby is doing well. Not easy, I have to have DH remind me constantly and I technically don't have sch anymore.

20 weeks is pretty average time for it to resolve. At my 20 week scan I was told my bleed looked like "old stuff" but I didn't get this confirmed until my 22 week scan. Around the time the bleed resolved (19 to 20 weeks) I started to feel a lot better, less sore and had more energy. But I still feel more sore and tired than I would normally be so I'm planning to continue my bed rest/taking it easy until baby arrives.

I love that I can hold my niece again. She's only 6 months old but is very heavy for her age so I haven't been holding her. Now for the past week I've been cuddling her again and letting her jump on my lap.
2 quick questions ladies:

1. Do/Did any of you feel your SCH? I can feel exactly where it is and it's super achey/painful sometimes. I didn't know if that was normal. My OB said as long as it doesn't change in how much I'm feeling it, it should be ok. But I still think it's weird.

2. For those of you who bled for over a month like me, did you ever worry about getting a yeast infection? I have to constantly wear a pad and I'm worried with it constantly being moist down there (sorry if TMI) and wiping all the time, I may develop an infection. Any thoughts?
1. Not sure what you mean by 'feeling' it. Do you mean you can feel a lump from the outside? Of if it's tender? I have consistently had a tenderness on my right side and when I found out about my abruption I asked the specialist if that's what was causing the pain (my placenta is posterior right) and he said I wouldn't be able to feel it. I think the tenderness was just from things not being quite right in there or even ligament pain as the specialist suggested.

2. I worried a little bit as I seem prone to them anyways. But I was avoiding things like intercourse or baths (just had showers) and I made sure to thoroughly wipe after going to the washroom and to change pads every so often even if there was nothing on them. I've only had one yeast infection this pregnancy and that was long after the bleeding stopped.
Wow thanks for the quick response! I meant feeling a tenderness from the inside, not a lump. My nurse suggested the same thing, ligament pain. But I'm certain that's not it. It's a different feeling, like you said...just the "not right" feeling. And I'm doing the same thing with the pads, I guess I should stop worrying so much. I just feel like I'm always going to the bathroom and wiping myself off. It's getting very annoying. Just out of curiosity, how do you treat a yeast infection if your pregnant?
Welcome to all the new girls :) This forum is a good place for support and experience sharing on sch. Congrats Glenoakgirl! Quick update: I got my US and NT yesterday. the NT gave a 1.6 measurement so that is good news, and when I asked the Dr. about the hematoma, she looked and looked and couldn´t see it! :) after 7 weeks of total bed rest and it doubling in size the last time, I just can´t believe it completely yet :) I wonder if I am clear now or if she just couldn´t find it ? I think I will ask my OB for another Us for super reassurance. It was nice to see the baby in motion, and looking so good, I am still scared of getting too attached just in case, but he is already taking my heart :)
If she couldn't see it nikad, I'm betting it's gone, unless it's shrunk to a miniscle size. :) :) :)

Nfs, I am constantly tender too... Tuesday will be my 10th week nonstop spotting (or more bleeding to be honest) and I've not had a yeast infection. I think you just see your doctor an I believe can use a pessary/cream still.
Do you know the measurements I'd your sch?

I have next midwife appt in 1 week, 3 days :) can't wait! I'm slightly nervous about leaking waters as I've felt a gush or two but only had a wettish pad, no blood - Nd my bladder control is still perfect. But I'll being that up with her... All I want to do is get to 24 weeks at the moment, and at 15+1 I've a wee while to go...
For yeast infections I think it depends on how far along you are. When I had mine at 21 weeks the OB said I was far enough along to use an over-the-counter medication. He said the Monistat 7-Day Treatment was the best option. I think if you are earlier in your pregnancy you should see your doctor in case you need a special medication that is safe for baby.

Also, eating yogurt is a great way to prevent them or even handle minor ones as it's full of probiotics. I have heard of girls who actually put the yogurt up their yahoos but I could never bring myself to do that! lol

nikad, that's great that they couldn't see the clot! :):) I would still ask for a follow-up though. Not to be a downer, but after my 14 week bleed and emergency ultrasound I was told that everything was clear so I thought that bleed got rid of the last bit. But when I went to the ER with severe cramps at 18 weeks I was told that it was still there and bigger than the last scan. The ER doctor on duty that day actually showed me the report and it referred to the last scan at 14 weeks. So it had been there but my OB told me it was fine. He probably meant it was nothing serious but still....

However, if your doctor actually said she couldn't see it then it probably means it is either gone or shrunk. Yay!

inperfected, good luck with your next appointment. I've had some wet gushes lately too but yesterday I finally took a closer look and realized it is a milky colour -- not clear -- and fluids would be clear.

My next appointment is on Tuesday. Can't believe I'll have reached viability by then. I honestly thought this time would never come.
nfs- 1) I was very crampy and sore, not in a particular location really (plus I didn't know where the SCH was except on u/s). I was worried about the cramping until the doc explained that bleeding causing cramping, because it's an irritant and the uterus is fighting to get it out.

2) I started to get itchy down there, and didn't want to insert any meds, so I used Vagisil wipes, they are a godsend!! It gave me relief but didn't seem as invasive to me. I quit wearing pads at night, just wore old undies and sweatpants, to allow the area to breath a little (I didn't lose much blood at night until I got up in the a.m.)
Nikad, congrats!! Sounds like it's gone, sure hope so!
Nikad, great news on your ultrasound! It has to be either completely gone or teeny tiny. Congrats!

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